filter_sce: Filter SingleCellExperiment according to QC metrics Quality...

View source: R/filter_sce.R

filter_sceR Documentation

Filter SingleCellExperiment according to QC metrics Quality control metrics previously calculated are used to subset the SingleCellExperiment for both cells and genes passing QC criteria previously specified in the annotate_sce_genes and annotate_sce_cells functions


Filter SingleCellExperiment according to QC metrics Quality control metrics previously calculated are used to subset the SingleCellExperiment for both cells and genes passing QC criteria previously specified in the annotate_sce_genes and annotate_sce_cells functions


filter_sce(sce, filter_genes = TRUE, filter_cells = TRUE)



a SingleCellExperiment object


if set FALSE, genes will not be filtered


if set FALSE, cells will not be filtered


sce a SingleCellExperiment object filtered for QC passed cells and genes, with QC metrics annotations removed

See Also

Other annotation functions: .preprocess_seurat_object(), annotate_celltype_metrics(), annotate_integrated_sce(), annotate_merged_sce(), annotate_sce(), annotate_sce_cells(), annotate_sce_genes(), find_cells(), find_singlets(), generate_sce(), map_ensembl_gene_id(), merge_sce(), read_metadata(), report_celltype_metrics(), report_celltype_model(), report_merged_sce(), report_qc_sce(), run_doubletfinder(), sce_to_seu()

combiz/scFlow documentation built on Feb. 25, 2024, 10:25 a.m.