
Defines functions merge_tables remove_excess_table_spanner_columns add_table_spanner add_col_spanners indent_stubs add_row_names format_cells apa_table_markdown apa_table_latex apa_table.data.frame apa_table.list apa_table.matrix apa_table.apa_results apa_table.apa_results_table apa_table.default apa_table

Documented in add_col_spanners add_row_names apa_table apa_table.apa_results apa_table.apa_results_table apa_table.data.frame apa_table.default apa_table.list apa_table.matrix format_cells indent_stubs merge_tables

#' Prepare Table for Printing and Reporting
#' Formats matrices and data frames to report them as tables in R Markdown
#' documents according to APA guidelines.
#' @param x Object to print, either a `matrix`, `data.frame`, or
#'   `list`. See details.
#' @param caption Character. Caption to be printed above the table.
#' @param note Character. Note to be printed below the table.
#' @param added_stub_head Character. Used as stub head (name of first column)
#'   if `row.names = TRUE` is passed to \code{\link[knitr]{kable}}; ignored if
#'   row names are omitted from the table.
#' @param col_spanners List. A named list of vectors of length 2 that contain
#'   the indices of the first and last column to span. The name of each list
#'   element is used as grouping column name. Currently ignored in Word
#'   documents.
#' @param stub_indents List. A named list of vectors that contain indices of
#'   rows to indent. The name of each list element containing the vector is
#'   used as title for indented sections.
#' @param midrules Numeric. Vector of line numbers in table (not counting
#'   column headings) that should be followed by a horizontal rule; currently
#'   ignored in Word documents.
#' @param placement Character. Indicates whether table should be placed, for
#'   example, at the current location (`h`), at the top (`t`), bottom
#'   (`b`), or on a separate page (`p`). Arguments can be combined to
#'   indicate order of preference (`htb`); currently ignored when
#'   `longtable = TRUE`, `landscape = TRUE`, and in Word documents.
#' @param landscape Logical. If `TRUE` the table is printed in landscape
#'   mode; currently ignored in Word documents.
#' @param font_size Character. Font size to use for table contents (can be
#'   `tiny`, \code{scriptsize}, \code{footnotesize}, \code{small},
#'   \code{normalsize} (default), \code{large}, \code{Large}, \code{LARGE},
#'   \code{huge}, \code{Huge}). Ignored in Word documents.
#' @param escape Logical. If `TRUE` special LaTeX characters, such as
#'   \code{\%} or \code{_}, in column names, row names, caption, note and table
#'   contents are escaped.
#' @param span_text_columns Logical. If `TRUE` tables span across text columns
#'   in two-column PDF documents (e.g. when setting `classoption: jou`).
#'   Otherwise ignored.
#' @param format.args List. A named list of arguments to be passed to
#'   \code{\link{apa_num}} to format numeric values.
#' @param merge_method Character. Determines how to merge tables if `x` is
#'   a `list` of matrices or data frames with a common structure. Can be either
#'   `indent` or `table_spanner`. See details.
#' @inheritDotParams knitr::kable
#' @return A character vector of the table source code of class `knit_asis`, see
#'   [knitr::asis_output()].
#' @details
#'   When using `apa_table`, the type of the output (LaTeX or Word) is
#'   determined automatically by the rendered document type. In interactive R
#'   session the output defaults to LaTeX.
#'   If `x` is a `list`, all list elements are merged by columns into a single
#'   table and the names of list elements are added according to the setting of
#'   `merge_method`.
#'   By default, the width of the table is set to accommodate its contents. In
#'   some cases, this may cause the table to exceed the page width. To address
#'   this, tables can be rotated 90 degrees by setting `langscape = TRUE` or,
#'   by explicitly using "paragraph columns" with fixed column widths, such
#'   that the contents is automatically broken into multiple lines. For
#'   example, set `align = "lm{5cm}l"` to limit the second column to a width of
#'   5 cm. Similarly, to space columns equally use
#'   `align = paste0("m{", 1/(ncol(x) + 1), "\\linewidth}")`
#'   Note that placement options are not supported in appendices of `apa6`
#'   documents and will be printed to the document. To omit the printed options
#'   set `placement = NULL`.
#' @seealso [knitr::kable()], [apa_num()]
#' @examples
#' my_table <- t(apply(cars, 2, function(x) # Create data
#'   round(c(Mean = mean(x), SD = sd(x), Min = min(x), Max = max(x)), 2)
#' ))
#' apa_table(
#'   my_table
#'   , align = c("l", rep("r", 3))
#'   , caption = "A summary table of the cars dataset."
#' )
#' apa_table(
#'   cbind(my_table, my_table)
#'   , align = c("l", rep("r", 8))
#'   , caption = "A summary table of the cars dataset."
#'   , note = "This table was created using apa\\_table()"
#'   , added_stub_head = "Variables"
#'   , col_spanners = list(`Cars 1` = c(2, 5), `Cars 2` = c(6, 9))
#' )
#' apa_table(
#'   list(`Cars 1` = my_table, `Cars 2` = my_table)
#'   , caption = "A summary table of the cars dataset."
#'   , added_stub_head = "Variables"
#' )
#' @export

