
#' Cox Model Analysis
#' Cox Analysis
#' For internal use only
#' @param coxObj data.frame: patients x covariates
#' @param formula formula to use
#' @return A list with
#' \item{pvalue}{pvalue of the model}
#' \item{zlist}{pvalues of single covariates}
#' \item{coxObj}{the original coxObj passed to the function}
#' @importFrom stats as.formula na.omit
#' @importFrom survival coxph Surv
#' @export
survivalcox <- function(coxObj, formula){
  coxObj <- na.omit(coxObj)
  coxRes <- survival::coxph(as.formula(formula), na.omit(coxObj))
  coxSummary <- summary(coxRes)
  zlist <- coxSummary$coefficients[,"Pr(>|z|)"]
  names(zlist) <- row.names(coxSummary$coefficients)
  pvalue <- coxSummary$logtest["pvalue"]
  return(list(pvalue=pvalue, zlist=zlist, coxObj=originalCoxObj))

#' Cox Robust Model Analysis
#' Cox Robust Analysis
#' For internal use only
#' @param coxObj data.frame: patients x covariates
#' @param formula formula to use
#' @return A list with
#' \item{pvalue}{pvalue of the model}
#' \item{zlist}{pvalues of single covariates}
#' \item{coxObj}{the original coxObj passed to the function}
#' @importFrom stats as.formula na.omit
#' @importFrom survival Surv
#' @importFrom coxrobust coxr
#' @export
survivalcoxr <- function(coxObj, formula){
  coxObj <- na.omit(coxObj)
  coxRes <- coxrobust::coxr(as.formula(formula), na.omit(coxObj))
  coxSummary <- coxrsummary(coxRes)
  zlist <- coxSummary$robust[,"p"]
  names(zlist) <- row.names(coxSummary$robust)
  pvalue <- coxSummary$extWakd
  return(list(pvalue=pvalue, zlist=zlist, coxObj=originalCoxObj))

#' Summarize Cox Robust
#' @param x a coxr.obj
#' @return a list with wald test and robust and partial coefficients
#' @rdname survivalcoxr
#' @importFrom stats pchisq pnorm
#' @export
coxrsummary <- function(x) {
  sd.ple <- sqrt( diag( x$var.ple ) )
  sd <- sqrt(diag(x$var))
  df <- sum(!is.na(x$coef))
  tmp <- cbind(x$ple.coefficients, exp(x$ple.coefficients), sd.ple,
  dimnames(tmp)[[1]] <- names(x$coef)
  dimnames(tmp)[[2]] <- c("coef", "exp(coef)", "se(coef)", "p")
  # cat("Partial likelihood estimator\n")
  # print(tmp)
  partialLikelihood <- tmp
  wald <- 1 - pchisq(x$wald.test, df)
  # cat("\nWald test=", x$wald.test, " on ", df, " df,", " p=",
  #     1 - pchisq(x$wald.test, df), "\n", sep="")
  tmp <- cbind(x$coef, exp(x$coef), sd, 2*(1-pnorm(abs(x$coef/sd))))
  dimnames(tmp)[[1]] <- names(x$coef)
  dimnames(tmp)[[2]] <- c("coef", "exp(coef)", "se(coef)", "p")
  # cat("\nRobust estimator\n")
  # print(tmp)
  robustEstimator <- tmp
  extWald <- 1 - pchisq(x$ewald.test, df)
  # cat("\nExtended Wald test=", x$ewald.test, " on ", df, " df,", " p=",
  #     1 - pchisq(x$ewald.test, df), "\n\n", sep="")
  list(wald=wald, partial=partialLikelihood, extWakd=extWald, robust=robustEstimator)

#' Function to compute days
#' A simple function to start from an interval of dates to days
#' @param timeTable a table with starting date and ending date
#' @return the days
#' @export 
computeDays <- function(timeTable) {
  if (NCOL(timeTable) != 2)
    stop("Data time table not matched.")

  days <- as.numeric(as.Date(timeTable[,2], format="%d/%m/%Y")-as.Date(timeTable[,1], format="%d/%m/%Y"))

  if (any(days < 0, na.rm = T)){
    stop(paste(paste(row.names(timeTable)[which(days<0)], collpase=" "), "have negative time.", sep=" "))
cavei/survClip documentation built on June 19, 2019, 8:46 p.m.