Man pages for crazyhottommy/scATACutils
What the Package Does (One Line, Title Case)

addGeneNameToTxdbAdd Gene sybmol to the GRanges object after calling...
CalculateBandingScoreCalculate Banding scores for all cells
CalculateFripScoreCalculate Fragments Fraction of reads in peaks (FRiP) score
checkClasscheckClass function
extendExtend a GRanges object upstream and downstream
get_banding_scoreCalculate banding score for a single cell
pipePipe operator
PlotCoverageByCellPlot raw count signal from scATACseq data per cell in heatmap
PlotCoverageByGroupPlot scATACseq coverage for each cluster from tabix indexed...
PlotMotifFootPrintPlot Transcription factor motif footprint in heatmap and...
PlotPCcorrelationPlot Correlation of PCs with a metadata column of a Seurat...
PlotScatterPlot scatter plot of log10 depth vs FRIP or TSS score for...
ReadFragmentsRead in the fragment.tsv.gz file into memory as a...
ReadFragmentsTabixRead in the fragment.tsv.gz file using Rsamtools::scanTabix...
TssEnrichmentFromFragsCalculate tss enrichment score from 10xscATAC...
crazyhottommy/scATACutils documentation built on June 15, 2020, 9:31 p.m.