
Defines functions h2phase r2phase q2phase p2phase d2phase phasemeans.msm msm.phase2hmodel msm.phase2qmodel

Documented in d2phase h2phase p2phase phasemeans.msm q2phase r2phase

msm.phase2qmodel <- function(qmodel, phase.states, inits, qconstraint, analyticp, use.expm){
    if (any(!(phase.states %in% 1:qmodel$nstates))) stop("phase.states should be in 1,...,",qmodel$nstates)
    markov.states <- setdiff(1:qmodel$nstates, phase.states)
    nst <- 2*length(phase.states) + length(markov.states)
    reps <- rep(1, qmodel$nstates)
    reps[phase.states] <- 2
    pars <- rep(1:qmodel$nstates, reps) # index of each new state in old states

    if (!is.null(inits)){
        if (!is.list(inits)) stop("phase.inits should be a list")
        if (!length(inits)==length(phase.states))
            stop(sprintf("phase.inits of length %d, but there are %d phased states", length(inits), length(phase.states)))
        for (i in seq_along(inits)){
            if (!length(inits[[i]])==2) stop(sprintf("phase.inits[[%d]] list of length %d, should be 2", i, length(inits[[i]])))
            if (is.null(names(inits[[i]]))) names(inits[[i]]) <- c("trans","exit")
            if (is.vector(inits[[i]]$trans)) inits[[i]]$trans <- matrix(inits[[i]]$trans, nrow=1)
            if (is.vector(inits[[i]]$exit)) inits[[i]]$exit <- matrix(inits[[i]]$exit, nrow=1)
            if (length(inits[[i]]$trans)!=1) stop(sprintf("phase.inits[[%d]]$trans of length %d, should be 1", i, length(inits[[i]]$trans)))
            if (ncol(inits[[i]]$exit)!=2) stop(sprintf("phase.inits[[%d]]$exit has %d columns, should be 2", i, length(inits[[i]]$exit)))
    ## TODO warn for identical exit rates

    ## Form new transition intensity matrix
    qmatrix.new <- matrix(0, nrow=nst, ncol=nst)
    rn <- rownames(qmodel$qmatrix)[pars]; cn <- colnames(qmodel$qmatrix)[pars]
    pp <- pars %in% phase.states
    rn[pp] <- paste(rn[pp], " [P", rep(1:2, length(phase.states)), "]", sep="")
    cn[pp] <- paste(cn[pp], " [P", rep(1:2, length(phase.states)), "]", sep="")
    ## also form short state names here (used in viterbi)
    sn <- pars; sn[pp] <- paste0(sn[pp], rep(c("P1","P2"), length(phase.states)))
    dimnames(qmatrix.new) <- list(rn, cn)

    ## Transition rates between non-phased states
    mpars <- which(pars %in% markov.states)
    qmatrix.new[mpars,mpars] <- qmodel$qmatrix[markov.states,markov.states,drop=FALSE]
    ## Phase entry transition rates
    phase1 <- which(pars%in%phase.states & !duplicated(pars))
    qmatrix.new[mpars,phase1] <- qmodel$qmatrix[markov.states,phase.states,drop=FALSE]

    ## Unsure if we need to keep all of these.  TODO document them 
    qaux <- list(phase.states=phase.states, markov.states=markov.states,
                 phase.reps=reps, phase.pars=pars,
                 oldstates=pars, phase.labs=sn,
                 imatrix.orig=qmodel$imatrix, qmatrix.orig=qmodel$qmatrix,
                 pdests=list(), pdests.orig=list(),
                 phase1.ind=numeric(), phase2.ind=numeric()) 
    for (i in seq_along(phase.states)){
        ## possible destination states from current phase state in
        ## original and expanded model respectively
        dests <- which(qmodel$imatrix[phase.states[i],]==1)
        dests.new <- which(pars %in% dests & !duplicated(pars))
        erates <- qmodel$qmatrix[phase.states[i],dests]
        if (is.null(inits)) {
            ## Phase exit transition rates
            erates1 <- erates*0.8
            erates2 <- erates*1.2
        else {
            if (nrow(inits[[i]]$exit) != length(dests)){
                plural <- if (nrow(inits[[i]]$exit) > 1) "s" else ""
                stop(sprintf("phase.inits[[%d]]$exit has %d row%s, but there are %d exit states from this state", i, nrow(inits[[i]]$exit), plural, length(dests)))
            erates1 <- inits[[i]]$exit[,1]; erates2 <- inits[[i]]$exit[,2]
        phase1 <- which(pars==phase.states[i])[1]
        phase2 <- which(pars==phase.states[i])[2]
        qmatrix.new[phase1,dests.new] <- erates1
        qmatrix.new[phase2,dests.new] <- erates2
        ## default to 0.5 for p2
        if (is.null(inits)) {
            trans <- 0.5/sum(erates1)
        else trans <- inits[[i]]$trans
        qmatrix.new[phase1,phase2] <- trans
        qaux$pdests.orig[[i]] <- dests; qaux$pdests[[i]] <- dests.new
        qaux$phase1.ind[i] <- phase1; qaux$phase2.ind[i] <- phase2
    q.new <- msm.form.qmodel(qmatrix=qmatrix.new, qconstraint=qconstraint,
                             analyticp=analyticp, use.expm=use.expm, phase.states=NULL)
    q.new <- c(q.new, qaux)

