
Defines functions fnAggRadRast fnAggRadGdal equalNlStats hashNlStat hashNlStatBody deleteSavedNlStat existsSavedNlStat existsSavedNlStatHash existsSavedNlStatSig searchSavedNlStatName loadSavedNlStat nlSignatureStatName readSavedNlStats savedNlStatsIsLoaded listSavedNlStats getSavedNlStat saveNlStat getSavedNlStatFnamePath getSavedNlStatFname prettyNlSignature nlSignatureStat nlStatArgsStandardize nlStatSignature nlSignatureAddArg nlStatArgs nlStatParams validNlStats nlStat

Documented in deleteSavedNlStat equalNlStats existsSavedNlStat existsSavedNlStatHash existsSavedNlStatSig fnAggRadGdal fnAggRadRast getSavedNlStat getSavedNlStatFname getSavedNlStatFnamePath hashNlStat hashNlStatBody listSavedNlStats loadSavedNlStat nlSignatureAddArg nlSignatureStat nlSignatureStatName nlStatArgs nlStatArgsStandardize nlStatParams nlStatSignature prettyNlSignature readSavedNlStats savedNlStatsIsLoaded saveNlStat searchSavedNlStatName validNlStats

#' @export
nlStat <- function(funName, ...)
    stop("Function '", funName, "' not found")
  argz <- unlist(list(...))
  nlSt <- list(funName, argz)
  #a single list
  if (is.list(nlSt) &&
      length(nlSt) > 1 &&
      all(sapply(2:length(nlSt), function(i)
        ! is.list(nlSt[[i]]) &&
        (grepl("=", nlSt[i]) || length(names(nlSt[i])) > 0))))
    nlSt <- list(nlSt)
  validStats <- validNlStats(nlSt)
    stop("Invalid nlStat: ", nlSt)
  # if (!all(validStats))
  # {
  #   if (!useSavedStats) {
  #     stop(
  #       Sys.time(),
  #       ": nlStats not found: ",
  #       paste(as.character(nlStats[!validStats]), collapse = ", "),
  #       "\n Set useSavedStats to TRUE to search also in saved Stats"
  #     )
  #   } else {
  #     message(
  #       Sys.time(),
  #       ": ",
  #       paste(as.character(nlStats[!validStats]), collapse = ", "),
  #       " not found. Checking saved stats"
  #     )
  #     foundSavedStatSigs <-
  #       sapply(nlSt[!validStats], function(x)
  #         searchSavedNlStatName(x[[1]]))
  #     numFoundMatches <- sapply(foundSavedStatSigs, length)
  #     if (any(numFoundMatches == 0))
  #       stop(Sys.time(),
  #            ": Not found in saved stats: ",
  #            paste(nlSt[!validStats][numFoundMatches == 0], collapse = ", "))
  #   }
  # }

######################## validNlStats ###################################

#' Check if given statistics are valid
#' Check if given statistics are valid. A valid statistic is one which
#'    is a function available in the current environment and returns
#'    a valid value to match.fun
#' @param nlStats the statistics to check
#' @return named logical TRUE/FALSE
#' @examples
#' Rnightlights:::validNlStats(c("sum", "mean"))
#'  #returns TRUE TRUE
#' Rnightlights:::validNlStats("unknownFunction")
#'  #returns FALSE
validNlStats <- function(nlStats)
  if (missing(nlStats))
    message(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter nlStats")
  if ((!is.character(nlStats) &&
       !is.list(nlStats)) || length(nlStats) == 0)
    message(Sys.time(), ": Invalid nlStats")
  if (is.list(nlStats) &&
      length(nlStats) > 1 &&
      all(sapply(2:length(nlStats), function(i)
        ! is.list(nlStats[[i]]) &&
        (grepl("=", nlStats[i]) || length(names(nlStats[i])) > 0))))
    nlStats <- list(nlStats)
  matchedFuns <- sapply(nlStats, function(nlStat)
      if (is.list(nlStat) &&
          all(sapply(2:length(nlStat), function(i)
            grepl("=", nlStat[i]) || length(names(nlStat[i])) > 0)))
        matched <-
          is.character(nlStat[[1]]) && !is.null(match.fun(nlStat[[1]]))
        matched <-
          is.character(nlStat) && !is.null(match.fun(nlStat))
    }, error = function(err)
      #sep when a=b without a name may cause fn(=param=arg...)
      message(Sys.time(), ": ", paste0(
        "Invalid nlStat: ",
              sep = "=",
              collapse = ","
            ) ,
      matched <- FALSE

######################## nlStatParams ###################################

#' Get the parameters of an nlStat
#' Get the parameters of an nlStat
#' @param nlStatName the name of the nlStat to process
#' @return named character A vector of parameters
#' @examples
#' Rnightlights:::nlStatParams("sum")
#' #returns
#' #...   na.rm = FALSE
#' #"..."       "na.rm"
nlStatParams <- function(nlStatName)
  fmls <- names(formals(eval(parse(text = nlStatName))))
  #formals cannot inspect .Primitive functions
  #so try args
  if (is.null(fmls))
    fmls <- trimws(utils::capture.output(args(nlStatName)))
    #take out the last bracket which is the last char
    fmls <- unlist(strsplit(fmls, "function\\s*\\("))[2]
    fmls <- substr(fmls, 1, nchar(fmls) - 1)
    fmls <- trimws(unlist(strsplit(fmls, ",")))
    fmls <- unlist(strsplit(fmls, ","))
    #split by = to separate name from value
    fmls <-
      sapply(fmls, function(x)
        trimws(unlist(strsplit(x, "="))[1]))

