
test.on <- FALSE
test.seed <- 8888577

#' Turns on/off the test mode.
#' @export
#' @title testMode
#' @name testMode
#' @description When the modified EM-algorithm is run, initial values are
#' randomly created based on the data given. If the test mode is turned on,
#' these initial values are going to be created with the random seed provided.
#' This method would be suitable for users who would like to replicate
#' experiments. By default, the test mode is turned off.
#' @param on Option to turn on the test mode
#' @param seed The random seed to be used for initialization
#' @param hide.message Determines whether to print the current seed and status
testMode <- function(on = FALSE, seed = 8888577, hide.message = TRUE)
  unlockBinding("test.on", getNamespace("normalregMix"))
  unlockBinding("test.seed", getNamespace("normalregMix"))
  assign("test.on", on, getNamespace("normalregMix"))
  assign("test.seed", seed, getNamespace("normalregMix"))
  lockBinding("test.on", getNamespace("normalregMix"))
  lockBinding("test.seed", getNamespace("normalregMix"))

  if (!hide.message)
    print(paste("The test mode is currently",
                switch(as.character(test.on), "TRUE" = "ON", "FALSE" = "OFF"),
                "with seed",

#' Draws two diagnosis plots that visually present 1. changes in posterior
#' probabilities for each regime across observations and 2. estimated regimes
#' based on posterior probabilities.
#' @export
#' @title DiagPlot
#' @name DiagPlot
#' @param msar.model An instance in msar.model represents one MSI-AR/MSI-AR model
#' @param y n by 1 column that represents a time series
#' @param details Determines whether the plots for posterior probabilities are
#' going to be generated.
#' @examples
#' theta <- RandomTheta(M = 2, s = 3)
#' sample.meta <- GenerateSample(theta)
#' y <- sample.meta$y
#' msar.model <- sample.meta$msar.model
#' DiagPlot(msar.model, y)
DiagPlot <- function(msar.model, y, details = FALSE)
  s <- nrow(as.matrix(msar.model$theta$beta))
  y <- as.matrix(y)
  y.original <- y
  y <- y[(s+1):(length(y)),]
  n <- length(y)
  M <- ncol((msar.model$theta)$transition.probs)

  states <- msar.model$states
  posterior.probs.filtered <- msar.model$posterior.probs.filtered
  posterior.probs.smoothed <- msar.model$posterior.probs.smoothed

  # 2-1. generate a plot of posterior probabilities (filtered)
  df.posterior.probs.filtered <- as.data.frame(cbind(posterior.probs.filtered,
                                                    k = seq(1:n)))
  colnames(df.posterior.probs.filtered) <- c(sapply(seq(1:M),
                                              function (x) paste ("State", x)),

  molten.posterior.probs.filtered <- melt(df.posterior.probs.filtered, id="k",
  if (details)
                 aes(x=k, y=posterior.probability.filtered, colour=State)) +
            geom_line() +

  # 2-2. generate a plot of posterior probabilities (smoothed)
  df.posterior.probs.smoothed <- as.data.frame(cbind(posterior.probs.smoothed,
                                                    k = seq(1:n)))
  colnames(df.posterior.probs.smoothed) <- c(sapply(seq(1:M),
                                              function (x) paste ("State", x)),

  molten.posterior.probs.smoothed <- melt(df.posterior.probs.smoothed, id="k",
  if (details)
                 aes(x=k, y=posterior.probability.smoothed, colour=State)) +

  # use smoothed probabilities for plots
  # 2-3. generate a plot of y data and shade a region for each state
  plot.states.beginnings <- c(1)
  plot.states.endings <- vector()
  plot.states.values <- states[1]
  for (k in 2:n)
    if (plot.states.values[length(plot.states.values)] != states[k])
      if (k != n)
        plot.states.beginnings <- c(plot.states.beginnings, k)
        plot.states.values <- c(plot.states.values, states[k])
      plot.states.endings <- c(plot.states.endings, k)

  if (states[(n-1)] == states[n])
    plot.states.endings <- c(plot.states.endings, n)

  df.states <- as.data.frame(cbind(y = y.original,
                                    k = seq(0,(length(y.original)-1))))
  colnames(df.states) <- c("y", "k")
  ymin <- min(y)
  ymax <- max(y)
  # setting both y1 & y2 -Inf/Inf does not work.
  plot.states.shades.df <- data.frame(beginnings = plot.states.beginnings,
                                      endings = plot.states.endings,
                                      States = plot.states.values,
                                      y1 = -Inf,
                                      y2 = abs(max(y)) * 4)

  return (ggplot() +
                                  ymax=y2, fill=factor(States)),
                      color="gray", alpha=0.3) +
    geom_line(aes(x=k, y=y), color='black',data=df.states) +
      coord_cartesian(ylim = c(-abs(min(y)) * 1.2, abs(max(y)) * 1.2)) +


# Given theta that represents a list of parameters, return the number of
# parameters that can be used to calculate AIC/BIC.
NumberOfParameters <- function(theta)
  M <- ncol(theta$transition.probs)
  count <- 0