apa_table <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod("apa_table", x)

#' @rdname apa_table
#' @export

apa_table.default <- function(x, ...) no_method(x)

#' @rdname apa_table
#' @export

apa_table.apa_results_table <- function(x, escape = FALSE, ...) {
  NextMethod(x, escape = FALSE, ...)

#' @rdname apa_table
#' @export

apa_table.apa_results <- function(x, ...) {
  apa_table(x$table, ...)

#' @rdname apa_table
#' @export

apa_table.matrix <- function(
  , caption = NULL
  , note = NULL
  , stub_indents = NULL
  , added_stub_head = NULL
  , col_spanners = NULL
  , midrules = NULL
  , placement = "tbp"
  , landscape = FALSE
  , font_size = NULL
  , escape = TRUE
  , span_text_columns = TRUE
  , ...
  , format.args = NULL
) {
  x <- data.frame(
    , check.names = FALSE
    , fix.empty.names = FALSE
    , stringsAsFactors = FALSE

    , caption = caption
    , note = note
    , stub_indents = stub_indents
    , added_stub_head = added_stub_head
    , col_spanners = col_spanners
    , midrules = midrules
    , placement = placement
    , landscape = landscape
    , font_size = font_size
    , escape = escape
    , span_text_columns = span_text_columns
    , ...
    , format.args = format.args

#' @rdname apa_table
#' @export

apa_table.list <- function(
  , caption = NULL
  , note = NULL
  , stub_indents = NULL
  , added_stub_head = NULL
  , col_spanners = NULL
  , midrules = NULL
  , placement = "tbp"
  , landscape = FALSE
  , font_size = NULL
  , escape = TRUE
  , merge_method = "indent"
  , span_text_columns = TRUE
  , ...
  , format.args = NULL
) {
  ellipsis <- list(...)
  row_names <- if(is.null(ellipsis$row.names)) TRUE else ellipsis$row.names
  validate(row_names, "row.names", check_class = "logical", check_length = 1)
  validate(merge_method, "merge_method", check_class = "character", check_length = 1)

  force_row_names <- !(
    ( # All tables have rownames 1:x
        sapply(x, function(y) all(as.character(rownames(y)) == as.character(1:nrow(y))))
    ) ||
    all( # The aggregated tables have rownames 1:x
      as.character(unlist(lapply(x, rownames))) == as.character(1:nrow(do.call(rbind.data.frame, x)))

  if(row_names & force_row_names) {
    x <- lapply(
      , add_row_names
      , added_stub_head = added_stub_head
      , force = force_row_names
  } else {
    x <- lapply(
      , data.frame
      , check.names = FALSE
      , fix.empty.names = FALSE
      , stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  if(!merge_method %in% c("indent", "table_spanner")) {
    warning("merge_method '", merge_method, "' not supported. Defaulting to 'indent'.")
    merge_method <- "indent"

  if(!is.null(ellipsis$format)) {
    output_format <- ellipsis$format
  } else {
    output_format <- knitr::opts_knit$get("rmarkdown.pandoc.to")

