recommend_data <- c('library("worcs")',
"# We recommend that you prepare your raw data for analysis in 'prepare_data.R',",
"# and end that file with either open_data(yourdata), or closed_data(yourdata).",
"# Then, uncomment the line below to load the original or synthetic data",
"# (whichever is available), to allow anyone to reproduce your code:",
"# load_data()")
#' @title Create new WORCS project
#' @description Creates a new 'worcs' project. This function is invoked by
#' the 'RStudio' project template manager, but can also be called directly to
#' create a WORCS project through syntax or the console.
#' @param path Character, indicating the directory in which to create the
#' 'worcs' project. Default: 'worcs_project'.
#' @param manuscript Character, indicating what template to use for the
#' 'R Markdown' manuscript. Default: 'APA6'. Available choices include
#' \code{APA6} from the \code{papaja} package,
#' a \code{\link[rmarkdown]{github_document}}, and templates included in the
#' \code{\link[rticles:rticles]{rticles}} package.
#' For more information, see \code{\link{add_manuscript}}.
#' @param preregistration Character, indicating what template to use for the
#' preregistration. Default: 'cos_prereg'. Available choices include:
#' \code{"PSS", "Secondary", "None"}, and all templates from the
#' \code{\link[prereg:prereg]{prereg}} package. For more information, see
#' \code{\link{add_preregistration}}.
#' @param add_license Character, indicating what license to include.
#' Default: 'CC_BY_4.0'. Available options include:
#' \code{"CC_BY_4.0", "CC_BY-SA_4.0", "CC_BY-NC_4.0", "CC_BY-NC-SA_4.0",
#' "CC_BY-ND_4.0", "CC_BY-NC-ND_4.0", "None"}. For more information, see
#' <>.
#' @param use_renv Logical, indicating whether or not to use 'renv' to make the
#' project reproducible. Default: TRUE. See \code{\link[renv]{init}}.
#' @param use_targets Logical, indicating whether or not to use 'targets' to
#' create a Make-like pipeline. Default: FALSE See \code{\link[targets]{targets-package}}.
#' @param remote_repo Character, address of the remote repository for
#' this project. This link should have the form
#' \code{[username][repo].git} (preferred) or
#' \code{git@[...].git} (if using SSH).
#' If a valid remote repository link is provided, a commit will
#' be made containing the '' file, and will be pushed to the remote
#' repository. Default: 'https'.
#' @param verbose Logical. Whether or not to print messages to the console
#' during project creation. Default: TRUE
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to and from functions.
#' @return No return value. This function is called for its side effects.
#' @examples
#' the_test <- "worcs_template"
#' old_wd <- getwd()
#' dir.create(file.path(tempdir(), the_test))
#', worcs:::get_user())
#' worcs_project(file.path(tempdir(), the_test, "worcs_project"),
#' manuscript = "github_document",
#' preregistration = "None",
#' add_license = "None",
#' use_renv = FALSE,
#' remote_repo = "https")
#' setwd(old_wd)
#' unlink(file.path(tempdir(), the_test))
#' @rdname worcs_project
#' @export
#' @importFrom rmarkdown draft
#' @importFrom gert git_init git_remote_add git_add git_commit git_push
#' @importFrom utils installed.packages packageVersion
#' @importFrom prereg vantveer_prereg
#' @importFrom methods formalArgs
# @importFrom renv init
worcs_project <- function(path = "worcs_project", manuscript = "APA6", preregistration = "cos_prereg", add_license = "CC_BY_4.0", use_renv = TRUE, use_targets = FALSE, remote_repo = "https", verbose = TRUE, ...) {
cl <- = FALSE)
# collect inputs
manuscript <- tolower(manuscript)
# Write code for use_targets such that it works with target_markdown and normal targets
if(manuscript == "target_markdown") use_targets <- TRUE
preregistration <- tolower(preregistration)
add_license <- tolower(add_license)
dots <- list(...)