######################## nlStatArgs ###################################

#' Get the arguments passed to an nlStat
#' Get the arguments passed to an nlStat when specifying it
#' @param nlStat the name of the nlStat to process
#' @return named character A vector of arguments passed to the nlStat
#' @examples
#' nlStat <- list("sum", "na.rm=TRUE")
#' Rnightlights:::nlStatArgs(nlStat = nlStat)
#' #returns "na.rm=TRUE"
nlStatArgs <- function(nlStat)
  #unmatched arg when only one left out e.g. rnorm(mean=0,sd=1,5)
  #unmatched args where ... can take multiple e.g. sum(1,2,3,4,5)
  if (length(nlStat) == 0)
  if (length(nlStat) == 1)
    if (!is.list(nlStat))
    nlStat <- nlStat[[1]]
    if (length(nlStat) == 1)
  #if args are passed as named lists e.g. list("sum", na.rm=TRUE) convert each named argument
  #to the string format "arg=value"
  if (!is.null(names(nlStat[2:length(nlStat)])))
    args <-
      paste(names(nlStat)[2:length(nlStat)], nlStat[2:length(nlStat)], sep = "=")
    #cater for empty names in args where you have a mix of named and explicit args
    #empty names result in args starting with "=" e.g. "=na.rm=TRUE"
    #removing "=" prefix
    args <- gsub("(^|,)=", "\\1", args)
    nlStat <- list(nlStat[[1]], args)
  #1st param is the function name, the rest are params
  params <- paste(unlist(nlStat[2:length(nlStat)]), collapse = ",")
  params1 <- unlist(strsplit(params, ","))
  #split by = to separate name from value
  params2 <-
    lapply(params1, function(x)
      trimws(unlist(strsplit(x, "="))))
  #length 1 is unnamed param
  paramLengths <- sapply(params2, length)
  paramNames <-
    sapply(params2, function(x)
      if(length(x) == 1)
  paramValues <-
    sapply(params2, function(x)
      if(length(x) == 1)
  fmls <- nlStatParams(nlStat[[1]])
  unnamedParams <- paramValues[which(paramLengths == 1)]
  #unnamedParamsPos <- sapply(unnamedParams, function(x) which(params1 == params2[x]))
  unnamedParams <-
    stats::setNames(unnamedParams, fmls[which(paramNames == "")])
  namedParams <- which(paramLengths == 2)
  namedParams <-
    stats::setNames(paramValues[namedParams], paramNames[namedParams])
  #match the first part (param) with the formal args
  #number is position, NA is not direct match so possibly ... but
  #if no ... found then keep in position
  matchFmls <- fmls[match(paramNames, fmls)]
  matchedNamedParams <-
    stats::setNames(paramValues[which(!is.na(matchFmls))], paramNames[which(!is.na(matchFmls))])
  unMatchedNamedParams <-
    sapply(params2[paramNames != "" &
                     !(paramNames %in% names(matchedNamedParams))], paste, collapse = "=")
  if (length(unMatchedNamedParams) > 0)
    if ("..." %in% fmls)
      unMatchedNamedParams <-
        stats::setNames(unMatchedNamedParams, rep("...", length(unMatchedNamedParams)))
    } else
      unMatchedNamedParams <-
              sep = "=",
              collapse = ",")
  #aim is to get a unique, consistent list of params that we can use
  #to match even if parameters are in a different order
  allParams <-
      if (length(unnamedParams) > 0)
      if (length(matchedNamedParams) > 0)
      if (length(unMatchedNamedParams) > 0)
  dups <- duplicated(allParams)
  allParams <- allParams[!dups]
  #get order of args according to formal params
  paramIdxs <-
    unlist(sapply(fmls, function(x)
      which(names(allParams) == x), USE.NAMES = F, simplify = T))
  #put the supplied args in order
  if (length(paramIdxs) > 0)
    allParams <- allParams[paramIdxs]
    allParams <-
            sep = "=",
            collapse = ",")
  #uniqueParams <- paste(uniqueParams, unMatchedNamedParams, collapse = ",", sep = "")

######################## nlSignatureAddArg ###################################

#' Add an argument to an nlSignature
#' Add an argument to an nlSignature
#' @param nlStatSigs character A vector of nlStat signatures to which to add
#'     the argument
#' @param addArg character The argument to add to the signatures
#' @return named character A vector of modified nlStat signatures
#' @examples
#' nlStat <- list("sum")
#' nlSig <- Rnightlights:::nlStatSignature(nlStat)
#' Rnightlights:::nlSignatureAddArg(nlStatSigs = nlSig, addArg = "na.rm = TRUE")
#' #returns
#' #            sum()
#' # "sum(na.rm=TRUE)"
nlSignatureAddArg <- function(nlStatSigs, addArg)
  addArg <- nlStatArgsStandardize(addArg)
  sapply(nlStatSigs, function(nlStatSig)
    #convert the signature into an nlStat list
    nlStat <- nlSignatureStat(nlStatSignature = nlStatSig)
    if (length(nlStat) == 1 && length(unlist(nlStat)) == 1)
      nlStat <- list(nlStat[[1]], addArg)
    else if (length(nlStat) == 1 && length(unlist(nlStat) == 2))
      nlStat <-
        list(list(nlStat[[1]][[1]], paste(
          nlStat[[1]][2], addArg, collapse = "", sep = ","
    else if (length(nlStat) == 2)
      nlStat <-
        list(list(nlStat[[1]], paste(
          nlStat[[2]], addArg, collapse = "", sep = ","
    #convert back to a signature. this should also remove duplicate args
    newNlStatSig <- nlStatSignature(nlStat)
    if (any(grepl("xUnMatchedx", nlStat)))
              ": Incompatible argument detected: ",

######################## nlStatSignature ###################################

#' Get the signature of an nlStat
#' Get the signature of an nlStat i.e. the nlStat function with all arguments
#'     passed in by the user. Used to uniquely identify an nlStat function call
#'     i.e. the same function called with different arguments results in a
#'     different signature
#' @param nlStat character The name of an nlStat
#' @return named character The signature of the nlStat
#' @examples
#' nlStat <- list("sum")
#' nlSig <- Rnightlights:::nlStatSignature(nlStat)
#' #returns "sum()"
#' nlStat <- list("sum", "na.rm=TRUE")
#' nlSig <- Rnightlights:::nlStatSignature(nlStat)
#' #returns "sum(na.rm=TRUE)"
nlStatSignature <- function(nlStat)
  statArgs <- nlStatArgs(nlStat)
  statArgs <- nlStatArgsStandardize(statArgs)
  paste0(nlStat[[1]][[1]], "(", statArgs, ")")

######################## nlStatArgsStandardize ###################################

#' Standardize the arguments of an nlStat
#' Standardize the arguments of an nlStat to ensure signatures can be
#'     compared. Currently this entails converting
#'     logical `T` to TRUE and `F` to FALSE
#' @param nlStatArg character The argument of an nlStat
#' @return named character The signature of the nlStat
#' @examples
#' Rnightlights:::nlStatArgsStandardize("na.rm=T")
#' #returns "na.rm=TRUE"
nlStatArgsStandardize <- function(nlStatArg)
  #standardize TRUE/FALSE
  #replace any standalone T ie not single or double quoted, not preceded or followed by any
  #alnum; may have space before and/or after; may be at the beginning or end of string
  nlStatArg <-
  nlStatArg <-

######################## nlSignatureStat ###################################

#' Convert a signature into an nlStat
#' Convert a signature into an nlStat
#' @param nlStatSignature character The signature of an nlStat
#' @return named character An nlStat
#' @examples
#' nlSignature <- "sum(na.rm=T)"
#' Rnightlights:::nlSignatureStat(nlStatSignature = nlSignature)
#' #returns an nlStat list
#' #[[1]]
#' #[[1]][[1]]
#' #[1] "sum"
#' #
#' #[[1]][[2]]
#' #[1] "na.rm=TRUE"
#' #
#' #list structure
#' #List of 1
#' #$ :List of 2
#' #..$ : chr "sum"
#' #..$ : chr "na.rm=TRUE"
nlSignatureStat <- function(nlStatSignature)
  #the stat name is the first part before first bracket
  nlStatName <- gsub("(^.*)\\(.*", "\\1", nlStatSignature)
  #params are the rest of the signature
  params <- gsub(nlStatName, "", nlStatSignature)
  #remove the brackets
  nlStatArgs <- substr(x = params, 2, nchar(params) - 1)
  #if there are args
  if (nlStatArgs != "")
    #remove ...= which is not a legit arg
    statArgs <- gsub("...=", "", nlStatArgs, fixed = T)
    #standardize TRUE/FALSE
    statArgs <- nlStatArgsStandardize(statArgs)
    list(list(nlStatName, statArgs))
  } else
    #if no args just return the func name as a list

