#' Filter unmapped reads
#' This function will remove all unmapped reads or lines in a .bam file
#' (warning: overwrites the original file!). This function is needed because
#' combining multiple .bam files from different microbial libraries may lead to
#' some reads that mapped to one library and have unmapped entries from another
#' library. This will remove any unmapped entries and leave all reference mapped
#' lines in the .bam file.
#' It is not intended for direct use.
#' @param bamfile Location for the .bam file to filter & remove all unmapped
#' reads
#' @return This function will overwrite the existing .bam file with a new .bam
#' file in the same location that has only mapped lines. The function itself
#' returns the output .bam file name.
filter_unmapped_reads <- function(bamfile) {
sorted_bamfile <- Rsamtools::sortBam(bamfile,
".sorted", sep = ""))
bam_index <- Rsamtools::indexBam(sorted_bamfile)
filtered_bam <- Rsamtools::filterBam(
destination = bamfile,
index = bam_index,
indexDestination = FALSE,
param = Rsamtools::ScanBamParam(flag = Rsamtools::scanBamFlag(
isUnmappedQuery = FALSE))
# clean up
# return filtered file name
#' Create a combined .bam header
#' This function generates a combined header from multiple .bam files from
#' different reference libraries (e.g. a split bacterial library). It is not
#' intended for use by users.
#' @param bam_files A character vector of the locations/file names of .bam files
#' from which to combine the headers.
#' @param header_file A file name and location for the output file for the
#' combined header. This will be a .sam format file without any reads.
#' Defaults to 'header_tmp.sam'.
#' @return This function will return a combined header from all the supplied
#' .bam files.
combined_header <-
function(bam_files, header_file = "header_tmp.sam") {
# get first and last line of header
bam_head <- Rsamtools::scanBamHeader(bam_files[1])
n <- length(bam_head[[1]]$text)
last <- c(names(bam_head[[1]]$text)[n], bam_head[[1]]$text[[n]])
# open and print the first line of header
head_con <- file(header_file, open = "w")
writeLines(c(names(bam_head[[1]]$text)[1], bam_head[[1]]$text[[1]]),
con = head_con,
sep = "\t")
writeLines("\n", con = head_con, sep = "")
# print genomes from all .bam files
for (bfile in bam_files) {
bam_head <- Rsamtools::scanBamHeader(bfile)
for (j in 2:(length(bam_head[[1]]$text) - 1)) {
writeLines(c(names(bam_head[[1]]$text)[j], bam_head[[1]]$text[[j]]),
con = head_con,
sep = "\t")
writeLines("\n", con = head_con, sep = "")
writeLines(last, con = head_con, sep = "\t")
#' Replace the header from a .bam file
#' This function replaces the header from one .bam file with a header from a
#' different .sam file. This function mimics the function of the 'reheader'
#' function in samtools. It is not intended for use by users.
#' @param head A file name and location for the .sam file with the new header.
#' @param old_bam A file name and location for the .bam file which you would
#' @param new_bam A file name for the new .bam file with a replaced header.
#' Defaults to the same base filename plus 'h.bam'. For example, 'example.bam'
#' will be written as 'exampleh.bam'.
#' @return This function will return a new .bam file with a replaced header. The
#' function also outputs the new .bam filename.
bam_reheader_R <- function(head, old_bam, new_bam = paste(
tools::file_path_sans_ext(old_bam), "h.bam", sep = "")) {
new_sam <- paste(tools::file_path_sans_ext(new_bam), ".sam", sep = "")
new_sam_con <- file(new_sam, open = "w")
head_con <- file(head, open = "r")
while (length(oneLine <- readLines(head_con, n = 1, warn = FALSE)) > 0) {
writeLines(oneLine, new_sam_con)
old_sam <- Rsamtools::asSam(old_bam, overwrite = TRUE)
old_sam_con <- file(old_sam, open = "r")
while (length(oneLine <- readLines(old_sam_con, n = 1, warn = FALSE)) > 0) {
if (substr(oneLine, 1, 1) != "@") {
writeLines(oneLine, new_sam_con)
new_bam <- Rsamtools::asBam(new_sam, overwrite = TRUE)
file.remove(paste(new_bam, ".bai", sep = ""))
#' Merge multiple .bam files
#' This function merges .bam files. It first used the combined_header function
#' to generate a combined header for all the files, reheaders the files, and
#' then merges and sorts the .bam files. It is similar to the 'samtools merge'
#' function, but it allows the .bam files to have different headers. It is not
#' intended for direct use.