# ensure path exists
dir.create(path, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
path <- normalizePath(path)
# Check if valid Git signature exists
if("use_git" %in% names(dots)){
use_git <- dots[["use_git"]]
} else {
use_git <- has_git()
col_message("Could not find a working installation of 'Git', which is required to safeguard the transparency and reproducibility of your project. Please connect 'Git' by following the steps described in this vignette:\n vignette('setup', package = 'worcs')", success = FALSE)
} else {
col_message("Initializing 'Git' repository.", verbose = verbose)
git_init(path = path)
# Create .worcs file
write_worcsfile(filename = file.path(path, ".worcs"),
worcs_version = as.character(packageVersion("worcs")),
creator =["effective_user"]
col_message("Writing '.worcs' file.", verbose = verbose)
}, error = function(e){
col_message("Writing '.worcs' file.", success = FALSE)
# copy 'resources' folder to path
copy_resources(which_files = c(
), path = path)
col_message("Copying standard files.", verbose = verbose)
}, error = function(e){
col_message("Copying standard files.", success = FALSE)
# write files
# Begin manuscript
"none" = {
write_as_utf(recommend_data, file.path(path, "run_me.R"))
write_worcsfile(filename = file.path(path, ".worcs"),
entry_point = "run_me.R",
modify = TRUE)
add_recipe(worcs_directory = path,
recipe = "source('run_me.R')")
# "target_markdown" = {
# },
cl[[1L]] <- quote(worcs::add_manuscript)
names(cl)[which(names(cl) == "path")] <- "worcs_directory"
eval(cl, parent.frame())
add_recipe(worcs_directory = path)
# End manuscript
# Begin prereg
if(!preregistration == "none"){
cl[[1L]] <- quote(worcs::add_preregistration)
names(cl)[which(names(cl) == "path")] <- "worcs_directory"
eval(cl, parent.frame())
# End prereg
# Begin license
if(!add_license == "none"){
dir.create(path, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
# copy 'resources' folder to path
license_dir = system.file('rstudio', 'templates', 'project', 'licenses', package = 'worcs', mustWork = TRUE)
license_file <- file.path(license_dir, paste0(add_license, ".txt"))
file.copy(license_file, file.path(path, "LICENSE"), copy.mode = FALSE)
col_message("Writing license file.", verbose = verbose)
}, error = function(e){
col_message("Writing license file.", success = FALSE)
# End license
# Use targets -------------------------------------------------------------
# tryCatch({
if(requireNamespace("targets", quietly = TRUE) & requireNamespace("tarchetypes", quietly = TRUE)){
worcs::add_targets(worcs_directory = path, verbose = verbose)
# names(cl)[which(names(cl) == "path")] <- "worcs_directory"
# eval(cl, parent.frame())
col_message("Initializing 'targets' for a Make-like pipeline.", verbose = verbose)
# }, error = function(e){
# col_message("Could not initialize 'targets'.", success = FALSE)
# })
# Use renv ----------------------------------------------------------------
init_fun <- get("init", asNamespace("renv")), list(project = path, restart = FALSE))
col_message("Initializing 'renv' for a reproducible R environment.", verbose = verbose)
}, error = function(e){
col_message("Initializing 'renv' for a reproducible R environment.", success = FALSE)
#use_git() initialises a Git repository and adds important files to .gitignore. If user consents, it also makes an initial commit.
file = file.path(path, ".gitignore"), append = TRUE)
# Update readme
if(file.exists(file.path(path, ""))){
cont <- readLines(file.path(path, ""), encoding = "UTF-8")
f <- list.files(path)
tab <- matrix(c("File", "Description", "Usage",
"", "Description of project", "Human editable"), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
rproj_name <- paste0(basename(path), ".Rproj")
cont[which(startsWith(cont, "You can load this project in RStudio by opening the file"))] <- paste0("You can load this project in RStudio by opening the file called '", rproj_name, "'.")