    # Render to latex by default; render_appendix() uses markdown_strict
    if(length(output_format) == 0 || output_format == "markdown") output_format <- "latex"

  if(merge_method == "table_spanner") {
    if(output_format %in% c("docx", "word")) {
      warning("merge_method '", merge_method, "' not supported for Word documents. Defaulting to 'indent'.")
      merge_method <- "indent"
    } else {
      if(!is.null(format.args)) validate(format.args, check_class = "list")

      # Set defaults and rename ellipsis arguments
      ellipsis <- list(...)

      if(is.null(ellipsis$digits) & is.null(format.args$digits)) {
        format.args$digits <- 2
      } else if(!is.null(ellipsis$digits)) {
        format.args$digits <- ellipsis$digits

      x <- lapply(x, format_cells, format.args)

      if(!is.null(names(x))) {
        x <- mapply(
          , x = x
          , name = names(x)
          , SIMPLIFY = FALSE
      merged_table <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, x)
      rownames(merged_table) <- NULL

  list_indents <- list()

  if(merge_method == "indent") {
    merged_table <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, x)
    rownames(merged_table) <- NULL

    # Generate list of table indentations
    if(!is.null(names(x))) {
      list_indents <- lapply(x, function(x) 1:nrow(x))
      for(i in seq_along(list_indents)[-1]) {
        list_indents[[i]] <- list_indents[[i]] + max(list_indents[[i - 1]])

    , caption = caption
    , note = note
    , stub_indents = c(list_indents, stub_indents)
    , added_stub_head = added_stub_head
    , col_spanners = col_spanners
    , midrules = midrules
    , placement = placement
    , landscape = landscape
    , font_size = font_size
    , escape = escape
    , span_text_columns = span_text_columns
    , format.args = format.args
    , ...

#' @rdname apa_table
#' @export

apa_table.data.frame <- function(
  , caption = NULL
  , note = NULL
  , stub_indents = NULL
  , added_stub_head = NULL
  , col_spanners = NULL
  , midrules = NULL
  , placement = "tbp"
  , landscape = FALSE
  , font_size = NULL
  , escape = TRUE
  , span_text_columns = TRUE
  , ...
  , format.args = NULL
) {
  if(!is.null(caption)) validate(caption, check_class = "character", check_length = 1)
  if(!is.null(note)) validate(note, check_class = "character", check_length = 1)
  if(!is.null(added_stub_head)) validate(added_stub_head, check_class = "character", check_length = 1)
  if(!is.null(stub_indents)) validate(stub_indents, check_class = "list")
  if(!is.null(format.args)) validate(format.args, check_class = "list")

  validate(escape, check_class = "logical", check_length = 1)
  if(!is.null(placement)) validate(placement, check_class = "character", check_length = 1)
  validate(landscape, check_class = "logical", check_length = 1)

  # Set defaults and rename ellipsis arguments
  ellipsis <- list(...)

  row_names <- if(is.null(ellipsis$row.names)) TRUE else ellipsis$row.names
  validate(row_names, "row.names", check_class = "logical", check_length = 1)

  if(is.null(ellipsis$digits) & is.null(format.args$digits)) {
    format.args$digits <- 2
  } else if(!is.null(ellipsis$digits)) {
    format.args$digits <- ellipsis$digits

  # Create variable labels if necessary
  prep_table <- default_label(x)

  # Assemble table
  if(row_names) {
    prep_table <- add_row_names(x, added_stub_head = added_stub_head)
  } else {
    prep_table <- x

  prep_table <- format_cells(prep_table, format.args)