  # 1. from transition.probs
  count <- M * (M-1) + count

  # 2. from initial.dist
  count <- (M-1) + count

  # 3. from beta, mu, sigma, gamma.dependent, gamma.independent
  count <- length(theta$beta) + length(theta$mu) + length(theta$sigma) +
    length(theta$gamma.dependent) + length(theta$gamma.independent) +

  return (count)

# Given a list of parameters (theta) and data, return n by M matrix
# that contains posterior probabilities for each observation.
EstimatePosteriorProbs <- function(theta, y, y.lagged,
                                   z.dependent, z.independent, 
                                   z.dependent.lagged = NULL,
                                   z.independent.lagged = NULL,
                                   is.MSM = FALSE)

  M <- ncol(theta$transition.probs)
  n <- length(y)
  if (M < 2)
    ones <- matrix(1, ncol = 1, nrow = n)
    return (list (xi.k = ones, xi.n = ones))

  beta <- as.matrix(0)
  if (!is.null(theta$beta))
    beta <- as.matrix(theta$beta)
    s <- nrow(beta)
  is.beta.switching <- (ncol(beta) > 1)
  is.sigma.switching <- (length(theta$sigma) > 1)

  sigma <- theta$sigma
  gamma.dependent <- matrix(rep(0, M), ncol = M)
  gamma.independent <- as.matrix(0)

  # even if beta/sigma is not switching, make it like a switching parameter
  # by creating a matrix with a duplicated column so that we can use a single
  # code to estimate posterior probabilities.
  if (!is.beta.switching)
    beta <- matrix(replicate(M, beta), ncol = M)
  if (!is.sigma.switching)
    sigma <- replicate(M, sigma)

  if (!is.null(z.dependent))
    z.dependent <- as.matrix(z.dependent)
    if (is.null(z.dependent.lagged))
      z.dependent.lagged <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = s)
    gamma.dependent <- theta$gamma.dependent
    z.dependent <- as.matrix(rep(0,n))
    z.dependent.lagged <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = s)

  if (!is.null(z.independent))
    z.independent <- as.matrix(z.independent)
    if (is.null(z.independent.lagged))
      z.independent.lagged <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = s)
    gamma.independent <- theta$gamma.independent
    z.independent <- as.matrix(rep(0,n))
    z.independent.lagged <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = s)

  if (is.MSM)
    return (PosteriorProbsMSMAR(y, y.lagged, z.dependent, z.independent,
                                GetStateConversionMat(M, s)))
  return (PosteriorProbsMSIAR(y, y.lagged, z.dependent, z.independent,

# Given a list of parameters (theta) and data, 
# return likelihood evaluated.
EvaluateLikelihood <- function(theta, y, y.lagged,
                               z.dependent = NULL, z.independent = NULL, 
                               z.dependent.lagged = NULL,
                               z.independent.lagged = NULL,
                               is.MSM = FALSE)
  beta <- as.matrix(theta$beta)
  M <- ncol(theta$transition.probs)
  n <- length(y)
  if (M < 2)
    ones <- matrix(1, ncol = 1, nrow = n)
    return (list (xi.k = ones, xi.n = ones))
  s <- nrow(beta)
  is.beta.switching <- (ncol(beta) > 1)
  is.sigma.switching <- (length(theta$sigma) > 1)
  sigma <- theta$sigma
  gamma.dependent <- matrix(rep(0, M), ncol = M)
  gamma.independent <- as.matrix(0)
  # even if beta/sigma is not switching, make it like a switching parameter
  # by creating a matrix with a duplicated column so that we can use a single
  # code to estimate posterior probabilities.
  if (!is.beta.switching)
    beta <- matrix(replicate(M, beta), ncol = M)
  if (!is.sigma.switching)
    sigma <- replicate(M, sigma)
  if (!is.null(z.dependent))
    z.dependent <- as.matrix(z.dependent)
    if (is.null(z.dependent.lagged))
      z.dependent.lagged <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = s)
    gamma.dependent <- theta$gamma.dependent
    z.dependent <- as.matrix(rep(0,n))
    z.dependent.lagged <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = s)
  if (!is.null(z.independent))
    z.independent <- as.matrix(z.independent)
    if (is.null(z.independent.lagged))
      z.independent.lagged <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = s)
    gamma.independent <- theta$gamma.independent
    z.independent <- as.matrix(rep(0,n))
    z.independent.lagged <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = s)
  if (is.MSM)
    return (LikelihoodMSMAR(y, y.lagged, z.dependent, z.independent,
                            GetStateConversionMat(M, s)))
  return (LikelihoodMSIAR(y, y.lagged, z.dependent, z.independent,

