cgmisc: cgmisc: Enhanced Genome-wide Association Analyses and...

cgmisc-packageR Documentation

cgmisc: Enhanced Genome-wide Association Analyses and Visualisation.


Package faciliating and enhancing data analyses and visualisation in genome-wide association studies. Contains functions for analyses of population structure, linkage structure, heterozygosity as well as wide range of data subsetting and manipulation.


Package: cgmisc
Version: 2.9.9
Date: 2015-04-28
Depends: R (>= 3.0.1), GenABEL (>= 1.7.4), GenomicRanges (>= 1.18.4), rtracklayer (>= 1.26.2), ggplot2 (>= 1.0.1), grid (>= 3.1.1), wq (>= 0.4.3)
VignetteBuilder: knitr
License: GPL (>=2.10)


boxplot.snp Box plot with genotypes
boxplot.snp.twoWay SNP_box_twoWay Select the highest r2 SNPs to a given top marker.
chr.x.fix.canfam Fix canine X chromosome naming.
clump.markers Clump markers according to their LD.
compute.fstats Compute Fst fixation index for two populations. Prepare a PHASE input file from gwaa data.
epistasis.scan Scan for epistasis between a specified SNP and all others.
get.adjacent.markers Get adjacent markers within a distance around the given marker.
get.chr.midpoints Get middle point for each chromosome.
get.erv Get endogenous retroviral sequences in canine genome, Get overlapping windows.
get.roh Identify runs of homozygosity. Create a BED file with GWAS p-values in a region. Converts gwaa-data-class GenABEL object to a bigRR-readable format. Prepare a PHASE input file from gwaa data. Convert GenABEL data structure to vGWAS data structure.
het.overlap.wind Calculates heterozygosity for windows.
open.region.ucsc Open UCSC GenomeBrowser for selected genomic region. Converts haplotypes from PHASE output to FASTA format. Converts PHASE output to HaploView readable format.
plot.clumps Plot marker clumps on Manhattan plot.
plot.erv Plot endogenous retroviral sequences in canine genome.
plot.fstats Plot results of 'compute.fstats'.
plot.genes Plot genes provided in a bed file.
plot.ld.decay Plots LD decay pattern for a given data.
plot.manhattan.genes Plot LD pattern and MAF in a Manhattan plot.
plot.manhattan.ld Plot LD pattern and MAF in a Manhattan plot.
plot.overlap Plots average heterozygosities for overlapping windows.
plot.pac Plot p-values of allele count differences between populations.
plot.qq QQ plot with empirical p-values.
pop.allele.counts Compare allele counts in two populations.


Marcin Kierczak <>
Jagoda Jablonska <>
Simon Forsberg <>
Veronika Scholz <>

Maintainer: Marcin Kierczak <>



See Also


cgmisc-team/cgmisc documentation built on Jan. 3, 2024, 9:52 p.m.