  ## Escape special characters
  if(escape) {
    prep_table <- as.data.frame(lapply(prep_table, escape_latex, spaces = TRUE), check.names = FALSE, fix.empty.names = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    colnames(prep_table) <- escape_latex(colnames(prep_table))
    caption <- escape_latex(caption)
    note <- escape_latex(note)
  } else {
    ## Do escape % and &, these will break the table
    prep_table <- as.data.frame(lapply(prep_table, function(x) gsub("([^\\\\]+)(%)", "\\1\\\\%", x)), check.names = FALSE, fix.empty.names = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    prep_table <- as.data.frame(lapply(prep_table, function(x) gsub("([^\\\\])(&)", "\\1\\\\&", x)), check.names = FALSE, fix.empty.names = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  ## Indent stubs
  if(!is.null(stub_indents)) prep_table <- indent_stubs(prep_table, stub_indents, "\\ \\ \\ ")

  # Fix ellipsis for further use
  ellipsis$escape <- FALSE
  ellipsis$row.names <- FALSE

  ## Pass to markup generating functions
  if(!is.null(ellipsis$format)) {
    output_format <- ellipsis$format
    ellipsis$format <- NULL
  } else {
    output_format <- knitr::opts_knit$get("rmarkdown.pandoc.to")

    # Render to latex by default; render_appendix() uses markdown_strict
    if(length(output_format) == 0 || output_format == "markdown") output_format <- "latex"

  if(output_format == "latex") {
    if(!is.null(col_spanners)) {
      validate(col_spanners, check_class = "list")
      validate(unlist(col_spanners), "col_spanners", check_range = c(1, ncol(prep_table)))

      function(...) apa_table_latex(
        x = prep_table
        , caption = caption
        , note = note
        , col_spanners = col_spanners
        , midrules = midrules
        , placement = placement
        , landscape = landscape
        , font_size = font_size
        , span_text_columns = span_text_columns
        , ...
      , ellipsis
  } else {
      function(...) apa_table_markdown(
        x = prep_table
        , caption = caption
        , note = note
        , ...
      , ellipsis

apa_table_latex <- function(
  , caption = NULL
  , note = NULL
  , col_spanners = NULL
  , midrules = NULL
  , placement = "tbp"
  , landscape = FALSE
  , font_size = NULL
  , span_text_columns = TRUE
  , ...
) {
  if(!is.null(font_size)) validate(font_size, check_class = "character", check_length = 1)

  apa_terms <- getOption("papaja.terms")

  # Parse ellipsis
  ellipsis <- list(...)

  if(!is.null(ellipsis$small)) {
    validate(ellipsis$small, check_class = "logical", check_length = 1)
    if(ellipsis$small) {
      font_size <- "small"
      ellipsis$small <- NULL

  ellipsis$booktabs <- TRUE
  longtable <- if(!is.null(ellipsis$longtable)) ellipsis$longtable else FALSE
  if(longtable || landscape) {
    tabular_env <-  "ThreePartTable"
    table_note_env <- "TableNotes"
  } else {
    tabular_env <- "threeparttable"
    table_note_env <- "tablenotes"

  n_cols <- ncol(x)
  n_rows <- nrow(x)

  current_chunk <- knitr::opts_current$get("label")
  if(!is.null(current_chunk)) caption <- paste0("\\label{tab:", current_chunk, "}", caption)

  # Center title row
  # If x doesn't have variable labels, yet, create them...
  x <- default_label(x)
  # ...so that you can overwrite colnames(x) with (potentially) a mixture of labels and names
  colnames(x) <- paste0("\\multicolumn{1}{c}{", unlist(variable_label(x)), "}")
  colnames(x)[1] <- if(!is.na(variable_label(x)[[1]])) variable_label(x)[[1]] else ""

  res_table <- do.call(function(...) knitr::kable(x, format = "latex", ...), ellipsis)

  table_lines <- unlist(strsplit(res_table, "\n"))
  table_lines <- table_lines[!grepl("\\\\addlinespace", table_lines)] # Remove \\addlinespace

  # Fix table spanners
  table_lines <- remove_excess_table_spanner_columns(table_lines)

  has_column_names <- any(grepl("\\midrule", table_lines, fixed = TRUE))
  has_col_spanners <- !is.null(col_spanners)

