#' Find overlapping samples in single-cell and bulk data
#' @param sc.eset Expression Set with single-cell data
#' @param bulk.eset Expression Set with bulk data
#' @param subject.names A character string. Name of phenoData attribute in
#' sc.eset that indicates individual ID (that would be found in bulk.eset
#' if overlapping)
#' @param verbose Boolean. Print logging info
#' @return samples A list with attributes \emph{overlapping} and
#' \emph{remaining}. Each attribute refers to a character vector that lists
#' the samples found in both datasets and samples found only in bulk,
#' respectively
GetOverlappingSamples <- function(sc.eset, bulk.eset, subject.names, verbose) {
bulk.samples <- Biobase::sampleNames(bulk.eset)
sc.samples <- base::levels(base::factor(sc.eset[[subject.names]]))
overlapping.samples <- base::intersect(bulk.samples, sc.samples)
if (base::length(overlapping.samples) == 0) {
base::stop("No overlapping samples in bulk and single-cell expression.")
remaining.samples <- base::setdiff(Biobase::sampleNames(bulk.eset),
if (base::length(remaining.samples) == 0) {
base::stop("All samples have single-cell data, nothing to process.")
samples <- base::list("overlapping"=overlapping.samples,
if (verbose) {
n.overlapping <- base::length(samples$overlapping)
n.remaining <- base::length(samples$remaining)
base::message(base::sprintf("Found %i samples ", n.overlapping),
"with bulk and single-cell expression.")
base::message(base::sprintf("Remaining %i ", n.remaining),
"bulk samples will be decomposed.")
#' Find overlapping genes in single-cell data, bulk data, and marker genes
#' @param sc.eset Expression Set with single-cell data
#' @param bulk.eset Expression Set with bulk data
#' @param markers Character vector. List of relevant marker genes
#' @param verbose Boolean. Print logging info
#' @return overlapping.genes Character vector. List of genes found in markers
#' and both datasets.
GetOverlappingGenes <- function(sc.eset, bulk.eset, markers, verbose) {
bulk.genes <- Biobase::featureNames(bulk.eset)
sc.genes <- Biobase::featureNames(sc.eset)
overlapping.genes <- base::intersect(bulk.genes, sc.genes)
if (base::length(overlapping.genes) == 0) {
base::stop(base::paste0("No overlapping genes found between bulk and ",
"single-cell expression."))
overlapping.genes <- base::intersect(overlapping.genes, markers)
if (base::length(overlapping.genes) == 0) {
base::stop(base::paste0("No marker genes found in both bulk and ",
"single-cell expression."))
if (verbose) {
n.genes <- base::length(overlapping.genes)
base::message(base::sprintf("Using %i genes in both", n.genes),
" bulk and single-cell expression.")
#' Generate reference profile for cell types identified in single-cell data
#' Averages expression within each cell type across all samples to use as
#' reference profile.
#' @param sc.eset Expression Set with single-cell data
#' @param cell.types A character string. Name of phenoData attribute in sc.eset
#' that indicates cell type
#' @return sc.ref Matrix. Reference profile with number of gene rows by number
#' of cell types columns.
#' @export
GenerateSCReference <- function(sc.eset, cell.types) {
cell.labels <- base::factor(sc.eset[[cell.types]])
all.cell.types <- base::levels(cell.labels)
aggr.fn <- function(cell.type) {
base::rowMeans(Biobase::exprs(sc.eset)[,cell.labels == cell.type, drop=F])
template <- base::numeric(base::nrow(sc.eset))
sc.ref <- base::vapply(all.cell.types, aggr.fn, template)
#' Calculate cell proportions based on single-cell data
#' Returns proportion of each cell type out of total cells for each individual
#' in the single-cell Expression Set
#' @param sc.eset Expression Set with single-cell data
#' @param subject.names A character string. Name of phenoData attribute in
#' sc.eset that indicates individual ID.
#' @param cell.types A character string. Name of phenoData attribute in sc.eset
#' that indicates cell type
#' @return sc.props Matrix. Cell proportions with number of cell types rows
#' by number of individuals columns
#' @export
CalculateSCCellProportions <- function(sc.eset, subject.names, cell.types) {
individual.labels <- base::factor(sc.eset[[subject.names]])
individuals <- base::levels(individual.labels)
cell.labels <- base::as.factor(sc.eset[[cell.types]])
aggr.fn <- function(individual) {
base::table(cell.labels[individual.labels == individual]) /
base::length(cell.labels[individual.labels == individual])
sc.props <- base::sapply(individuals, aggr.fn)
#' Transforms bulk expression of a gene given overlapping data
#' For a specific gene, this function uses linear regression to learn a
#' transformation of the bulk expression to match the values produced
#' by the single-cell based reference and observed single-cell based cell
#' proportions.
