
Defines functions fix_missing_cell_labels edit_query_cell_labels transfer_cell_labels get_nn_means get_nn_cell_label which_mode

Documented in fix_missing_cell_labels transfer_cell_labels

# Functions for transferring cell labels from a reference
# to a query cell_data_set.
# These functions are due to Maddy Duran.

# Purpose: return the most frequently occurring cell label.
# Parameters:
#   x  list of cell labels.
which_mode <- function(x, top_frac_threshold=0.5, top_next_ratio_threshold=1.5) {
  # Make a contigency table of cell labels sorted from
  # most to least frequently occurring.
  ta <- sort(table(x, useNA='ifany'), decreasing=TRUE)
  tam <- ta[1]
  freq <- tam / length(x)
  top_to_second <- ta[1] / ta[2]
  if((freq > top_frac_threshold))
    mod <- names(tam)[1]
  if((top_to_second >= top_next_ratio_threshold))
    mod <- names(tam)[1]
    mod <- NA_character_

# Purpose: get cell labels of nearest neighbor cells for discrete values.
# Called by: transfer_cell_labels
# Calls: which_mode
get_nn_cell_label <- function(query_data, query_search, ref_coldata, ref_column_name, top_frac_threshold=0.5, top_next_ratio_threshold=1.5) {
  # Loop through the query cells.
  query_nns <- sapply(seq(1, nrow(query_data)), function(i) {
    # Get labels of neighboring cells in reference space.
    ref_neighbors <- query_search[['nn.idx']][i,]
    # Get corresponding cell labels.
    ref_labels <- ref_coldata[ref_neighbors, ref_column_name]
    # Find modal cell label over a threshold.
    top_label <- which_mode(x=ref_labels, top_frac_threshold=top_frac_threshold, top_next_ratio_threshold=top_next_ratio_threshold)

# Purpose: get means from nearest neighbor cells for continuous values.
get_nn_means <- function(query_data, query_search, ref_coldata, ref_column_name) {
  query_nns <- sapply(seq(1, nrow(query_data)), function(i) {
    # Get labels of neighboring cells in reference space.
    ref_neighbors <- query_search[['nn.idx']][i,]
    # Get corresponding reference cell label.
    ref_labels <- ref_coldata[ref_neighbors, ref_column_name]
    # Find the modal cell label.
    top_label <- mean(ref_labels, na.rm=TRUE)