msm.phase2hmodel <- function(qmodel, hmodel){   
    if (is.null(hmodel)) {
        hmodel <- vector(qmodel$nstates, mode="list")
        for (i in 1:qmodel$nstates) hmodel[[i]] <- hmmIdent(qmodel$phase.pars[i])
    ## dummy initprobs here: actually defined later in msm.form.initprobs, since needs knowledge of the data
    hmodel <- c(msm.form.hmodel(hmodel=hmodel,

## Convert parameters of fitted phase-type model to mixture representation

#' Parameters of phase-type models in mixture form
#' Parameters of fitted two-phase models, in mixture model parameterisation.
#' @param x A fitted multi-state model, as returned by \code{\link{msm}}.
#' @param covariates Covariate values, see \code{\link{qmatrix.msm}}.
#' @param ci If \code{"none"} (the default) no confidence intervals are
#' calculated.  Otherwise \code{"normal"}, or \code{"boot"} as described by
#' \code{\link{qmatrix.msm}}.
#' @param cl Width of the symmetric confidence interval, relative to 1.
#' @param B Number of bootstrap replicates, or number of normal simulations
#' from the distribution of the MLEs.
#' @param cores Number of cores to use for bootstrapping using parallel
#' processing. See \code{\link{boot.msm}} for more details.
#' @return Matrix with one row for each state that has a two-phase
#' distribution, and three columns: the short-stay mean, long-stay mean and
#' long-stay probability.  These are functions of the transition intensities of
#' the expanded hidden Markov model, defined in \code{\link{d2phase}}.
#' @author C. H. Jackson \email{chris.jackson@@mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk}
#' @seealso \code{\link{d2phase}}.
#' @keywords models
#' @export phasemeans.msm
phasemeans.msm <- function(x, covariates="mean", ci=c("none","normal","bootstrap"), cl=0.95, B=1000, cores=NULL){
    ps <- x$qmodel$phase.states
    Q <- qmatrix.msm(x, ci="none", covariates=covariates)
    res <- matrix(nrow=length(ps), ncol=3)
    pnames <- c("Short stay mean", "Long stay mean", "Long stay probability")
    rownames(res) <- rownames(x$qmodel$imatrix.orig)[x$qmodel$phase.states]
    colnames(res) <- pnames
    for (i in seq_along(ps)){
        p1 <- x$qmodel$phase1.ind[i]; p2 <- x$qmodel$phase2.ind[i]
        lam1 <- Q[p1, p2]
        mu1 <- sum(Q[p1, -c(p1, p2)])
        mu2 <- sum(Q[p2, -p2])
        mean1 <- 1/(lam1 + mu1)
        mean2 <- mean1 + 1/mu2
        prob2 <- lam1*mean1
        res[i,] <- c(mean1, mean2, prob2)
    ci <- match.arg(ci)
    p.ci <- switch(ci,
                   normal = phasemeans.normci.msm(x=x, covariates=covariates, cl=cl, B=B),
                   bootstrap = phasemeans.ci.msm(x=x, covariates=covariates, cl=cl, B=B, cores=cores),
                   none = NULL)
    res <- if (ci=="none") res else list(estimates = res, L=p.ci[,,1], U=p.ci[,,2])
    class(res) <- "msm.est"