#' If a linear transformation cannot be learned for a gene (zero variance in
#' observed bulk or single-cell based weighted sums), a vector of NaNs will
#' be returned of the expected length (length of X.pred)
#' @param gene Character string. Gene name that corresponds to row in Y.train
#' @param Y.train Numeric Matrix. Number of gene rows by number of overlapping
#' individuals columns. Contains weighted sum of reference profile by
#' single-cell based cell proportion estimates for each individual
#' @param X.train Numeric Matrix. Number of gene rows by number of overlapping
#' individuals columns. Contains observed bulk expression for each individual
#' @param X.pred Numeric Matrix. Number of gene rows by number of remaining
#' individuals columns. Contains observed bulk expression for each individual
#' to be transformed.
#' @return Y.pred Numeric Matrix. One row for given gene by number of remaining
#' individuals columns. Contains transformed bulk expression for each
#' individual.
SupervisedTransformBulk <- function(gene, Y.train, X.train, X.pred) {
Y.train.scaled <- base::scale(Y.train[gene,,drop=T])
Y.center <- base::attr(Y.train.scaled, "scaled:center")
Y.scale <- base::attr(Y.train.scaled, "scaled:scale")
X.train.scaled <- base::scale(X.train[gene,,drop=T])
X.center <- base::attr(X.train.scaled, "scaled:center")
X.scale <- base::attr(X.train.scaled, "scaled:scale")
# If zero variance in both X and Y train, just solve coefficient directly
# for one individual.
if (base::anyNA(X.train.scaled) & base::anyNA(Y.train.scaled)) {
coeff <- Y.train[gene,,drop=T][1]/X.train[gene,,drop=T][1]
if (coeff == 0 || ! is.finite(coeff)) {
coeff = NaN
Y.pred <- base::matrix(X.pred[gene,,drop=T] * coeff,
dimnames=base::list(base::colnames(X.pred), gene))
# If only one of X or Y has zero variance, return NaN. We shouldn't use this
# gene for decomposition.
else if (anyNA(X.train.scaled) || anyNA(Y.train.scaled)) {
Y.pred <- base::matrix(X.pred[gene,,drop=T] * NaN,
dimnames=base::list(base::colnames(X.pred), gene))
# Otherwise, do standard linear model on scaled data, then unscale.
else {
X.pred.scaled <- base::scale(X.pred[gene,,drop=T],
model <- stats::lm(Y.train.scaled ~ X.train.scaled +0)
coeff <- base::as.numeric(stats::coefficients(model))
Y.pred.scaled <- X.pred.scaled * coeff
Y.pred <- base::matrix((Y.pred.scaled * Y.scale) + Y.center,
dimnames=base::list(base::colnames(X.pred), gene))
#' Transforms bulk expression of a gene using only single-cell data
#' For a specific gene, this function learns a transformation of
#' the bulk expression to match the distribution produced
#' by the single-cell based reference and observed single-cell based cell
#' proportions.
#' 02/23/2021 - Github user @empircalbayes pointed out typo in shrink.scale
#' Changed denominator from n+1 to (n+1). Thanks @empiricalbayes!
#' @param gene Character string. Gene name that corresponds to row in Y.train
#' @param Y.train Numeric Matrix. Number of gene rows by number of overlapping
#' individuals columns. Contains weighted sum of reference profile by
#' single-cell based cell proportion estimates for each individual
#' @param X.pred Numeric Matrix. Number of gene rows by number of remaining
#' individuals columns. Contains observed bulk expression for each individual
#' to be transformed.
#' @return Y.pred Numeric Matrix. One row for given gene by number of remaining
#' individuals columns. Contains transformed bulk expression for each
#' individual.
SemisupervisedTransformBulk <- function(gene, Y.train, X.pred) {
# Learns linear transformation of observed bulk to match distribution of
# weighted sum of reference
# Used with vapply, processes one gene
Y.train.scaled <- base::scale(Y.train[gene,,drop=T])
Y.center <- base::attr(Y.train.scaled, "scaled:center")
Y.scale <- base::attr(Y.train.scaled, "scaled:scale")
n <- base::length(Y.train.scaled)
# Shrinkage estimator that minimizes MSE for scaling factor
shrink.scale <- base::sqrt(base::sum((Y.train[gene,,drop=T]-Y.center)^2)/(n+1))
X.pred.scaled <- base::scale(X.pred[gene,,drop=T])
Y.pred <- base::matrix((X.pred.scaled * shrink.scale) + Y.center,
dimnames=base::list(base::colnames(X.pred), gene))
#' Performs reference-based decomposition of bulk expression using single-cell
#' data
#' Generates a reference profile based on single-cell data. Learns a
#' transformation of bulk expression based on observed single-cell proportions
#' and performs NNLS regression on these transformed values to estimate cell
#' proportions.