#' @title Transfer cell column data from a reference to a query
#' cell_data_set.
#' @description For each cell in a query cell_data_set,
#' transfer_cell_labels finds sufficiently similar cell data
#' in a reference cell_data_set and copies the value in
#' the specified column to the query cell_data_set.
#' @details transfer_cell_labels requires a nearest neighbor
#' index made from a reference reduced dimension matrix, the
#' reference cell data to transfer, and a query cell_data_set.
#' The index can be made from UMAP coordinates using the
#' build_nn_index=TRUE option in the reduce_dimensions(...,
#' build_nn_index=TRUE) function, for example. The query
#' cell_data_set must have been processed with the
#' preprocess_transform and reduce_dimension_transform
#' functions using the models created when the reference
#' cell_data_set was processed, rather than with
#' preprocess_cds and reduce_dimension.
#' The models are made when the reference cell_data_set
#' is processed and must be saved to disk at that time using
#' save_transform_models. The load_transform_models function
#' loads the models into the query cell_data_set where they
#' can be used by preprocess_transform and
#' reduce_dimension_transform. The cells in the reference and
#' query cell_data_sets must be similar in the sense that they
#' map to similar reduced dimension coordinates.
#' When the ref_column_name values are discrete, the
#' sufficiently most frequent value is transferred. When
#' the values are continuous the mean of the k nearest
#' neighbors is transferred.
#' In the case of discrete values, transfer_cell_labels
#' processes each query cell as follows. It finds the k nearest
#' neighbor cells in the reference set, and if more than
#' top_frac_threshold fraction of them have the same value, it
#' copies that value to the query_column_name column in the
#' query cell_data_set. If the fraction is at or below
#' top_frac_threshold, it checks whether the ratio of the
#' most frequent to the second most frequent value is at
#' least top_next_ratio_threshold, in which case it copies
#' the value; otherwise, it sets it to NA.
#' @details Notes:
#'   * Monocle3 does not have an align_transform function to
#' apply align_cds-related transforms at this time. If your
#' data sets require batch correction, you need to co-embed them.
#'   * transfer_cell_labels does not check that the reference
#'     nearest neighbor index is consistent with the query matrix.
#' @md
#' @param cds_query the cell_data_set upon which to perform
#'   this operation
#' @param reduction_method a string specifying the reduced
#'   dimension matrix to use for the label transfer. These
#'   are "PCA", "LSI", and "UMAP". Default is "UMAP".
#' @param ref_coldata the reference cell_data_set colData
#'   data frame, which is obtained using the colData(cds_ref)
#'   function.
#' @param ref_column_name a string giving the name of the
#'   reference cell_data_set column with the values to
#'   copy to the query cell_data_set.
#' @param query_column_name a string giving the name of the
#'   query cell_data_set column to which you want the
#'   values copied. The default is ref_column_name.
#' @param transform_models_dir a string giving the name of
#'   the transform model directory to load into the query
#'   cell_data_set. If it is NULL, use the transform models
#'   in the query cell_data_set, which requires that the
#'   reference transform models were loaded into the query
#'   cell_data_set before transfer_cell_labels is called.
#'   The default is NULL. transfer_cells_labels uses the
#'   nearest neighbor index, which must be stored in the
#'   transform model.
#' @param k an integer giving the number of reference nearest
#'   neighbors to find. This value must be large enough to find
#'   meaningful column value fractions. See the top_frac_threshold
#'   parameter below for additional information. The default is 10.
#' @param nn_control An optional list of parameters used to make and search
#'   the nearest neighbors indices. See the set_nn_control help
#'   for additional details. Note that if nn_control\[\['search_k'\]\]
#'   is not defined, transfer_cell_labels will try to use
#'   search_k <- 2 * n_trees * k where n_trees is the value used
#'   to build the index. The default metric is cosine for
#'   reduction_methods PCA and LSI and is euclidean for
#'   reduction_method UMAP.
#' @param top_frac_threshold a numeric value. The top fraction
#'   of reference values must be greater than top_frac_threshold
#'   in order to be transferred to the query. The top
#'   fraction is the fraction of the k neighbors with the most
#'   frequent value. The default is 0.5.
#' @param top_next_ratio_threshold a numeric value giving the
#'   minimum value of the ratio of the counts of the most
#'   frequent to the second most frequent reference values
#'   required for transferring the reference value to the query.
#'   The default is 1.5.
#' @param verbose a boolean controlling verbose output.
#' @return an updated cell_data_set object
#' @examples
#'   \dontrun{
#'      expression_matrix <- readRDS(system.file('extdata',
#'                                                'worm_l2/worm_l2_expression_matrix.rds',
#'                                                package='monocle3'))
#'      cell_metadata <- readRDS(system.file('extdata',
#'                               'worm_l2/worm_l2_coldata.rds',
#'                                package='monocle3'))
#'      gene_metadata <- readRDS(system.file('extdata',
#'                               'worm_l2/worm_l2_rowdata.rds',
#'                               package='monocle3'))
#'      cds <- new_cell_data_set(expression_data=expression_matrix,
#'                               cell_metadata=cell_metadata,
#'                               gene_metadata=gene_metadata)
#'     ncell <- nrow(colData(cds))
#'     cell_sample <- sample(seq(ncell), 2 * ncell / 3)
#'     cell_set <- seq(ncell) %in% cell_sample
#'     cds1 <- cds[,cell_set]
#'     cds1 <- preprocess_cds(cds1)
#'     cds1 <- reduce_dimension(cds1, build_nn_index=TRUE)
#'     save_transform_models(cds1, 'tm')
#'     cds2 <- cds[,!cell_set]
#'     cds2 <- load_transform_models(cds2, 'tm')
#'     cds2 <- preprocess_transform(cds2, 'PCA')
#'     cds2 <- reduce_dimension_transform(cds2)
#'     cds2 <- transfer_cell_labels(cds2, 'UMAP', colData(cds1), 'cao_cell_type', 'transfer_cell_type')
#'   }
#' @export
# Bioconductor forbids writing to user directories so examples
# is not run.
transfer_cell_labels <- function(cds_query,
                                 reduction_method=c('UMAP', 'PCA', 'LSI'),
                                 verbose=FALSE) {