######################## prettyNlSignature ###################################

#' Remove triple-dots (...) from names of arguments in a signature
#' Remove triple-dots (...) from names of arguments in a signature
#' @param nlStatSig character The signature of an nlStat
#' @return named character An nlStat signature without the triple-dots
#' @examples
#' nlStat <- list("sum", "x=10", "na.rm=T")
#' nlStatSig <- Rnightlights:::nlStatSignature(nlStat) #"sum(...=x=10,na.rm=TRUE)"
#' Rnightlights:::prettyNlSignature(nlStatSig = nlStatSig)
#' #returns "sum(x=10,na.rm=TRUE)"
prettyNlSignature <- function(nlStatSig)
    pattern = "...=",
    replacement = "",
    fixed = T

######################## getSavedNlStatFname ###################################

#' The name of the file in which the saved nlStats are stored
#' The name of the file in which the saved nlStats are stored
#' @return character The name of the saved nlStats file
getSavedNlStatFname <- function()

######################## getSavedNlStatFname ###################################

#' The path tos the file in which the saved nlStats are stored
#' The path to the file in which the saved nlStats are stored
#' @return character The path to the saved nlStats file
getSavedNlStatFnamePath <- function()
  file.path(getNlDir("dirNlData"), getSavedNlStatFname())

######################## saveNlStat ###################################

#' Save an nlStat function
#' Save an nlStat function to the persistent storage so that it can be
#'     retrieved and reused later even if the user no longer has its
#'     definition. Especially useful when saving the results from an
#'     nlStat so that the function used to retrieve the data is always
#'     available.
#' @param nlStat character An nlStat
#' @return logical Whether the process was successful
#' @examples
#' nlStat <- list("sum", "na.rm=TRUE")
#' saveNlStat(nlStat)
#' @export
saveNlStat <- function(nlStat)
  funcName <- nlStat[[1]]
  nlStatSig <- nlStatSignature(nlStat = nlStat)
  nlStatArgs <- nlStatArgs(nlStat = nlStat)
  nlStatBody <- eval(parse(text = funcName))
  nlStatHash <- hashNlStat(nlStatName = funcName)
  if (!validNlStats(funcName))
    message(Sys.time(), ": Cannot find a function named ", funcName)
  if (existsSavedNlStat(nlStatSig = nlStatSig, nlStatHash = nlStatHash))
    message(Sys.time(), ": ", nlStatSig, " already saved")
  nlStatEntry <-
        "nlStatBody" = nlStatBody,
        "nlStatArgs" = nlStatArgs,
        "nlStatHash" = nlStatHash
  #add fun to the package env
  .RnightlightsEnv$savedNlStats <-
    append(x = .RnightlightsEnv$savedNlStats, values = nlStatEntry)
  #and save to rda
  save("savedNlStats", envir = .RnightlightsEnv, file = getSavedNlStatFnamePath())

######################## getSavedNlStat ###################################

#' Retrieve a saved nlStat function
#' Retrieve a saved nlStat function
#' @param nlStatSignature character The signature of the nlStat to retrieve which
#'     is used as the key of the saved nlStats
#' @return list A list representing the saved nlStat
#' @examples
#' Rnightlights:::getSavedNlStat("sum()")
getSavedNlStat <- function(nlStatSignature)

######################## listSavedNlStats ###################################

#' List saved nlStats
#' List saved nlStats
#' @param nlStatNames character The signatures of the nlStats to retrieve
#' @param detail logical Whether to print out the whole saved nlStat including
#'     the signature, body, arguments and hash
#' @return list A list of lists representing the saved nlStats
#' @examples
#' listSavedNlStats("sum()")
#' #returns
#' #"sum()"
#' listSavedNlStats("sum()", detail = TRUE)
#' #returns
#' #$`sum()`
#' #$`sum()`$nlStatBody
#' #function (..., na.rm = FALSE)  .Primitive("sum")
#' #
#' #$`sum()`$nlStatArgs
#' #[1] ""
#' #
#' #$`sum()`$nlStatHash
#' #[1] "f0fbe35d81578311ba8f362137832e779b7b4f39"
#' @export
listSavedNlStats <- function(nlStatNames = NULL,
                             detail = FALSE)
  if (is.null(.RnightlightsEnv$savedNlStats))
  savedNlStats <- names(.RnightlightsEnv$savedNlStats)
  if (!is.null(nlStatNames))
    savedNlStats <- nlStatNames[nlStatNames %in% savedNlStats]
  if (length(savedNlStats) > 0 && detail)
    savedNlStats <-
    sapply(savedNlStats, function(x)
      getSavedNlStat(x), USE.NAMES = F)

######################## savedNlStatsIsLoaded ###################################

#' Check if saved nlStats have been loaded into memory from disk
#' Check if saved nlStats have been loaded into memory from disk
#' @return logical If the saved nlStats have been loaded
#' @examples
#' Rnightlights:::savedNlStatsIsLoaded()
#' #returns TRUE/FALSE
savedNlStatsIsLoaded <- function()
  exists(x = "savedNlStats", envir = .RnightlightsEnv)

######################## readSavedNlStats ###################################

#' Read saved nlStats from disk to memory
#' Read saved nlStats from disk to memory and save them into the Rnightlights
#'     environment
#' @return none
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   readSavedNlStats()
#' }
readSavedNlStats <- function()
  nlStatPath <- getSavedNlStatFnamePath()
  savedStatList <- NULL
  #if the file is found
  if (file.exists(nlStatPath))
    #read in all saved fns into the package env
    savedStatList <-
      load(file = nlStatPath, envir = .RnightlightsEnv)

######################## nlSignatureStatName ###################################

#' get the name of the nlStat from the signature
#' get the name of the nlStat from the signature i.e. the part before the
#'     first bracket
#' @param statSig character The nlStat signature
#' @return character the name of the nlStat
#' @examples
#' nlSignatureStatName("sum()")
#' #returns "sum"
#' @export
nlSignatureStatName <- function(statSig)
  #get the name of the function i.e. part before the first bracket
  gsub("(^.*)\\(.*", "\\1", statSig)

######################## loadSavedNlStat ###################################

#' Load the saved nlStat into an accessible environment
#' Load the saved nlStat into an accessible environment e.g. the global
#'     environment. This is especially required if the function is saved
#'     but not present in the Global environment or an environment where
#'     the package functions can access it
#' @param statSig character The nlStat signature
#' @param newStatName character The name to give the nlStat in the environment
#'     in case one does not want to use the name it is saved with
#' @param envir character The environment in which to append the nlStat
#' @param overwrite logical Whether to overwrite a function with the same name
#'     if it is present
#' @return logical Whether the process was successful
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   loadSavedNlStat(statSig = "sum()", newStatName = "mySum", overwrite = TRUE)
#' }
#' #returns "sum"
#' @export
loadSavedNlStat <-
           newStatName = NULL,
           envir = .GlobalEnv,
           overwrite = FALSE)
    if (savedNlStatsIsLoaded() &&
    if (is.null(newStatName))
      newStatName <- nlSignatureStatName(statSig)
    statSigs <- names(.RnightlightsEnv$savedNlStats)
    matchIdxs <- grep(statSig, statSigs, fixed = T)
    if (length(matchIdxs)  == 0)
      message(Sys.time(), ": ", newStatName, " not found in saved stats")
    if (exists(newStatName, envir = envir) && !overwrite)
        ": ",
        " exists in the global environment. Please set newStatName or set overwrite to TRUE"
    savedStat <- getSavedNlStat(nlStatSignature = statSigs[matchIdxs])
    assign(x = newStatName,
           value = savedStat[[1]]$nlStatBody,
           envir = .GlobalEnv)