  # Add column spanners
  if(has_col_spanners) table_lines <- add_col_spanners(
    , col_spanners
    , n_cols
    # suppress group midrules if no column names are present
    , add_group_midrules = TRUE # has_column_names

  # Add repeating table caption (and column names) for longtables

  # related to a bug reported in #452: If col.names = NULL, no midrules are added by knitr::kable
  if(has_column_names) {
    # standard case with column names
    table_content_start <- grep("\\midrule", table_lines, fixed = TRUE)
  } else if(has_col_spanners){
    # special case without column names, but with column spanners
    table_content_start <- rev(grep("\\\\multicolumn|\\\\cmidrule", table_lines))[[1L]]
  } else {
    # neither column names nor column spanners are present
    table_content_start <- grep("\\toprule", table_lines, fixed = TRUE)

  if((longtable || landscape) & !is.null(caption)) {
    table_lines <- c(
      , paste0("\\caption{", caption, "}\\\\")
      , table_lines[3:table_content_start]
      , "\\endfirsthead"
      , paste0("\\caption*{\\normalfont{Table \\ref{tab:", current_chunk, "} continued}}\\\\")
      , table_lines[3:table_content_start]
      , "\\endhead"
      , table_lines[-c(1:table_content_start)]

    table_content_start <- grep("\\\\endhead", table_lines)

  # Add extra space before note
  table_content_end <- grep("\\\\bottomrule", table_lines)
  if(!is.null(note)) table_lines[table_content_end] <- paste(table_lines[table_content_end], "\\addlinespace", sep = "\n")

  # Add midrules
  if(!is.null(midrules)) {
    validate(midrules, check_class = "numeric", check_range = c(1, n_rows))

    table_lines[table_content_start + midrules] <- paste(
      table_lines[table_content_start + midrules]
      , "\\midrule"

  if(!is.null(note) & (longtable || landscape)) table_lines <- c(table_lines[-length(table_lines)], "\\insertTableNotes", table_lines[length(table_lines)])
  if(longtable || landscape) { # Makes caption as wide as table
    table_lines <- gsub("\\{tabular\\}", "{longtable}", table_lines)
    table_lines[grep("\\\\begin\\{longtable\\}", table_lines)] <- paste0(
      table_lines[grep("\\\\begin\\{longtable\\}", table_lines)]
      , "\\noalign{\\getlongtablewidth\\global\\LTcapwidth=\\longtablewidth}"
  # res_table <- paste(table_lines, collapse = "\n")

  # Print table
  place_opt <- paste0("[", placement, "]")
  if(place_opt == "[]") place_opt <- NULL

  table_output <- "\n\n"

  if(landscape) {
    # if(longtable) {
    table_output <- c(table_output, "\\begin{lltable}")
    # } else {
      # cat("\\begin{ltable}")
    # }
    place_opt <- NULL

  # if(longtable && placement != "h") cat("\\afterpage{\\clearpage") # Defer table to next clear page
  # table_output <- c(table_output, "\n\n")
  if(any(grepl("jou", c(rmarkdown::metadata$classoption, rmarkdown::metadata$class))) && span_text_columns) {
    table_env <- "table*"
  } else {
    table_env <- "table"

  if(!landscape && !longtable) table_output <- c(table_output, paste0("\\begin{", table_env, "}", place_opt))
  if(!landscape) table_output <- c(table_output, paste0("\n\\begin{center}\n\\begin{", tabular_env, "}"))
  if(!is.null(caption) && !(longtable || landscape)) table_output <- c(table_output, paste0("\n\\caption{", caption, "}"))
  if(!is.null(note) && (longtable || landscape)) table_output <- c(table_output, paste0("\n\\begin{", table_note_env, "}[para]\n\\normalsize{\\textit{", apa_terms$note, ".} ", note, "}\n\\end{", table_note_env, "}"))
  if(!is.null(font_size)) table_output <- c(table_output, paste0("\n\\", font_size, "{"))

  table_output <- c(table_output, table_lines)
  # table_output <- c(table_output, res_table)