# Given a list of parameters (theta) and data, 
# return likelihood evaluated.
EvaluateLikelihoods <- function(theta, y, y.lagged,
                               z.dependent = NULL, z.independent = NULL, 
                               z.dependent.lagged = NULL,
                               z.independent.lagged = NULL,
                               is.MSM = FALSE)
  beta <- as.matrix(theta$beta)
  M <- ncol(theta$transition.probs)
  n <- length(y)
  if (M < 2)
    ones <- matrix(1, ncol = 1, nrow = n)
    return (list (xi.k = ones, xi.n = ones))
  s <- nrow(beta)
  is.beta.switching <- (ncol(beta) > 1)
  is.sigma.switching <- (length(theta$sigma) > 1)
  sigma <- theta$sigma
  gamma.dependent <- matrix(rep(0, M), ncol = M)
  gamma.independent <- as.matrix(0)
  # even if beta/sigma is not switching, make it like a switching parameter
  # by creating a matrix with a duplicated column so that we can use a single
  # code to estimate posterior probabilities.
  if (!is.beta.switching)
    beta <- matrix(replicate(M, beta), ncol = M)
  if (!is.sigma.switching)
    sigma <- replicate(M, sigma)
  if (!is.null(z.dependent))
    z.dependent <- as.matrix(z.dependent)
    if (is.null(z.dependent.lagged))
      z.dependent.lagged <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = s)
    gamma.dependent <- theta$gamma.dependent
    z.dependent <- as.matrix(rep(0,n))
    z.dependent.lagged <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = s)
  if (!is.null(z.independent))
    z.independent <- as.matrix(z.independent)
    if (is.null(z.independent.lagged))
      z.independent.lagged <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = s)
    gamma.independent <- theta$gamma.independent
    z.independent <- as.matrix(rep(0,n))
    z.independent.lagged <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = s)
  if (is.MSM)
    return (LikelihoodsMSMAR(y, y.lagged, z.dependent, z.independent,
                            GetStateConversionMat(M, s)))
  return (LikelihoodsMSIAR(y, y.lagged, z.dependent, z.independent,

#' Returns a valid theta that represents parameters of a random MS-AR model with
#' non-switching beta and switching sigma; ideal for creating a sample for testing.
#' @export
#' @title RandomTheta
#' @name RandomTheta
#' @param M The number of states in the model for the null hypothesis
#' @param s The number of terms used for AR(s)
#' @param p.dep The dimension of exogeneous variables that are switching
#' @param p.indep The dimension of exogeneous variables that are non-switching
#' @return A list that represents the parameters of a model with items:
#' \item{transition.probs}{M by M matrix that contains transition probabilities}
#' \item{initial.dist}{M by 1 column that represents an initial distribution}
#' \item{beta}{s by 1 column for state-independent coefficients on AR(s)}
#' \item{mu}{M by 1 column that contains state-dependent mu}
#' \item{sigma}{M by 1 column that contains state-dependent sigma}
#' \item{gamma.dependent}{p_dep by M matrix that contains switching
#' coefficients for state-dependent exogenous variables}
#' \item{gamma.independent}{p_indep by 1 column that contains non-switching
#' coefficients for state-independent exogenous variables}
#' \item{is.beta.switching}{Determines whether beta is dependent on regimes.}
#' \item{is.sigma.switching}{Determines whether sigma is dependent on regimes.}
#' @examples
#' RandomTheta()
#' RandomTheta(M = 3, s = 2)
#' RandomTheta(M = 3, s = 3, p.dep = 1)
RandomTheta <- function(M = 2, s = 1, p.dep = 0, p.indep = 0,
                        is.beta.switching = FALSE, is.sigma.switching = TRUE,
                        is.MSM = FALSE)
  transition.probs <- matrix(runif(M*M, 0.3, 0.5), ncol = M)
  diag(transition.probs) <- 2 # stay in your current state longer.
  transition.probs <- t(apply(transition.probs, 1,
                              function(row) (row / sum(row))))
  initial.dist <- c(0.9, rep(0.1/(M-1), (M-1)))
  if (is.MSM)
    initial.dist <- c(0.9, rep(0.1/(M^(s+1)-1), (M^(s+1)-1)))
  beta <- runif(s, 0.3, 0.8) * sample(c(1,-1), s, replace = T)
  beta <- beta / (1.2 * sum(abs(beta)))
  if (is.beta.switching && M > 1)
    for (i in 1:(M-1))
      beta.col <- runif(s, 0.3, 0.8) * sample(c(1,-1), s, replace = T)
      beta.col <- beta.col / (1.2 * sum(abs(beta.col)))
      beta <- cbind(beta, beta.col)
  beta <- as.matrix(beta)

  mu <- runif(M, 0.4, 0.8) * sample(c(1,-1), M, replace = T)
  sigma <- runif(ifelse(is.sigma.switching, M, 1), 0.3, 1.5)

  gamma.dependent <- NULL
  gamma.independent <- NULL
  if (p.dep > 0)
    gamma.dependent <- matrix(runif(p.dep * M, -0.4, 0.4), ncol = M)
    gamma.dependent <- 0.8 * (gamma.dependent / sum(abs(gamma.dependent)))
  if (p.indep > 0)
    gamma.independent <- runif(p.indep, -0.4, 0.4)
    gamma.independent <- 0.8 * (gamma.independent / sum(abs(gamma.independent)))
  return (list(transition.probs = transition.probs,
               initial.dist = initial.dist,
               beta = beta, mu = mu, sigma = sigma,
               gamma.dependent = gamma.dependent,
               gamma.independent = gamma.independent))

