#' Convert an Earth Engine (EE) image in a stars object
#' Convert an ee$Image in a stars object.
#' @param image ee$Image to be converted into a stars object.
#' @param region EE Geometry (ee$Geometry$Polygon) which specify the region
#' to export. CRS needs to be the same that the argument \code{image},
#' otherwise, it will be forced. If not specified, image bounds are taken.
#' @param dsn Character. Output filename. If missing, a temporary file is
#' created.
#' @param via Character. Method to export the image. Two method are
#' implemented: "drive", "gcs". See details.
#' @param container Character. Name of the folder ('drive') or bucket ('gcs')
#' to be exported into.
#' @param scale Numeric. The resolution in meters per pixel. Defaults
#' to the native resolution of the image.
#' @param maxPixels Numeric. The maximum allowed number of pixels in the
#' exported image. The task will fail if the exported region covers
#' more pixels in the specified projection. Defaults to 100,000,000.
#' @param lazy Logical. If TRUE, a \code{\link[future:sequential]{
#' future::sequential}} object is created to evaluate the task in the future.
#' See details.
#' @param public Logical. If TRUE, a public link to the image is created.
#' @param add_metadata Add metadata to the stars_proxy object. See details.
#' @param timePrefix Logical. Add current date and time (\code{Sys.time()}) as
#' a prefix to files to export. This parameter helps to avoid exported files
#' with the same name. By default TRUE.
#' @param quiet Logical. Suppress info message
#' @param ... Extra exporting argument. See \link{ee_image_to_drive} and
#' \link{ee_image_to_gcs}.
#' @details
#' \code{ee_as_stars} supports the download of \code{ee$Images}
#' by two different options: "drive"
#' (\href{https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=googledrive}{Google Drive}) and "gcs"
#' (\href{https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=googleCloudStorageR}{
#' Google Cloud Storage}). In both cases \code{ee_as_stars} works as follow:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{1. }{A task is started (i.e. \code{ee$batch$Task$start()}) to
#' move the \code{ee$Image} from Earth Engine to the intermediate container
#' specified in argument \code{via}.}
#' \item{2. }{If the argument \code{lazy} is TRUE, the task will not be
#' monitored. This is useful to lunch several tasks at the same time and
#' call them later using \code{\link{ee_utils_future_value}} or
#' \code{\link[future:value]{future::value}}. At the end of this step,
#' the \code{ee$Image} is stored on the path specified in the argument
#' \code{dsn}.}
#' \item{3. }{Finally if the argument \code{add_metadata} is TRUE, a list
#' with the following elements is added to the stars-proxy object.
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\bold{if via is "drive":}}
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\bold{ee_id: }}{Name of the Earth Engine task.}
#' \item{\bold{drive_name: }}{Name of the Image in Google Drive.}
#' \item{\bold{drive_id: }}{Id of the Image in Google Drive.}
#' \item{\bold{drive_download_link: }}{Download link to the image.}
#' }
#' }
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\bold{if via is "gcs":}}
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\bold{ee_id: }}{Name of the Earth Engine task.}
#' \item{\bold{gcs_name: }}{Name of the Image in Google Cloud Storage.}
#' \item{\bold{gcs_bucket: }}{Name of the bucket.}
#' \item{\bold{gcs_fileFormat: }}{Format of the image.}
#' \item{\bold{gcs_public_link: }}{Download link to the image.}
#' \item{\bold{gcs_URI: }}{gs:// link to the image.}
#' }
#' }
#' Run \code{attr(stars, "metadata")} to get the list.
#' }
#' }
#' For getting more information about exporting data from Earth Engine, take
#' a look at the
#' \href{https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/guides/exporting}{Google
#' Earth Engine Guide - Export data}.
#' @return A stars-proxy object
#' @family image download functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(rgee)
#' ee_Initialize(drive = TRUE, gcs = TRUE)
#' ee_user_info()
#' # Define an image.
#' img <- ee$Image("LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_SR/LC08_038029_20180810")$
#' select(c("B4", "B3", "B2"))$
#' divide(10000)
#' # OPTIONAL display it using Map
#' Map$centerObject(eeObject = img)
#' Map$addLayer(eeObject = img, visParams = list(max = 0.4,gamma=0.1))
#' # Define an area of interest.