######################## searchSavedNlStatName ###################################

#' Check if an nlStat has been saved using the nlStatName
#' Check if an nlStat has been saved using the nlStatName
#' @param nlStatName character The name of the nlStat to search for
#' @return character The signatures of nlStat that match or NULL if not found
#' @examples
#' nlSignatureStatName("sum()")
#' #returns "sum"
#' @export
searchSavedNlStatName <- function(nlStatName)
  if (savedNlStatsIsLoaded() &&
  statSigs <- names(.RnightlightsEnv$savedNlStats)
  statNames <- gsub("(^.*)\\(.*", "\\1", statSigs)
  matchIdxs <- grep(paste0("^", nlStatName, "$"), statNames)
  if (length(matchIdxs)  == 0)

######################## existsSavedNlStatSig ###################################

#' Check whether an nlStat exists in the saved nlStats
#' Check whether an nlStat exists in the saved nlStats given the signature
#' @param nlStatSig character The name of the nlStat to check
#' @return logical Whether the nlStat was found in the saved nlStats
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   existsSavedNlStatSig(nlStatSig = "sum()")
#'   #returns TRUE/FALSE
#' }
existsSavedNlStatSig <- function(nlStatSig)
  if (savedNlStatsIsLoaded() &&
  existsStatSig <-
    any(grepl(nlStatSig, names(.RnightlightsEnv$savedNlStats), fixed = T))

######################## existsSavedNlStatHash ###################################

#' Check whether an nlStat exists in the saved nlStats given the nlStatHash
#' Check whether an nlStat exists in the saved nlStats given the nlStatHash
#' @param nlStatHash character The hash of the nlStat to check
#' @return logical Whether the nlStatHash was found in the saved nlStats
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   existsSavedNlStatHash(nlStatHash = "f0fbe35d81578311ba8f362137832e779b7b4f39")
#'   #returns TRUE/FALSE
#' }
existsSavedNlStatHash <- function(nlStatHash)
  if (savedNlStatsIsLoaded() &&
  existsStatHash <-
    any(sapply(.RnightlightsEnv$savedNlStats, function(x)
      x == nlStatHash))

######################## existsSavedNlStat ###################################

#' Check whether an nlStat exists in the saved nlStats
#' Check whether an nlStat exists in the saved nlStats given the nlStat
#'     signature and the nlStatHash to ensure a unique hit
#' @param nlStatSig character The signature of the nlStat to check
#' @param nlStatHash character The hash of the nlStat to check
#' @return logical Whether the nlStat was found in the saved nlStats
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   existsSavedNlStat(nlStatName = "sum()", nlStatHash = "f0fbe35d81578311ba8f362137832e779b7b4f39")
#'   #returns TRUE/FALSE
#' }
#' @export
existsSavedNlStat <- function(nlStatSig, nlStatHash)
  if (savedNlStatsIsLoaded() &&
  existsStatSig <- existsSavedNlStatSig(nlStatSig = nlStatSig)
  existsStatHash <- existsSavedNlStatHash(nlStatHash = nlStatHash)
  return(existsStatSig && existsStatHash)

######################## deleteSavedNlStat ###################################

#' Delete a previously saved nlStat
#' Delete a previously saved nlStat
#' @param nlStat The nlStat to delete
#' @return an nlPeriod vector
#' @examples
#' deleteSavedNlStat(nlStat)
#' #returns "201204"
#' @export
deleteSavedNlStat <- function(nlStat)
  nlStatName <- nlSignatureStatName(nlStat)
  nlStatArgs <- nlStatArgs(nlStat)
  nlStatHash <- hashNlStat(nlStatName)
  nlStatSig <- nlStatSignature(nlStat = nlStat)
  if (!existsSavedNlStat(nlStatSig = nlStatSig, nlStatHash = hashNlStat(nlStatName)))
  .RnightlightsEnv$savedNlStats[names(.RnightlightsEnv$savedNlStats) == nlStatSig] <-
  #save the new state of savedNlStats
  save("savedNlStats", envir = .RnightlightsEnv, file = getSavedNlStatFnamePath())

######################## hashNlStatBody ###################################

#' Return the hash of an nlStat function body
#' Return the hash of an nlStat function body with whitespace removed. This
#'     is to help uniquely identify a function
#' @param nlStatBody The function body of the nlStat
#' @return a character vector
#' @examples
#' Rnightlights:::hashNlStatBody(nlStatBody = 'function (..., na.rm = FALSE)  .Primitive("sum")')
#' #returns "f0fbe35d81578311ba8f362137832e779b7b4f39"
#' @export
hashNlStatBody <- function(nlStatBody)
  #remove <bytecode: ...> which will change per session
  nlStatBody <- gsub("<bytecode: .*>", "", nlStatBody)
  #remove whitespace and hash
  digest::sha1(digest::sha1(gsub("\\s*", "", nlStatBody)))

######################## hashNlStat ###################################

#' Return the hash of an nlStat function
#' Retrieve the body of an nlStat function and return the hash of an nlStat
#'     function.
#' @param nlStatName The name of the nlStat function
#' @return a character vector
#' @examples
#' Rnightlights:::hashNlStat(nlStatName = "sum")
#' #returns "f0fbe35d81578311ba8f362137832e779b7b4f39"
#' @export
hashNlStat <- function(nlStatName)
  nlStatBody <-
    utils::capture.output(eval(expr = parse(text = nlStatName)))
  nlStatBody <- paste(nlStatBody, collapse = "", sep = "")
  hashNlStatBody(nlStatBody = nlStatBody)

######################## equalNlStats ###################################

#' Check if two nlStats are equal
#' Check if two nlStats are equal
#' @param nlStatName1 The name of the first nlStat function to compare
#' @param nlStatName2 The name of the second nlStat function to compare
#' @return logical if the two nStats are equal
#' @examples
#' fn1 <- function(x) sum(x)
#' fn2 <- function(x) sum(x, na.rm=T)
#' Rnightlights:::equalNlStats("fn1", "fn2")
#' #returns FALSE
equalNlStats <- function(nlStatName1, nlStatName2)
  if (!allValid(list(nlStatName1, nlStatName2), validNlStats))
    message(Sys.time(), ": ", nlStatName1, " not found")
  identical(x = hashNlStat(nlStatName = nlStatName1),
            y = hashNlStat(nlStatName = nlStatName2))