# Given M by n matrix of posterior.probs, returns an n by 1 integer vector that
# has the index of the regime based on posterior.probs for each observation.
EstimateStates <- function(posterior.probs)
  posterior.probs <- as.matrix(posterior.probs)
  # for each row, returns an indice of a coulmn (state) that is max in the row
  apply(posterior.probs, 1, function(i) (which(i==max(i))))

#' Order a transition matrix given an order of a column.
#' Example:
#' mu <- c(1,-1)
#' mu.order <- order(mu)   # 2, 1
#' transition.matrix <- matrix(c(0.4,0.7,0.6,0.3), ncol = 2)
#' OrderTransitionMatrix(transition.matrix, mu.order)
OrderTransitionMatrix <- function(transition.matrix, new.order)
  M <- ncol(transition.matrix)
  ordered.matrix <- matrix(rep(0,(M*M)), ncol = M)
  for (i in 1:M)
    for (j in 1:M)
      ordered.matrix[i,j] <- transition.matrix[new.order[i],new.order[j]]
  return (ordered.matrix)

#' Transform a theta to a reduced column, ordered in
#' transition.probs, initial.dist, beta, mu, sigma, gamma.dep, gamma.indep.
#' where each row of transition.probs is reduced to have a length of M-1,
#' initial.dist is reduced to have a length of M-1.
ThetaToReducedColumn <- function(theta)
  # transition.probs could have been listed in the order of
  # p11, p21, ..., pM1, p12, ..., pM2, ..., p1(M-1), ..., pM(M-1)
  # taking a transpose will make it listed as
  # p11, p12, ..., p1(M-1), p21, ..., p2(M-1), ..., pM(M-1)
  M <- ncol(theta$transition.probs)
  if (M < 2)
    return (c(c(theta$beta), c(theta$mu), c(theta$sigma),

  reduced.transition.probs <- theta$transition.probs[,1:(M-1)]
  reduced.initial.dist <- theta$initial.dist[1:(M-1)]
  if (length(theta$initial.dist) > M) # if is MSM
    reduced.initial.dist <- theta$initial.dist[1:(length(theta$initial.dist)-1)]

  return (c(c(t(reduced.transition.probs)),
            c(theta$beta), c(theta$mu), c(theta$sigma),


#' Transform a theta to a reduced column, ordered in
#' transition.probs, beta, mu, sigma, gamma.dep, gamma.indep.
#' where each row of transition.probs is reduced to have a length of M-1,
#' initial.dist is reduced to have a length of M-1.
ThetaToEssentialColumn <- function(theta)
  # transition.probs could have been listed in the order of
  # p11, p21, ..., pM1, p12, ..., pM2, ..., p1(M-1), ..., pM(M-1)
  # taking a transpose will make it listed as
  # p11, p12, ..., p1(M-1), p21, ..., p2(M-1), ..., pM(M-1)
  M <- ncol(theta$transition.probs)
  if (M < 2)
    return (c(c(theta$beta), c(theta$mu), c(theta$sigma),
  reduced.transition.probs <- theta$transition.probs[,1:(M-1)]
  return (c(c(t(reduced.transition.probs)),
            c(theta$beta), c(theta$mu), c(theta$sigma),

#' Transform a theta to a reduced column, ordered in
#' transition.probs, initial.dist, beta, mu, sigma, gamma.dep, gamma.indep.
#' where each row of transition.probs is reduced to have a length of M-1,
#' initial.dist is reduced to have a length of M-1.
ThetaToFullColumn <- function(theta)
  # transition.probs could have been listed in the order of
  # p11, p21, ..., pM1, p12, ..., pM2, ..., p1M, ..., pMM
  # taking a transpose will make it listed as
  # p11, p12, ..., p1(M-1), p21, ..., p2M, ..., pMM
  M <- ncol(theta$transition.probs)

  return (c(c(t(theta$transition.probs)),
            c(theta$beta), c(theta$mu), c(theta$sigma),


#' Given a |theta.reduced| by n matrix, whose column represents a reduced form of
#' parameters and a theta0 that retains information about parameters,
#' return an equivalent list of thetas (theta is in a list).
ReducedColumnsToThetas <- function(theta.matrix, theta0)
  M <- ncol(theta0$transition.probs)
  s <- nrow(as.matrix(theta0$beta))
  is.beta.switching <- (ncol(as.matrix(theta0$beta)) > 1)
  is.sigma.switching <- (length(theta0$sigma) > 1)
  p.dep <- 0
  p.indep <- 0
  if (!is.null(theta0$gamma.dependent))
    p.dep <- nrow(as.matrix(theta0$gamma.dependent))
  if (!is.null(theta0$gamma.independent))
    p.indep <- nrow(as.matrix(theta0$gamma.independent))