#' geometry <- ee$Geometry$Rectangle(
#' coords = c(-110.8, 44.6, -110.6, 44.7),
#' proj = "EPSG:4326",
#' geodesic = FALSE
#' )
#' ## drive - Method 01
#' # Simple
#' img_02 <- ee_as_stars(
#' image = img,
#' region = geometry,
#' via = "drive"
#' )
#' # Lazy
#' img_02 <- ee_as_stars(
#' image = img,
#' region = geometry,
#' via = "drive",
#' lazy = TRUE
#' )
#' img_02_result <- img_02 %>% ee_utils_future_value()
#' attr(img_02_result, "metadata") # metadata
#' ## gcs - Method 02
#' # Simple
#' img_03 <- ee_as_stars(
#' image = img,
#' region = geometry,
#' container = "rgee_dev",
#' via = "gcs"
#' )
#' # Lazy
#' img_03 <- ee_as_stars(
#' image = img,
#' region = geometry,
#' container = "rgee_dev",
#' lazy = TRUE,
#' via = "gcs"
#' )
#' img_03_result <- img_03 %>% ee_utils_future_value()
#' attr(img_03_result, "metadata") # metadata
#' # OPTIONAL: clean containers
#' ee_clean_container(name = "rgee_backup", type = "drive")
#' ee_clean_container(name = "rgee_dev", type = "gcs")
#' }
#' @export
ee_as_stars <- function(image,
region = NULL,
dsn = NULL,
via = "drive",
container = "rgee_backup",
scale = NULL,
maxPixels = 1e9,
lazy = FALSE,
public = TRUE,
add_metadata = TRUE,
timePrefix = TRUE,
quiet = FALSE,
...) {
ee_check_packages("ee_as_stars", c("stars", "sf", "future"))
# 1. From Earth Engine to the container (drive or gcs)
# Initialize the task! depending of the argument "via", the arguments
# of ee_image_to_drive or ee_image_to_gcs could be passed.
ee_task <- ee_init_task(
image = image,
region = region,
dsn = dsn,
via = via,
scale = scale,
maxPixels = maxPixels,
container = container,
timePrefix = timePrefix,
quiet = quiet,
user_email <- ee_get_current_email()
to_evaluate <- function() {
# 2. From the container to the client-side.
img_dsn <- ee_image_local(
task = ee_task$task,
user_email = user_email,
dsn = ee_task$dsn,
via = via,
metadata = add_metadata,
public = public,
quiet = quiet
# Copy band names
band_names <- image %>%
ee$Image$bandNames() %>%
# Create a proxy-star object
ee_read_stars(img_dsn$dsn, band_names, img_dsn$metadata)
if (lazy) {
prev_plan <- future::plan(future::sequential, .skip = TRUE)
on.exit(future::plan(prev_plan, .skip = TRUE), add = TRUE)
}, lazy = TRUE)
} else {
#' Convert an Earth Engine (EE) image in a raster object
#' Convert an ee$Image in a raster object
#' @param image ee$Image to be converted into a raster object
#' @param region EE Geometry (ee$Geometry$Polygon) which specify the region
#' to export. CRS needs to be the same that the argument \code{image},
#' otherwise, it will be forced. If not specified, image bounds are taken.
#' @param dsn Character. Output filename. If missing, a temporary file is
#' created.
#' @param via Character. Method to export the image. Two method are
#' implemented: "drive", "gcs". See details.
#' @param container Character. Name of the folder ('drive') or bucket ('gcs')
#' to be exported into.
#' @param scale Numeric. The resolution in meters per pixel. Defaults
#' to the native resolution of the image.
#' @param maxPixels Numeric. The maximum allowed number of pixels in the
#' exported image. The task will fail if the exported region covers
#' more pixels in the specified projection. Defaults to 100,000,000.
#' @param lazy Logical. If TRUE, a \code{\link[future:sequential]{
#' future::sequential}} object is created to evaluate the task in the future.
#' See details.
#' @param public Logical. If TRUE, a public link to the image is created.
#' @param add_metadata Add metadata to the stars_proxy object. See details.
#' @param timePrefix Logical. Add current date and time (\code{Sys.time()}) as
#' a prefix to files to export. This parameter helps to avoid exported files
#' with the same name. By default TRUE.
#' @param quiet Logical. Suppress info message
#' @param ... Extra exporting argument. See \link{ee_image_to_drive} and
#' \link{ee_image_to_gcs}.
