# @RdocFunction callBins
# @alias callBins,QDNAseqCopyNumbers-method
# @title "Call aberrations from segmented copy number data"
# @synopsis
# \description{
# @get "title".
# }
# \arguments{
# \item{object}{An object of class QDNAseqCopyNumbers}
# \item{organism}{Either \dQuote{human} or \dQuote{other}, see manual page
# for @see "CGHcall::CGHcall" for more details. This is only used for
# chromosome arm information when \dQuote{prior} is set to \dQuote{all}
# or \dQuote{auto} (and samplesize > 20). Ignored when \code{method} is
# not \dQuote{CGHcall}.}
# \item{method}{Calling method to use. Options currently implemented are:
# \dQuote{CGHcall} or \dQuote{cutoff}.}
# \item{cutoffs}{When method=\dQuote{cutoff}, a numeric vector of
# (log2-transformed) thresholds to use for calling. At least one
# positive and one negative value must be provided. The smallest
# positive value is used as the cutoff for calling gains, and the
# negative value closest to zero is used as the cutoff for losses. If a
# second positive value is provided, it is used as the cutoff for
# amplifications. And if a second negative value is provided, it is used
# as the cutoff for homozygous deletions.}
# \item{...}{Additional arguments passed to @see "CGHcall::CGHcall".}
#% \item{verbose}{If @TRUE, verbose messages are produced.}
# }
# \details{
# By default, chromosomal aberrations are called with \pkg{CGHcall}. It has
# been developed for the analysis of series of cancer samples, and uses a
# model that contains both gains and losses. If used on a single sample, or
# especially only on a subset of chromosomes, or especially on a single
# non-cancer sample, it may fail, but method \dQuote{cutoff} can be used
# instead.
# When using method \dQuote{cutoff}, the default values assume a uniform
# cell population and correspond to thresholds of (assuming a diploid
# genome) 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, and 10 copies to distinguish between homozygous
# deletions, (hemizygous) losses, normal copy number, gains, and
# amplifications, respectively. When using with cancer samples, these values
# might require adjustments to account for tumor cell percentage.
# }
# \value{
# Returns an object of class @see "QDNAseqCopyNumbers" with calling
# results added.
# }
# \examples{
# data(LGG150)
# readCounts <- LGG150
# readCountsFiltered <- applyFilters(readCounts)
# readCountsFiltered <- estimateCorrection(readCountsFiltered)
# copyNumbers <- correctBins(readCountsFiltered)
# copyNumbersNormalized <- normalizeBins(copyNumbers)
# copyNumbersSmooth <- smoothOutlierBins(copyNumbersNormalized)
# copyNumbersSegmented <- segmentBins(copyNumbersSmooth)
# copyNumbersSegmented <- normalizeSegmentedBins(copyNumbersSegmented)
# copyNumbersCalled <- callBins(copyNumbersSegmented)
# }
# @author "IS"
# \seealso{
# Internally, @see "CGHcall::CGHcall" and @see "CGHcall::ExpandCGHcall" of
# the \pkg{CGHcall} package are used when method=\dQuote{CGHcall}.
# }
# @keyword manip
setMethod('callBins', signature=c(object='QDNAseqCopyNumbers'),
definition=function(object, organism=c("human", "other"),
method=c("CGHcall", "cutoff"),
cutoffs=log2(c(deletion=0.5, loss=1.5, gain=2.5, amplification=10) / 2),
..., verbose = getOption("QDNAseq::verbose", TRUE)) {
oopts <- options("QDNAseq::verbose"=verbose)
method <- match.arg(method)
if (method == "CGHcall") {
## Mark van de Wiel confirms that CGHcall::CGHcall() assumes (=requires)
## CNs on the *log* scale. /IS (private email 'Log and non-positives'
## on 2013-12-18 between IS and HB).
organism <- match.arg(organism)
if (organism == "human") {
chrs <- fData(object)$chromosome[binsToUse(object)]
human <- chrs %in% c(1:22, "X", "Y", "MT")
if (any(!human)) {
warning(paste0("Non-human chromosome names detected:\n",
paste(unique(chrs[!human]), collapse=", "), ".\n",
"Passing 'organism=\"other\"' to CGHcall()."))
organism <- "other"
seg <- makeCgh(object, chromosomeReplacements="auto")
} else {
seg <- makeCgh(object)
} else {
seg <- makeCgh(object, chromosomeReplacements="auto")
## NOTE: CGHcall::CGHcall() produces warnings on "Recycling array
## of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead."
## NOTE: CGHcall::CGHcall() produces message():s and stdout output.
listcall <- CGHcall(seg, organism=organism, ...)
