
Defines functions phasemeans.normci.msm expected.normci.msm ppass.normci.msm efpt.normci.msm totlos.normci.msm pmatrix.piecewise.normci.msm pmatrix.normci.msm pnext.normci.msm qratio.normci.msm ematrix.normci.msm qmatrix.normci.msm normboot.msm updatepars.msm expected.ci.msm phasemeans.ci.msm ppass.ci.msm efpt.ci.msm totlos.ci.msm pmatrix.piecewise.ci.msm pmatrix.ci.msm pnext.ci.msm qratio.ci.msm ematrix.ci.msm qmatrix.ci.msm handle_refit_errors boot.msm bootdata.subject.msm bootdata.trans.msm reconstruct.data

Documented in boot.msm updatepars.msm

### Reconstruct data for original msm model fit.  Replace
### generically-named variables in model data frame ("(subject)",
### "(time)", "(state)" etc.) with the names specified by the user for
### the original model call, to allow model refits for
### cross-validation or bootstrapping using the original call.  If not
### found in the usernames attribute, these columns are dropped,
### assuming they're not needed for the refit.  Drop imputed
### observations at piecewise constant intensity change points.
### NOTE assuming timeperiod covariate OK to leave as is

### Factor handling: strips factor() from variable names,
## if original data was factor, will be factor in mf as well, so refit will work
## if not factor in df but factor() in formula, stripping factor() allows refit to work
## TODO can test this with simple refits
## test whether labels are OK, check changelog

reconstruct.data <- function(mf){
    un <- attr(mf, "usernames")
    par.name <- paste0("(",names(un),")")
    ids <- match(par.name, names(mf))
    names(mf) <- replace(names(mf), ids, un)
    if (!is.null(mf$"(pci.imp)")) mf <- mf[!mf$"(pci.imp)",]
    if(is.na(un["subject"])) {
        un["subject"] <- "subject"
        mf$subject <- mf$"(subject)"
        attr(mf, "usernames") <- un
    for (i in grep("^\\(.+\\)$", names(mf), value=TRUE)) mf[,i] <- NULL
    colnames(mf) <- gsub("factor\\((.+)\\)", "\\1", colnames(mf))

### Take a bootstrap sample from the data contained in a fitted msm
### model. Sample pairs of consecutive observations, i.e. independent
### transitions.  Not applicable if model is hidden or some states are
### censored.

bootdata.trans.msm <- function(x) {
    dat <- reconstruct.data(model.frame(x))
    un <- attr(dat, "usernames")
    ## sample random rows of original data, excluding last observation
    inds <- sample(which(duplicated(dat[,un["subject"]], fromLast=TRUE)), replace=TRUE)
    ## make new data by interleaving corresponding "from-state" and "to-state" rows
    ntrans <- length(inds)
    dat <- dat[,-match(un["subject"], names(dat)),drop=FALSE]
    z <- array(c(unlist(dat[inds,]), # "from-state" data
                 unlist(dat[inds+1,])), # "to-state" data
               dim=c(ntrans, ncol(dat), 2))
    data.boot <- matrix(aperm(z, c(3,1,2)), nrow=2*ntrans, ncol=ncol(dat),
    data.boot <- as.data.frame(data.boot)
    ## label every transition in new data as from a different subject
    data.boot[,un["subject"]] <- rep(1:ntrans, each=2)
    ## make sure factor covariates retain their original level labels
    facvars <- names(dat)[sapply(dat, is.factor)] 
    faccovs <- setdiff(facvars, un)
    for (i in faccovs)
        data.boot[,i] <- factor(data.boot[,i], labels=sort(unique(dat[,i])))

### Take a bootstrap sample from the data contained in a fitted msm
### model. Sample subjects. Used for hidden models or models with
### censoring, in which the transitions within a subject are not
### independent.

