#' Function to classify changes using the RCI paradigm
#' @param scoreChange numeric vector of score changes
#' @param score1 numeric vector of baseline scores (if not giving scoreChange)
#' @param score2 numeric vector of final scores (if not giving scoreChange)
#' @param RCI numeric value of the RCI
#' @param cueing whether measure is cued positively or negatively
#' @param verbose logical: suppresses messages if FALSE
#' @param returnTable logical: whether summary table returned (TRUE) or a tibble of classified scores (FALSE)
#' @param dp numeric: number of decimal places in percentages (if returnTable TRUE)
#' @param addCI logical: whether to add confidence intervals around observed percentages e.g. "69.6% to 87.5%"
#' @param returnNumeric logical: whether to return values as numeric or as nicely formatted strings (the default)
#' @param CLsSeparate logical: returns CI as two separate variables instead of that string
#' @param conf numeric, gives the width of the confidence interval (if addCI is TRUE)
#' @return a tibble, either of the summary breakdown with n and % by classification, or a tibble of the data with classified change
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr left_join
#' @importFrom dplyr if_else
#' @importFrom dplyr rowwise
#' @importFrom dplyr ungroup
#' @importFrom tidyselect starts_with
#' @section Warning:
#' Function is still under development. Currently handles vector input.
#' I will be modifying it to handle data frame and tibble input but not sure how best to do that yet.
#' Currently heading for making that a separate function: classifyScoresInDataByRCI()
#' @section Background:
#' The RCI is part of Jacobson, Follette and Revenstorf's "RCSC":
#' Reliable and Clinically Significant Change paradigm.
#' @seealso \code{\link{getCSC}} for more general information about the paradigm and
#' @seealso \code{\link{getRCIfromSDandAlpha}} for more detail about the RCI.
#' Note that by the logic of the criterion, change has to exceed the RCI,
#' not just equal it, for change to be deemed reliable.
#' ## Details
#' Splitting change into three levels: reliable deterioration, no reliable change,
#' and reliable improvement is pretty trivial. However, as I worked on this
#' function it did seem to grow into something not so trivial that probably will
#' save people time. It can be used in two main ways:
#' 1) to return a tibble of the scoreChange or the score1, score2 and computed
#' scoreChange with the RCI categories added (returnTable = FALSE).
#' 2) to return a tabulation of the categories (returnTable = TRUE).
#' I have given examples below but there are some aspects to option 2) wthat
#' can be adjusted by:
#' * using dp to determine the decimal places on the percentage breakdown
#' (defaults to 1 decimal place)
#' * using addCI = TRUE to add a column giving the confidence interval (CI)
#' around the observed percentage and perhaps ...
#' * using conf to choose something other than the default .95, i.e.
#' a 95% interval ... though I can't really think of a good reason
#' to do this!
#' Adding the CI is probably mainly useful when you want to compare the
#' breakdown from a particular set of data with some other data or some
#' published figure or even, though I hope not, some managerial or
#' political target.
#' Bear in mind that the three percentages must sum to 100% so they
#' are not independent of one another and the three CIs are therfore
#' also not independent.
#' ## Technicality
#' The CI is calculated using \code{\link[Hmisc]{binconf}}
#' function from Frank Harrell's Hmisc package of miscellaneous
#' functions. That uses Wilson's method to compute the CIs. See
#' the documentation for \code{\link[Hmisc]{binconf}} for a brief
#' discussion of that choice and references.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ### start with some very simple change values:
#' scoreChanges <- -5:5
#' scoreChanges # is:
#' # [1] -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
#' ## so now apply an RCI value of 2 to that:
#' classifyScoresVectorByRCI(scoreChange = scoreChanges, RCI = 2)
#' ## produces:
#' # You input 11 values for scoreChange. There were no missing values.
#' ## A tibble: 3 x 4
#' # RCIclass n percent valid_percent
#' # <ord> <int> <chr> <chr>
#' # 1 Reliable deterioration 3 27.3% 27.3%
#' # 2 No reliable change 5 45.5% 45.5%
#' # 3 Reliable improvement 3 27.3% 27.3%
#' ### you could pipe that to your R/tidyverse table formatting
#' ### tool of choice, \code{pander}, \code{huxtable}, whatever.