#' @param bam_files A list of file names for the .bam files to be merged.
#' @param destination A file name and location for the merged .bam file.
#' @param head_file A file name and location for the combined header file.
#' Defaults to the destination. For example, 'example.bam' will be written as
#' 'example.bam'.
#' @param quiet Turns off most messages. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @return This function merges .bam files and combines them into a single file.
#' The function also outputs the new .bam filename.
merge_bam_files <- function(bam_files, destination,
head_file = paste(destination, "_header.sam",
sep = ""), quiet = TRUE) {
if (!quiet) message("Merging .bam files")
com_head <- combined_header(bam_files, header_file = head_file)
# Paths for merged bam files
unsortbam <- paste0(destination, "_unsorted.bam")
if (check_samtools_exists()) {
if (!quiet) message("samtools found on system. Merging with samtools.")
lapply(bam_files, function(bf) sys::exec_wait(
"samtools", c("reheader", head_file, bf), std_out = FALSE,
std_err = TRUE))
sys::exec_wait("samtools", c("merge", unsortbam, bam_files),
std_out = FALSE, std_err = TRUE)
lapply(c(bam_files, head_file), unlink, force = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
if (!quiet) message("Sorting merged bam file")
merged_bam_sorted <- paste0(destination, ".bam")
sys::exec_wait("samtools", c("sort", "-o", merged_bam_sorted, unsortbam),
std_out = TRUE, std_err = TRUE)
lapply(unsortbam, unlink, force = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
} else {
if (!quiet) message("samtools not found. Merging with Rsamtools instead.")
bam_files_h <- NULL
for (i in seq_along(bam_files)) {
if (!quiet) message("Reheading bam file")
new_bam_h <- bam_reheader_R(com_head, bam_files[i])
bam_files_h <- c(bam_files_h, new_bam_h)
# remove .bam and .vcf and .bam.summary files for each alignment
file.remove(paste(bam_files[i], ".indel.vcf", sep = ""))
file.remove(paste(bam_files[i], ".summary", sep = ""))
merged_bam <- Rsamtools::mergeBam(bam_files_h, unsortbam, overwrite = TRUE)
# clean up
lapply(bam_files_h, file.remove)
if (!quiet) message("Sorting merged bam file")
# sort merged bam file
merged_bam_sorted <- Rsamtools::sortBam(merged_bam, destination)
# return merged and sorted bam
#' Align microbiome reads to a set of reference libraries
#' This is the main MetaScope target library mapping function, using Rsubread
#' and multiple libraries. Aligns to each library separately, filters unmapped
#' reads from each file, and then merges and sorts the .bam files from each
#' library into one output file. If desired, output can be passed to
#' `filter_host()` to remove reads that also map to filter library genomes.
#' @inheritParams align_target_bowtie
#' @param lib_dir Path to the index files for all libraries.
#' @param libs A vector of character strings giving the basenames of the Subread
#' index files for alignment. If ALL indices to be used are located in the
#' current working directory, set \code{lib_dir = NULL}. Default is
#' \code{lib_dir = NULL}.
#' @param subread_options A named \code{list} specifying alignment parameters
#' for the \code{Rsubread::align()} function, which is called inside
#' \code{align_target()}. Elements should include type, nthreads,
#' maxMismatches, nsubreads, phredOffset, unique, and nBestLocations.
#' Descriptions of these parameters are available under
#' \code{?Rsubread::align}. Defaults to the global \code{align_details}
#' object.