bootdata.subject.msm <- function(x) {
    dat <- model.frame(x)
    subj.num <- match(dat$"(subject)", unique(dat$"(subject)"))
    subjs <- sample(unique(subj.num), replace=TRUE)
    inds <- new.subj <- NULL
    for (i in seq_along(subjs)) {
        subj.inds <- which(subj.num == subjs[i])
        inds <- c(inds, subj.inds)
        new.subj <- c(new.subj, rep(i, length(subj.inds)))
    data.boot <- dat[inds,]
    data.boot[,"(subject)"] <- new.subj
    data.boot <- reconstruct.data(data.boot)

### Given a fitted msm model, draw a bootstrap dataset, refit the
### model, and optionally compute a statistic on the refitted model.
### Repeat B times, store the results in a list.
### msm objects tend to be large, so it is advised to compute a statistic on them by specifying "stat", instead
### of using this function to return a list of refitted msm objects.
### To compute more than one statistic, specify, e.g. stat=function(x)list(stat1(x),stat2(x))

### Some of the arguments to the msm call might be user-defined objects.
### e.g. qmatrix, ematrix, hmodel, ...
### Put in help file that these must be in the working environment.

#' Bootstrap resampling for multi-state models
#' Draw a number of bootstrap resamples, refit a \code{\link{msm}} model to the
#' resamples, and calculate statistics on the refitted models.
#' The bootstrap datasets are computed by resampling independent pairs of
#' observations at successive times (for non-hidden models without censoring),
#' or independent individual series (for hidden models or models with
#' censoring).  Therefore this approach doesn't work if, for example, the data
#' for a HMM consist of a series of observations from just one individual, and
#' is inaccurate for small numbers of independent transitions or individuals.
#' Confidence intervals or standard errors for the corresponding statistic can
#' be calculated by summarising the returned list of \code{B} replicated
#' outputs.  This is currently implemented for most the output functions
#' \code{\link{qmatrix.msm}}, \code{\link{ematrix.msm}},
#' \code{\link{qratio.msm}}, \code{\link{pmatrix.msm}},
#' \code{\link{pmatrix.piecewise.msm}}, \code{\link{totlos.msm}} and
#' \code{\link{prevalence.msm}}.  For other outputs, users will have to write
#' their own code to summarise the output of \code{\link{boot.msm}}.
#' Most of \pkg{msm}'s output functions present confidence intervals based on
#' asymptotic standard errors calculated from the Hessian. These are expected
#' to be underestimates of the true standard errors (Cramer-Rao lower bound).
#' Some of these functions use a further approximation, the delta method (see
#' \code{\link{deltamethod}}) to obtain standard errors of transformed
#' parameters. Bootstrapping should give a more accurate estimate of the
#' uncertainty.
#' An alternative method which is less accurate though faster than
#' bootstrapping, but more accurate than the delta method, is to draw a sample
#' from the asymptotic multivariate normal distribution implied by the maximum
#' likelihood estimates (and covariance matrix), and summarise the transformed
#' estimates.  See \code{\link{pmatrix.msm}}.
#' All objects used in the original call to \code{\link{msm}} which produced
#' \code{x}, such as the \code{qmatrix}, should be in the working environment,
#' or else \code{boot.msm} will produce an \dQuote{object not found} error.
#' This enables \code{boot.msm} to refit the original model to the replicate
#' datasets.  However there is currently a limitation.  In the original call to
#' \code{msm}, the \code{"formula"} argument should be specified directly, as,
#' for example,
#' \code{msm(state ~ time, data = ...)}
#' and not, for example,
#' \code{form = data$state ~ data$time}
#' \code{msm(formula=form, data = ...)}
#' otherwise \code{boot.msm} will be unable to draw the replicate datasets.
#' \code{boot.msm} will also fail with an incomprehensible error if the
#' original call to msm used a used-defined object whose name is the same as a
#' built-in R object, or an object in any other loaded package.  For example,
#' if you have called a Q matrix \code{q}, when \code{q()} is the built-in
#' function for quitting R.
#' If \code{stat} is \code{NULL}, then \code{B} different \code{msm} model
#' objects will be stored in memory. This is unadvisable, as \code{msm} objects
#' tend to be large, since they contain the original data used for the
#' \code{msm} fit, so this will be wasteful of memory.
#' To specify more than one statistic, write a function consisting of a list of
#' different function calls, for example,