tab <- rbind(tab, c(rproj_name, "Project file", "Loads project"))
tab <- describe_file("LICENSE", "User permissions", "Read only", tab, path)
tab <- describe_file(".worcs", "WORCS metadata YAML", "Read only", tab, path)
tab <- describe_file("preregistration.Rmd", "Preregistered hypotheses", "Human editable", tab, path)
tab <- describe_file("prepare_data.R", "Script to process raw data", "Human editable", tab, path)
tab <- describe_file("manuscript/manuscript.Rmd", "Source code for paper", "Human editable", tab, path)
tab <- describe_file("manuscript/references.bib", "BibTex references for manuscript", "Human editable", tab, path)
tab <- describe_file("renv.lock", "Reproducible R environment", "Read only", tab, path)
tab <- nice_tab(tab)
cont <- append(cont, tab, after = grep("You can add rows to this table", cont))
write_as_utf(cont, file.path(path, ""))
# Create first commit
git_add(files = "", repo = path)
git_commit(message = "worcs template initial commit", repo = path)
col_message("Creating first commit (committing", verbose = verbose)
}, error = function(e){
col_message("Creating first commit (committing", success = FALSE)
# Connect to remote repo if possible
repo_url <- parse_repo(remote_repo = remote_repo, verbose = verbose)
valid_repo <- !is.null(repo_url)
if(use_git & valid_repo){
# For compatibility with old and new gert, check which formals it has
Args_gert <- list(
url = remote_repo,
repo = path
if("remote" %in% formalArgs(git_remote_add)){
names(Args_gert)[1] <- "remote"
} else {
names(Args_gert)[1] <- "name"
}, Args_gert)
git_push(remote = "origin", repo = path)
col_message(paste0("Connected to remote repository at ", remote_repo), verbose = verbose)
}, error = function(e){
col_message("Could not connect to a remote 'GitHub' repository. You are working with a local 'Git' repository only.", success = FALSE, verbose = verbose)
} else {
col_message("No valid 'GitHub' address provided. You are working with a local 'Git' repository only.", success = FALSE)
if("GCtorture" %in% ls()) rm("GCtorture")
describe_file <- function(file, desc, usage, tab, path){
if(file.exists(file.path(path, file))){
return(rbind(tab, c(file, desc, usage)))
} else {
create_man_targets <- function(remote_repo, worcs_directory){
if(requireNamespace("targets", quietly = TRUE)) {
run_in_worcsdir(targets::use_targets_rmd(open = FALSE), worcs_directory = worcs_directory)
# run_in_worcsdir(rmarkdown::render(man_fn_rel), worcs_directory = worcs_directory)
# manuscript_text <- readLines(man_fn_abs, encoding = "UTF-8")
# # Add bibliography
# bib_line <- which(startsWith(manuscript_text, "bibliography"))[1]
# manuscript_text[bib_line] <- append_yaml(manuscript_text[bib_line], "bibliography", "references.bib")
# # Add citation function
# add_lines <- c(
# "knit : worcs::cite_all"
# )
# manuscript_text <- append(manuscript_text, add_lines, after = (grep("^---$", manuscript_text)[2]-1))
# # Add call to library("worcs")
# manuscript_text <- append(manuscript_text, recommend_data, after = grep('^library\\("papaja"\\)$', manuscript_text))
# # Add introductory sentence
# add_lines <- c(
# "",
# paste0("This manuscript uses the Workflow for Open Reproducible Code in Science [WORCS version ",
# gsub("^(\\d{1,}(\\.\\d{1,}){2}).+$", "\\1", as.character(packageVersion("worcs"))),
# ", @vanlissaWORCSWorkflowOpen2021] to ensure reproducibility and transparency. All code <!--and data--> are available at ",
# ifelse(is.null(remote_repo), "<!--insert repository URL-->", paste0("<", remote_repo, ">")), "."),
# "",
# "This is an example of a non-essential citation [@@vanlissaWORCSWorkflowOpen2021]. If you change the rendering function to `worcs::cite_essential`, it will be removed.",
# "",
# "<!