#' @include models_classes.R fit_classes.R
#' @title Multinomial Stochastic Block Model Prior class
#' @description
#' An S4 class to represent a Multinomial Stochastic Block Model. Such model can be used to cluster multi-layer graph vertex, and model a square adjacency cube \eqn{X} of size NxNxM with the following generative model :
#' \deqn{ \pi \sim Dirichlet(\alpha)}
#' \deqn{ Z_i \sim \mathcal{M}(1,\pi)}
#' \deqn{ \theta_{kl} \sim Dirichlet(\beta)}
#' \deqn{ X_{ij.}|Z_{ik}Z_{jl}=1 \sim \mathcal{M}(L_{ij},\theta_{kl})}
#' With \eqn{L_{ij}=\sum_{m=1}^MX_{ijm}}. These classes mainly store the prior parameters value \eqn{\alpha,\beta} of this generative model.
#' The \code{MultSbm-class} must be used when fitting a simple MultSbm whereas the \code{MultSbmPrior-class} must be sued when fitting a \code{\link{CombinedModels-class}}.
#' @name MultSbm
#' @rdname MultSbm
#' @family DlvmModels
#' @export
representation = list(beta = "numeric", type = "character"),
prototype(beta = 1, type = "guess")
setValidity("MultSbmPrior", function(object) {
if (length(object@beta) > 1) {
return("MultSbm model prior misspecification, beta must be of length 1.")
if (is.na(object@beta)) {
return("MultSbm model prior misspecification, beta is NA.")
if (object@beta <= 0) {
return("MultSbm model prior misspecification, beta must be positive.")
if (!(object@type %in% c("directed", "undirected", "guess"))) {
return("MultSbm model prior misspecification, model type must directed, undirected or guess.")
#' @rdname MultSbm
#' @export
contains = c("DlvmPrior", "MultSbmPrior")
#' @rdname MultSbm
#' @param beta Dirichlet prior parameter over Multinomial links
#' @param type define the type of networks (either "directed", "undirected" or "guess", default to "guess"), for undirected graphs the adjacency matrix is supposed to be symmetric.
#' @return a \code{MultSbmPrior-class} object
#' @seealso \code{\link{MultSbmFit-class}}, \code{\link{MultSbmPath-class}}
#' @examples
#' MultSbmPrior()
#' MultSbmPrior(type = "undirected")
#' @export
MultSbmPrior <- function(beta = 1, type = "guess") {
methods::new("MultSbmPrior", beta = beta, type = type)
#' @rdname MultSbm
#' @param alpha Dirichlet prior parameter over the cluster proportions (default to 1)
#' @return a \code{MultSbm-class} object
#' @examples
#' MultSbm()
#' MultSbm(type = "undirected")
#' @export
MultSbm <- function(alpha = 1, beta = 1, type = "guess") {
methods::new("MultSbm", alpha = alpha, beta = beta, type = type)
#' @title Multinomial Stochastic Block Model fit results class
#' @description An S4 class to represent a fit of a Multinomial Stochastic Block Model, extend \code{\link{IclFit-class}}.
#' @slot model a \code{\link{MultSbm-class}} object to store the model fitted
#' @slot name generative model name
#' @slot icl icl value of the fitted model
#' @slot K number of extracted clusters over row and columns
#' @slot cl a numeric vector with row and columns cluster indexes
#' @slot obs_stats a list with the following elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item counts: numeric vector of size K with number of elements in each clusters
#' \item x_counts: cube of size KxKxM with the number of links between each pair of clusters
#' }
#' @slot move_mat binary matrix which store move constraints
#' @slot train_hist data.frame with training history information (details depends on the training procedure)
#' @seealso \code{\link{coef,MultSbmFit-method}}
#' @export
setClass("MultSbmFit", slots = list(model = "MultSbm"), contains = "IclFit")
#' @title Multinomial Stochastic Block Model hierarchical fit results class
#' @description An S4 class to represent a hierarchical fit of a Multinomial Stochastic Block Model, extend \code{\link{IclPath-class}}.
