#' Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) of a k-th order Markov chain
#' @description Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the transition matrix and
#' initial distribution of a k-th order Markov chain starting from one or
#' several sequences.
#' @details Let \eqn{X_1, X_2, ..., X_n} be a trajectory of length \eqn{n} of
#' the Markov chain \eqn{X = (X_m)_{m \in N}} of order \eqn{k = 1} with
#' transition matrix \eqn{p_{trans}(i,j) = P(X_{m+1} = j | X_m = i)}. The
#' maximum likelihood estimation of the transition matrix is
#' \eqn{\widehat{p_{trans}}(i,j) = \frac{N_{ij}}{N_{i.}}}, where \eqn{N_{ij}}
#' is the number of transitions from state \eqn{i} to state \eqn{j} and
#' \eqn{N_{i.}} is the number of transition from state \eqn{i} to any state.
#' For \eqn{k > 1} we have similar expressions.
#' The initial distribution of a k-th order Markov chain is defined as
#' \eqn{\mu_i = P(X_1 = i)}. Five methods are proposed for the estimation
#' of the latter :
#' \describe{
#' \item{Maximum Likelihood Estimator: }{The Maximum Likelihood Estimator
#' for the initial distribution. The formula is:
#' \eqn{\widehat{\mu_i} = \frac{Nstart_i}{L}}, where \eqn{Nstart_i} is
#' the number of occurences of the word \eqn{i} (of length \eqn{k}) at
#' the beginning of each sequence and \eqn{L} is the number of sequences.
#' This estimator is reliable when the number of sequences \eqn{L} is high.}
#' \item{Stationary distribution: }{The stationary distribution is used as
#' a surrogate of the initial distribution. If the order of the Markov
#' chain is more than one, the transition matrix is converted into a
#' square block matrix in order to estimate the stationary distribution.
#' This method may take time if the order of the Markov chain is high
#' (more than three (3)).}
#' \item{Frequencies of each word: }{The initial distribution is estimated
#' by taking the frequencies of the words of length `k` for all sequences.
#' The formula is \eqn{\widehat{\mu_i} = \frac{N_i}{N}}, where \eqn{N_i}
#' is the number of occurences of the word \eqn{i} (of length \eqn{k}) in
#' the sequences and \eqn{N} is the sum of the lengths of the sequences.}
#' \item{Product of the frequencies of each state: }{The initial distribution
#' is estimated by using the product of the frequencies of each state
#' (for all the sequences) in the word of length \eqn{k}.}
#' \item{Uniform distribution: }{The initial probability of each state is
#' equal to \eqn{1 / s}, with \eqn{s}, the number of states.}
#' }
#' @param sequences A list of vectors representing the sequences.
#' @param states Vector of state space (of length s).
#' @param k Order of the Markov chain.
#' @param init.estim Optional. `init.estim` gives the method used to estimate
#' the initial distribution. The following methods are proposed:
#' \itemize{
#' \item `init.estim = "mle"`: the classical Maximum Likelihood Estimator
#' is used to estimate the initial distribution `init`;
#' \item `init.estim = "stationary"`: the initial distribution is replaced by
#' the stationary distribution of the Markov chain (if the order of the
#' Markov chain is more than one, the transition matrix is converted
#' into a square block matrix in order to estimate the stationary
#' distribution);
#' \item `init.estim = "freq"`: the initial distribution is estimated by
#' taking the frequencies of the words of length `k` for all sequences;
#' \item `init.estim = "prod"`: `init` is estimated by using the product
#' of the frequencies of each letter (for all the sequences) in the word
#' of length `k`;
#' \item `init.estim = "unif"`: the initial probability of each state is
#' equal to \eqn{1 / s}, with \eqn{s} the number of states.
#' }
#' @return An object of class S3 `mmfit` (inheriting from the S3 class [mm]).