  if(!is.null(font_size)) table_output <- c(table_output, "\n}")
  if(!is.null(note) & !(longtable || landscape)) table_output <- c(table_output, paste0("\n\\begin{", table_note_env, "}[para]\n\\normalsize{\\textit{", apa_terms$note, ".} ", note, "}\n\\end{", table_note_env, "}"))
  if(!landscape) table_output <- c(table_output, paste0("\n\\end{", tabular_env, "}\n\\end{center}"))
  if(!landscape && !longtable) table_output <- c(table_output, paste0("\n\\end{", table_env, "}"))

  if(landscape) {
    # if(longtable) {
    table_output <- c(table_output, "\n\\end{lltable}")
    # } else {
    # cat("\n\\end{ltable}")
    # }
  # if(longtable && placement != "h") cat("\n}")
  table_output <- c(table_output, "\n\n")

  knitr::asis_output(paste(table_output, collapse = "\n"))
  # table_output <- knitr::asis_output(table_output)
  # table_output

  # cat("\n\n")
  # if(!landscape && !longtable) cat("\\begin{table}", place_opt, sep = "")
  # if(!landscape) cat("\n\\begin{center}\n\\begin{", table_env, "}", sep = "")
  # if(!is.null(caption) && !(longtable || landscape)) cat("\n\\caption{", caption, "}", sep = "")
  # if(!is.null(note) && (longtable || landscape)) cat("\n\\begin{", table_note_env, "}[para]\n\\normalsize{\\textit{", apa_terms$note, ".} ", note, "}\n\\end{", table_note_env, "}", sep = "")
  # if(!is.null(font_size)) cat("\n\\", font_size, "{", sep = "")

  # cat(res_table)
  # if(!is.null(font_size)) cat("\n}")
  # if(!is.null(note) & !(longtable || landscape)) cat("\n\\begin{", table_note_env, "}[para]\n\\normalsize{\\textit{", apa_terms$note, ".} ", note, "}\n\\end{", table_note_env, "}", sep = "")
  # if(!landscape) cat("\n\\end{", table_env, "}\n\\end{center}", sep = "")
  # if(!landscape && !longtable) cat("\n\\end{table}")
  # if(landscape) {
  #   # if(longtable) {
  #     cat("\n\\end{lltable}")
  #   # } else {
  #     # cat("\n\\end{ltable}")
  #   # }
  # }
  # # if(longtable && placement != "h") cat("\n}")
  # cat("\n\n")

apa_table_markdown <- function(
  , caption = NULL
  , note = NULL
  , ...
) {
  # Parse ellipsis
  ellipsis <- list(...)
  # If x doesn't have variable labels, yet, create them...
  x <- default_label(x)
  # ...so that you can overwrite colnames(x) with (potentially) a mixture of labels and names
  colnames(x) <- unlist(variable_label(x))
  colnames(x)[1] <- if(!is.na(variable_label(x)[[1]])) variable_label(x)[[1]] else ""

  table_output <- do.call(function(...) knitr::kable(x, format = "pandoc", ...), ellipsis)
  apa_terms <- options()$papaja.terms

  # This uses pandoc syntax (start line with "Table:") to define a "proper"
  # table caption, which will receive a table caption style in DOCX
  current_chunk <- knitr::opts_current$get("label")
  if(!is.null(current_chunk)) caption <- paste0("Table: (\\#tab:", current_chunk, ") ", caption, "\n\n")

  table_output <- c(caption, table_output)

  if(!is.null(note)) {

    table_output <- c(
      , "\n<div custom-style='table-note'>"
      , paste0("*", apa_terms$note, ".* ", note)
      , "</div>\n\n&nbsp;\n\n"

  knitr::asis_output(paste(table_output, collapse = "\n"))

#' Format numeric table cells
#' Format all numeric cells of a table using \code{\link{apa_num}}.
#' \emph{This function is not exported.}
#' @param x data.frame or matrix.
#' @param format.args List. A named list of arguments to be passed to \code{\link{apa_num}} to format numeric values.
#' @keywords internal
#' @seealso [apa_num()]

format_cells <- function(x, format.args = NULL) {
  format.args$x <- x
  do.call("apa_num.data.frame", format.args)