}, suppress = !verbose)
}, error=function(e) {
stop("Command CGHcall() returned the following error message:\n",
e, "Please contact maintainer of package CGHcall: ",
maintainer("CGHcall"), call.=FALSE)
## NOTE: CGHcall::ExpandCGHcall() produces message():s.
cgh <- ExpandCGHcall(listcall, seg)
}, suppress = !verbose)
}, error=function(e) {
stop("Command ExpandCGHcall() returned the following error ",
"message:\n", e,
"Please contact maintainer of package CGHcall: ",
maintainer("CGHcall"), call.=FALSE)
calls(object) <- calls(cgh)
if ('probdloss' %in% assayDataElementNames(cgh)) {
probdloss(object) <- probdloss(cgh)
} else {
if ('probdloss' %in% assayDataElementNames(object))
probdloss(object) <- NULL
probloss(object) <- probloss(cgh)
probnorm(object) <- probnorm(cgh)
probgain(object) <- probgain(cgh)
if ('probamp' %in% assayDataElementNames(cgh)) {
probamp(object) <- probamp(cgh)
} else {
if ('probamp' %in% assayDataElementNames(object))
probamp(object) <- NULL
} else if (method == "cutoff") {
if (!is.numeric(cutoffs))
stop("Parameter cutoff must be a numeric vector.")
cutoffLosses <- sort(cutoffs[cutoffs < 0], decreasing=TRUE)
cutoffGains <- sort(cutoffs[cutoffs > 0])
if (is.na(cutoffLosses[1]) || is.na(cutoffGains[1]))
stop("Parameter cutoff must contain at least one positive and one ",
"negative value, to be used as cutoffs for gains and losses, ",
vmsg("Calling aberrations with the following cutoffs:")
if (!is.na(cutoffLosses[2]))
vmsg("homozygous deletion < ", round(cutoffLosses[2], digits=2),
" < ", appendLF=FALSE)
vmsg("loss < ", round(cutoffLosses[1], digits=2), " < normal < ",
round(cutoffGains[1], digits=2), " gain", appendLF=FALSE)
if (!is.na(cutoffGains[3])) {
vmsg(" < ", round(cutoffGains[2], digits=2), " < duplication",
vmsg(" < ", round(cutoffGains[3], digits=2), " < amplification",
} else {
if (!is.na(cutoffGains[2]))
vmsg(" < ", round(cutoffGains[2], digits=2), " < amplification",
segmentedMatrix <- log2adhoc(assayDataElement(object, "segmented"))
## multiplication with 1L turns logical values into integers
## multiplication with 1 turns logical values into numeric ones
callsMatrix <- (segmentedMatrix > cutoffGains[1]) * 1L
callsMatrix[segmentedMatrix < cutoffLosses[1]] <- -1L
if (!is.na(cutoffLosses[2])) {
callsMatrix[segmentedMatrix < cutoffLosses[2]] <- -2L
probdloss(object) <- (callsMatrix == -2) * 1
} else {
if ("probdloss" %in% assayDataElementNames(object))
probdloss(object) <- NULL
if (!is.na(cutoffGains[3])) {
callsMatrix[segmentedMatrix > cutoffGains[2]] <- 2L
assayDataElement(object, "probdgain") <- (callsMatrix == 2) * 1
callsMatrix[segmentedMatrix > cutoffGains[3]] <- 3L
probamp(object) <- (callsMatrix == 3) * 1
} else {
if (!is.na(cutoffGains[2])) {
callsMatrix[segmentedMatrix > cutoffGains[2]] <- 2L
probamp(object) <- (callsMatrix == 2) * 1
} else {
if ("probamp" %in% assayDataElementNames(object))
probamp(object) <- NULL
#if ("probdgain" %in% assayDataElementNames(object))
# assayDataElement(object, "probdgain") <- NULL
calls(object) <- callsMatrix
probloss(object) <- (callsMatrix == -1) * 1
probnorm(object) <- (callsMatrix == 0) * 1
probgain(object) <- (callsMatrix == 1) * 1
# Experimental functions below!!!
# Assess deletion, loss, gain, amplification
betterCall <- function(obj) {
cn <- assayDataElement(obj, "copynumber")[,1]
seg <- log2adhoc(assayDataElement(obj, "segmented")[,1])
sd <- sdDiffTrim(cn, na.rm=TRUE)
calls <- rep(0, times=length(seg))
pval <- 0.01
# Duplication
dupL <- qnorm(pval, mean=1, sd=sd, lower.tail=TRUE)
dupU <- qnorm(pval, mean=1, sd=sd, lower.tail=FALSE)
dup <- seg >= dupL & seg <= dupU
calls[dup] <- 2
vmsg(paste("dup:", dupL, dupU, sep="\t"))
# Gain
gainL <- qnorm(pval, mean=log2(3/2), sd=sd, lower.tail=TRUE)
gainU <- qnorm(pval, mean=log2(3/2), sd=sd, lower.tail=FALSE)
gain <- seg >= gainL & seg < gainU
calls[gain] <- 1
vmsg(paste("gain:", gainL, gainU, sep="\t"))
# Loss
lossL <- qnorm(pval, mean=-1, sd=sd, lower.tail=TRUE)
lossU <- qnorm(pval, mean=-1, sd=sd, lower.tail=FALSE)
loss <- seg >= lossL & seg <= lossU
calls[loss] <- -1
vmsg(paste("loss:", lossL, lossU, sep="\t"))
# Amp
amp <- seg > dupU
calls[amp] <- 3
# Norm
nrm <- seg >= lossU & seg <= gainL
calls[nrm] <- 0
# Deletion
del <- seg < lossL
calls[del] <- -2
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