######################## myZonal ###################################

#' Calculate zonal statistics. Used internally
#' Calculate zonal statistics. Used internally by zonalpipe. Modified from
#'     \url{http://www.guru-gis.net/efficient-zonal-statistics-using-r-and-gdal/}
#' @param rast the country raster
#' @param nlType the nlType of interest
#' @param configName character the config shortname of raster being processed
#' @param extension character the extension of raster being processed
#' @param zone the zonal country polygon layer
#' @param nlStats a character list of statistics to calculate
#' @param digits round off to how many decimals
#' @param retVal Whether to return the raster data as a vector, or
#'     data.frame with spatial context NULL returns a vector of all
#'     values, colrowval returns a data.frame with row, col and raster
#'     value while lonlatval returns a data.frame with lon,lat and val.
#' @param na.rm how to handle NAs
#' @param ... Other params to pass to the nlStats functions e.g. na.rm
#' @return numeric value result of the given nlStat function
#' @import data.table
#' @importFrom ff vmode .rambytes
myZonal <-
  function (rast,
            digits = 0,
            retVal = NULL,
            na.rm = TRUE,
    options(fftempdir = getNlDir("dirNlTemp"), fffinalizer = "delete")
    options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    #retVal <- "colrowval"
    vals <- NULL
    zones <- NULL
    #create the text for the functions
    fun <- sapply(nlStats,
                    #remove preceding = from "(=" or ",="
                    if (length(nlStat) > 1)
                      nlStatParams <-
                        gsub("(\\(\\s*)=|(,\\s*)=", "\\1\\2", paste0(", ", paste(
                          sep = "=",
                          collapse = ","
                      nlStatParams <- NULL
                    nlStat <- nlStat[[1]]
                    #paste0(nlStat,"=", nlStat, "(x, na.rm = TRUE)")
                    nlStatArgs <- formals(nlStat)
                    retVal <-
                      if (all(sapply(c("col", "row"), "%in%", names(nlStatArgs))))
                    else if (all(sapply(c("lon", "lat"), "%in%", names(nlStatArgs))))
                    fnTxt <- if (is.null(retVal))
                      paste0(nlStat, "(vals", nlStatParams, ")")
                    else if (retVal == "colrowval")
                      paste0(nlStat, "(col=cols, row=rows, val=vals", nlStatParams, ")")
                    else if (retVal == "lonlatval")
                      paste0(nlStat, "(lon=lons, lat=lats, val=vals", nlStatParams, ")")
    funNames <- gsub("\\(.*\\)", "", fun)
    #create the aggregation function
    #funs <- paste0("dta[, as.list(unlist(lapply(.SD, function(dta) list(", paste(fun, collapse=","), ")))), by=zones]")
    funs <-
        "dta[, as.list(unlist(stats::setNames(lapply(fun, function(fn) eval(parse(text=fn))), funNames))), by=zones]"
    retVal <- sapply(nlStats, function(nlStat) {
      nlStat <- nlStat[[1]]
      nlStatArgs <- formals(nlStat)
      retVal <-
        if (all(sapply(c("col", "row"), "%in%", names(nlStatArgs))))
      else if (all(sapply(c("lon", "lat"), "%in%", names(nlStatArgs))))
    message(Sys.time(), ": Reading in raster data")
    #the number of columns in the raster/zone file which are identical in size
    nc <- base::ncol(rast)
    #get the block size recommendation
    tr <- raster::blockSize(rast)
    #init the progress bar
    pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0,
                                max = tr$n,
                                style = 3)
    rowVals <- colVals <- lonVals <- latVals <- NULL
    #for each block
    for (i in 1:tr$n)
      start <- ((tr$row[i] - 1) * nc) + 1
      end <- start + (tr$nrows[i] * nc) - 1
      rastVals <-
        raster::getValuesBlock(rast, row = tr$row[i], nrows = tr$nrows[i])
      zoneVals <-
        raster::getValuesBlock(zone, row = tr$row[i], nrows = tr$nrows[i])
      if (!is.null(retVal))
        lonlatVals <-
            object = rast, cell = start:end
          )), c("lons", "lats"))
        colrowVals <-
            object = rast, cell = start:end
          c("rows", "cols"))
        colrowVals <- colrowVals[, c(2, 1)]
      #modifications e.g. NA removal must be done now
      #as we cannot modify
      if (grepl(x = nlType, pattern = "OLS"))
        # source: https://ngdc.noaa.gov/eog/gcv4_readme.txt
        # Three image types are
        # available as geotiffs for download from the version 4 composites:
        #   F1?YYYY_v4b_cf_cvg.tif: Cloud-free coverages tally the total
        # number of observations that went into each 30 arc second grid cell. This
        # image can be used to identify areas with low numbers of observations
        # where the quality is reduced. In some years there are areas with zero
        # cloud- free observations in certain locations.
        # F1?YYYY_v4b_avg_vis.tif: Raw avg_vis contains the average of the
        # visible band digital number values with no further filtering. Data
        # values range from 0-63. Areas with zero cloud-free observations are
        # represented by the value 255.
        # F1?YYYY_v4b_stable_lights.avg_vis.tif: The cleaned up avg_vis
        # contains the lights from cities, towns, and other sites with persistent
        # lighting, including gas flares. Ephemeral events, such as fires have
        # been discarded. Then the background noise was identified and replaced
        # with values of zero. Data values range from 1-63. Areas with zero
        # cloud-free observations are represented by the value 255.
        if (grepl(x = nlType, pattern = "OLS.Y") && configName %in% c("raw", "avg_vis", "stable_lights"))
          #not for cf_cvg
          #in DMSP-OLS 255 == NA
          rastVals[which(rastVals == 255)] <- NA
        #negative values are errors replace with NA
        rastVals[rastVals < 0] <- NA
      } else if (grepl(x = nlType, pattern = "VIIRS"))
        #convert negative values to NA
        rastVals[rastVals < 0] <- NA
      #get all pixels in zone 0 which should be
      #the pixels outside the polygon
      idxZone0 <- which(zoneVals == 0)
      #remove zone 0 since in large rasters it can be pretty
      #large and may not fit in memory thus causing calculations to fail
      zoneVals <- zoneVals[-idxZone0]
      rastVals <- rastVals[-idxZone0]
      if (!is.null(retVal))
        colrowVals <- colrowVals[-idxZone0, ]
        lonlatVals <- lonlatVals[-idxZone0, ]
      #for first block init the ff to the given filename
      if (i == 1)
        vals <-
          ff::ff(initdata = rastVals,
                 finalizer = "delete",
                 overwrite = T)
        zones <-
          ff::ff(initdata = zoneVals,
                 finalizer = "delete",
                 overwrite = T)
        if (!is.null(retVal))
          cols <-
              initdata = colrowVals$cols,
              finalizer = "delete",
              overwrite = T
          rows <-
              initdata = colrowVals$rows,
              finalizer = "delete",
              overwrite = T
          lons <-
              initdata = lonlatVals$lons,
              finalizer = "delete",
              overwrite = T
          lats <-
              initdata = lonlatVals$lats,
              finalizer = "delete",
              overwrite = T
        #otherwise append
        vals <- ffbase::ffappend(vals, rastVals, adjustvmode = T)
        zones <- ffbase::ffappend(zones, zoneVals, adjustvmode = T)
        if (!is.null(retVal))
          cols <- ffbase::ffappend(cols, colrowVals$cols, adjustvmode = T)
          rows <-
            ffbase::ffappend(rows, colrowVals$rows, adjustvmode = T)
          lons <-
            ffbase::ffappend(lons, lonlatVals$lons, adjustvmode = T)
          lats <-
            ffbase::ffappend(lats, lonlatVals$lats, adjustvmode = T)
      #upddate progress bar
      utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
    #merge the zone and raster ffvectors into an ffdf
    if (!is.null(retVal))
      rDT <- ff::ffdf(zones, cols, rows, lons, lats, vals)
      rDT <- ff::ffdf(zones, vals)
    message(Sys.time(), ": Calculating nlStats ")
    #calculate the nlStats on the ffdf
    #hard coded the batchbytes which is the size of the
    #data to load into memory. Currently set at 1% of an 8GB memory
    #about 80MB. Has to be set for non-Windows systems. Need a better
    #way to figure this out
    result <- ffbase::ffdfdply(
      x = rDT,
      split = as.character(zones),
      trace = TRUE,
      BATCHBYTES = getBatchBytes(),
      FUN = function(dta) {
        ## This happens in RAM - containing **several** split
        #elements so here we can use data.table which works
        #fine for in RAM computing
        dta <- data.table::as.data.table(dta)
        #calc aggregations
        result <- eval(parse(text = funs))
    result <- data.table::as.data.table(result)
    #count cols with nlStat in them
    nlStatColCounts <-
      sapply(funNames, function(funName)
          paste0("^", funName, "\\.*"), names(result)
    #collapse multi-value cols into one
    for (funName in funNames)
      if (nlStatColCounts[[funName]] > 1)
                ": ",
                " => Multi-column result detected. Merging")
        #if more than one col detected, get their names
        nlStatCols <- grep(funName, names(result), value = T)
        #merge them row-wise into one character vector separated by comma
        result[[funName]] <-
          apply(result[, nlStatCols, with = F], 1, function(x)
            paste(x, collapse = ","))
        #remove the separate cols
        result[, c(nlStatCols) := NULL]
      } else
        nlStatCols <- grep(funName, names(result), value = T)
        names(result)[which(names(result) == nlStatCols)] <- funName
    resultDF <- as.data.frame(result[, c("zones", funNames), with = F])
    ff::delete(rDT, result)
    rm(rDT, result)