--The function below inserts a notification if the manuscript is knit using synthetic data. Make sure to insert it after load_data().-->",
# "`r notify_synthetic()`"
# )
# manuscript_text <- append(manuscript_text, add_lines, after = grep('^```', manuscript_text)[2])
# # Write
# write_as_utf(manuscript_text, man_fn_abs)
# } else {
# col_message('Could not generate an APA6 manuscript file, because the \'papaja\' package is not installed. Run this code to see instructions on how to install this package from GitHub:\n vignette("setup", package = "worcs")', success = FALSE)
# }
create_man_papaja <- function(man_fn_abs, remote_repo){
if(requireNamespace("papaja", quietly = TRUE)) {
file = man_fn_abs,
package = "papaja",
create_dir = FALSE,
edit = FALSE
manuscript_text <- readLines(man_fn_abs, encoding = "UTF-8")
# Add bibliography
bib_line <- which(startsWith(manuscript_text, "bibliography"))[1]
manuscript_text[bib_line] <- append_yaml(yaml_text = manuscript_text[bib_line], yaml_command = "bibliography", add_this = "references.bib")
# Add citation function
add_lines <- c(
"knit : worcs::cite_all"
manuscript_text <- append(manuscript_text, add_lines, after = (grep("^---$", manuscript_text)[2]-1))
# Add call to library("worcs")
manuscript_text <- append(manuscript_text, recommend_data, after = grep('^library\\("papaja"\\)$', manuscript_text))
# Add introductory sentence
add_lines <- c(
paste0("This manuscript uses the Workflow for Open Reproducible Code in Science [WORCS version ",
gsub("^(\\d{1,}(\\.\\d{1,}){2}).+$", "\\1", as.character(packageVersion("worcs"))),
", @vanlissaWORCSWorkflowOpen2021] to ensure reproducibility and transparency. All code <!--and data--> are available at ",
ifelse(is.null(remote_repo), "<!--insert repository URL-->", paste0("<", remote_repo, ">")), "."),
"This is an example of a non-essential citation [@@vanlissaWORCSWorkflowOpen2021]. If you change the rendering function to `worcs::cite_essential`, it will be removed.",
"<!--The function below inserts a notification if the manuscript is knit using synthetic data. Make sure to insert it after load_data().-->",
"`r notify_synthetic()`"
manuscript_text <- append(manuscript_text, add_lines, after = grep('^```', manuscript_text)[2])
# Write
write_as_utf(manuscript_text, man_fn_abs)
} else {
col_message('Could not generate an APA6 manuscript file, because the \'papaja\' package is not installed. Run this code to see instructions on how to install this package from GitHub:\n vignette("setup", package = "worcs")', success = FALSE)
create_man_github <- function(man_fn_abs, remote_repo){
file = man_fn_abs,
template = "github_document",
package = "rmarkdown",
create_dir = FALSE,
edit = FALSE
repo_address <- remote_repo
manuscript_text <- readLines(man_fn_abs, encoding = "UTF-8")
# Add bibliography and citation function
add_lines <- c(
"date: '`r format(Sys.time(), \"%d %B, %Y\")`'",
"bibliography: references.bib",
"knit: worcs::cite_all"
manuscript_text <- append(manuscript_text, add_lines, after = (grep("^---$", manuscript_text)[2]-1))
# Add call to library("worcs")
manuscript_text <- append(manuscript_text, recommend_data, after = grep('^```', manuscript_text)[1])
# Add introductory sentence
repo_url <- parse_repo(remote_repo = remote_repo, verbose = FALSE)
valid_repo <- !is.null(repo_url)
add_lines <- c(
paste0("This manuscript uses the Workflow for Open Reproducible Code in Science [@vanlissaWORCSWorkflowOpen2021] to ensure reproducibility and transparency. All code <!--and data--> are available at ",
ifelse(is.null(remote_repo), "<!--insert repository URL-->", paste0("<", remote_repo, ">")), "."),
"This is an example of a non-essential citation [@@vanlissaWORCSWorkflowOpen2021]. If you change the rendering function to `worcs::cite_essential`, it will be removed.",