#' Coxian phase-type distribution with two phases
#' Density, distribution, quantile functions and other utilities for the Coxian
#' phase-type distribution with two phases.
#' This is the distribution of the time to reach state 3 in a continuous-time
#' Markov model with three states and transitions permitted from state 1 to
#' state 2 (with intensity \eqn{\lambda_1}{lambda1}) state 1 to state 3
#' (intensity \eqn{\mu_1}{mu1}) and state 2 to state 3 (intensity
#' \eqn{\mu_2}{mu2}).  States 1 and 2 are the two "phases" and state 3 is the
#' "exit" state.
#' The density is
#' \deqn{f(t | \lambda_1, \mu_1) = e^{-(\lambda_1+\mu_1)t}(\mu_1 +
#' (\lambda_1+\mu_1)\lambda_1 t)}{f(t | l1, mu1) = exp(-(l1+mu1)*t)*(mu1 +
#' (l1+mu1)*l1*t)}
#' if \eqn{\lambda_1 + \mu_1 = \mu_2}{l1 + mu1 = mu2}, and
#' \deqn{f(t | \lambda_1, \mu_1, \mu_2) =
#' \frac{(\lambda_1+\mu_1)e^{-(\lambda_1+\mu_1)t}(\mu_2-\mu_1) +
#' \mu_2\lambda_1e^{-\mu_2t}}{\lambda_1+\mu_1-\mu_2}}{f(t | l1, mu1, mu2) =
#' ((l1+mu1)*exp(-(l1+mu1)*t)*(mu2-mu1) + mu2*l1*exp(-mu2*t))/(l1+mu1-mu2)}
#' otherwise.  The distribution function is
#' \deqn{F(t | \lambda_1, \mu_1) = 1 - e^{-(\lambda_1+\mu_1) t} (1 + \lambda_1
#' t)}{F(t | l1, mu1) = 1 - exp(-(l1+mu1)*t)*(1 + l1*t)}
#' if \eqn{\lambda_1 + \mu_1 = \mu_2}{l1 + mu1 = mu2}, and
#' \deqn{F(t | \lambda_1, \mu_1, \mu_2) =
#' 1  -  \frac{e^{-(\lambda_1 + \mu_1)t} (\mu_2 - \mu_1)  +  \lambda_1 e^{-\mu_2 t}}{
#' \lambda_1 + \mu_1 - \mu_2}}{F(t | l1, mu1, mu2) = 1 - (exp(-(l1+mu1)*t)*(-mu1+mu2) +
#' l1*exp(-mu2*t))/(l1+mu1-mu2)}
#' otherwise.  Quantiles are calculated by numerically inverting the
#' distribution function.
#' The mean is \eqn{(1 + \lambda_1/\mu_2) / (\lambda_1 + \mu_1)}{(1 + l1/mu2) /
#' (l1 + mu1)}.
#' The variance is \eqn{(2 + 2\lambda_1(\lambda_1+\mu_1+ \mu_2)/\mu_2^2 - (1 +
#' \lambda_1/\mu_2)^2)/(\lambda_1+\mu_1)^2}{(2 + 2*l1*(l1+mu1+ mu2)/mu2^2 - (1
#' + l1/mu2)^2)/(l1+mu1)^2}.
#' If \eqn{\mu_1=\mu_2}{mu1=mu2} it reduces to an exponential distribution with
#' rate \eqn{\mu_1}{mu1}, and the parameter \eqn{\lambda_1}{l1} is redundant.
#' Or also if \eqn{\lambda_1=0}{l1=0}.
#' The hazard at \eqn{x=0} is \eqn{\mu_1}, and smoothly increasing if
#' \eqn{\mu_1<\mu_2}{mu1<mu2}.  If \eqn{\lambda_1 + \mu_1 \geq \mu_2}{l1 + mu1
#' >= mu2} it increases to an asymptote of \eqn{\mu_2}{mu2}, and if
#' \eqn{\lambda_1 + \mu_1 \leq \mu_2}{l1 + mu1 <= mu2} it increases to an
#' asymptote of \eqn{\lambda_1 + \mu_1}{l1 + mu1}.  The hazard is decreasing if
#' \eqn{\mu_1>\mu_2}{mu1>mu2}, to an asymptote of \eqn{\mu_2}{mu2}.
#' @name twophase
#' @aliases d2phase p2phase q2phase r2phase h2phase
#' @param x,q vector of quantiles.
#' @param p vector of probabilities.
#' @param n number of observations. If \code{length(n) > 1}, the length is
#' taken to be the number required.
#' @param l1 Intensity for transition between phase 1 and phase 2.
#' @param mu1 Intensity for transition from phase 1 to exit.
#' @param mu2 Intensity for transition from phase 2 to exit.
#' @param log logical; if TRUE, return log density or log hazard.
#' @param log.p logical; if TRUE, probabilities p are given as log(p).
#' @param lower.tail logical; if TRUE (default), probabilities are P[X <= x],
#' otherwise, P[X > x].
#' @return \code{d2phase} gives the density, \code{p2phase} gives the
#' distribution function, \code{q2phase} gives the quantile function,
#' \code{r2phase} generates random deviates, and \code{h2phase} gives the
#' hazard.
#' @section Alternative parameterisation: An individual following this
#' distribution can be seen as coming from a mixture of two populations:
#' 1) "short stayers" whose mean sojourn time is \eqn{M_1 = }{M1 =
#' 1/(l1+mu1)}\eqn{ 1/(\lambda_1+\mu_1)}{M1 = 1/(l1+mu1)} and sojourn
#' distribution is exponential with rate \eqn{\lambda_1 + \mu_1}{l1+mu1}.
#' 2) "long stayers" whose mean sojourn time \eqn{M_2 = }{1/(l1+mu1) +
#' 1/mu2}\eqn{ 1/(\lambda_1+\mu_1) + 1/\mu_2}{1/(l1+mu1) + 1/mu2} and sojourn
#' distribution is the sum of two exponentials with rate \eqn{\lambda_1 +
#' }{l1+mu1}\eqn{ \mu_1}{l1+mu1} and \eqn{\mu_2}{mu2} respectively.  The
#' individual is a "long stayer" with probability \eqn{p=\lambda_1/(\lambda_1 +
#' \mu_1)}.
#' Thus a two-phase distribution can be more intuitively parameterised by the
#' short and long stay means \eqn{M_1 < M_2} and the long stay probability
#' \eqn{p}.  Given these parameters, the transition intensities are
#' \eqn{\lambda_1=p/M_1}{l1=p/M1}, \eqn{\mu_1=(1-p)/M_1}{mu1=(1-p)/M1}, and
#' \eqn{\mu_2=1/(M_2-M_1)}{mu2 = 1/(M2 - M1)}.  This can be useful for choosing
#' intuitively reasonable initial values for procedures to fit these models to
#' data.
#' The hazard is increasing at least if \eqn{M_2 < 2M_1}{M2 < 2M1}, and also
#' only if \eqn{(M_2 - 2M_1)/(M_2 - M_1) < p}{(M2 - 2M1)/(M2 - M1) < p}.
#' For increasing hazards with \eqn{\lambda_1 + \mu_1 \leq \mu_2}{l1 + mu1 <=
#' mu2}, the maximum hazard ratio between any time \eqn{t} and time 0 is
#' \eqn{1/(1-p)}.
#' For increasing hazards with \eqn{\lambda_1 + \mu_1 \geq \mu_2}{l1 + mu1 >=
#' mu2}, the maximum hazard ratio is \eqn{M_1/((1-p)(M_2 - M_1))}{M1/((1-p)(M2 -
#' M1))}\eqn{ M_1))}{M1/((1-p)(M2 - M1))}. This is the minimum hazard ratio for
#' decreasing hazards.
#' % Illustration of hazard ratio at short mean and long mean.
#' @author C. H. Jackson \email{chris.jackson@@mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk}
#' @references C. Dutang, V. Goulet and M. Pigeon (2008). actuar: An R Package
#' for Actuarial Science. Journal of Statistical Software, vol. 25, no. 7,
#' 1-37. URL http://www.jstatsoft.org/v25/i07
#' @keywords distribution