######################## ZonalPipe ###################################

#' Create a zonal file if it does not exist and calculate the zonal stats
#' Create a zonal file if it does not exist and calculate the zonal stats by calling the
#'     myZonal function. Modified from
#'     \url{http://www.guru-gis.net/efficient-zonal-statistics-using-r-and-gdal/}
#' @param ctryCode the ctryCode of interest
#' @param admLevel The country admin level of interest
#' @param ctryPoly the SpatialPolygonsDataFrame country polygon to process
#' @param nlType character The nlType of interest
#' @param configName character the configName of raster being processed
#' @param extension character the extension of raster being processed
#' @param path.in.shp The path to the country shapefile
#' @param path.in.r The path to the raster tile
#' @param path.out.r The path where to save the output zonal raster
#' @param path.out.shp The path to save the output zonal shapefile (Ignored)
#' @param zone.attribute The zonal attribute to calculate
#' @param nlStats The stats to calculate
#' @param gadmVersion The GADM version to use
#' @param gadmPolyType The format of polygons to download from GADM
#' @param custPolyPath Alternative to GADM. A path to a custom shapefile zip
#' @return TRUE/FALSE
ZonalPipe <- function (ctryCode,
                       gadmVersion = pkgOptions("gadmVersion"),
                       gadmPolyType = pkgOptions("gadmPolyType"),
                       custPolyPath = NULL)
  #Source: http://www.guru-gis.net/efficient-zonal-statistics-using-r-and-gdal/
  #path.in.shp: Shapefile with zone (INPUT)
  #path.in.r: Raster from which the stats have to be computed (INPUT)
  #path.out.r: Path of path.in.shp converted in raster (intermediate OUTPUT)
  #path.out.shp: Path of path.in.shp with stat value (OUTPUT)
  #zone.attribute: Attribute name of path.in.shp corresponding to the zones (ID, Country...)
  #nlStat: function to summary path.in.r values ("mean", "sum"...)
  if (missing(ctryCode))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter ctryCode")
  if (missing(ctryCode))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter ctryCode")
  if (missing(path.in.shp))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter path.in.shp")
  if (missing(path.in.r))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter path.in.r")
  if (missing(path.out.r))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter path.out.r")
  if (missing(zone.attribute))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter zone.attribute")
  if (missing(nlStats))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter nlStats")
  if (!validCtryCodes(ctryCode))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid ctryCode: ", ctryCode)
  if (!allValid(nlStats, validNlStats))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid stat(s) detected")
  # 1/ Rasterize using GDAL
  # Find a better multi-platform way to check for gdal.
  # suppressWarnings(
  #   if(system("which gdal_rasterize", intern = T) != 0)
  #     stop(Sys.time(), ": gdal_rasterize not found. Please check that GDAL is installed")
  # )
  #Initiate parameter
  r <- raster::raster(path.in.r)
  if (!file.exists(path.out.r))
            ": Zonal file ",
            " doesn't exist. Creating ... ")
    #get the extent and change to minx, miny, maxx, maxy order for use
    #in gdal_rasterize. Explanation below
    ext <- raster::extent(r)
    ext <- paste(ext[1], ext[3], ext[2], ext[4])
    #get the resolution of the raster. will be used in gdal_rasterize
    #for target resolution which should be the same as the source resolution.
    #Specifying makes it run faster (?)
    res <- paste(raster::res(r)[1], raster::res(r)[2])
    lyrName <- admLevel #getCtryShpLowestLyrNames(ctryCode)
    tempRast <-
      file.path(getNlDir("dirNlTemp"), paste0(basename(tempfile()), ".tif"))
    #ctryPolyAdm0TmpDir <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(tempRast)
    #rgdal::writeOGR(obj = as(ctryPoly,"SpatialPolygonsDataFrame"), dsn = ctryPolyAdm0TmpDir, driver = "ESRI Shapefile", layer = lyrName)
    message(Sys.time(), ": Creating zonal raster")
    command <- 'gdal_rasterize'
    #Speed-up with more cache (avice: max 1/3 of your total RAM)
    command <-
      paste(command, paste0("--config GDAL_CACHEMAX ", pkgOptions("gdalCacheMax")))
    command <- paste(command, "-l", lyrName)
    #Identifies an attribute field on the features to be used for a burn
    #in value. The value will be burned into all output bands.
    command <- paste(command, "-a", zone.attribute)
    #(GDAL >= 1.8.0) set georeferenced extents. The values must be expressed
    #in georeferenced units. If not specified, the extent of the output file
    #will be the extent of the vector layers.
    command <- paste(command, "-te", as.character(ext))
    #(GDAL >= 1.8.0) set target resolution. The values must be expressed in
    #georeferenced units. Both must be positive values.
    command <- paste(command, "-tr", res)
    command <- paste(command, path.in.shp)
    command <- paste(command, tempRast)
    message(Sys.time(), ": Compressing zonal raster")
    gdalUtils::gdal_translate(co = "compress=LZW",
                              src_dataset = tempRast,
                              dst_dataset = path.out.r)
    #unlink(ctryPolyAdm0TmpDir, recursive = T, force = T)
  if (file.exists(path.out.r))
    message(Sys.time(), ": Zonal file ", path.out.r, " found")
    stop(path.out.r, " not found. Zonal creation failed.")
  # 2/ Zonal Stat using myZonal function
  zone <- raster::raster(path.out.r)
  message(Sys.time(), ": Calculating zonal stats ...")
  Zstat <-
        rast = r,
        nlType = nlType,
        configName = configName,
        extension = extension,
        zone = zone,
        nlStats = nlStats
  message(Sys.time(), ": Calculating zonal stats ... DONE")
  colnames(Zstat)[2:length(Zstat)] <-
      X = nlStats,
      FUN = function(x)
  # 3/ Merge data in the shapefile and write it #Not required at this point
  #shp<-rgdal::readOGR(path.in.shp, sub("^([^.]*).*", "\\1", basename(path.in.shp)))
  #shp@data <- data.frame(shp@data, Zstat[match(shp@data[,zone.attribute], Zstat[, "z"]),])
  #rgdal::writeOGR(shp, path.out.shp, layer= sub("^([^.]*).*", "\\1", basename(path.in.shp)), driver="ESRI Shapefile")