#' \code{stat = function(x) list (pmatrix.msm(x, t=1), pmatrix.msm(x, t=2))}
#' @param x A fitted msm model, as output by \code{\link{msm}}.
#' @param stat A function to call on each refitted msm model. By default this
#' is \code{\link{pmatrix.msm}}, returning the transition probability matrix in
#' one time unit. If \code{NULL} then no function is computed.
#' @param B Number of bootstrap resamples.
#' @param file Name of a file in which to save partial results after each
#' replicate. This is saved using \code{\link{save}} and can be restored using
#' \code{\link{load}}, producing an object called \code{boot.list} containing
#' the partial results.  Not supported when using parallel processing.
#' @param cores Number of processor cores to use for parallel processing.
#' Requires the \pkg{doParallel} package to be installed.  If not specified,
#' parallel processing is not used. If \code{cores} is set to the string
#' \code{"default"}, the default methods of \code{\link[parallel]{makeCluster}}
#' (on Windows) or \code{\link[doParallel]{registerDoParallel}} (on Unix-like)
#' are used.
#' @param remove.errors If \code{TRUE} then bootstrap refits which resulted in an
#' error are removed from the returned list, and a message is returned which states the
#' proportion of failed fits and the first error message.  If \code{FALSE}, then 
#' the error message for failed refits is placed in the
#' corresponding component of the returned list. 
#' @return A list with \code{B} components, containing the result of calling
#' function \code{stat} on each of the refitted models.  If \code{stat} is
#' \code{NULL}, then each component just contains the refitted model.  If one
#' of the \code{B} model fits was unsuccessful and resulted in an error, then
#' the corresponding list component will contain the error message.
#' @author C.H.Jackson <chris.jackson@@mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk>
#' @seealso \code{\link{qmatrix.msm}}, \code{\link{qratio.msm}},
#' \code{\link{sojourn.msm}}, \code{\link{ematrix.msm}},
#' \code{\link{pmatrix.msm}}, \code{\link{pmatrix.piecewise.msm}},
#' \code{\link{totlos.msm}}, \code{\link{prevalence.msm}}.
#' @references Efron, B. and Tibshirani, R.J. (1993) \emph{An Introduction to
#' the Bootstrap}, Chapman and Hall.
#' @keywords models
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   ## Psoriatic arthritis example
#'   data(psor)
#'   psor.q <- rbind(c(0,0.1,0,0),c(0,0,0.1,0),c(0,0,0,0.1),c(0,0,0,0))
#'   psor.msm <- msm(state ~ months, subject=ptnum, data=psor, qmatrix =
#'     psor.q, covariates = ~ollwsdrt+hieffusn,
#'     constraint = list(hieffusn=c(1,1,1),ollwsdrt=c(1,1,2)),
#'     control = list(REPORT=1,trace=2), method="BFGS")
#'   ## Bootstrap the baseline transition intensity matrix.  This will take a long time.
#'   q.list <- boot.msm(psor.msm, function(x)x$Qmatrices$baseline)
#'   ## Manipulate the resulting list of matrices to calculate bootstrap standard errors.
#'   apply(array(unlist(q.list), dim=c(4,4,5)), c(1,2), sd)
#'   ## Similarly calculate a bootstrap 95% confidence interval
#'   apply(array(unlist(q.list), dim=c(4,4,5)), c(1,2),
#'         function(x)quantile(x, c(0.025, 0.975)))
#'   ## Bootstrap standard errors are larger than the asymptotic standard
#'   ## errors calculated from the Hessian
#'   psor.msm$QmatricesSE$baseline
#' }
#' @export boot.msm
boot.msm <- function(x, stat=pmatrix.msm, B=1000, file=NULL, cores=NULL, remove.errors=TRUE){
    boot.fn <- function(dummy){
        boot.data <- if (x$hmodel$hidden || x$cmodel$ncens) bootdata.subject.msm(x) else bootdata.trans.msm(x)
        x$call$data <- substitute(boot.data)
        res <- try(eval(x$call))
        if (!inherits(res, "try-error") && !is.null(stat))
            res <- try(stat(res))
    if (is.null(cores) || cores==1) parallel <- FALSE else parallel <- TRUE;
    if (parallel) {
        if (!is.null(cores) && cores=="default") cores <- NULL
        if (requireNamespace("doParallel", quietly = TRUE)){
### can't get this working separated out into a function like portable.parallel(). Variable exporting / scoping doesnt' work.
            if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
                cl <- parallel::makeCluster(cores)
            } else doParallel::registerDoParallel(cores=cores)
            boot.list <- foreach::"%dopar%"(foreach::foreach(i=1:B, .packages="msm", .export=c("x",ls(.GlobalEnv))),
                                            { boot.fn(i) })
            if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows")
        else stop("\"parallel\" package not available")