#' Add row names as first column
#' Adds row names as the first column of the table and sets \code{row.name} attribute to \code{NULL}.
#' \emph{This function is not exported.}
#' @param x data.frame or matrix.
#' @param added_stub_head Character. Used as stub head (name of first column).
#' @param force Logical. Should row names be added even if they are the numbers 1:nrow(x)?
#' @keywords internal
#' @seealso [apa_table()]

add_row_names <- function(x, added_stub_head, force = FALSE) {
  if(!is.null(rownames(x)) && (all(rownames(x) != 1:nrow(x))) || force) {
    row_names <- rownames(x)
    rownames(x) <- NULL
    mod_table <- data.frame(row_names, x, check.names = FALSE, fix.empty.names = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    if(!is.null(added_stub_head)) {
      colnames(mod_table) <- c(added_stub_head, colnames(x))
      if(is(mod_table, "apa_results_table")) variable_label(mod_table[, 1]) <- added_stub_head
    } else {
      colnames(mod_table) <- c("", colnames(x))
      if(is(mod_table, "apa_results_table")) variable_label(mod_table[, 1]) <- ""
  } else mod_table <- data.frame(x, check.names = FALSE, fix.empty.names = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  rownames(mod_table) <- NULL

#' Add stub indentation
#' Indents stubs by line and adds section headings
#' \emph{This function is not exported.}
#' @param x data.frame.
#' @param lines List. A named list of vectors of length 2 giving the first and second row to
#'    indent. Names of list elements will be used as titles for indented sections.
#' @param filler Character. Symbols used to indent stubs.
#' @keywords internal
#' @seealso [apa_table()]

indent_stubs <- function(x, lines, filler = "\ \ \ ") {
  # x <- lapply(x, function(y) default_label(data.frame(y, check.names = FALSE, fix.empty.names = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)))

  # x <- as.data.frame(lapply(x, as.character), check.names = FALSE, fix.empty.names = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  # Add indentation
  for(i in seq_along(lines)) {
    x[lines[[i]], 1] <- paste0(filler, x[lines[[i]], 1])

  section_titles <- lines[which(names(lines) != "")]
  section_titles <- sapply(section_titles, min)

  # Add section headings
  if(length(section_titles) > 0) {
    for(i in seq_along(section_titles)) {
      top <- if(section_titles[i] != 1) x[1:(section_titles[i] - 1 + (i-1)), ] else NULL
      bottom <- if(section_titles[i] != nrow(x)) x[(section_titles[i] + (i-1)):nrow(x), ] else x[nrow(x), ]
      x <- rbind.data.frame(top, c(names(section_titles[i]), rep("", ncol(x) - 1)), bottom)


#' Add table headings to group columns
#' Takes a named list of containing column numbers to group with a heading
#' \emph{This function is not exported.}
#' @param table_lines Character. Vector of characters containing one line of a LaTeX table each.
#' @param col_spanners List. A named list containing the indices of the first and last columns to group, where the names are the headings.
#' @param n_cols Numeric. Number of columns of the table.
#' @param add_group_midrules Logical.Determines whether group midrules are added.
#' @keywords internal
#' @seealso [apa_table()]

add_col_spanners <- function(table_lines, col_spanners, n_cols, add_group_midrules = TRUE) {

  # Grouping column names
  multicols <- sapply(
    , function(i, names) {
      spanner_length <- diff(col_spanners[[i]])
      if(length(spanner_length) == 0) spanner_length <- 0
      paste0("\\multicolumn{", spanner_length + 1, "}{c}{", names[i], "}")
    , names(col_spanners)

  ## Calculate group distances
  multicol_spanners <- vapply(col_spanners, length, 1) > 1
  n_ampersands <- c()
  if(sum(multicol_spanners) > 1) {
    for(i in 2:length(col_spanners)) {
        n_ampersands <- c(n_ampersands, min(col_spanners[[i]]) - max(col_spanners[[i - 1]]))
  n_ampersands <- c(n_ampersands, 0)