#' @return This function writes a merged and sorted .bam file after aligning to
#' all reference libraries given, along with a summary report file, to the
#' user's working directory. The function also outputs the new .bam filename.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #### Align example reads to an example reference library using Rsubread
#' \donttest{
#' ## Create temporary directory
#' target_ref_temp <- tempfile()
#' dir.create(target_ref_temp)
#' ## Download genome
#' tax <- "Ovine atadenovirus D"
#' all_ref <- MetaScope::download_refseq(tax,
#' reference = FALSE,
#' representative = FALSE,
#' compress = TRUE,
#' out_dir = target_ref_temp,
#' caching = TRUE)
#' ## Create subread index
#' ind_out <- mk_subread_index(all_ref)
#' ## Get path to example reads
#' readPath <- system.file("extdata", "reads.fastq",
#' package = "MetaScope")
#' ## Copy the example reads to the temp directory
#' refPath <- file.path(target_ref_temp, "reads.fastq")
#' file.copy(from = readPath, to = refPath)
#' ## Modify alignment parameters object
#' data("align_details")
#' align_details[["type"]] <- "rna"
#' align_details[["phredOffset"]] <- 50
#' # Just to get it to align - toy example!
#' align_details[["maxMismatches"]] <- 100
#' ## Run alignment
#' target_map <- align_target(refPath,
#' libs = stringr::str_replace_all(tax, " ", "_"),
#' lib_dir = target_ref_temp,
#' subread_options = align_details)
#' ## Remove temporary folder
#' unlink(target_ref_temp, recursive = TRUE)
#' }
align_target <- function(read1, read2 = NULL, lib_dir = NULL, libs,
threads = 1,
align_file = tools::file_path_sans_ext(read1),
subread_options = align_details, quiet = TRUE) {
data_env <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
utils::data("align_details", envir = data_env, package = "MetaScope")
align_details <- data_env[["align_details"]]
if (!is.null(lib_dir)) lib_dir <- tools::file_path_as_absolute(lib_dir)
bam_files <- numeric(length(libs))
for (i in seq_along(libs)) {
if (!quiet) message("Attempting to perform subread alignment on ", libs[i],
" index")
bam_files[i] <- paste(tools::file_path_sans_ext(read1), ".", libs[i],
".bam", sep = "")
index = file.path(lib_dir, libs[i]),
readfile1 = read1,
readfile2 = read2,
input_format = "fastq",
output_format = "BAM",
output_file = bam_files[i],
type = subread_options[["type"]],
nthreads = threads,
maxMismatches = subread_options[["maxMismatches"]],
nsubreads = subread_options[["nsubreads"]],
phredOffset = subread_options[["phredOffset"]],
unique = subread_options[["unique"]],
nBestLocations = subread_options[["nBestLocations"]]
## remove umapped reads
if (!quiet) message("Filtering unmapped reads")
if (!quiet) message("Library alignment complete")
# If more than one library was aligned, then combine bam files
if (length(bam_files) > 1) {
if (quiet) message("Merging the bam files into ", align_file, ".bam")
merge_bam_files(bam_files, align_file, quiet=quiet)
} else {
file.rename(bam_files, paste(align_file, ".bam", sep = ""))
# remove Rsubread .vcf and .bam.summary files for now
file.remove(paste(bam_files, ".indel.vcf", sep = ""))
file.remove(paste(bam_files, ".summary", sep = ""))
if (!quiet) message("DONE! Alignments written to ", align_file, ".bam")
return(paste(align_file, ".bam", sep = ""))
#' Align microbiome reads to set of indexed Bowtie2 libraries
#' This is the main MetaScope target library mapping function, using Rbowtie2
#' and multiple libraries. Aligns to each library separately, filters unmapped
#' reads from each file, and then merges and sorts the .bam files from each
#' library into one output file. If desired, output can be passed to
#' `filter_host_bowtie()` to remove reads that also map to filter library
#' genomes.
#' The default parameters are the same that PathoScope 2.0 uses.
#' "--very-sensitive-local -k 100 --score-min L,20,1.0"
#' If you experience any issues with reading the input files, make sure that
#' the file(s) are not located in a read-only folder. This can be circumvented
#' by copying files to a new location before running the function.
#' @param read1 Path to the .fastq file to align.
#' @param read2 Optional: Location of the mate pair .fastq file to align.
#' @param lib_dir Path to the directory that contains the Bowtie2 indexes.
#' @param libs The basename of the Bowtie2 indexes to align against (without
#' trailing .bt2 or .bt2l extensions).
#' @param align_dir Path to the directory where the output alignment file should
#' be created.
#' @param align_file The basename of the output alignment file (without trailing
#' .bam extension).