    else {
        boot.list <- vector(B, mode="list")
        for (i in 1:B) {
            boot.list[[i]] <- boot.fn()
            if (!is.null(file)) save(boot.list, file=file)
    if (remove.errors) boot.list <- handle_refit_errors(boot.list)

handle_refit_errors <- function(blist){
  errors <- vapply(blist, function(x)inherits(x, "try-error"), TRUE)
  nerrors <- sum(errors)
  if (nerrors > 0) {
    message(sprintf("%s/%s bootstrap refits ended in an error", nerrors, length(blist)))
    message(sprintf("First error: %s", blist[[min(which(errors))]]))

### Utilities for calculating bootstrap CIs for particular statistics

qmatrix.ci.msm <- function(x, covariates="mean", sojourn=FALSE, cl=0.95, B=1000, cores=NULL) {
    q.list <- boot.msm(x, function(x)qmatrix.msm(x=x, covariates=covariates)$estimates, B=B, cores=cores)
    q.array <- array(unlist(q.list), dim=c(dim(q.list[[1]]), length(q.list)))
    q.ci <- apply(q.array, c(1,2), function(x)(c(quantile(x, c(0.5 - cl/2, 0.5 + cl/2)), sd(x))))
    q.ci <- aperm(q.ci, c(2,3,1))
    if (sojourn) {
        soj.array <- apply(q.array, 3, function(x) -1/diag(x))
        soj.ci <- apply(soj.array, 1, function(x)(c(quantile(x, c(0.5 - cl/2, 0.5 + cl/2)), sd(x))))
        list(q=q.ci, soj=soj.ci)
    else q.ci

ematrix.ci.msm <- function(x, covariates="mean", cl=0.95, B=1000, cores=NULL) {
    e.list <- boot.msm(x, function(x)ematrix.msm(x=x, covariates=covariates)$estimates, B=B, cores=cores)
    e.array <- array(unlist(e.list), dim=c(dim(e.list[[1]]), length(e.list)))
    e.ci <- apply(e.array, c(1,2), function(x)(c(quantile(x, c(0.5 - cl/2, 0.5 + cl/2)), sd(x))))
    aperm(e.ci, c(2,3,1))

qratio.ci.msm <- function(x, ind1, ind2, covariates="mean", cl=0.95, B=1000, cores=NULL) {
    q.list <- boot.msm(x, function(x)qratio.msm(x=x, ind1=ind1, ind2=ind2, covariates=covariates)["estimate"], B=B, cores=cores)
    q.vec <- unlist(q.list)
    c(quantile(q.vec, c(0.5 - cl/2, 0.5 + cl/2)), sd(q.vec))

pnext.ci.msm <- function(x, covariates="mean", cl=0.95, B=1000, cores=NULL) {
    p.list <- boot.msm(x, function(x)pnext.msm(x=x, covariates=covariates, ci="none")$estimates, B=B, cores=cores)
    p.array <- array(unlist(p.list), dim=c(dim(p.list[[1]]), length(p.list)))
    p.ci <- apply(p.array, c(1,2), function(x)(quantile(x, c(0.5 - cl/2, 0.5 + cl/2))))
    aperm(p.ci, c(2,3,1))

