Man pages for cparsania/parcutils
Utility Functions To Deal Day To Day Bioinformatics Tasks.

dot-assign_class_irFinderSdataAssign class irFinderSdata
dot-categorize_diff_aseCategorize diff ASE in to 'up' and 'down' based on log2FC,...
dot-categorize_diff_genesCategorize diff genes in to 'up' and 'down' based on log2FC,...
dot-check_mendate_columns_for_irFinderSdataCheck mandatory columns in a dataframe
dot-count_data_convert_NA_to_0Convert NA to 0 from into count data for the function...
dot-dsr_to_tibbleConvert DESeq result object in to a tibble.
dot-filter_df_by_genesFilter expression matrix (dataframe) by genes (first column).
dot-filter_gffFilter rows from a GFF file.
dot-filter_orgdb_by_genetypeFilter selected orgdb columns by gene-type
dot-filter_rows_from_count_dataFilter count data using user thresholds for the function...
dot-fix_ASE_diff_rslt_columnsFix column names of the SpliceWiz edgeR output.
dot-fix_hm_colorsGiven a matrix generate a color scale for a heatmap.
dot-generate_a_lineplotGenerate a gene expression line plot.
dot-generate_go_emap_plotGenerate a list of GO EMAP plot.
dot-get_all_expressed_genesGet list of all expressed genes from 'x'
dot-get_all_named_expression_matrixGet named list of gene expression matrix for all samples in...
dot-get_count_dataPrepare count data for the function 'run_deseq_analysis()'
dot-get_gene_groups_for_fc_scatter_plotGet gene groups for fc scatter plot
dot-get_intron_annotationsGet intron annotations
dot-get_parcutils_object_exampleObtain an example object of the class parcutils
dot-get_parcutils_obj_gene_namesGet the gene names stored in the parcutils object
dot-get_sample_informationPrepare sample information for the function...
dot-group_replicates_by_sampleGroup replicates by samples.
dot-is_genes_present_in_obj_parcutilsCheck availability of genes in the object of parcutils
dot-is_sample_comparsions_present_in_obj_parcutilsCheck availability of sample comparisons in the object of...
dot-keep_only_enriched_goRemove items from the list if no enriched terms found.
dot-map_granges_metadataMap metadata (GC, length and seq) to GRanges object.
dot-parallel_import_bw_filesImport several bw files using parallel processing.
dot-parcutils_assign_intron_identifierFor each intron in the object irFinderSdata assign unique...
dot-perform_kemans_clusterPerform k-means clustering
dot-piarwise_upsetGenerate upset plots for DEG between a comparison.
dot-prepare_parcutils_irPrepare object of parcutils_ir from the object of parcutils
dot-save_deg_resultsSave DEG results in an excel file.
dot-save_de_ir_resultsSave DE ir results in an excel file.
dot-simplify_goRemove highly similar GO.
dot-validate_a_list_of_normalised_matrixValidate a list of normalised matrix.
dot-validate_irfinders_objectCheck if the object belongs to class irFinderSdata.
dot-validate_parcutils_chipValidate a class parcutils_chip
dot-validate_parcutils_ir_objectValidate parcutils_ir object
dot-validate_parcutils_objValidate if an object is of class 'parcutils'.
EnhancedVolcano2Wrapper around 'EnhancedVolcano::EnhancedVolcano()'
enrichMsigDBPerform over representation analysis (ORA) against Molecular...
event_region_to_coordinateConvert event regions to genomic co-ordinates.
event_region_to_grangesConvert SpliceWiz's EventRegion column to GRanges object.
get_ASE_by_regulationGet Alternate Splice Events based on their differential...
get_ASE_counts_barplotGenerate a barplot showing counts of alternate splice events...
get_ASE_data_matrixGet a data matrix (PSI, logit, z-score) for a given ASE
get_ase_data_matrix_heatmapGenerate a heatmap for a given list of ASE.
get_ase_volcano_plotGenerate a volcano plot for diff. ASE.
get_chip_signal_heatmapGenerate a ChIP signal heatmap for a given sample. #'...
get_chip_signal_over_control_heatmapGenerate a ChIP signal heatmap of treatment over control.
get_corr_heatboxGenerate a correlation heat plot.
get_diff_ASE_count_barplotGenerate a barplot of diff ASE counts.
get_diff_gene_count_barplotGenerate a barplot of DEG counts.
get_event_annotationsAnnotate event names to event length, seq and GC.
get_five_prime_flank_motifGet a seqlogo for flanking region across five prime end of...
get_fold_change_matrixPrepare a fold change matrix
get_fold_change_scatter_plotCompare log2 fold change between two sample comparisons.
get_gene_expression_box_plotGenerate a box plot
get_gene_expression_heatmapGenerate a heatmap of normalised gene expression values,...
get_gene_expression_line_plotGenerate a line plot for gene expression / fold change...
get_genes_by_regulationGet genes based on their differential regulation
get_genes_from_event_nameGet gene names from spliceWiz's EventName column.
get_go_emap_plotPerform gene ontology analysis and visualization for DE...
get_heatmap_dataGet data from a heatmap in the same order.
get_intergenic_signalsFind signal intensity of intergenic regions.
get_normalised_expression_matrixPrepare a matrix of normalised gene expression values.
get_pairwise_corr_plotGet a scatter plot showing correlation between replicates.
get_pca_plotGenerate a PCA plot.
get_replicates_by_sampleGroup replicates by sample - returns list
get_rpkmCalculate RPKM (Reads per kilobase per million).
get_star_align_log_summaryGet alignment summary from the output of STAR program.
get_star_align_log_summary_plotVisualise alignment stats in a bar plot
get_three_prime_flank_motifGet a seqlogo for flanking region across three prime end of...
get_tpmCalculate TPM (Tags Per Million).
get_upset_intersectsGet intersects of upset plot.
get_volcano_plotGenerate a volcano plot.
ggsave2Wrapper around ggsave.
gsea_analysisPerform GSEA using Molecular Signature Database (MSigDB).
gseMsigDBPerform gene set enrichment analysis against Molecular...
import_topn_bed_featuresImport top features (ranked by score) from a bed file.
make_enriched_heatmap_listCreate a HeatmapList from parcutils_chip.
make_parcutils_chipConstruct a parcutils_chip object
named_group_splitSplit grouped data with names. A wrapper around...
normalise_countsConvert raw read counts in to normalised values.
normalised_matrix_to_rpmConvert normalised matrix into RPM signal
parcutils_chip-classSet class parcutils_chip
plot_chip_pairwise_correlation_heatmapGenerate a pairwise correlation for chipseq data.
plot_deASE_vennPlot a venn diagram for diff ASE (using event names or gene...
plot_deg_upsetsGenerate upset plots for differently expressed genes between...
plot_deg_vennGenerate a venn diagram showing overlap between DE genes.
plot_regions_relative_to_referenceGenerate segment plot to visualize genomic regions related to...
print.parcutilsS3 print for object 'parcutils'
print.parcutils_aseS3 print for object 'parcutils_ase'
print.parcutils_irS3 print for object 'parcutils_ir'
run_ase_diff_analysisPerform ASE diff analysis using edgeR.
run_deseq_analysisRun differential expression (DE) analysis for several...
save_go_dataSave GO data in a excel file.
save_go_plotsSave GO plot(s) in .pdf files.
sort_geom_boxSort order of box obtained from geom_boxplot
cparsania/parcutils documentation built on March 1, 2025, 4:26 p.m.