"<!--The function below inserts a notification if the manuscript is knit using synthetic data. Make sure to insert it after load_data().-->",
"`r notify_synthetic()`"
manuscript_text <- append(manuscript_text, add_lines, after = grep('^```', manuscript_text)[2])
# Write
write_as_utf(manuscript_text, man_fn_abs)
#' @importFrom rticles acm_article
create_man_rticles <- function(man_fn_abs, template, remote_repo){
if("rticles" %in% rownames(installed.packages())){
file = man_fn_abs,
template = template,
package = "rticles",
create_dir = FALSE,
edit = FALSE
manuscript_text <- readLines(man_fn_abs, encoding = "UTF-8")
# Add bibliography
bib_line <- which(startsWith(manuscript_text, "bibliography"))[1]
manuscript_text[bib_line] <- "bibliography: references.bib"
# Add citation function
add_lines <- c(
"knit: worcs::cite_all"
manuscript_text <- append(manuscript_text, add_lines, after = (grep("^---$", manuscript_text)[2]-1))
# Add call to library("worcs")
add_lines <- c(
'```{r, echo = FALSE, eval = TRUE, message = FALSE}',
paste0("This manuscript uses the Workflow for Open Reproducible Code in Science [@vanlissaWORCSWorkflowOpen2021] to ensure reproducibility and transparency. All code <!--and data--> are available at ",
ifelse(is.null(remote_repo), "<!--insert repository URL-->", paste0("<", remote_repo, ">")), "."),
"This is an example of a non-essential citation [@@vanlissaWORCSWorkflowOpen2021]. If you change the rendering function to `worcs::cite_essential`, it will be removed.",
"<!--The function below inserts a notification if the manuscript is knit using synthetic data. Make sure to insert it after load_data().-->",
"`r notify_synthetic()`"
manuscript_text <- append(manuscript_text, add_lines, after = (grep("^---$", manuscript_text)[2]))
write_as_utf(manuscript_text, man_fn_abs)
} else {
col_message(paste0('Could not generate ', template, ' manuscript file, because the \'rticles\' package is not installed. Run this code to install the package from CRAN:\n install.packages("rticles", dependencies = TRUE)'), success = FALSE)
copy_resources <- function(which_files, path){
resources <- system.file('rstudio', 'templates', 'project', 'resources', package = 'worcs', mustWork = TRUE)
files <- list.files(resources, recursive = TRUE, include.dirs = FALSE)
files <- files[files %in% which_files]
source <- file.path(resources, files)
target <- file.path(path, files)
file.copy(source, target, copy.mode = FALSE)
nice_tab <- function(tab){
tab <- apply(tab, 2, function(i){
sprintf(paste0("%-", max(nchar(i)), "s"), i)
tab <- rbind(tab, sapply(tab[1,], function(i){
paste0(rep("-", nchar(i)), collapse = "")
tab <- tab[c(1, nrow(tab), 2:(nrow(tab)-1)), ]
apply(tab, 1, paste, collapse = " | ")
#' @title Add Rmarkdown manuscript
#' @description Adds an Rmarkdown manuscript to a 'worcs' project.
#' @param worcs_directory Character, indicating the directory
#' in which to create the manuscript files. Default: '.', which points to the
#' current working directory.
#' @param manuscript Character, indicating what template to use for the
#' 'R Markdown' manuscript. Default: 'APA6'. Available choices include:
#' \code{"APA6", "github_document", "None"} and the templates from the
#' \code{\link[rticles:rticles]{rticles}} package. See Details.
#' @param remote_repo Character, 'https' link to the remote repository for
#' this project. This link should have the form \code{https://[...].git}.
#' This link will be inserted in the draft manuscript.
#' @param verbose Logical. Whether or not to print messages to the console
#' during project creation. Default: TRUE
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to and from functions.