#' ### you can add the 95% CI:
#' ### create some spurious scores
#' n <- 75
#' score1 <- rnorm(n) # random Gaussian scores
#' score2 <- score1 - rnorm(n, mean = .2, sd = .2) # and some random change
#' scoreChange <- score1 - score2 # get the change
#' classifyScoresVectorByRCI(scoreChange, RCI = .3)
#' classifyScoresVectorByRCI(score1 = score1, score2 = score2, RCI = .3)
#' }
#' @family RCSC functions
#' @author Chris Evans
#' @section History/development log:
#' Started before 5.iv.21
#' Tweaked 11.iv.21 to fix error in examples.
classifyScoresVectorByRCI <- function(scoreChange = NULL,
score1 = NULL,
score2 = NULL,
cueing = "negative",
verbose = TRUE,
returnTable = TRUE,
dp = 1,
addCI = FALSE,
returnNumeric = FALSE,
CLsSeparate = FALSE,
conf = .95) {
### simple little function that gives the RCI classification
### against an RCI input as RCI (doh!)
### can be classifying change score: scoreChange
### or by computing change from first score, score1 and
### last score, score2
### cueing, says whether the measure has more problems
### scoring higher ("negative") or
### fewer problems scoring higher ("positive")
### declare variables to preempt complaints later
RCIclassN <- RCIclass <- value <- percent <- percentChar <- valid_percent <- valid_percentChar <- NULL
percCI <- LCLperc <- UCLperc <- CI <- LCLpercChar <- UCLpercChar <- NULL
`...1` <- `...2` <- `...3` <- NULL
### sanity check inputs
### sanity check 1
if (!is.logical(verbose)) {
stop("Argument verbose must be logical")
### sanity check 2
if (is.null(RCI)) {
stop("You haven't input a value for the RCI:
value must be numeric, length 1 and non-zero")
} else {
if (length(RCI) != 1 | !is.numeric(RCI) | RCI < .Machine$double.eps) {
stop("RCI input must be numeric, length 1 and non-zero")
### sanity check 3
nNulls <- is.null(scoreChange) + is.null(score1) + is.null(score2)
if (nNulls == 3) {
stop("You don't seem to have input any scores, you must input
either scoreChange or both of baseline (score1) and last scores (score2")
### sanity check 4
if (nNulls == 1) {
if (!is.numeric(score1) | !is.vector(score1)) {
stop("You have input score1, the baseline score,
but it's not a numeric vector")
if (!is.numeric(score2) | !is.vector(score2)) {
stop("You have input score2, the last score,
but it's not a numeric vector")
### got score1 and score2
### sanity check 5
if (length(score1) != length(score2)) {
stop("You have input score1, baseline score, and score2,
last score, but they are not the same length")
### input score1 and score2
if (nNulls == 2) {
### sanity check 6
### check scoreChange
if (!is.numeric(scoreChange) | !checkIsOneDim(scoreChange)) {
stop("You have input scoreChange but it's not numeric")
### sanity check 7
cueing <- match.arg(cueing, c("negative", "positive"))
### sanity check 8
if (length(dp) != 1 | !is.numeric(dp) | dp < 0) {
stop("Argument dp dictating number of decimal places in
the percentages must be length 1 and numeric and zero or positive")
### sanity check 9
if (length(returnTable) != 1 | !is.logical(returnTable)) {
stop("Argument returnTable must be length 1 and logical")
### sanity check 10
if (length(addCI) != 1 | !is.logical(addCI)) {
stop("Argument addCI must be length 1 and logical")
### sanity check 11
if (length(CLsSeparate) != 1 | !is.logical(CLsSeparate)) {
stop("Argument CLsSeparate must be length 1 and logical")
### sanity check 12
if (length(returnNumeric) != 1 | !is.logical(returnNumeric)) {
stop("Argument returnNumeric must be length 1 and logical")
### sanity check 13: conf must be sensible
if (!is.numeric(conf) | conf <= 0 | conf > .999) {
stop("conf must be numeric and 0 < conf < .999")
### OK if we have got here we have all we need
### deal with missing data
if (!is.null(scoreChange)) {
### have scoreChange values
nNA <- sum(is.na(scoreChange))
nTot <- length(scoreChange)
if (verbose) {
if (nNA > 0) {
if (nNA > 1) {
warning(paste0("You input ",
" values for scoreChange. There were ",
" missing values which were ignored."))
} else {
warning(paste0("You input ",
" values for scoreChange.",
" One missing value was ignored."))
} else {
message(paste0("You input ",
" values for scoreChange.",
" There were no missing values."))
} else {
### got score1 and score2
nTot <- length(score1)
scoreChange <- na.omit(score1 - score2)
nOK <- length(scoreChange)
if (verbose) {
if (nOK == nTot) {
message(paste0("You input ",
" values for score1 and for score2.",
" There were no missing values."))
} else {
### have got missing values
nNA <- nTot - nOK
if (nNA > 1) {
warning(paste0("You input ",
" values for score1, baseline and for",
" score2, the final scores. There were ",
nTot - nOK,
" missing values which were ignored."))