#' @rdname twophase
#' @export
d2phase <- function(x, l1, mu1, mu2, log=FALSE){
    t <- x
    ret <- numeric(length(t))
    ret[t<0] <- 0
    ret[l1<0 | mu1<0 | mu2<0] <- NaN
    ind <- (l1>=0 & mu1>=0 & mu2>=0 & t>=0)
    l1 <- rep(l1, length=length(t)); mu1 <- rep(mu1, length=length(t)); mu2 <- rep(mu2, length=length(t)); 
    if(any(ind)) { 
        ## same as MatrixExp(Q*t)[1,] %*% c(mu1, mu2, 0)
        if (log) {
            tmp <- ifelse(l1+mu1==mu2,
                          -(l1+mu1)*t + log(mu1 + (l1+mu1)*l1*t),
                          log((-(l1+mu1)*exp(-(l1+mu1)*t)*(-mu1+mu2) + mu2*l1*exp(-mu2*t))/(l1+mu1-mu2)))
        } else {
            tmp <- ifelse(l1+mu1==mu2,
                          exp(-(l1+mu1)*t)*(mu1 + (l1+mu1)*l1*t),
                          (-(l1+mu1)*exp(-(l1+mu1)*t)*(-mu1+mu2) + mu2*l1*exp(-mu2*t))/(l1+mu1-mu2))
        ret[ind] <- tmp[ind]