  # this holds only for univariate time series.
  initial.dist.index <- M * (M-1) + 1 # reduced case
  beta.index <- (M-1) + initial.dist.index # reduced case
  mu.index <- s * ifelse(is.beta.switching, M, 1) + beta.index
  sigma.index <- M + mu.index
  gamma.dep.index <- ifelse(is.sigma.switching, M, 1) + sigma.index
  gamma.indep.index <- p.dep * M + gamma.dep.index

  ReducedColumnToThetaDynamic <- function (theta.vectorized)
    transition.probs <- as.matrix(1)
    initial.dist <- as.matrix(1)
    if (M > 1)
      transition.probs <- matrix(theta.vectorized[1:(M*(M-1))],
                                 ncol = (M-1), byrow = T)
      # revive the original from the reduced form.
      transition.probs <- t(apply(transition.probs, 1,
                                  function (row) c(row, (1-sum(row)))))
      initial.dist <- theta.vectorized[initial.dist.index:(beta.index - 1)]
      initial.dist <- c(initial.dist, (1 - sum(initial.dist)))
    beta <- theta.vectorized[beta.index:(mu.index - 1)]
    if (is.beta.switching)
      beta <- matrix(beta, ncol = M)
    gamma.dependent <- NULL
    gamma.independent <- NULL
    if (!gamma.dep.index == gamma.indep.index)
      gamma.dependent <- matrix(theta.vectorized[gamma.dep.index:
                                (gamma.indep.index - 1)], ncol = M)
    if (!gamma.indep.index == length(theta.vectorized) + 1)
      gamma.independent <- theta.vectorized[gamma.indep.index:

    return (list
            (transition.probs = transition.probs,
            initial.dist = initial.dist,
            beta = beta,
            mu = theta.vectorized[mu.index:(sigma.index - 1)],
            sigma = theta.vectorized[sigma.index:(gamma.dep.index - 1)],
            gamma.dependent = gamma.dependent,
            gamma.independent = gamma.independent

  return (apply(theta.matrix, 2, ReducedColumnToThetaDynamic))

FullColumnToTheta <- function(theta.vectorized, theta0)
  M <- ncol(theta0$transition.probs)
  s <- nrow(as.matrix(theta0$beta))
  is.beta.switching <- (ncol(as.matrix(theta0$beta)) > 1)
  is.sigma.switching <- (length(theta0$sigma) > 1)
  p.dep <- 0
  p.indep <- 0
  if (!is.null(theta0$gamma.dependent))
    p.dep <- nrow(as.matrix(theta0$gamma.dependent))
  if (!is.null(theta0$gamma.independent))
    p.indep <- nrow(as.matrix(theta0$gamma.independent))

  # this holds only for univariate time series.
  initial.dist.index <- M * M + 1 # full case
  beta.index <- M + initial.dist.index # full case
  mu.index <- s * ifelse(is.beta.switching, M, 1) + beta.index
  sigma.index <- M + mu.index
  gamma.dep.index <- ifelse(is.sigma.switching, M, 1) + sigma.index
  gamma.indep.index <- p.dep * M + gamma.dep.index

  transition.probs <- matrix(theta.vectorized[1:(M*M)],
                             ncol = M, byrow = T)
  initial.dist <- theta.vectorized[initial.dist.index:(beta.index - 1)]
  beta <- theta.vectorized[beta.index:(mu.index - 1)]
  if (is.beta.switching)
    beta <- matrix(beta, ncol = M)
  gamma.dependent <- NULL
  gamma.independent <- NULL
  if (!gamma.dep.index == gamma.indep.index)
    gamma.dependent <- matrix(theta.vectorized[gamma.dep.index:
                                                 (gamma.indep.index - 1)], ncol = M)
  if (!gamma.indep.index == length(theta.vectorized) + 1)
    gamma.independent <- theta.vectorized[gamma.indep.index:

  return (list
          (transition.probs = transition.probs,
          initial.dist = initial.dist,
          beta = beta,
          mu = theta.vectorized[mu.index:(sigma.index - 1)],
          sigma = theta.vectorized[sigma.index:(gamma.dep.index - 1)],
          gamma.dependent = gamma.dependent,
          gamma.independent = gamma.independent

#' Given a |theta.reduced| by n matrix, whose column represents a reduced form of
#' parameters from Stata and a theta0 that retains information about parameters,
#' return an equivalent list of thetas (theta is in a list).
#' Stata saves parameters in the order of
#' beta, gamma.dependent, gamma.independent, mu, sigma, transition.probs.
ReducedStataColumnsToReducedColumns <- function(theta.matrix.stata, theta0)
  M <- ncol(theta0$transition.probs)
  s <- nrow(as.matrix(theta0$beta))
  is.beta.switching <- (ncol(as.matrix(theta0$beta)) > 1)
  is.sigma.switching <- (length(theta0$sigma) > 1)
  p.dep <- 0
  p.indep <- 0
  if (!is.null(theta0$gamma.dependent))
    p.dep <- nrow(as.matrix(theta0$gamma.dependent))
  if (!is.null(theta0$gamma.independent))
    p.indep <- nrow(as.matrix(theta0$gamma.independent))
  no.gamma <- (p.dep + p.indep == 0)