#' @details
#' \code{ee_as_raster} supports the download of \code{ee$Images}
#' by two different options: "drive"
#' (\href{https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=googledrive}{Google Drive}) and "gcs"
#' (\href{https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=googleCloudStorageR}{
#' Google Cloud Storage}). In both cases \code{ee_as_stars} works as follow:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{1. }{A task is started (i.e. \code{ee$batch$Task$start()}) to
#' move the \code{ee$Image} from Earth Engine to the intermediate container
#' specified in argument \code{via}.}
#' \item{2. }{If the argument \code{lazy} is TRUE, the task will not be
#' monitored. This is useful to lunch several tasks at the same time and
#' call them later using \code{\link{ee_utils_future_value}} or
#' \code{\link[future:value]{future::value}}. At the end of this step,
#' the \code{ee$Image} is stored on the path specified in the argument
#' \code{dsn}.}
#' \item{3. }{Finally if the argument \code{add_metadata} is TRUE, a list
#' with the following elements is added to the stars-proxy object.
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\bold{if via is "drive":}}
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\bold{ee_id: }}{Name of the Earth Engine task.}
#' \item{\bold{drive_name: }}{Name of the Image in Google Drive.}
#' \item{\bold{drive_id: }}{Id of the Image in Google Drive.}
#' \item{\bold{drive_download_link: }}{Download link to the image.}
#' }
#' }
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\bold{if via is "gcs":}}
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\bold{ee_id: }}{Name of the Earth Engine task.}
#' \item{\bold{gcs_name: }}{Name of the Image in Google Cloud Storage.}
#' \item{\bold{gcs_bucket: }}{Name of the bucket.}
#' \item{\bold{gcs_fileFormat: }}{Format of the image.}
#' \item{\bold{gcs_public_link: }}{Download link to the image.}
#' \item{\bold{gcs_URI: }}{gs:// link to the image.}
#' }
#' }
#' Run \code{raster@history@metadata} to get the list.
#' }
#' }
#' For getting more information about exporting data from Earth Engine, take
#' a look at the
#' \href{https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/guides/exporting}{Google
#' Earth Engine Guide - Export data}.
#' @return A RasterStack object
#' @family image download functions
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(rgee)
#' ee_Initialize(drive = TRUE, gcs = TRUE)
#' ee_user_info()
#' # Define an image.
#' img <- ee$Image("LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_SR/LC08_038029_20180810")$
#' select(c("B4", "B3", "B2"))$
#' divide(10000)
#' # OPTIONAL display it using Map
#' Map$centerObject(eeObject = img)
#' Map$addLayer(eeObject = img, visParams = list(max = 0.4,gamma=0.1))
#' # Define an area of interest.
#' geometry <- ee$Geometry$Rectangle(
#' coords = c(-110.8, 44.6, -110.6, 44.7),
#' proj = "EPSG:4326",
#' geodesic = FALSE
#' )
#' ## drive - Method 01
#' # Simple
#' img_02 <- ee_as_raster(
#' image = img,
#' region = geometry,
#' via = "drive"
#' )
#' # Lazy
#' img_02 <- ee_as_raster(
#' image = img,
#' region = geometry,
#' via = "drive",
#' lazy = TRUE
#' )
#' img_02_result <- img_02 %>% ee_utils_future_value()
#' img_02_result@history$metadata # metadata
#' ## gcs - Method 02
#' # Simple
#' img_03 <- ee_as_raster(
#' image = img,
#' region = geometry,
#' container = "rgee_dev",
#' via = "gcs"
#' )
#' # Lazy
#' img_03 <- ee_as_raster(
#' image = img,
#' region = geometry,
#' container = "rgee_dev",
#' lazy = TRUE,
#' via = "gcs"
#' )
#' img_03_result <- img_03 %>% ee_utils_future_value()
#' img_03_result@history$metadata # metadata
#' # OPTIONAL: clean containers
#' ee_clean_container(name = "rgee_backup", type = "drive")
#' ee_clean_container(name = "rgee_dev", type = "gcs")
#' }
#' @export
ee_as_raster <- function(image,
region = NULL,
dsn = NULL,
via = "drive",
container = "rgee_backup",
scale = NULL,
maxPixels = 1e9,
lazy = FALSE,
public = TRUE,
add_metadata = TRUE,
timePrefix = TRUE,
quiet = FALSE,
...) {
ee_check_packages("ee_as_raster", c("raster"))
ee_task <- ee_init_task(
image = image,
region = region,
dsn = dsn,
via = via,
scale = scale,
container = container,
maxPixels = maxPixels,
timePrefix = timePrefix,
quiet = quiet,
user_email <- ee_get_current_email()
