
Defines functions allNA fortify.phylo schinke text2charlabels text2mat seqle text2numeric

# Function to go from this "2,5-7,10,12-15" to this "c(2,5,6,7,10,12,13,14,15)"
# see http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/convert-delimited-strings-with-ranges-to-numeric-td4673763.html
text2numeric <- function(xx) {
	xx <- gsub("^\\s*|\\s*$", "", xx)
  xx <- gsub('\\s|,\\s', ',', xx)
	xx <- gsub('\\-', ':', xx)
	eval(parse(text = paste("c(", xx, ")")))

# Function for finding starts and lengths of string/number sequences
seqle <- function(x, incr=1) {
	if(!is.numeric(x)) {
		x <- as.numeric(x)
	n <- length(x)
	y <- x[-1L] != x[-n] + incr
	i <- c(which(y|is.na(y)),n)
	list(lengths = diff(c(0L,i)), values = x[utils::head(c(0L,i)+1L,-1L)])

# convert string of scorings to a matrix
text2mat <- function(x) {
	x <- readLines(x)
	if (any(stringr::str_detect(x, "[Mm]atrix"))) {
		x <- x[!grepl("[Mm]atrix", x)]
	# scorings have to be separated from taxon names by either a tab or 2+ spaces (as in Xu et al. 2011)
	x <- str_match(x, "(.*?)(\t|\\s)(.*)")
	# scorings have to be separated from taxon names by either a tab or 2+ spaces (as in Brusatte et al. 2014)
	# x <- str_match(x, "(.*?)(\t|\\s{2,})(.*)")
	nms <- x[, 2]
	scores <- x[, 4]
	res <- str_extract_all(scores, '\\d{1}|[\\(\\[\\{]\\d{1,4}[\\)\\]\\}]|\\-|\\?')
	names(res) <- nms
	if (!sd(sapply(res, length))==0) {
		stop("There is a problem with reading the text. Not an equal number of characters for each taxon.")
	res <- do.call("rbind", res)

# get character labels from text
text2charlabels <- function(x) {
	x <- readLines(x)
	# matches <- str_match(x, "^(Character|[\\s\\t]*)(\\d+)[\\.]?(.*)(\\[\\[\\]\\])(.*)")
	# TODO: make it so we can extract characters and character states separately (e.g., separated by a ":")
	# for Brusatte 2014
	if (any(stringr::str_detect(x, "^[Cc]haracter"))) {
		x <- paste0(x, collapse="\n")
		# matches <- str_match_all(x, regex("Character\\s*(\\d*)\\:\\s(.*?)", dotall=TRUE))
		matches <- str_match_all(x, regex("Character\\s*(\\d*)\\:\\s(.+?)(?=Character\\s*\\d*\\:\\s|$)", dotall=TRUE))
		matches <- matches[[1]]
		charnums <- as.numeric(matches[, 2])
		# id <- which(!is.na(as.numeric(matches[, 2])))
		# charnums <- na.omit(as.numeric(matches[, 2]))
		# seqs <- sapply(seq_along(id), function(i) {
		# 	if (id[i] == max(id) ) {
		# 		id[i]:length(x)
		# 	} else {
		# 		id[i]:(id[i+1]-1)
		# 	}
		# })
		# charlabs <- sapply(seq_along(seqs), function(i) {
		# 	paste0(x[seqs[[i]]], collapse=" ")
		# })
		charlabs <- matches[, 3]
	} else {
		# for Xu 2011
		matches <- str_match(x, regex("(Character\\s*)?(\\d*)[\\.]?[\\:]?[\\s]?(.*?)$", dotall=TRUE))
		charnums <- as.numeric(matches[, 3])
		charlabs <- matches[, 4]
	res <- stats::setNames(charlabs, charnums)
	res <- res[!is.na(res)]
	res <- gsub("\n", " ", res)

# stemmer function based on Schinke et al. 1996
# TODO make it so things like -ity, -ed will be removed from end of word
schinke <- function(x) {
	x <- tolower(x)
	x <- gsub("m\\.", "muscul", x)
	x <- gsub("proc\\.", "processus", x)
	x <- gsub("(lig|ligg)\\.", "ligamentos", x)
	x <- gsub("n\\.", "nervos", x)
	# x <- gsub("j", "i", x)
	# x <- gsub("v", "u", x)
	# x <- str_replace_all(x, "(ibus|ius|ae|am|as|em|es|ia|is|nt|os|ud|um|us|a|e|i|o|u)\\b", "")
    # NEW VERSIon  (~Schinke)
	x <- str_replace_all(x, "(ity|ed|al|ibus|ius|ae|am|as|em|es|ia|is|nt|os|ud|um|us|a|e|i|o|u)\\b", "")

# Create data frame from phylogeny (FORTIFY.PHYLO)
# see: https://github.com/GuangchuangYu/ggtree/tree/master/R
fortify.phylo <- function(phylo) {
    Ntip <- length(phylo$tip.label)
    Nnode <- phylo$Nnode
    Nedge <- dim(phylo$edge)[1]
    z <- reorder(phylo, order = "pruningwise")
    yy <- numeric(Ntip + Nnode)
    TIPS <- phylo$edge[phylo$edge[, 2] <= Ntip, 2]
    yy[TIPS] <- 1:Ntip
    yy <- .C("node_height_clado", as.integer(Ntip), as.integer(z$edge[, 1]),
        as.integer(z$edge[, 2]), as.integer(Nedge), double(Ntip + Nnode),
        as.double(yy), PACKAGE = "ape")[[6]]
    xx <- .C("node_depth_edgelength", as.integer(z$edge[, 1]),
        as.integer(z$edge[, 2]), as.integer(Nedge), as.double(z$edge.length),
        double(Ntip + Nnode), PACKAGE = "ape")[[5]]
    edge <- phylo$edge
    nodes <- (Ntip + 1):(Ntip + Nnode)
    x0v <- xx[nodes]
    y0v <- y1v <- numeric(Nnode)
    NodeInEdge1 <- vector("list", Nnode)
    for (i in nodes) {
        ii <- i - Ntip
        j <- NodeInEdge1[[ii]] <- which(edge[, 1] == i)
        tmp <- range(yy[edge[j, 2]])
        y0v[ii] <- tmp[1]
        y1v[ii] <- tmp[2]
    x0h <- xx[edge[, 1]]
    x1h <- xx[edge[, 2]]
    y0h <- yy[edge[, 2]]
    lineh <- data.frame(x=x1h, y=y0h, xend=x0h, yend=y0h)
    linev <- data.frame(x=x0v, y=y1v, xend=x0v, yend=y0v)
    x <- rbind(linev, lineh)

# small function to count NAs
allNA <- function(x) {
	ifelse(all(is.na(x)), T, F)
celiason/phenotools documentation built on Sept. 16, 2024, 8:31 a.m.