  # this holds only for univariate time series.
  beta.end.index <- ifelse(is.beta.switching, (M * s), s)
  gamma.dep.index <- beta.end.index + 1
  gamma.indep.index <- p.dep * M + (beta.end.index + 1)
  gamma.indep.end.index <- p.indep + p.dep * M + beta.end.index
  mu.index <- gamma.indep.end.index + 1
  sigma.index <- M + mu.index
  transition.probs.index <- ncol(theta.matrix.stata) - (M * (M - 1)) + 1

  StataColumnToReducedThetaColumn <- function (stata.row)
    transition.probs.column <- stata.row[transition.probs.index:
    mu.column <- stata.row[mu.index:(sigma.index - 1)]
    sigma.column <- stata.row[sigma.index:(transition.probs.index - 1)]
    beta.column <- stata.row[1:beta.end.index]
    gamma.dep.indep.column <- NULL
    if (!no.gamma)
      gamma.dep.indep.column <- stata.row[gamma.dep.index:

    return (c(transition.probs.column,
              rep(-Inf, (M-1)),
              exp(sigma.column), # Stata saves logarithm of sigmas.

  theta.matrix <- t(apply(theta.matrix.stata, 1,
  return (theta.matrix)

#' Given an n by (replications) matrix of samples, where each column represents
#' a single sample, produce a list that contains
#' thetas: a list of (replications) thetas that have been estimated from
#' each sample.
#' log.likelihoods: a list of log-likelihood calculated with
#' the estimated model in each sample.
SamplesToModels <- function(samples, M, s,
                            is.beta.switching = FALSE,
                            is.sigma.switching = TRUE,
                            is.MSM = FALSE,
                            parallel = TRUE, cl = NULL)
  models <- list()
  if (parallel) {
    if (is.null(cl))
      cl <- makeCluster(detectCores())
    models <- foreach (i = 1:ncol(samples)) %dopar% {
      model <- EstimateMSAR (samples[,i], M = M, s = s,
                            is.beta.switching = is.beta.switching,
                            is.sigma.switching = is.sigma.switching,
                            is.MSM = is.MSM)
      return (list(theta = model$theta,
                   log.likelihood = model$log.likelihood))
    models <- apply(samples, 2, function(y)
        model <- EstimateMSAR(y = y, M = M, s = s,
                              is.beta.switching = is.beta.switching,
                              is.sigma.switching = is.sigma.switching,
                              is.MSM = is.MSM)
        return (list(theta = model$theta,
                     log.likelihood = model$log.likelihood))

  thetas <- lapply(models, "[[", "theta")
  log.likelihoods <- sapply(models, "[[", "log.likelihood")

  return (list(thetas = thetas, log.likelihoods = log.likelihoods))

#' Get an appropriate list of names for
#' reduced column form of a given theta
GetColumnNames <- function(theta, essential = FALSE, math = FALSE)

  M <- ncol(theta$transition.probs)
  s <- 0
  is.beta.switching <- FALSE
  if (!is.null(theta$beta))
    s <- nrow(as.matrix(theta$beta))
    is.beta.switching <- (ncol(as.matrix(theta$beta)) > 1)
  is.sigma.switching <- (length(theta$sigma) > 1)
  p.dep <- 0
  p.indep <- 0
  if (!is.null(theta$gamma.dependent))
    p.dep <- nrow(as.matrix(theta$gamma.dependent))
  if (!is.null(theta$gamma.independent))
    p.indep <- nrow(as.matrix(theta$gamma.independent))