#' Expects read counts for both datasets, as they will be converted to
#' counts per million (CPM). Two options available: Use overlapping indivudals
#' found in both single-cell and bulk datasets to learn transformation or
#' learn transformation from single-cell alone. The overlapping option is
#' expected to have better performance.
#' @param bulk.eset Expression Set containin bulk data. No PhenoData required
#' but if overlapping option used, IDs returned by sampleNames(bulk.eset)
#' should match those found in sc.eset phenoData individual labels.
#' @param sc.eset Expression Set containing single-cell data. PhenoData of this
#' Expression Set should contain cell type and individual labels for each
#' cell. Names of these fields specified by arguments below.
#' @param markers Structure, such as character vector, containing marker genes
#' to be used in decomposition. `base::unique(base::unlist(markers))` should
#' return a simple vector containing each gene name. If no argument or NULL
#' provided, the method will use all available genes for decomposition.
#' @param cell.types Character string. Name of phenoData attribute in sc.eset
#' indicating cell type label for each cell
#' @param subject.names Character string. Name of phenoData attribute in sc.eset
#' indicating individual label for each cell
#' @param use.overlap Boolean. Whether to use and expect overlapping samples
#' in decomposition.
#' @param verbose Boolean. Whether to print log info during decomposition.
#' Errors will be printed regardless.
#' @param old.cpm Prior to version 1.0.4 (updated in July 2020), the package
#' converted counts to CPM after subsetting the marker genes. Github user
#' randel pointed out that the order of these operations should be switched.
#' Thanks randel! This option is provided for replication of older BisqueRNA
#' but should be enabled, especially for small marker gene sets.
#' We briefly tested this change on the cortex and adipose datasets.
#' The original and new order of operations produce estimates that have an
#' average correlation of 0.87 for the cortex and 0.84 for the adipose within
#' each cell type.
#' @return A list. Slot \strong{bulk.props} contains a matrix of cell type
#' proportion estimates with cell types as rows and individuals as columns.
#' Slot \strong{sc.props} contains a matrix of cell type proportions
#' estimated directly from counting single-cell data.
#' Slot \strong{rnorm} contains Euclidean norm of the residuals for each
#' individual's proportion estimates. Slot \strong{genes.used} contains
#' vector of genes used in decomposition. Slot \strong{transformed.bulk}
#' contains the transformed bulk expression used for decomposition. These
#' values are generated by applying a linear transformation to the CPM
#' expression.
#' @examples
#' library(Biobase)
#' sim.data <- SimulateData(n.ind=10, n.genes=100, n.cells=100,
#' cell.types=c("Neurons", "Astrocytes", "Microglia"),
#' avg.props=c(.5, .3, .2))
#' sim.data$sc.eset <- sim.data$sc.eset[,sim.data$sc.eset$SubjectName %in% as.character(6:10)]
#' res <- ReferenceBasedDecomposition(sim.data$bulk.eset, sim.data$sc.eset)
#' estimated.cell.proportions <- res$bulk.props
#' @export
ReferenceBasedDecomposition <- function(bulk.eset,
old.cpm=TRUE) {
if ((! methods::is(sc.eset, "ExpressionSet")) ||
(! methods::is(bulk.eset, "ExpressionSet"))) {
base::stop("Expression data should be in ExpressionSet")
else if (! cell.types %in% Biobase::varLabels(sc.eset)) {
base::stop(base::sprintf("Cell type label \"%s\" ", cell.types),
"not found in single-cell ExpressionSet varLabels.")
else if (! subject.names %in% Biobase::varLabels(sc.eset)) {
base::stop(base::sprintf("Individual label \"%s\"", subject.names),
" not found in single-cell ExpressionSet varLabels.")
n.sc.individuals <-
if (n.sc.individuals == 1) {
base::stop("Only one individual detected in single-cell data. At least ",
"two subjects are needed (three or more recommended).")
else if (n.sc.individuals == 2) {
base::warning("Only two individuals detected in single-cell data. While ",
"Bisque will run, we recommend at least three subjects for",
" reliable performance.")
n.cell.types <-
if (n.cell.types == 1) {
base::stop("Single-cell pheno data indicates only one cell type",
" present. No need for decomposition.")
if (verbose) {
base::message(base::sprintf("Decomposing into %i cell types.",
if (use.overlap) {
samples <- GetOverlappingSamples(sc.eset, bulk.eset, subject.names, verbose)
if (base::is.null(markers)) {
markers <- Biobase::featureNames(sc.eset)
else {
markers <- base::unique(base::unlist(markers))
genes <- GetOverlappingGenes(sc.eset, bulk.eset, markers, verbose)
if (old.cpm) {
sc.eset <-
bulk.eset <-
if (verbose) {
base::message("Converting single-cell counts to CPM and ",
"filtering zero variance genes.")