######################## fnAggRadGdal ###################################

#' Calculate zonal statistics using GDAL
#' Calculate zonal statistics using GDAL. Alternative to fnAggRadRast and
#'     faster. Modified from
#'     \url{http://www.guru-gis.net/efficient-zonal-statistics-using-r-and-gdal/}
#' @param ctryCode character string the ISO3 country code to be processed
#' @param admLevel character string The admin level to process. Should match
#'     the \code{ctryPoly} given but no checks are made currently.
#' @param ctryPoly Polygon the loaded country polygon layer
#' @param nlType the nlType of interest
#' @param configName character the config short name of raster being processed
#' @param extension character the extension of raster being processed
#' @param multiTileStrategy character How to handle multiple tiles per nlPeriod
#' @param multiTileMergeFun character The function to use to merge tiles
#' @param removeGasFlaresMethod logical Whether to perform gas flare removal pre-processing
#' @param nlPeriod character string the nlPeriod to be processed
#' @param nlStats character vector The stats to calculate
#' @param gadmVersion The GADM version to use
#' @param gadmPolyType The format of polygons to download from GADM
#' @param custPolyPath Alternative to GADM. A path to a custom shapefile zip
#' @return data.frame of polygon attributes and the calculated stats, one column per stat
#' @examples
#' #read the Kenya polygon downloaded from GADM and load the lowest admin level (ward)
#' \dontrun{
#' ctryPoly <- readCtryPolyAdmLayer(ctryCode="KEN",
#'     Rnightlights:::getCtryShpLowestLyrNames(ctryCodes="KEN"))
#' #calculate the sum of radiances for the wards in Kenya
#' sumAvgRadRast <- Rnightlights:::fnAggRadGdal(ctryCode="KEN", ctryPoly=ctryPoly,
#'     nlType="VIIRS.M", nlPeriod="201401", nlStats=c("sum","mean"))
#' }
fnAggRadGdal <- function(ctryCode,
                         configName = pkgOptions(paste0("configName_", nlType)),
                         multiTileStrategy = pkgOptions("multiTileStrategy"),
                         multiTileMergeFun = pkgOptions("multiTileMergeFun"),
                         removeGasFlaresMethod = pkgOptions(paste0("removeGasFlaresMethod_", nlType)),
                         nlStats = pkgOptions("nlStats"),
                         gadmVersion = pkgOptions("gadmVersion"),
                         gadmPolyType = pkgOptions("gadmPolyType"),
                         custPolyPath = NULL)
  if (missing(ctryCode))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter ctryCode")
  if (missing(nlPeriod))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter nlPeriod")
  if (!validCtryCodes(ctryCode))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid ctryCode: ", ctryCode)
  if (!allValidNlPeriods(nlPeriods = nlPeriod, nlTypes = nlType))
         ": Invalid nlPeriod: ",
         " for nlType: ",
  if (!allValid(nlStats, validNlStats))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid stat(s) detected")
  #source: http://www.guru-gis.net/efficient-zonal-statistics-using-r-and-gdal/
  path.in.shp <- getPolyFnamePath(
    ctryCode = ctryCode,
    gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
    gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
    custPolyPath = custPolyPath
  path.in.r <- getCtryRasterOutputFnamePath(
    ctryCode = ctryCode,
    nlType = nlType,
    configName = configName,
    extension = extension,
    multiTileStrategy = multiTileStrategy,
    multiTileMergeFun = multiTileMergeFun,
    removeGasFlaresMethod = removeGasFlaresMethod,
    nlPeriod = nlPeriod,
    gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
    gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
    custPolyPath = custPolyPath
  #cloud coverage raster
  #only one zonal raster per country required across all time
  if (is.null(custPolyPath))
    path.out.r <-
          x = admLevel,
          start = nchar(admLevel),
          stop = nchar(admLevel)
        # nlPeriod, "_",
    path.out.r <-
        #cust layers are prefixed with layer number
        substr(x = admLevel, start = 1, stop = 1),
        # nlPeriod, "_",
  #path.out.shp not in use at the moment
  if (is.null(custPolyPath))
    path.out.shp <-
      paste0(admLevel, "_zone_",
             nlType, "_",
             "GADM-", gadmVersion,
    path.out.shp <-
              paste0(admLevel, "_zone_", nlType, "SHPZIP.shp"))
  zone.attribute <- if (is.null(custPolyPath))
    if (gadmVersion == "2.8")
      paste0("ID_", stringr::str_extract(admLevel, "\\d+$"))
    else if (gadmVersion == "3.6")
      paste0("GID_", stringr::str_extract(admLevel, "\\d+$"), "_IDX")
  } else
  lyrName <- admLevel
  #which col to use as the unique id. For GADM 3.6
  #use the col we generated at download
  lyrIDCol <- if (is.null(custPolyPath))
    if (gadmVersion == "2.8")
      paste0("ID_", stringr::str_extract(lyrName, "\\d+$"))
    else if (gadmVersion == "3.6")
      paste0("GID_", stringr::str_extract(lyrName, "\\d+$"), "_IDX")
  } else
  sumAvgRad <- ZonalPipe(
    ctryCode = ctryCode,
    admLevel = admLevel,
    ctryPoly = ctryPoly,
    nlType = nlType,
    configName = configName,
    path.in.shp = path.in.shp,
    path.in.r = path.in.r,
    path.out.r = path.out.r,
    path.out.shp = path.out.shp,
    zone.attribute = zone.attribute,
    nlStats = nlStats,
    gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
    gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
    custPolyPath = custPolyPath
  ctryPolyData <- ctryPoly@data
  ctryPolyData[, lyrIDCol] <- as.integer(ctryPolyData[, lyrIDCol])
  ctryPolyData <- ctryPolyData[order(ctryPolyData[, lyrIDCol]), ]
  #if there is only the country adm level i.e. no lower adm levels than
  #    the country adm level then we only have 1 row each but IDs may not
  #    match as seen with ATA. treat differently
  #    since we do not have IDs to merge by, we simply cbind the columns
  #    and return column 2
  if (grepl("^ID_0$", lyrIDCol))
    sumAvgRad <- cbind(ctryPolyData$ID_0, sumAvgRad[sumAvgRad$z != 0,])
    sumAvgRad <-
        by.x = lyrIDCol,
        by.y = "zones",
        all.x = T,
        sort = T