} else {
warning(paste0("You input ",
" values for score1, baseline and for score2,",
" the final scores. There was one missing value",
" which was ignored."))
### deal with cueing
if (cueing == "positive") {
scoreChange <- 0 - scoreChange
suppressMessages(scoreChange %>%
tibble::as_tibble() %>%
dplyr::rename(scoreChange = value) %>%
dplyr::mutate(RCIclassN = dplyr::if_else(abs(scoreChange) <= abs(RCI),
RCIclassN = dplyr::if_else(scoreChange > RCI,
RCIclassN = dplyr::if_else(scoreChange < -RCI,
RCIclass = dplyr::if_else(RCIclassN == 0,
"No reliable change",
RCIclass = dplyr::if_else(RCIclassN == 1,
"Reliable improvement",
RCIclass = dplyr::if_else(RCIclassN == -1,
"Reliable deterioration",
RCIclass)) -> tmpTib)
if (returnTable) {
### setting things up to deal with missing categories
RCIcats <- c("Reliable deterioration",
"No reliable change",
"Reliable improvement")
### this is so I can format the decimal places
fmt <- paste0("%2.", dp, "f")
nTot <- nrow(tmpTib) # get the denominator including any missing
nValid <- sum(!is.na(scoreChange)) # number of valid change scores
tmpTib %>%
group_by(RCIclass) %>%
### to get the categories in sensible order
dplyr::mutate(RCIclass = ordered(RCIclass,
levels = RCIcats,
labels = RCIcats)) %>%
dplyr::summarise(n = n(),
percent = 100 * n / nTot,
percentChar = sprintf(fmt, percent),
percentChar = paste0(percentChar, "%"),
valid_percent = 100 * n / nValid,
valid_percentChar = sprintf(fmt, valid_percent),
valid_percentChar = paste0(valid_percentChar, "%")) %>%
dplyr::rowwise() %>%
dplyr::mutate(valid_percent = if_else(is.na(RCIclass),
valid_percentChar = if_else(is.na(RCIclass),
valid_percentChar)) %>%
ungroup() -> tmpTib
if (nrow(tmpTib) - sum(is.na(tmpTib$RCIclass)) < 3) {
### we've got an empty, row so
### now create an empty tibble so we can fill in any missing categories
RCIord <- ordered(RCIcats,
levels = RCIcats,
labels = RCIcats)
suppressMessages(RCIord %>%
tibble::as_tibble() %>%
dplyr::rename(RCIclass = value) %>%
dplyr::left_join(tmpTib, by = "RCIclass") %>%
dplyr::mutate(n = dplyr::if_else(is.na(n), 0L, n),
percent = dplyr::if_else(is.na(n), 0, percent),
percentChar = dplyr::if_else(n == 0,
paste0(sprintf(fmt, 0), "%"),
valid_percent = percent,
valid_percentChar = percentChar) -> tmpTib)
# if (addCI) {
# suppressMessages(tmpTib %>%
# dplyr::mutate(CI = if_else(n == 0,
# "",
# CI)) -> tmpTib)
# }
if (addCI) {
tmpTib %>%
dplyr::rowwise() %>%
dplyr::mutate(percCI = if_else(!is.na(RCIclass),
list(Hmisc::binconf(n, nValid)),
list(rep(0, 3)))) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
tidyr::unnest_wider(percCI) %>%
dplyr::select(-`...1`) %>%
dplyr::rename(LCLperc = `...2`,
UCLperc = `...3`) %>%
### get CLs as nicely formatted percentages
dplyr::mutate(LCLpercChar = if_else(!is.na(RCIclass),
paste0(sprintf(fmt, 100 * LCLperc), "%"),
UCLpercChar = if_else(!is.na(RCIclass),
paste0(sprintf(fmt, 100 * UCLperc), "%"),
CI = if_else(!is.na(RCIclass),
" to ",
""))) -> tmpTib
### sort out whether returning character or numeric results
### CLsSeparate always returns numeric results
if (returnNumeric | CLsSeparate) {
tmpTib %>%
dplyr::select(-c(percentChar, valid_percentChar, CI)) -> tmpTib
} else {
tmpTib %>%
dplyr::select(-c(percent, valid_percent)) -> tmpTib
### sort out whether to return CI (if requested) as character string
### or as separate numeric limits
if (CLsSeparate) {
tmpTib %>%
dplyr::select(-c(CI, starts_with("LCLperc"), starts_with("UCLperc"))) -> tmpTib
} else {
tmpTib %>%
dplyr::select(-c(starts_with("LCLperc"), starts_with("UCLperc"))) -> tmpTib
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