  assertthat::assert_that(methods::is(cds_query, 'cell_data_set'),
                          msg=paste0('cds_query parameter is not a cell_data_set'))
    tryCatch(expr = ifelse(match.arg(reduction_method) == "",TRUE, TRUE),
             error = function(e) FALSE),
    msg = "reduction_method must be 'UMAP', 'PCA', or 'LSI'")


                          msg=paste0('top_frac_threshold value is not numeric'))
                          msg=paste0('top_next_ratio_threshold value is not numeric'))
  reduction_method <- match.arg(reduction_method)

  if(!is.data.frame(ref_coldata)) {
    ref_coldata <- as.data.frame(ref_coldata)

  assertthat::assert_that(ref_column_name %in% colnames(ref_coldata),
                          msg=paste0('ref_column_name \'', ref_column_name, '\' is not in the ref_col_ata'))

  if(reduction_method == 'UMAP')
    nn_control_default <- get_global_variable('nn_control_annoy_euclidean')
    nn_control_default <- get_global_variable('nn_control_annoy_cosine')

  # Use set_nn_control to find nn method, which we need in order to select the correct index,
  # and we may need the index to set the nn_control[['search_k']].
  nn_control_tmp <- set_nn_control(mode=2,

  cds_nn_index <- get_cds_nn_index(cds=cds_query, reduction_method=reduction_method, nn_control_tmp[['method']], verbose=verbose)

  cds_reduced_dims <- SingleCellExperiment::reducedDims(cds_query)[[reduction_method]]
  if(ncol(cds_reduced_dims) != cds_nn_index[['ncol']]) {
    stop('transfer_cell_labels: reduced dimension matrix and nearest neighbor index dimensions do not match')

  checksum_matrix_rownames <- cds_nn_index[['checksum_rownames']]
  if(!is.na(checksum_matrix_rownames)) {
    checksum_coldata_rownames <- digest::digest(sort(rownames(ref_coldata)))
    if(checksum_matrix_rownames != checksum_coldata_rownames) {
      # In earlier versions (<2022-08-29), I did not sort the rownames. Preserve compatibility.
      checksum_coldata_rownames <- digest::digest(rownames(ref_coldata))
      if(checksum_matrix_rownames != checksum_coldata_rownames) {
        stop('transfer_cell_labels: matrix and colData rownames do not match')
  if(!is.na(cds_nn_index[['nrow']]) && (nrow(ref_coldata) != cds_nn_index[['nrow']])) {
    stop('transfer_cell_labels: matrix and colData row counts do not match')

  nn_control <- set_nn_control(mode=2,

  # Are the ref_column_name values discrete?
  label_data_are_discrete <- !is.double(ref_coldata[[ref_column_name]][1])

  # Load the reference projection models and nn indexes
  # into the query cds.
  if(!is.null(transform_models_dir)) {
    cds_query <- load_transform_models(cds=cds_query, directory_path=transform_models_dir)

                          msg=paste0("Reduction Method '", reduction_method, "' is not in the",
                                    "loaded model object."))

  # Search the reference reduction_method space for nearest neighbors
  # to the query cells.
  # The cds_reduced_dims contains the query cell coordinates
  # after projection into the reference space.
  # The cds@reduce_dim_aux[[reduction_method]] contains the reduction_method
  # coordinates for the reference data set, which were
  # loaded using load_transform_models() above.
  cds_res <- search_nn_index(query_matrix=cds_reduced_dims, nn_index=cds_nn_index,
                             k=k, nn_control=nn_control, verbose=verbose)
  # Get the best reference cell label for the query cells.
  if(label_data_are_discrete) {
    nn_labels <- get_nn_cell_label(query_data=cds_reduced_dims, 
  } else {
    nn_labels <- get_nn_means(query_data=cds_reduced_dims,
  colData(cds_query)[[query_column_name]] <- NULL
  colData(cds_query)[[query_column_name]] <- nn_labels