pmatrix.ci.msm <- function(x, t, t1, covariates="mean", cl=0.95, B=1000, cores=NULL) {
    p.list <- boot.msm(x, function(x)pmatrix.msm(x=x, t=t, t1=t1, covariates=covariates,ci="none"), B=B, cores=cores)
    p.array <- array(unlist(p.list), dim=c(dim(p.list[[1]]), length(p.list)))
    p.ci <- apply(p.array, c(1,2), function(x)(quantile(x, c(0.5 - cl/2, 0.5 + cl/2))))
    aperm(p.ci, c(2,3,1))

pmatrix.piecewise.ci.msm <- function(x, t1, t2, times, covariates="mean", cl=0.95, B=1000, cores=NULL) {
    p.list <- boot.msm(x, function(x)pmatrix.piecewise.msm(x=x, t1=t1, t2=t2, times=times, covariates=covariates,ci="none"), B=B, cores=cores)
    p.array <- array(unlist(p.list), dim=c(dim(p.list[[1]]), length(p.list)))
    p.ci <- apply(p.array, c(1,2), function(x)(quantile(x, c(0.5 - cl/2, 0.5 + cl/2))))
    aperm(p.ci, c(2,3,1))

totlos.ci.msm <- function(x, start=1, end=NULL, fromt=0, tot=Inf, covariates="mean", piecewise.times=NULL, piecewise.covariates=NULL, discount=0, env=FALSE, cl=0.95, B=1000, cores=NULL,...) {
    t.list <- boot.msm(x, function(x)totlos.msm(x=x, start=start, end=end, fromt=fromt, tot=tot, covariates=covariates,
                                                piecewise.times=piecewise.times, piecewise.covariates=piecewise.covariates,
                                                discount=discount, env=env, ci="none",...), B=B, cores=cores)
    t.array <- do.call("rbind", t.list)
    apply(t.array, 2, function(x)(quantile(x, c(0.5 - cl/2, 0.5 + cl/2))))

efpt.ci.msm <- function(x, qmatrix=NULL, tostate, start, covariates="mean", cl=0.95, B=1000, cores=NULL) {
    t.list <- boot.msm(x, function(x)efpt.msm(x=x, qmatrix=qmatrix, start=start, tostate=tostate, covariates=covariates, ci="none"), B=B, cores=cores)
    t.array <- do.call("rbind", t.list)
    apply(t.array, 2, function(x)(quantile(x, c(0.5 - cl/2, 0.5 + cl/2))))

ppass.ci.msm <- function(x, qmatrix, tot, start, covariates="mean", piecewise.times=NULL, piecewise.covariates=NULL, cl=0.95, B=1000, cores=NULL,...) {
    t.list <- boot.msm(x, function(x)ppass.msm(x=x, qmatrix=qmatrix, tot=tot, start=start, covariates=covariates,
                                                piecewise.times=piecewise.times, piecewise.covariates=piecewise.covariates,
                                                ci="none",...), B=B, cores=cores)
    nst <- ncol(t.list[[1]])
    t.array <- do.call("rbind", lapply(t.list, as.vector))
    ci <- apply(t.array, 2, function(x)(quantile(x, c(0.5 - cl/2, 0.5 + cl/2))))
    di <- dimnames(t.list[[1]])
    list(L=matrix(ci[1,],ncol=nst,dimnames=di), U=matrix(ci[2,],ncol=nst, dimnames=di))

phasemeans.ci.msm <- function(x, covariates="mean", cl=0.95, B=1000, cores=NULL, ...) {
    p.list <- boot.msm(x, function(x)phasemeans.msm(x=x, covariates=covariates, ci="none", ...), B=B, cores=cores)
    p.array <- array(unlist(p.list), dim=c(dim(p.list[[1]]), length(p.list)))
    p.ci <- apply(p.array, c(1,2), function(x)(quantile(x, c(0.5 - cl/2, 0.5 + cl/2))))
    aperm(p.ci, c(2,3,1))