#' @slot model a \code{\link{MultSbm-class}} object to store the model fitted
#' @slot name generative model name
#' @slot icl icl value of the fitted model
#' @slot K number of extracted clusters over row and columns
#' @slot cl a numeric vector with row and columns cluster indexes
#' @slot obs_stats a list with the following elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item counts: numeric vector of size K with number of elements in each clusters
#' \item x_counts: matrix of size KxKxM with the number of links between each pair of clusters
#' }
#' @slot path a list of size K-1 with each part of the path described by:
#' \itemize{
#' \item icl1: icl value reach with this solution for alpha=1
#' \item logalpha: log(alpha) value were this solution is better than its parent
#' \item K: number of clusters
#' \item cl: vector of cluster indexes
#' \item k,l: index of the cluster that were merged at this step
#' \item merge_mat: lower triangular matrix of delta icl values
#' \item obs_stats: a list with the elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item counts: numeric vector of size K with number of elements in each clusters
#' \item x_counts: matrix of size KxKxM with the number of links between each pair of clusters
#' }
#' }
#' @slot logalpha value of log(alpha)
#' @slot ggtree data.frame with complete merge tree for easy plotting with \code{ggplot2}
#' @slot tree numeric vector with merge tree \code{tree[i]} contains the index of \code{i} father
#' @slot train_hist data.frame with training history information (details depends on the training procedure)
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot,MultSbmFit,missing-method}}
#' @export
setClass("MultSbmPath", contains = c("IclPath", "MultSbmFit"))
#' @title Plot a \code{\link{MultSbmFit-class}} object
#' @param x a \code{\link{MultSbmFit-class}}
#' @param type a string which specify plot type:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{'blocks'}: plot a block matrix with summarizing connections between clusters
#' \item \code{'nodelink'}: plot a nodelink diagram of the graph summarizing connections between clusters
#' }
#' @return a \code{\link[ggplot2]{ggplot}} graphic
#' @export
f = "plot",
signature = signature("MultSbmFit", "missing"),
definition = function(x, type = "blocks") {
blocks = graph_blocks_cube(x),
nodelink = nodelink_cube(x),
stop(paste0("No plot available with type :", type), call. = FALSE)
#' @title Extract parameters from an \code{\link{MultSbmFit-class}} object
#' @param object a \code{\link{MultSbmFit-class}}
#' @return a list with the model parameters estimates (MAP), the fields are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{'pi'}: cluster proportions
#' \item \code{'thetakl'}: cluster profile probabilities (array of size K x K x D),
#' }
#' @export
f = "coef",
signature = signature(object = "MultSbmFit"),
definition = function(object) {
sol <- object
pi <- (sol@obs_stats$counts + sol@model@alpha - 1) / sum(sol@obs_stats$counts + sol@model@alpha - 1)
if (sol@model@type == "undirected") {
x_counts <- sol@obs_stats$MultSbm$x_counts
for (k in 1:dim(x_counts)[1]) {
for (d in 1:dim(x_counts)[3]) {
x_counts[k, k, d] <- x_counts[k, k, d] / 2
} else {
x_counts <- sol@obs_stats$MultSbm$x_counts
thetakl <- x_counts + sol@model@beta - 1
norm <- colSums(aperm(thetakl, c(3, 1, 2)), 2)
for (d in 1:dim(thetakl)[3]) {
thetakl[, , d] <- thetakl[, , d] / norm
list(pi = pi, thetakl = thetakl)
f = "seed",
signature = signature("MultSbm", "list", "numeric"),
definition = function(model, data, K) {
# pas terrible a réflechir deplier a droite sur les slices ?
km <- stats::kmeans(data$X[, , 1], K)
f = "preprocess",
signature = signature("MultSbmPrior"),
definition = function(model, data) {
if (!methods::is(data, "array")) {
stop("A multsbm model expect an array with 3 dimensions.", call. = FALSE)
if (length(dim(data)) != 3) {
stop("A multsbm model expect an array with 3 dimensions.", call. = FALSE)
if (dim(data)[1] != dim(data)[2]) {
stop("A multsbm model expect an array of 3 dimensions with as many rows as columns.", call. = FALSE)
if (!all(round(data) == data) || min(data) < 0) {
stop("A multsbm model expect an array of 3 dimensions with as many rows as columns filled with postive integers.", call. = FALSE)
issym <- all(sapply(1:dim(data)[3], function(d) {
isSymmetric(data[, , d])
if (model@type == "undirected" & !issym) {
stop("An undirected multsbm expect a symmetric array.", call. = FALSE)
selfloops <- sapply(1:dim(data)[3], function(d) {
sum(diag(data[, , d]))
if (model@type == "undirected" & !all(selfloops == 0)) {
for (d in 1:dim(data)[3]) {
diag(data[, , d]) <- 0
warning("An undirected multsbm model does not allow self loops, self loops were removed from the graph.", call. = FALSE)
list(X = data, N = nrow(data))
f = "reorder",
signature = signature("MultSbm", "list", "integer"),
definition = function(model, obs_stats, order) {
obs_stats$MultSbm$x_counts <- obs_stats$MultSbm$x_counts[order, order, ]
obs_stats$counts <- obs_stats$counts[order]
f = "reorder",
signature = signature("MultSbmPrior", "list", "integer"),
definition = function(model, obs_stats, order) {
obs_stats$x_counts <- obs_stats$x_counts[order, order, ]
f = "cleanObsStats",
signature = signature("MultSbmPrior", "list"),
definition = function(model, obs_stats, data) {
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