# fill in NAs ----------------------------------------------------------------

# edit_cell_label <- function(curr_label, other_labels, top_frac_threshold=0.5, top_next_ratio_threshold=1.5) {
#   # Change NAs to strings.
#   curr_label <- tidyr::replace_na(curr_label, "NA")
#   other_labels <- tidyr::replace_na(other_labels, "NA")
#   top_label <- which_mode(x=other_labels, top_frac_threshold=top_frac_threshold, top_next_ratio_threshold=top_next_ratio_threshold)
#   # Switch back if necessary.
#   top_label <- gsub("NA", NA_character_, top_label)
#   return(top_label)
# }

edit_query_cell_labels <- function(preproc_res,
                                   verbose=FALSE) {

  query_search <- search_nn_index(query_matrix=preproc_res,

  query_nns <- sapply(seq(1, nrow(query_search[['nn.idx']])), function(i) {
    # Get neighbors in reference space.
    query_neighbors <- query_search[['nn.idx']][i,]
    # Get corresponding reference cell label.
    query_labels <- query_coldata[query_neighbors, column_name]
    curr_label <- query_labels[1]
    other_labels <- query_labels[2:k]

    top_label <- which_mode(x=other_labels, top_frac_threshold=top_frac_threshold, top_next_ratio_threshold=top_next_ratio_threshold)

#     top_label <- edit_cell_label(curr_label=curr_label,
#                                  other_labels=other_labels,
#                                  top_frac_threshold=top_frac_threshold,
#                                  top_next_ratio_threshold=top_next_ratio_threshold)

#' @title Replace NA cell column data values left after running
#'    transfer_cell_labels.
#' @description Try to replace NA values left in a query
#'   cell_data_set after running transfer_cell_labels.
#' @details fix_missing_cell_labels uses non-NA cell
#' data values in the query cell_data_set to replace NAs
#' in nearby cells. It partitions the cells into a set
#' with NA and a set with non-NA column data values. It
#' makes a nearest neighbor index using cells with
#' non-NA values, and for each cell with NA, it tries to
#' find an acceptable non-NA column data value as follows.
#' If more than top_frac_threshold fraction of them have the
#' same value, it replaces the NA with it. If not, it
#' checks whether the ratio of the most frequent to the
#' second most frequent values is at least
#' top_next_ratio_threshold, in which case it copies the
#' most frequent value. Otherwise, it leaves the NA.
#' @param cds the cell_data_set upon which to perform this operation
#' @param reduction_method a string specifying the reduced dimension
#'   matrix to use for the label transfer. These are "PCA",
#'   "LSI", and "UMAP". Default is "UMAP".
#' @param from_column_name a string giving the name of the query
#'   cds column with NA values to fix.
#' @param to_column_name a string giving the name of the query
#'   cds column where the fixed column data will be stored. The
#'   default is from_column_name
#' @param out_notna_models_dir a string with the name of the transform
#'   model directory where you want to save the not-NA transform models,
#'   which includes the nearest neighbor index. If NULL, the
#'   not-NA models are not saved. The default is NULL.
#' @param k an integer giving the number of reference nearest
#'   neighbors to find. This value must be large enough to find
#'   meaningful column value fractions. See the top_frac_threshold
#'   parameter below for additional information. The default is 10.
#' @param nn_control An optional list of parameters used to make the
#'   nearest neighbors index. See the set_nn_control help for
#'   additional details. The default metric is cosine for
#'   reduction_methods PCA and LSI and is euclidean for
#'   reduction_method UMAP.
#' @param top_frac_threshold a numeric value. The top fraction
#'   of reference values must be greater than top_frac_threshold
#'   in order to be transferred to the query. The top
#'   fraction is the fraction of the k neighbors with the most
#'   frequent value. The default is 0.5.
#' @param top_next_ratio_threshold a numeric value giving the
#'   minimum value of the ratio of the counts of the most
#'   frequent to the second most frequent reference values
#'   required for transferring the reference value to the query.
#'   The default is 1.5.
#' @param verbose a boolean controlling verbose output.
#' @return an updated cell_data_set object
#' @examples
#'   \dontrun{
#'      expression_matrix <- readRDS(system.file('extdata',
#'                                               'worm_l2/worm_l2_expression_matrix.rds',
#'                                               package='monocle3'))
#'      cell_metadata <- readRDS(system.file('extdata',
#                                            'worm_l2/worm_l2_coldata.rds',
#'                                           package='monocle3'))
#'      gene_metadata <- readRDS(system.file('extdata',
#'                                           'worm_l2/worm_l2_rowdata.rds',
#'                                           package='monocle3'))
#'      cds <- new_cell_data_set(expression_data=expression_matrix,
#'                               cell_metadata=cell_metadata,
#'                               gene_metadata=gene_metadata)
#'     ncell <- nrow(colData(cds))
#'     cell_sample <- sample(seq(ncell), 2 * ncell / 3)
#'     cell_set <- seq(ncell) %in% cell_sample
#'     cds1 <- cds[,cell_set]
#'     cds1 <- preprocess_cds(cds1)
#'     cds1 <- reduce_dimension(cds1, build_nn_index=TRUE)
#'     save_transform_models(cds1, 'tm')
#'     cds2 <- cds[,!cell_set]
#'     cds2 <- load_transform_models(cds2, 'tm')
#'     cds2 <- preprocess_transform(cds2, 'PCA')
#'     cds2 <- reduce_dimension_transform(cds2)
#'     cds2 <- transfer_cell_labels(cds2, 'UMAP', colData(cds1), 'cao_cell_type', 'transfer_cell_type')
#'     cds2 <- fix_missing_cell_labels(cds2, 'UMAP', 'transfer_cell_type', 'fixed_cell_type')
#'   }
#' @export
# Bioconductor forbids writing to user directories so examples
# is not run.
fix_missing_cell_labels <- function(cds,
                                    reduction_method=c('UMAP', 'PCA', 'LSI'),
                                    verbose=FALSE) {