expected.ci.msm <- function(x,
                            cl=0.95, B=1000, cores=NULL) {
    if(is.null(risk)) risk <- observed.msm(x)$risk
    e.list <- boot.msm(x, function(x){
        expected.msm(x, times, timezero, initstates, covariates, misccovariates, piecewise.times, piecewise.covariates, risk)
    }, B=B, cores=cores)
    e.tab.array <- array(unlist(lapply(e.list, function(x)x[[1]])), 
                         dim=c(length(times), x$qmodel$nstates+1, length(e.list)))
    e.perc.array <- array(unlist(lapply(e.list, function(x)x[[2]])), 
                          dim=c(length(times), x$qmodel$nstates, length(e.list)))
    e.tab.ci <- apply(e.tab.array, c(1,2), 
                      function(x)(quantile(x, c(0.5 - cl/2, 0.5 + cl/2))))
    e.perc.ci <- apply(e.perc.array, c(1,2), 
                       function(x)(quantile(x, c(0.5 - cl/2, 0.5 + cl/2))))
    res <- list(aperm(e.tab.ci, c(2,3,1)),  aperm(e.perc.ci, c(2,3,1)))
    names(res) <- c("Expected", "Expected percentages")

#' Update the maximum likelihood estimates in a fitted model object.
#' Update the maximum likelihood estimates in a fitted model object.  Intended for
#' developer use only.
#' @param x A fitted multi-state model object, as returned by
#' \code{\link{msm}}.
#' @param pars Vector of new parameters, in their untransformed real-line
#' parameterisations, to substitute for the maximum likelihood estimates
#' corresponding to those in the \code{estimates} component of the fitted model
#' object (\code{\link{msm.object}}).  The order of the parameters is
#' documented in \code{\link{msm}}, argument \code{fixedpars}.
#' @return An updated \code{\link{msm}} model object with the updated maximum
#' likelihood estimates, but with the covariances / standard errors unchanged.
#' Point estimates from output functions such as \code{\link{qmatrix.msm}},
#' \code{\link{pmatrix.msm}}, or any related function, can then be evaluated
#' with the new parameters, and at arbitrary covariate values.
#' This function is used, for example, when computing confidence intervals from
#' \code{\link{pmatrix.msm}}, and related functions, using the
#' \code{ci="normal"} method.
#' @author C. H. Jackson \email{chris.jackson@@mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk}
#' @keywords models
#' @export updatepars.msm
updatepars.msm <- function(x, pars){
    x.rep <- x
    x.rep$paramdata$params <- pars
    x.rep$estimates <- pars
    output <- msm.form.output(x.rep, "intens")
    x.rep$Qmatrices <- output$Qmatrices
    if (x$emodel$misc) {
        output <- msm.form.output(x.rep, "misc")
        x.rep$Ematrices <- output$Ematrices
        names(x.rep$Ematrices)[1] <- "logitbaseline"

### Compute a CI for a statistic using a sample from the assumed MVN
### distribution of MLEs of log Q, logit E and covariate effects on these
### Not user visible: only support statistics based on Q matrix and E matrix
### i.e. statistics computed as functions of x$Qmatrices, x$Ematrices and x$paramdata$params

normboot.msm <- function(x, stat, B=1000) {
    ## simulate from vector of unreplicated parameters, to avoid numerical problems with rmvnorm when lots of correlations are 1
    if (!x$foundse) stop("Asymptotic standard errors not available in fitted model")
    sim <- rmvnorm(B, x$opt$par, x$covmat[x$paramdata$optpars,x$paramdata$optpars])
    params <- matrix(nrow=B, ncol=x$paramdata$npars)  # replicate constrained parameters.
    params[,x$paramdata$optpars] <- sim
    params[,x$paramdata$fixedpars] <- rep(x$paramdata$params[x$paramdata$fixedpars], each=B)
    params[,x$paramdata$hmmpars] <- rep(msm.mninvlogit.transform(x$paramdata$params[x$paramdata$hmmpars], x$hmodel), each=B)
    params <- params[, !duplicated(abs(x$paramdata$constr)), drop=FALSE][, abs(x$paramdata$constr), drop=FALSE] *
        rep(sign(x$paramdata$constr), each=B)