sc.eset <- CountsToCPM(sc.eset)
if (!old.cpm) {
sc.eset <-
sc.eset <- FilterZeroVarianceGenes(sc.eset, verbose)
if (verbose) {
base::message("Converting bulk counts to CPM and filtering",
" unexpressed genes.")
bulk.eset <- CountsToCPM(bulk.eset)
if (!old.cpm) {
bulk.eset <-
bulk.eset <- FilterUnexpressedGenes(bulk.eset, verbose)
genes <- base::intersect(Biobase::featureNames(sc.eset),
if (base::length(genes) == 0) {
base::stop("Zero genes remaining after filtering and ",
"intersecting bulk, single-cell, and marker genes.")
if (verbose) {
n.cells <- base::ncol(sc.eset)
base::message("Generating single-cell based reference from ",
sprintf("%i cells.\n", n.cells))
sc.ref <- GenerateSCReference(sc.eset, cell.types)[genes,,drop=F]
sc.props <- CalculateSCCellProportions(sc.eset, subject.names, cell.types)
sc.props <- sc.props[base::colnames(sc.ref),,drop=F]
if (use.overlap) {
if (verbose) {
base::message("Learning bulk transformation from overlapping samples.")
# Y.train is pseudo-bulk expression based on reference profile weighted by
# cell type proportions estimated for single-cell samples.
Y.train <- sc.ref %*% sc.props[,samples$overlapping,drop=F]
# X.train is the actual bulk for the single-cell samples.
X.train <- Biobase::exprs(bulk.eset)[genes,samples$overlapping,drop=F]
# X.pred is the bulk for the remaining samples to be decomposed.
X.pred <- Biobase::exprs(bulk.eset)[genes,samples$remaining,drop=F]
template <- base::numeric(base::length(samples$remaining))
base::names(template) <- samples$remaining
if (verbose) {
base::message("Applying transformation to bulk samples and decomposing.")
# Y.pred is the transformed bulk for samples to be decomposed.
Y.pred <- base::matrix(base::vapply(X=genes, FUN=SupervisedTransformBulk,
Y.train, X.train, X.pred,
sample.names <- samples$remaining
else {
if (verbose) {
base::message("Inferring bulk transformation from single-cell alone.")
# Y.train is pseudo-bulk expression based on reference profile weighted by
# cell type proportions estimated for single-cell samples.
Y.train <- sc.ref %*% sc.props
# X.pred is the bulk for the remaining samples to be decomposed.
X.pred <- Biobase::exprs(bulk.eset)[genes,,drop=F]
sample.names <- base::colnames(Biobase::exprs(bulk.eset))
template <- base::numeric(base::length(sample.names))
base::names(template) <- sample.names
if (verbose) {
base::message("Applying transformation to bulk samples and decomposing.")
# Y.pred is the transformed bulk for samples to be decomposed.
Y.pred <- base::matrix(base::vapply(X=genes,
Y.train, X.pred,
# Columns in Y.pred with NaN indicate transformation could not be learned
# for that gene.
indices <- base::apply(Y.pred, MARGIN=2,
FUN=function(column) {base::anyNA(column)})
if (base::any(indices)) {
if (verbose) {
n.dropped <- base::sum(indices)
base::message(base::sprintf("Dropped an additional %i genes", n.dropped),
" for which a transformation could not be learned.")
if (sum(!indices) == 0) {
base::stop("Zero genes left for decomposition.")
Y.pred <- Y.pred[,!indices,drop=F]
sc.ref <- sc.ref[!indices,,drop=F]
# limsolve nnls matrices and vectors
E <- base::matrix(1,nrow=n.cell.types, ncol=n.cell.types)
f <- base::rep(1, n.cell.types)
G <- base::diag(n.cell.types)
h <- base::rep(0, n.cell.types)
results <- base::as.matrix(base::apply(Y.pred, 1,
function(b) {
sol <- limSolve::lsei(sc.ref, b,
E, f, G, h)
sol.p <- sol$X
sol.r <- base::sqrt(sol$solutionNorm)
return(base::append(sol.p, sol.r))
base::rownames(results) <- base::append(base::colnames(sc.ref), "rnorm")
base::colnames(results) <- sample.names
rnorm <- results["rnorm",,drop=T]
base::names(rnorm) <- sample.names
Y.pred <- base::t(Y.pred)
base::rownames(Y.pred) <- base::rownames(sc.ref)
base::colnames(Y.pred) <- sample.names
results <- base::list(bulk.props=results[base::colnames(sc.ref),,drop=F],
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