#' @param bowtie2_options Optional: Additional parameters that can be passed to
#' the align_target_bowtie() function. To see all the available parameters use
#' Rbowtie2::bowtie2_usage(). See Details for default parameters. NOTE: Users
#' should pass all their parameters as one string and if optional parameters
#' are given then the user is responsible for entering all the parameters to
#' be used by Bowtie2. The only parameter that should NOT be specified here is
#' the number of threads.
#' @param threads The number of threads that can be utilized by the function.
#' Default is 1 thread.
#' @param overwrite Whether existing files should be overwritten. Default is
#' @param quiet Turns off most messages. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @return Returns the path to where the output alignment file is stored.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #### Align example reads to an example reference library using Rbowtie2
#' ## Create temporary directory to store file
#' target_ref_temp <- tempfile()
#' dir.create(target_ref_temp)
#' ## Dowload reference genome
#' MetaScope::download_refseq("Morbillivirus hominis",
#' reference = FALSE,
#' representative = FALSE,
#' compress = TRUE,
#' out_dir = target_ref_temp,
#' caching = TRUE
#' )
#' ## Create temporary directory to store the indices
#' index_temp <- tempfile()
#' dir.create(index_temp)
#' ## Create bowtie2 index
#' MetaScope::mk_bowtie_index(
#' ref_dir = target_ref_temp,
#' lib_dir = index_temp,
#' lib_name = "target",
#' overwrite = TRUE
#' )
#' ## Create temporary directory for final file
#' output_temp <- tempfile()
#' dir.create(output_temp)
#' ## Get path to example reads
#' readPath <- system.file("extdata", "virus_example.fastq",
#' package = "MetaScope")
#' ## Align to target genomes
#' target_map <-
#' MetaScope::align_target_bowtie(
#' read1 = readPath,
#' lib_dir = index_temp,
#' libs = "target",
#' align_dir = output_temp,
#' align_file = "bowtie_target",
#' overwrite = TRUE,
#' bowtie2_options = "--very-sensitive-local"
#' )
#' ## Remove extra folders
#' unlink(target_ref_temp, recursive = TRUE)
#' unlink(index_temp, recursive = TRUE)
#' unlink(output_temp, recursive = TRUE)
align_target_bowtie <- function(read1, read2 = NULL, lib_dir, libs,
align_dir, align_file, bowtie2_options = NULL,
threads = 1, overwrite = FALSE, quiet = TRUE) {
# Convert user specified paths to absolute paths for debugging purposes
lib_dir <- tools::file_path_as_absolute(lib_dir)
align_dir <- tools::file_path_as_absolute(align_dir)
# If user does not specify parameters, specify for them
if (is.null(bowtie2_options)) {
bowtie2_options <- paste(
"--local -R 2 -N 0 -L 25 -i S,1,0.75 -k 5 --score-min L,0,1.7",
"--threads", threads)
} else bowtie2_options <- paste(bowtie2_options, "--threads", threads)
bam_files <- numeric(length(libs))
for (i in seq_along(libs)) {
# Don't attach .bam extension - Rbowtie2 does this already
bam_files[i] <- file.path(
align_dir, paste(basename(tools::file_path_sans_ext(read1)),
".", libs[i], sep = ""))
if (!quiet) message("Attempting to perform Bowtie2 alignment on ",
libs[i], " index")
bt2Index = file.path(lib_dir, libs[i]),
output = bam_files[i],
outputType = "bam",
seq1 = read1,
seq2 = read2,
overwrite = overwrite,
... = bowtie2_options
# Attach .bam extension to bam files to call function
if (!quiet) message("Filtering unmapped reads")
filter_unmapped_reads(paste0(bam_files[i], ".bam"))
if (!quiet) message("Library alignment complete")
outputFile <- file.path(align_dir, paste0(align_file, ".bam"))
bam_files <- paste0(bam_files, ".bam")
# If more than one library was aligned, then combine bam files
if (length(bam_files) > 1) {
if (!quiet) message("Merging the bam files into ", align_file, ".bam")
merge_bam_files(bam_files, tools::file_path_sans_ext(outputFile), quiet=quiet)
} else file.rename(bam_files, outputFile)
if (!quiet) message("DONE! Alignments written to ", outputFile)
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