  if (math)
    colnames.transition.probs <- expand.grid(seq(1:(M-1)), seq(1:M))
    colnames.transition.probs <- apply(colnames.transition.probs, 1,
                                       function (row) paste("p_{",
                                                            row[2], row[1], "}", sep = ""))
    colnames.initial.dist <- NULL
    if (!essential)
      colnames.initial.dist <- sapply(seq(1:(M-1)),
                                      function (i) paste("\\xi^0_",
                                                         i, sep = ""))
    colnames.beta <- NULL
    if (s > 0)
      colnames.beta <- sapply(seq(1:s),
                              function (i) paste("\\beta_", i, sep = ""))
      if (is.beta.switching)
        # betai.j represents
        # jth switching term in state i
        colnames.beta <- expand.grid(seq(1:s), seq(1:M))
        colnames.beta <- apply(colnames.beta, 1,
                               function (row) paste("\\beta_{",
                                                    row[2], row[1], "}", sep = ""))
    colnames.mu <- sapply(seq(1:M),
                          function (i) paste("\\mu_", i, sep = ""))
    colnames.sigma <- "\\sigma"
    if (is.sigma.switching)
      colnames.sigma <- sapply(seq(1:M),
                               function (i) paste("\\sigma_", i, sep = ""))
    colnames.gamma.dependent <- NULL
    colnames.gamma.independent <- NULL
    if (p.dep > 0)
      # gamma.depi.j represents
      # jth term in state i
      colnames.gamma.dependent <- expand.grid(seq(1:p.dep), seq(1:M))
      colnames.gamma.dependent <- apply(colnames.gamma.dependent, 1,
                                        function (row) paste("\\gamma_{",
                                                             row[1], "}", sep = ""))
    if (p.indep > 0)
      colnames.gamma.independent <- sapply(seq(1:p.indep),
                                           function (i) paste("\\gamma_",
                                                              i, sep = ""))
    colnames.transition.probs <- expand.grid(seq(1:(M-1)), seq(1:M))
    colnames.transition.probs <- apply(colnames.transition.probs, 1,
                                       function (row) paste("p",
                                                            row[2], row[1], sep = ""))
    colnames.initial.dist <- NULL
    if (!essential)
      colnames.initial.dist <- sapply(seq(1:(M-1)),
                                      function (i) paste("initial.dist",
                                                         i, sep = ""))
    colnames.beta <- NULL
    if (s > 0)
      colnames.beta <- sapply(seq(1:s),
                              function (i) paste("beta", i, sep = ""))
      if (is.beta.switching)
        # betai.j represents
        # jth switching term in state i
        colnames.beta <- expand.grid(seq(1:s), seq(1:M))
        colnames.beta <- apply(colnames.beta, 1,
                               function (row) paste("beta",
                                                    row[2], ".", row[1], sep = ""))
    colnames.mu <- sapply(seq(1:M),
                          function (i) paste("mu", i, sep = ""))
    colnames.sigma <- "sigma"
    if (is.sigma.switching)
      colnames.sigma <- sapply(seq(1:M),
                               function (i) paste("sigma", i, sep = ""))
    colnames.gamma.dependent <- NULL
    colnames.gamma.independent <- NULL
    if (p.dep > 0)
      # gamma.depi.j represents
      # jth term in state i
      colnames.gamma.dependent <- expand.grid(seq(1:p.dep), seq(1:M))
      colnames.gamma.dependent <- apply(colnames.gamma.dependent, 1,
                                        function (row) paste("gamma.dep",
                                                             row[2], ".",
                                                             row[1], sep = ""))
    if (p.indep > 0)
      colnames.gamma.independent <- sapply(seq(1:p.indep),
                                           function (i) paste("gamma.indep",
                                                              i, sep = ""))
  names <- c(colnames.beta, colnames.mu, colnames.sigma,
               colnames.gamma.dependent, colnames.gamma.independent)
  if (M > 1)
    names <- c(colnames.transition.probs, colnames.initial.dist,
               colnames.beta, colnames.mu, colnames.sigma,
               colnames.gamma.dependent, colnames.gamma.independent)
  if (math)
    return (sapply(names, function (name) paste("$", name, "$", sep = '')))
  return (names)

ComputeStationaryDist <- function(transition.probs)
  M <- ncol(transition.probs)
  eigen.list <- eigen(t(transition.probs))
  eigen.values <- eigen.list$values
  eigen.vectors <- eigen.list$vectors
  stationary.dist.index <- -1
  for (i in 1:M)
    if (eigen.values[i] == 1)
      stationary.dist.index = i;
  stationary.dist <- eigen.vectors[,stationary.dist.index]
  stationary.dist <- abs(stationary.dist) / sum(abs(stationary.dist));
  return (stationary.dist)

# Given a list of parameters (theta) and data, 
# return likelihood evaluated.
EvaluateLikelihood <- function(theta, y, y.lagged,
                               z.dependent = NULL, z.independent = NULL, 
                               z.dependent.lagged = NULL,
                               z.independent.lagged = NULL,
                               is.MSM = FALSE)
  beta <- as.matrix(theta$beta)
  M <- ncol(theta$transition.probs)
  n <- length(y)
  if (M < 2)
    ones <- matrix(1, ncol = 1, nrow = n)
    return (list (xi.k = ones, xi.n = ones))
  s <- nrow(beta)
  is.beta.switching <- (ncol(beta) > 1)
  is.sigma.switching <- (length(theta$sigma) > 1)
  sigma <- theta$sigma
  gamma.dependent <- matrix(rep(0, M), ncol = M)
  gamma.independent <- as.matrix(0)
  # even if beta/sigma is not switching, make it like a switching parameter
  # by creating a matrix with a duplicated column so that we can use a single
  # code to estimate posterior probabilities.
  if (!is.beta.switching)
    beta <- matrix(replicate(M, beta), ncol = M)
  if (!is.sigma.switching)
    sigma <- replicate(M, sigma)
  if (!is.null(z.dependent))
    z.dependent <- as.matrix(z.dependent)
    if (is.null(z.dependent.lagged))
      z.dependent.lagged <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = s)
    gamma.dependent <- theta$gamma.dependent
    z.dependent <- as.matrix(rep(0,n))
    z.dependent.lagged <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = s)
  if (!is.null(z.independent))
    z.independent <- as.matrix(z.independent)
    if (is.null(z.independent.lagged))
      z.independent.lagged <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = s)
    gamma.independent <- theta$gamma.independent
    z.independent <- as.matrix(rep(0,n))
    z.independent.lagged <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = s)
  if (is.MSM)
    return (LikelihoodMSMAR(y, y.lagged, z.dependent, z.independent,
                            GetStateConversionMat(M, s)))
  return (LikelihoodMSIAR(y, y.lagged, z.dependent, z.independent,