#' @rdname twophase
#' @export
p2phase <- function(q, l1, mu1, mu2, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE){
    t <- q
    ret <- numeric(length(t))
    ret[t<0] <- 0
    ret[l1<0 | mu1<0 | mu2<0] <- NaN
    ind <- (l1>=0 & mu1>=0 & mu2>=0 & t>=0)
    if(any(ind)) { 
        if (l1+mu1==mu2) {
            if (!lower.tail && log.p)
                tmp <- -(l1+mu1)*t + log(1 + l1*t)    
            else {
                tmp <- 1 - exp(-(l1+mu1)*t)*(1 + l1*t)
                if (!lower.tail) tmp <- 1 - tmp
                if (log.p) tmp <- log(tmp)
        else { 
            ## same as MatrixExp(Q*t)[1,3]
            tmp <- 1 + exp(-(l1+mu1)*t)*(-mu1+mu2)/(l1+mu1-mu2) - l1*exp(-mu2*t)/(l1+mu1-mu2)
            if (!lower.tail) tmp <- 1 - tmp
            if (log.p) tmp <- log(tmp)
        ret[ind] <- tmp[ind]        

#' @rdname twophase
#' @export
q2phase <- function(p, l1, mu1, mu2, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE){
    qgeneric(p2phase, p=p, l1=l1, mu1=mu1, mu2=mu2, lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=log.p)

#' @rdname twophase
#' @export
r2phase <- function(n, l1, mu1, mu2){
    if (length(n) > 1) n <- length(n)
    ret <- numeric(n)
    l1 <- rep(l1, length.out=n)
    mu1 <- rep(mu1, length.out=n)
    mu2 <- rep(mu2, length.out=n)
    ret[l1<0 | mu1<0 | mu2<0] <- NaN
    ind <- (l1>=0 & mu1>=0 & mu2>=0)
    if(any(ind)) {
        l1 <- rep(l1, length=n); mu1 <- rep(mu1, length=n); mu2 <- rep(mu2, length=n)
        l1 <- l1[ind]; mu1 <- mu1[ind]; mu2 <- mu2[ind]; n <- sum(ind)
        ptrans <- l1/(l1+mu1)
        ret[ind] <- rexp(n,l1+mu1) + rbinom(n, 1, ptrans)*rexp(n, mu2)

#' @rdname twophase
#' @export
h2phase <- function(x, l1, mu1, mu2, log=FALSE) {
    t <- x
    ret <- numeric(length(x))
    ret[t<0] <- 0
    ret[l1<0 | mu1<0 | mu2<0] <- NaN
    ind <- (l1>=0 & mu1>=0 & mu2>=0 & t>=0)
    if(any(ind)) {
        if (l1+mu1==mu2) {
            tmp <- (mu1 + (l1+mu1)*l1*t) / (1 + l1*t) # clearer formula
            if (log) tmp <- log(tmp)
        else {
            if (log)
                tmp <- d2phase(t,l1,mu1,mu2,log=TRUE) - p2phase(t,l1,mu1,mu2,lower.tail=FALSE,log.p=TRUE)
                tmp <- d2phase(t,l1,mu1,mu2) / p2phase(t,l1,mu1,mu2,lower.tail=FALSE)
        ret[ind] <- tmp[ind]
chjackson/msm documentation built on Sept. 8, 2024, 12:24 a.m.