######################## fnAggRadRast ###################################

#' Calculate statistics on a nightlight raster that fall within a polygon
#' Calculate stats on the radiance of the pixels in a nightlight raster
#'     that fall within a polygon and its subpolygons using the \code{raster}
#'     package. Given a country polygon with subpolygons representing lower
#'     admin levels, it will crop and mask the raster to each subpolygon and
#'     calculate the total radiance for the polygon and return a vector of total
#'     radiances that matches the subpolygons
#' @param ctryPoly The polygon of the admin level/region of interest. In general is a country polygon
#'     with sub-regions usually the lowest known admin level as given by the GADM polygons.
#' @param ctryRastCropped The raster containing nightlight radiances to sum. Usually will have already be
#'     cropped to the country outline
#' @param nlType Character vector The nlType to process
#' @param configName character the config short name of raster being processed
#' @param extension character the extension of raster being processed
#' @param nlStats The statistics to calculate
#' @param custPolyPath Alternative to GADM. A path to a custom shapefile zip
#' @return data.frame of polygon attributes and the calculated stats, one column per nlStat
#' @examples
#' #read the Kenya polygon downloaded from GADM and load the lowest admin level (ward)
#' \dontrun{
#' ctryPoly <- readCtryPolyAdmLayer(ctryCode="KEN",
#'     Rnightlights:::getCtryShpLowestLyrNames(ctryCodes="KEN"))
#' # the VIIRS nightlight raster cropped earlier to the country outline
#' ctryRastCropped <- raster::raster(Rnightlights:::getCtryRasterOutputFnamePath(ctryCode="KEN",
#'     nlType="VIIRS.M", nlPeriod="201401"))
#' #calculate the sum of radiances for the wards in Kenya
#' sumAvgRadRast <- Rnightlights:::fnAggRadRast(ctryPoly=ctryPoly,
#'     ctryRastCropped=ctryRastCropped, nlType="VIIRS.M", nlStats=c("sum","mean"))
#' }
#' @importFrom foreach %dopar%
fnAggRadRast <-
           custPolyPath = NULL)
    if (missing(ctryPoly))
      stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter ctryPoly")
    if (missing(ctryRastCropped))
      stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter ctryRastCropped")
    if ((
      class(ctryPoly) != "SpatialPolygons" &&
      class(ctryPoly) != "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame"
    ) || is.null(ctryPoly))
      stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid ctryPoly type: ", class(ctryPoly))
    if (class(ctryRastCropped) != "RasterLayer" ||
           ": Invalid ctryRastCropped type: ",
    if (missing(nlType))
      stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter nlType")
    if (!allValid(nlStats, validNlStats))
      stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid stat(s) detected")
    options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    cl <- snow::makeCluster(pkgOptions("numThreads"))
    doSNOW::registerDoSNOW(cl = cl)
    #max=nrow+1 to handle single row cases since must max > min
    pb <-
      utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0,
                            max = nrow(ctryPoly@data),
                            style = 3)
    progress <- function(n)
      utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, n)
    #to avoid RCheck notes
    i <- NULL
    nlStatNames <- sapply(nlStats, function(x)
    result <- foreach::foreach(
      i = seq_len(nrow(ctryPoly@data)),
      .combine = rbind,
      .export = c("masqOLS", "masqVIIRS", nlStatNames),
      .packages = c("raster"),
      .options.snow = list(progress = progress)
    ) %dopar% {
      # for(i in 1:nrow(ctryPoly@data)){
      options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      pid <- Sys.getpid()
      message(Sys.time(), ": PID:", pid, " Extracting data from polygon " , i)
      retVal <-
        sapply(nlStats, function(nlStat) {
          nlStat <- nlStat[[1]]
          nlStatArgs <- formals(nlStat)
          retVal <-
            if (all(sapply(c("col", "row"), "%in%", names(nlStatArgs))))
          else if (all(sapply(c("lon", "lat"), "%in%", names(nlStatArgs))))
      dta <-
        if (stringr::str_detect(nlType, "OLS"))
            ctryPoly = ctryPoly,
            ctryRast = ctryRastCropped,
            idx = i,
            retVal = is.null(retVal),
            configName = configName,
            extension = extension
      else if (stringr::str_detect(nlType, "VIIRS"))
          ctryPoly = ctryPoly,
          ctryRast = ctryRastCropped,
          idx = i,
          retVal = is.null(retVal),
          configName = configName,
          extension = extension
              ": PID:",
              " Calculating the NL stats of polygon ",
      result <- data.frame(lapply(
        FUN = function(nlStat)
          if (length(nlStat) > 1)
            nlStatParams <-
              gsub("(\\(\\s*)=|(,\\s*)=", "\\1\\2", paste0(", ", paste(
                sep = "=",
                collapse = ","
            nlStatParams <-
          nlStat <-
          nlStatArgs <-
          retVal <-
            if (all(sapply(c("col", "row"), "%in%", names(nlStatArgs))))
          else if (all(sapply(c("lon", "lat"), "%in%", names(nlStatArgs))))
          fnTxt <-
            if (is.null(retVal))
              paste0(nlStat, "(dta$vals", nlStatParams, ")")
          else if (retVal == "colrowval")
                   "(col=dta$cols, row=dta$rows, val=dta$vals",
          else if (retVal == "lonlatval")
                   "(lon=dta$lons, lat=dta$lats, val=dta$vals",
          fnTxt <-
            paste0("data.frame('", nlStat, "' = matrix(", fnTxt, ", nrow=1))")
          eval(parse(text = fnTxt))
    #count cols with nlStat in them
    nlStatColCounts <-
      sapply(nlStatNames, function(nlStat)
          paste0("^", nlStat, "\\.*"), names(result)
    #collapse multi-value cols into one
    for (nlStatName in nlStatNames)
      if (nlStatColCounts[[nlStatName]] > 1)
                ": ",
                " => Multi-column result detected. Merging")
        #if more than one col detected, get their names
        nlStatCols <- grep(nlStatName, names(result), value = T)
        #merge them row-wise into one character vector separated by comma
        result[[nlStatName]] <-
          apply(result[, nlStatCols], 1, function(x)
            paste(x, collapse = ","))
        #remove the separate cols
        result[, nlStatCols] <- NULL
      } else
        nlStatCols <- grep(nlStatName, names(result), value = T)
        names(result)[which(names(result) == nlStatCols)] <-
    #change the col order to the order of nlStats
    result <- result[, nlStatNames]
      raster::removeTmpFiles(h = 0)
    return(stats::setNames(data.frame(result), nlStatNames))
chrisvwn/Rnightlights documentation built on Sept. 7, 2021, 1:44 a.m.