#' @details Available choices include the following manuscript templates:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{'APA6'}}{An APA6 style template from the \code{papaja} package}
#' \item{\code{'github_document'}}{A \code{\link[rmarkdown]{github_document}} from the \code{rmarkdown} package}
#' \item{\code{'acm_article'}}{acm style template from the \code{rtices} package}
#' \item{\code{'acs_article'}}{acs style template from the \code{rtices} package}
#' \item{\code{'aea_article'}}{aea style template from the \code{rtices} package}
#' \item{\code{'agu_article'}}{agu style template from the \code{rtices} package}
#' \item{\code{'ajs_article'}}{ajs style template from the \code{rtices} package}
#' \item{\code{'amq_article'}}{amq style template from the \code{rtices} package}
#' \item{\code{'ams_article'}}{ams style template from the \code{rtices} package}
#' \item{\code{'arxiv_article'}}{arxiv style template from the \code{rtices} package}
#' \item{\code{'asa_article'}}{asa style template from the \code{rtices} package}
#' \item{\code{'bioinformatics_article'}}{bioinformatics style template from the \code{rtices} package}
#' \item{\code{'biometrics_article'}}{biometrics style template from the \code{rtices} package}
#' \item{\code{'copernicus_article'}}{copernicus style template from the \code{rtices} package}
#' \item{\code{'ctex_article'}}{ctex style template from the \code{rtices} package}
#' \item{\code{'elsevier_article'}}{elsevier style template from the \code{rtices} package}
#' \item{\code{'frontiers_article'}}{frontiers style template from the \code{rtices} package}
#' \item{\code{'glossa_article'}}{glossa style template from the \code{rtices} package}
#' \item{\code{'ieee_article'}}{ieee style template from the \code{rtices} package}
#' \item{\code{'ims_article'}}{ims style template from the \code{rtices} package}
#' \item{\code{'informs_article'}}{informs style template from the \code{rtices} package}
#' \item{\code{'iop_article'}}{iop style template from the \code{rtices} package}
#' \item{\code{'isba_article'}}{isba style template from the \code{rtices} package}
#' \item{\code{'jasa_article'}}{jasa style template from the \code{rtices} package}
#' \item{\code{'jedm_article'}}{jedm style template from the \code{rtices} package}
#' \item{\code{'joss_article'}}{joss style template from the \code{rtices} package}
#' \item{\code{'jss_article'}}{jss style template from the \code{rtices} package}
#' \item{\code{'lipics_article'}}{lipics style template from the \code{rtices} package}
#' \item{\code{'mdpi_article'}}{mdpi style template from the \code{rtices} package}
#' \item{\code{'mnras_article'}}{mnras style template from the \code{rtices} package}
#' \item{\code{'oup_article'}}{oup style template from the \code{rtices} package}
#' \item{\code{'peerj_article'}}{peerj style template from the \code{rtices} package}
#' \item{\code{'pihph_article'}}{pihph style template from the \code{rtices} package}
#' \item{\code{'plos_article'}}{plos style template from the \code{rtices} package}
#' \item{\code{'pnas_article'}}{pnas style template from the \code{rtices} package}
#' \item{\code{'rjournal_article'}}{rjournal style template from the \code{rtices} package}
#' \item{\code{'rsos_article'}}{rsos style template from the \code{rtices} package}
#' \item{\code{'rss_article'}}{rss style template from the \code{rtices} package}
#' \item{\code{'sage_article'}}{sage style template from the \code{rtices} package}
#' \item{\code{'sim_article'}}{sim style template from the \code{rtices} package}
#' \item{\code{'springer_article'}}{springer style template from the \code{rtices} package}
#' \item{\code{'tf_article'}}{tf style template from the \code{rtices} package}
#' \item{\code{'trb_article'}}{trb style template from the \code{rtices} package}
#' \item{\code{'wellcomeor_article'}}{wellcomeor style template from the \code{rtices} package}
#' }
# p <- ls(asNamespace("rticles"))
# p <- p[endsWith(p, "_article")]
# out <- c(
# "\\itemize{",
# " \\item{\\code{'APA6'}}{A \\code{\\link[papaja:papaja]{APA6}} style template from the \\code{papaja} package}",
# " \\item{\\code{'github_document'}}{A \\code{\\link[rmarkdown]{github_document}} from the \\code{rmarkdown} package}",
# paste0(" \\item{\\code{'", p, "'}}{", gsub("_article", "", p, fixed = TRUE), " style template from the \\code{rtices} package}"),
# "}"
# )
# out <- paste0("#' ", out)
# cat(out, sep = '\n', file = "clipboard")
# cat(p, sep = ', ', file = "clipboard")
#' @return No return value. This function is called for its side effects.