  assertthat::assert_that(methods::is(cds, 'cell_data_set'),
                          msg=paste('cds parameter is not a cell_data_set'))
    tryCatch(expr = ifelse(match.arg(reduction_method) == "",TRUE, TRUE),
             error = function(e) FALSE),
    msg = "reduction_method must be 'UMAP', 'PCA', or 'LSI'")
                          msg=paste0("Reduction method '", reduction_method, "' is not in the cds."))
  reduction_method <- match.arg(reduction_method)
  assertthat::assert_that(from_column_name %in% colnames(colData(cds)),
                          msg=paste0('from_column_name \'', from_column_name, '\' is not in the cds colData'))

  if(reduction_method == 'UMAP')
    nn_control_default <- get_global_variable('nn_control_annoy_euclidean')
    nn_control_default <- get_global_variable('nn_control_annoy_cosine')

  nn_control <- set_nn_control(mode=3,

  # Partition cds.
  notna_cds <- cds[, !is.na(colData(cds)[[from_column_name]])]
  # Build index on not NA cds, where there is a label.
  notna_nn_index <- make_nn_index(subject_matrix=SingleCellExperiment::reducedDims(notna_cds)[[reduction_method]],
  notna_coldata <- as.data.frame(colData(notna_cds))

  if(!is.null(out_notna_models_dir)) {
    save_transform_models(cds=notna_cds, directory_path=out_notna_models_dir, verbose=verbose)
  na_cds <- cds[, is.na(colData(cds)[[from_column_name]])]
  new_cell_labels <- edit_query_cell_labels(preproc_res=SingleCellExperiment::reducedDims(na_cds)[[reduction_method]],
  if(to_column_name != from_column_name)
    colData(cds)[[to_column_name]] <- colData(cds)[[from_column_name]]

  na_label_index <- which(is.na(colData(cds)[[from_column_name]]))
  colData(cds)[[to_column_name]][na_label_index] <- new_cell_labels

cole-trapnell-lab/monocle3 documentation built on April 7, 2024, 9:24 p.m.