    sim.stat <- vector(B, mode="list")
    for (i in 1:B) {
        x.rep <- updatepars.msm(x, params[i,])
        sim.stat[[i]] <- stat(x.rep)

qmatrix.normci.msm <- function(x, covariates="mean", sojourn=FALSE, cl=0.95, B=1000) {
    q.list <- normboot.msm(x, function(x)qmatrix.msm(x=x, covariates=covariates, ci="none"), B)
    q.array <- array(unlist(q.list), dim=c(dim(q.list[[1]]), length(q.list)))
    q.ci <- apply(q.array, c(1,2), function(x)(c(quantile(x, c(0.5 - cl/2, 0.5 + cl/2)), sd(x))))
    q.ci <- aperm(q.ci, c(2,3,1))
    if (sojourn) {
        soj.array <- apply(q.array, 3, function(x) -1/diag(x))
        soj.ci <- apply(soj.array, 1, function(x)(c(quantile(x, c(0.5 - cl/2, 0.5 + cl/2)), sd(x))))
        list(q=q.ci, soj=soj.ci)
    else q.ci

ematrix.normci.msm <- function(x, covariates="mean", cl=0.95, B=1000) {
    e.list <- normboot.msm(x, function(x)ematrix.msm(x=x, covariates=covariates, ci="none"), B)
    e.array <- array(unlist(e.list), dim=c(dim(e.list[[1]]), length(e.list)))
    e.ci <- apply(e.array, c(1,2), function(x)(c(quantile(x, c(0.5 - cl/2, 0.5 + cl/2)), sd(x))))
    aperm(e.ci, c(2,3,1))

qratio.normci.msm <- function(x, ind1, ind2, covariates="mean", cl=0.95, B=1000) {
    q.list <- normboot.msm(x, function(x)qratio.msm(x=x, ind1=ind1, ind2=ind2, covariates=covariates, ci="none")["estimate"], B)
    q.vec <- unlist(q.list)
    c(quantile(q.vec, c(0.5 - cl/2, 0.5 + cl/2)), sd(q.vec))

pnext.normci.msm <- function(x, covariates="mean", cl=0.95, B=1000) {
    p.list <- normboot.msm(x, function(x)pnext.msm(x=x, covariates=covariates, ci="none")$estimates, B)
    p.array <- array(unlist(p.list), dim=c(dim(p.list[[1]]), length(p.list)))
    p.ci <- apply(p.array, c(1,2), function(x)(quantile(x, c(0.5 - cl/2, 0.5 + cl/2))))
    aperm(p.ci, c(2,3,1))

pmatrix.normci.msm <- function(x, t, t1, covariates="mean", cl=0.95, B=1000) {
    p.list <- normboot.msm(x, function(x)pmatrix.msm(x=x, t=t, t1=t1, covariates=covariates, ci="none"), B)
    p.array <- array(unlist(p.list), dim=c(dim(p.list[[1]]), length(p.list)))
    p.ci <- apply(p.array, c(1,2), function(x)(quantile(x, c(0.5 - cl/2, 0.5 + cl/2))))
    aperm(p.ci, c(2,3,1))

pmatrix.piecewise.normci.msm <- function(x, t1, t2, times, covariates="mean", cl=0.95, B=1000) {
    p.list <- normboot.msm(x, function(x)pmatrix.piecewise.msm(x=x, t1=t1, t2=t2, times=times, covariates=covariates, ci="none"), B)
    p.array <- array(unlist(p.list), dim=c(dim(p.list[[1]]), length(p.list)))
    p.ci <- apply(p.array, c(1,2), function(x)(quantile(x, c(0.5 - cl/2, 0.5 + cl/2))))
    aperm(p.ci, c(2,3,1))