#' @examples
#' the_test <- "worcs_manuscript"
#' old_wd <- getwd()
#' dir.create(file.path(tempdir(), the_test))
#' file.create(file.path(tempdir(), the_test, ".worcs"))
#' add_manuscript(file.path(tempdir(), the_test),
#' manuscript = "None")
#' setwd(old_wd)
#' unlink(file.path(tempdir(), the_test))
#' @rdname add_manuscript
#' @export
#' @importFrom rmarkdown draft
#' @importFrom prereg vantveer_prereg
# @importFrom renv init
add_manuscript <- function(worcs_directory = ".", manuscript = "APA6", remote_repo = NULL, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
# collect inputs
dn_worcs <- dirname(check_recursive(file.path(normalizePath(worcs_directory), ".worcs")))
fn_worcs <- file.path(dn_worcs, ".worcs")
manuscript <- tolower(manuscript)
dots <- list(...)
# ensure path exists
worcs_directory <- normalizePath(worcs_directory)
# Check if valid Git signature exists
#remote_repo <- parse_repo(remote_repo = remote_repo, verbose = verbose)
# Begin manuscript
# Construct path to filename and create directory
man_dir_rel <- "manuscript"
man_dir_abs <- file.path(worcs_directory, man_dir_rel)
man_fn_rel <- file.path(man_dir_rel, "manuscript.Rmd")
man_fn_abs <- file.path(man_dir_abs, "manuscript.Rmd")
if(manuscript == "apa6"){
create_man_papaja(man_fn_abs, remote_repo = remote_repo)
if(manuscript == "target_markdown"){
unlink(man_dir_abs, recursive = TRUE)
man_dir_abs <- worcs_directory
man_dir_rel <- "."
create_man_targets(remote_repo = remote_repo, worcs_directory = worcs_directory)
# all_rticles <- ls(asNamespace("rticles"))
# all_rticles <- all_rticles[endsWith(all_rticles, "_article")]
# dput(all_rticles, "clipboard")
if(endsWith(manuscript, "_article")){
manuscript <- gsub("_article", "", manuscript, fixed = TRUE)
create_man_rticles(man_fn_abs, manuscript, remote_repo = remote_repo)
if(manuscript == "github_document"){
create_man_github(man_fn_abs, remote_repo = remote_repo)
# Add references.bib
copy_resources(which_files = "references.bib", path = man_dir_abs)
bibfiles <- list.files(path = man_dir_abs, pattern = ".bib$", full.names = TRUE)
if(length(bibfiles) > 1){
worcs_ref <- readLines(bibfiles[endsWith(bibfiles, "references.bib")], encoding = "UTF-8")
bib_text <-, lapply(bibfiles[!endsWith(bibfiles, "references.bib")], readLines, encoding = "UTF-8"))
write_as_utf(c(worcs_ref, bib_text), file.path(man_dir_abs, "references.bib"))
write_worcsfile(filename = fn_worcs,
entry_point = man_fn_rel,
modify = TRUE)
col_message("Creating manuscript files.", verbose = verbose)
}, error = function(e){
col_message("Creating manuscript files.", success = FALSE)
# End manuscript
#' @title Add Rmarkdown preregistration
#' @description Adds an Rmarkdown preregistration template to a 'worcs' project.
#' @param worcs_directory Character, indicating the directory
#' in which to create the manuscript files. Default: '.', which points to the
#' current working directory.
#' @param preregistration Character, indicating what template to use for the
#' preregistration. Default: \code{"cos_prereg"}; use \code{"None"} to omit a
#' preregistration. See Details for other available choices.
#' @param verbose Logical. Whether or not to print messages to the console
#' during project creation. Default: TRUE
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to and from functions.
#' @return No return value. This function is called for its side effects.