ThetaToModel <- function(theta,  y,
                         z.dependent = NULL, z.independent = NULL,
                         is.MSM = FALSE)
  # make theta in a proper form
  theta$beta <- as.matrix(theta$beta)
  if (!is.null(theta$gamma.dependent))
    theta$gamma.dependent <- as.matrix(theta$gamma.dependent)
  s <- nrow(theta$beta)

  if (s + 1 > length(y))
    print ("EXCEPTION: The length of observations must be greater than s.")
    return (NULL)
  if (is.MSM)
    stop ("MSM models are currently not supported.")

  # formatting dataset
  lagged.and.sample <- GetLaggedAndSample(y, s)
  y.lagged <- lagged.and.sample$y.lagged
  y.sample <- lagged.and.sample$y.sample
  n <- length(y.sample)
  initial.params <- NULL

  log.likelihood <- EvaluateLikelihood(theta = theta,
                      y = y,
                      z.dependent = z.dependent, z.independent = z.independent,
                      is.MSM = is.MSM)
  posterior.probs <- EstimatePosteriorProbs(theta = theta,
                      y = y.sample, y.lagged = y.lagged,
                      z.dependent = z.dependent, z.independent = z.independent)
  states <- EstimateStates(posterior.probs$xi.n) # use smoothed probabilities
  fisher.estimated <- EstimateFisherInformation(theta = theta,
                      y = y.sample, y.lagged = y.lagged,
                      z.dependent = z.dependent, z.independent = z.independent)

  msar.model <- list(theta = theta,
                     log.likelihood = log.likelihood,
                     posterior.probs.filtered = posterior.probs$xi.k,
                     posterior.probs.smoothed = posterior.probs$xi.n,
                     fisher.estimated = fisher.estimated,
                     states = states,
                     call = match.call(),
                     is.MSM = is.MSM,
                     label = "msar.model")

GetStateConversionMat <- function (M, s)
  t(rev(expand.grid(lapply(seq(1,(s+1)), function(i) return (seq(1,M)))))) - 1

GetStateConversionMatForR <- function (M, s)
  t(rev(expand.grid(lapply(seq(1,(s+1)), function(i) return (seq(1,M))))))

GetExtendedTransitionProbs <- function(transition.probs, state.conversion.mat)
  s <- nrow(state.conversion.mat) - 1
  M <- ncol(transition.probs)
  M.extended <- ncol(state.conversion.mat)
  M.to.s <- M ^ s
  transition.probs.extended <- matrix(0, ncol = M.extended, nrow = M.extended)
  for (j in 1:M.extended)
    sub.index <- ((j - 1) - (j - 1) %% M) / M + 1# remove + 1 in cpp; what's the index of first s states?
    if (sub.index == 0) # sub.index == M.to.s - 1 in rcpp
      sub.index <- M.to.s
    last.state <- state.conversion.mat[1, j]
    for (i in 1:M) # 0:M in cpp
      transition.probs.extended[j, (M.to.s * (i - 1) + sub.index)] <- transition.probs[last.state, i]
  return (transition.probs.extended)

ExtendedTransToReduced <- function(transition.probs.extended, state.conversion.mat, M)
  s <- nrow(state.conversion.mat) - 1
  M.extended <- ncol(state.conversion.mat)
  M.to.s <- M ^ s
  transition.probs <- matrix(0, ncol = M, nrow = M)
  for (j in 1:M.extended)
    sub.index <- ((j - 1) - (j - 1) %% M) / M + 1# remove + 1 in cpp; what's the index of first s states?
    if (sub.index == 0) # sub.index == M.to.s - 1 in rcpp
      sub.index <- M.to.s
    last.state <- state.conversion.mat[1, j]
    for (i in 1:M) # 0:M in cpp
      transition.probs[last.state, i] <- transition.probs[last.state, i] + 
      transition.probs.extended[j, (M.to.s * (i - 1) + sub.index)]
  transition.probs <- transition.probs / M.to.s
  return (transition.probs)

GetExtendedInitialDist <- function(initial.dist, M, s)
  initial.dist.extended <- vector()
  M.to.s <- M ^ s
  for (i in 1:M)
    initial.dist.extended <- c(initial.dist.extended, rep(initial.dist[i] / (M.to.s), M.to.s))
  return (initial.dist.extended)
chiyahn/rMSWITCHQuZhuo documentation built on May 17, 2019, 12:05 p.m.