#' The S3 class `mmfit` contains:
#' \itemize{
#' \item All the attributes of the S3 class [mm];
#' \item An attribute `M` which is an integer giving the total length of
#' the set of sequences `sequences` (sum of all the lengths of the list
#' `sequences`);
#' \item An attribute `logLik` which is a numeric value giving the value
#' of the log-likelihood of the specified Markov model based on the
#' `sequences`;
#' \item An attribute `sequences` which is equal to the parameter
#' `sequences` of the function `fitmm` (i.e. a list of sequences used to
#' estimate the Markov model).
#' }
#' @seealso [mm], [simulate.mm]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' states <- c("a", "c", "g", "t")
#' s <- length(states)
#' k <- 2
#' init <- rep.int(1 / s ^ k, s ^ k)
#' p <- matrix(0.25, nrow = s ^ k, ncol = s)
#' # Specify a Markov model of order 2
#' markov <- mm(states = states, init = init, ptrans = p, k = k)
#' seqs <- simulate(object = markov, nsim = c(1000, 10000, 2000), seed = 150)
#' est <- fitmm(sequences = seqs, states = states, k = 2)
fitmm <- function(sequences, states, k = 1, init.estim = "mle") {
# Checking parameters sequences and states
if (!(is.list(sequences) & all(sapply(sequences, class) %in% c("character", "numeric")))) {
stop("The parameter 'sequences' should be a list of vectors")
if (!all(unique(unlist(sequences)) %in% states)) {
stop("Some states in the list of observed sequences 'sequences' are not in the state space 'states'")
# Checking parameter k
if (!((k > 0) & ((k %% 1) == 0))) {
stop("'k' must be a strictly positive integer")
# Checking parameter init.estim
# init.estim <- match.arg(init.estim)
processes <- processesMarkov(sequences = sequences, states = states, k = k)
s <- processes$s
Nij <- processes$Nij
Ni <- processes$Ni
Nstarti <- processes$Nstarti
# Compute the transition matrix
ptrans <- Nij / tcrossprod(Ni, rep.int(1, s))
ptrans[which(is.na(ptrans))] <- 0
ptrans <- .normalizePtrans(ptrans)
# Initial distribution
if (is.vector(init.estim) & length(init.estim) == 1) {
if (init.estim == "mle") {
init <- Nstarti / sum(Nstarti)
} else if (init.estim == "stationary") {
if (k == 1) {
init <- .stationaryDistribution(ptrans = ptrans)
} else {
init <- .stationaryDistribution(ptrans = .blockMatrix(ptrans = ptrans))
} else if (init.estim == "freq") {
Nstart <- as.vector(count(seq = unlist(sequences), wordsize = k, alphabet = states))
init <- Nstart / sum(Nstart)
} else if (init.estim == "prod") {
Nstart <- as.vector(count(seq = unlist(sequences), wordsize = 1, alphabet = states))
prob <- Nstart / sum(Nstart)
init <- as.vector(.productProb(length = k, prob = prob))
} else if (init.estim == "unif") {
init <- rep.int(x = 1 / (s ^ k), times = s ^ k)
} else {
stop("'init.estim' must be equal to \"mle\", \"stationary\", \"freq\", \"prod\" or \"unif\".
'init.estim' can also be a vector of length s ^ k for custom initial distribution")
} else {
if (!(is.numeric(init.estim) & !anyNA(init.estim) & is.vector(init.estim) & length(init.estim) == s ^ k)) {
stop("'init.estim' is not a numeric vector of length s ^ k")
if (!(all(init.estim >= 0) & all(init.estim <= 1))) {
stop("Probabilities in 'init.estim' must be between [0, 1]")
if (!((sum(init.estim) >= 1 - sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) | (sum(init.estim) <= 1 + sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)))) {
stop("The sum of 'init.estim' is not equal to one")
init <- init.estim
init <- as.vector(init / sum(init))
mm <- mm(states = states, init = init, ptrans = ptrans, k = k)
if (any(mm$init == 0)) {
message("The probabilities of the initial state(s) \"",
paste0(names(which(mm$init == 0)), collapse = "\", \""),
"\" are 0.")
logLik <- .logLik(x = mm, processes = processes)
estimate <- mmfit(mm = mm, M = processes$M, logLik = logLik, sequences = sequences)
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