totlos.normci.msm <- function(x, start=1, end=NULL, fromt=0, tot=Inf, covariates="mean", piecewise.times=NULL, piecewise.covariates=NULL, discount=0, env=FALSE, cl=0.95, B=1000, ...) {
    t.list <- normboot.msm(x, function(x)totlos.msm(x=x, start=start, end=end, fromt=fromt, tot=tot, covariates=covariates,
                                                    piecewise.times=piecewise.times, piecewise.covariates=piecewise.covariates,
                                                    discount=discount, env=env, ci="none", ...), B)
    t.array <- do.call("rbind", t.list)
    apply(t.array, 2, function(x)(quantile(x, c(0.5 - cl/2, 0.5 + cl/2))))

efpt.normci.msm <- function(x, qmatrix=NULL, tostate, start, covariates="mean", cl=0.95, B=1000, ...) {
    t.list <- normboot.msm(x, function(x)efpt.msm(x=x, qmatrix=qmatrix, tostate=tostate, start=start, covariates=covariates, ci="none", ...), B)
    t.array <- do.call("rbind", t.list)
    apply(t.array, 2, function(x)(quantile(x, c(0.5 - cl/2, 0.5 + cl/2))))

ppass.normci.msm <- function(x, qmatrix, tot, start, covariates="mean", piecewise.times=NULL, piecewise.covariates=NULL, cl=0.95, B=1000, ...) {
    t.list <- normboot.msm(x, function(x)ppass.msm(x=x, qmatrix=qmatrix, tot=tot, start=start, covariates=covariates,
                                                    piecewise.times=piecewise.times, piecewise.covariates=piecewise.covariates,
                                                    ci="none", ...), B)
    nst <- ncol(t.list[[1]])
    t.array <- do.call("rbind", lapply(t.list, as.vector))
    ci <- apply(t.array, 2, function(x)(quantile(x, c(0.5 - cl/2, 0.5 + cl/2))))
    di <- dimnames(t.list[[1]])
    list(L=matrix(ci[1,],ncol=nst,dimnames=di), U=matrix(ci[2,],ncol=nst, dimnames=di))

expected.normci.msm <- function(x,
                                cl=0.95, B=1000) {
    if(is.null(risk)) risk <- observed.msm(x)$risk
    e.list <- normboot.msm(x, function(x){
        expected.msm(x, times, timezero, initstates, covariates, misccovariates, piecewise.times, piecewise.covariates, risk)
    }, B)
    e_tab_vec <- unlist(lapply(e.list, function(x)x$"Expected"))
    e.tab.array <- array(e_tab_vec, 
                         dim=c(length(times), x$qmodel$nstates+1, B))
    e_perc_vec <- unlist(lapply(e.list, function(x)x$"Expected percentages"))
    e.perc.array <- array(e_perc_vec, 
                          dim=c(length(times), x$qmodel$nstates, B))
    e.tab.ci <- apply(e.tab.array, c(1,2), function(x)(quantile(x, c(0.5 - cl/2, 0.5 + cl/2))))
    e.perc.ci <- apply(e.perc.array, c(1,2), function(x)(quantile(x, c(0.5 - cl/2, 0.5 + cl/2))))
    res <- list(aperm(e.tab.ci, c(2,3,1)),  aperm(e.perc.ci, c(2,3,1)))
    names(res) <- c("Expected", "Expected percentages")

phasemeans.normci.msm <- function(x, covariates="mean", cl=0.95, B=1000, ...) {
    p.list <- normboot.msm(x, function(x)phasemeans.msm(x=x, covariates=covariates, ci="none", ...), B)
    p.array <- array(unlist(p.list), dim=c(dim(p.list[[1]]), length(p.list)))
    p.ci <- apply(p.array, c(1,2), function(x)(quantile(x, c(0.5 - cl/2, 0.5 + cl/2))))
    aperm(p.ci, c(2,3,1))
chjackson/msm documentation built on Sept. 8, 2024, 12:24 a.m.