
#' @title Model Training
#' @description This fits each model with the defined parameters
#' @param data Dataframe consisting of both numeric feature values and a 
#' single column named '.classes' to denoted group membership.
#' @param method String dictating which model to fit
#' @param tuneValue List of parameters to be applied to the specific model
#' @param obsLevels Observed group levels
#' @param theDots List of additional parameters to be applied to the 
#' specific model
#' @return \item{fit}{Fitted model with list with the following elements:}
#' @return \itemize{
#'  \item{xNames: Names of the features}
#'  \item{tuneValue: Parameters applied to the fitted model}
#'  \item{obsLevels: Observed levels of the groups}}
#' @author Charles Determan Jr
#' @import DiscriMiner
#' @import randomForest
#' @import e1071
#' @import gbm
#' @import pamr
#' @import glmnet
# ' @export

training <-
    function(data, method, tuneValue, obsLevels, theDots = NULL)
        if(!is.data.frame(data)) data <- as.data.frame(data)
        ## pam and will crash if there is a resample with <2 observations
        ## in a class. We will detect this and remove those classes.
        if(method == "pam")
            yDist <- table(data$.classes)
            if(any(yDist < 2))
                smallClasses <- names(yDist[yDist < 2])
                data <- data[!(data$.classes %in% smallClasses),]
        ## Factor the class labels
        data$.classes <- factor(as.character(data$.classes), 
                                levels = obsLevels)
        xNames <- names(data)[!(names(data) %in% ".classes")]
        trainX <- as.matrix(data[,!(names(data) %in% ".classes"), 
                                 drop = FALSE])
        mode(trainX) <- 'numeric'
        trainY <- data[,".classes"]
        if(method == "gbm" & length(obsLevels) == 2){
            numClasses <- ifelse(data$.classes == obsLevels[1], 1, 0)
        modelFit <- 
                   plsda =
    # retain.models omitted because when this is used, 
    # the final model is only using the best component
    # may switch to retain all models but this omits more 
    # processing that is likely superfluous
    # check for number of components provided.  This is important 
    # following selection of the best model
    if(tuneValue$.ncomp == 1){
        warning("PLSDA model contained only 1 component. 
                PLSDA requires at least 2 components.
                \nModel fit with 2 components")
        tuneValue$.ncomp = 2
    out <- 
                           autosel= FALSE,
                           validation = NULL,
                           comps = as.numeric(tuneValue$.ncomp),
                           cv ="none")

gbm =  
    # need to make sure only extract arguments that pertain to gbm
    gbm.args <- c("w", "var.monotone", "n.minobsinnode", 
                  "bag.fraction", "var.names", "response.name",
    theDots <- theDots[names(theDots) %in% gbm.args]
    if("n.trees" %in% names(theDots)){
        tuneValue$.n.trees <- theDots$n.trees
    if("interaciton.depth" %in% names(theDots)){
        tuneValue$.interaction.depth <- theDots$interaction.depth
    if("shrinkage" %in% names(theDots)){
        tuneValue$.shrinkage <- theDots$shrinkage
    if(ncol(trainX) < 50 | nrow(trainX) < 50){
        if(is.null(theDots) | length(theDots) == 0){
            if(nrow(trainX) < 30){
                theDots <- list(n.minobsinnode = 2)
                theDots <- list(n.minobsinnode = 5)  
    # determine if binary or multiclass
    gbmdist <- if(length(unique(trainY)) == 2){
    # check gbm setup file to see if this is necessary
    modY <- if(gbmdist != "multinomial") numClasses else trainY
    if(gbmdist != "multinomial"){
        modY <- numClasses
        modY <- trainY
    modArgs <- 
        list(x = trainX,
             y = modY,
             interaction.depth = as.numeric(
             n.trees = as.numeric(tuneValue$.n.trees),
             shrinkage = as.numeric(tuneValue$.shrinkage), 
             distribution = gbmdist,
             verbose = FALSE,
             keep.data = FALSE)
    if(length(theDots) > 0){
        theDots <- theDots[!names(theDots) 
                           %in% c("n.trees", 
        modArgs <- c(modArgs, theDots)
    do.call("gbm.fit", modArgs)

rf =
    rf.args <- c("maxnodes", "keep.forest", "keep.inbag")
    theDots <- theDots[names(theDots) %in% rf.args]
    modArgs <- 
        list(x = trainX,
             y = trainY,
             importance = TRUE,
             mtry = as.numeric(tuneValue$.mtry),
             ntree=round.multiple(sqrt(ncol(trainX)), target = 50)
    if(length(theDots) > 0) modArgs <- c(modArgs, theDots)
    do.call("randomForest", modArgs)

svm =
    out <- svm(trainX,
               cost = as.numeric(tuneValue$.C), 

pam = 
    pamr.args <- c("n.threshold", "threshold.scale", 
                   "scale.sd", "se.scale")
    theDots <- theDots[names(theDots) %in% pamr.args]
    modArgs <- 
        list(data = list(x = t(trainX), 
                         y = trainY, 
                         geneid = as.character(colnames(trainX))),
             threshold = as.numeric(tuneValue$.threshold)
    if(length(theDots) > 0) modArgs <- c(modArgs, theDots)
    # feeble attempt to suppress the annoying cat output from
    # pamr.  Currently still does not work.
    if(Sys.info()['sysname'] == "Windows"){
        out <- do.call("pamr.train", modArgs)
        out <- do.call("pamr.train", modArgs)

glmnet =
    numLev <- if(is.character(trainY) | is.factor(trainY)){
    glmnet.args <- c("offset", "nlambda", "weights", 
                     "standardize","intecept", "dfmax", "pmax",
    theDots <- theDots[names(theDots) %in% glmnet.args]
        if(all(names(theDots) != "family"))
                fam <- ifelse(numLev > 2, "multinomial", "binomial")
            } else stop("Error: levels of classes couldn't be 
                                 determined for glmnet")
                theDots <- list(family = fam)
                theDots$family <- fam
            fam <- ifelse(numLev > 2, "multinomial", "binomial")
        } else stop("Error: levels of classes couldn't be 
                               determined for glmnet")
            theDots <- list(family = fam)
    modelArgs <- c(
        list(x = as.matrix(trainX), 
             y = trainY,
             alpha = as.numeric(tuneValue$.alpha)),
    out <- do.call("glmnet", modelArgs) 

modelFit$xNames <- xNames
modelFit$tuneValue <- tuneValue
modelFit$obsLevels <- obsLevels
list(fit = modelFit)
cdeterman/OmicsMarkeR documentation built on May 13, 2019, 2:35 p.m.