  ## Add ampersands for empty columns
  leading_amps <- paste(rep(" &", min(unlist(col_spanners)) - 1), collapse = " ")
  trailing_amps <- if(n_cols - max(unlist(col_spanners)) > 0) {
    paste(rep(" &", n_cols - max(unlist(col_spanners))), collapse = " ")
  } else ""

  group_headings <- c()
  for(i in 1:(length(col_spanners))) {
    group_headings <- paste(group_headings, multicols[i], paste(rep("&", n_ampersands[i]), collapse = " "))
  group_headings <- paste(leading_amps, group_headings, trailing_amps, "\\\\", sep = "")

  # Grouping midrules, only add them if required
  if(add_group_midrules) {
    group_midrules <- sapply(
      , function(i) {
        paste0("\\cmidrule(r){", min(col_spanners[[i]]), "-", max(col_spanners[[i]]), "}")
    group_midrules <- paste(group_midrules, collapse = " ")
  } else {
    group_midrules <- NULL

  table_environment <- which(grepl("\\\\toprule", table_lines))

  table_lines <- c(
    , group_headings
    , group_midrules
    , table_lines[(table_environment + 1):length(table_lines)]


add_table_spanner <- function(x, name, ...) {
  name <- paste0("!!bs!!multicolumn!!ob!!", ncol(x), "!!cb!!!!ob!!c!!cb!!!!ob!!", name, "!!cb!!!!bs!!!!bs!!REMOVE!!REST")
  table_spanner <- c(name, rep("", ncol(x)-1))
  rbind(table_spanner, x)

remove_excess_table_spanner_columns <- function(x) {
  table_spanner_rows <- which(grepl("REMOVE!!REST", x))
  x[table_spanner_rows] <- gsub("REMOVE!!REST.*", "", x[table_spanner_rows])
  x[table_spanner_rows] <- gsub("!!bs!!", "\\\\", x[table_spanner_rows])
  x[table_spanner_rows] <- gsub("!!ob!!", "{", x[table_spanner_rows])
  x[table_spanner_rows] <- gsub("!!cb!!", "}", x[table_spanner_rows])

#' Merge tables in list
#' Takes a list of containing one or more \code{matrix} or \code{data.frame} and merges them into a single table.
#' \emph{This function is not exported and currently unused.}
#' @param x List. A named list containing one or more \code{matrix} or \code{data.frame}.
#' @param empty_cells Character. String to place in empty cells; should be \code{""} if the target document is LaTeX and
#'    \code{"&nbsp;"} if the target document is Word.
#' @param row_names Logical. Vector of boolean values specifying whether to print column names for the corresponding list
#'    element.
#' @param added_stub_head Character. Vector of names for first unnamed columns. See \code{\link{apa_table}}.
#' @keywords internal
#' @seealso [apa_table()]

merge_tables <- function(x, empty_cells, row_names, added_stub_head) {

  table_names <- names(x)

  prep_table <- lapply(seq_along(x), function(i) {

    if(row_names[i]) {
      i_table <- add_row_names(x[[i]], added_stub_head = added_stub_head[(length(added_stub_head) == 2) + 1])
    } else if(any(row_names)) { # Add empty column if row names are added to any table
      i_table <- cbind("", i_table)
      colnames(i_table) <- c("", colnames(i_table))
    } else i_table <- x[[i]]

    # Merge with added column
    prep_table <- cbind(
      c(table_names[i], rep("", nrow(x[[i]])-1))
      , i_table

    # Add colnames
    if(row_names[i] && !is.null(rownames(x[[i]])) && length(added_stub_head) < 2) {
      second_col <- ""
    } else second_col <- NULL
    if(is.null(added_stub_head)) {
      colnames(prep_table) <- c("", second_col, colnames(x[[i]]))
    } else {
      colnames(prep_table) <- c(added_stub_head, second_col, colnames(x[[i]]))

    as.data.frame(prep_table, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

crsh/papaja documentation built on Oct. 16, 2024, 10:54 p.m.