#' @details Available choices include the templates from the
#' \code{\link[prereg:prereg]{prereg}} package, and several unique templates
#' included with \code{worcs}:
# p <- ls(asNamespace("prereg"))
# p <- p[endsWith(p, "_prereg")]
# out <- c(
# "\\itemize{",
# " \\item{\\code{'PSS'}}{Preregistration and Sharing Software (Krypotos,",
# " Klugkist, Mertens, & Engelhard, 2019)}",
# " \\item{\\code{'Secondary'}}{Preregistration for secondary analyses (Mertens &",
# " Krypotos, 2019)}",
# paste0(" \\item{\\code{'", p, "'}}{", gsub("_prereg", "", p, fixed = TRUE), " template from the \\code{prereg} package}"),
# "}"
# )
# out <- paste0("#' ", out)
# cat(out, sep = '\n', file = "clipboard")
# cat(p, sep = ', ', file = "clipboard")
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{'PSS'}}{Preregistration and Sharing Software (Krypotos,
#' Klugkist, Mertens, & Engelhard, 2019)}
#' \item{\code{'Secondary'}}{Preregistration for secondary analyses (Mertens &
#' Krypotos, 2019)}
#' \item{\code{'aspredicted_prereg'}}{aspredicted template from the \code{prereg} package}
#' \item{\code{'brandt_prereg'}}{brandt template from the \code{prereg} package}
#' \item{\code{'cos_prereg'}}{cos template from the \code{prereg} package}
#' \item{\code{'fmri_prereg'}}{fmri template from the \code{prereg} package}
#' \item{\code{'prp_quant_prereg'}}{prp_quant template from the \code{prereg} package}
#' \item{\code{'psyquant_prereg'}}{psyquant template from the \code{prereg} package}
#' \item{\code{'rr_prereg'}}{rr template from the \code{prereg} package}
#' \item{\code{'vantveer_prereg'}}{vantveer template from the \code{prereg} package}
#' }
#' @examples
#' the_test <- "worcs_prereg"
#' old_wd <- getwd()
#' dir.create(file.path(tempdir(), the_test))
#' file.create(file.path(tempdir(), the_test, ".worcs"))
#' add_preregistration(file.path(tempdir(), the_test),
#' preregistration = "cos_prereg")
#' setwd(old_wd)
#' unlink(file.path(tempdir(), the_test))
#' @rdname add_preregistration
#' @export
#' @importFrom rmarkdown draft
#' @importFrom prereg vantveer_prereg
add_preregistration <- function(worcs_directory = ".",
preregistration = "cos_prereg",
verbose = TRUE,
...) {
# collect inputs
dn_worcs <- dirname(check_recursive(file.path(normalizePath(worcs_directory), ".worcs")))
#fn_worcs <- file.path(dn_worcs, ".worcs")
worcs_directory <- normalizePath(dn_worcs)
preregistration <- tolower(preregistration)
#dots <- list(...)
# Begin preregistration
# Different handling for prereg preregistrations and those included in worcs
if(!preregistration %in% c("pss", "secondary")){
p <- ls(asNamespace("prereg"))
if(paste0(preregistration, "_prereg") %in% p) preregistration <- paste0(preregistration, "_prereg")
if(endsWith(preregistration, "_prereg")){
file.path(worcs_directory, "preregistration.Rmd"),
package = "prereg",
create_dir = FALSE,
edit = FALSE
} else {
if(file.exists(paste0(preregistration, ".Rmd"))|file.exists("preregistration.Rmd")){
stop("Preregistration already exists.")
} else {
copy_resources(paste0(preregistration, ".Rmd"), worcs_directory)
file.rename(paste0(preregistration, ".Rmd"), "preregistration.Rmd")
col_message("Creating preregistration files.", verbose = verbose)
}, error = function(e){
col_message("Creating preregistration files.", success = FALSE)
# End preregistration
append_yaml <- function(yaml_text, yaml_command, add_this){
this_line <- grep(paste0("^\\s{0,}", yaml_command, "\\s{0,}:"), yaml_text)[1]
gsub(':.*$', paste0(': [', paste0(
trimws(gsub('"', "", strsplit(gsub("^.+?:", "", yaml_text[this_line]), ",")[[1]]))), q = FALSE), collapse = ", "), ']'), yaml_text[this_line])
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.