to_evaluate <- function() {
# 2. From the container to the client-side.
img_dsn <- ee_image_local(
task = ee_task$task,
user_email = user_email,
dsn = ee_task$dsn,
via = via,
metadata = add_metadata,
public = public,
quiet = quiet
# Copy band names
band_names <- image %>%
ee$Image$bandNames() %>%
# Create a proxy-star object
ee_read_raster(img_dsn$dsn, band_names, img_dsn$metadata)
if (lazy) {
prev_plan <- future::plan(future::sequential, .skip = TRUE)
on.exit(future::plan(prev_plan, .skip = TRUE), add = TRUE)
}, lazy = TRUE)
} else {
#' Passing an Earth Engine Image to Local
#' @noRd
ee_init_task <- function(image,
dsn = NULL,
via = "drive",
scale = NULL,
maxPixels = 1e9,
timePrefix = TRUE,
container = "rgee_backup",
quiet = FALSE,
...) {
ee_check_packages("ee_init_task", c("sf", "jsonlite", "stars"))
# is image an ee.image.Image?
if (!any(class(image) %in% "ee.image.Image")) {
stop("x argument is not an ee$image$Image")
# is region an ee.geometry.Geometry?
if (!any(class(region) %in% c("ee.geometry.Geometry", "NULL"))) {
stop("region argument is not an ee$geometry$Geometry")
# Get bandnames
band_names <- image %>%
ee$Image$bandNames() %>%
if (via == "drive") {
ee_init_task_drive(image, region, dsn, scale, maxPixels,
timePrefix, container, quiet, ...)
} else if (via == "gcs") {
ee_init_task_gcs(image, region, dsn, scale, maxPixels,
timePrefix, container, quiet, ...)
} else {
stop("via argument invalid")
#' Create a Export task to GD
#' @noRd
ee_init_task_drive <- function(image, region, dsn, scale, maxPixels, timePrefix,
container, quiet, ...) {
extras <- list(...)
# folder is container
if (any(names(extras) %in% "folder")) {
"To specify the folder where to export files",
" use the argument container instead of folder."
# Have you loaded the necessary credentials?
# Relevant for either drive or gcs.
ee_user <- ee_exist_credentials()
if (is.null(dsn)) {
# Getting image ID if it is exist
image_id <- tryCatch(
expr = {
image %>%
ee$Image$get("system:id") %>%
ee$ComputedObject$getInfo() %>%
}, error = function(e) "noid_image"
if (is.null(image_id)) {
image_id <- "noid_image"
dsn <- sprintf("%s/%s.tif",tempdir(), image_id)
} else {
image_id <- sub(pattern = "(.*)\\..*$", replacement = "\\1", basename(dsn))
# Create description (Human-readable name of the task)
# Relevant for either drive or gcs.
time_format <- format(Sys.time(), "%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S")
ee_description <- paste0("rgeeImage_", time_format)
if (timePrefix) {
file_name <- paste0(image_id, "_", time_format)
} else {
file_name <- image_id
# Are GD credentials loaded?
if (is.na(ee_user$drive_cre)) {
drive_credential <- ee_create_credentials_drive(ee_user$email)
ee_save_credential(pdrive = drive_credential)
# ee_Initialize(email = ee_user$email, drive = TRUE)
"\nNOTE: Google Drive credentials were not loaded.",
" Running ee_Initialize(email = '",ee_user$email,"', drive = TRUE)",
" to fix."
# region parameter display
if (!is.null(region)) {
ee_geometry_message(region, quiet = quiet)
# From Google Earth Engine to Google Drive
img_task <- ee_image_to_drive(
image = image,
timePrefix = FALSE,
description = ee_description,
scale = scale,
folder = container,
fileFormat = "GEO_TIFF",
region = region,
maxPixels = maxPixels,
fileNamePrefix = file_name,
# download parameter display
if (!quiet) {
bold("\n- download parameters (Google Drive)\n"),
bold("Image ID :"), image_id, "\n",
bold("Google user :"), ee_user$email, "\n",
bold("Folder name :"), container, "\n",
bold("Date :"), time_format, "\n"
list(task = img_task, dsn = dsn)
#' Create a Export task to GCS
#' @noRd
ee_init_task_gcs <- function(image, region, dsn, scale, maxPixels,
timePrefix, container, quiet, ...) {
extras <- list(...)
# bucket is container
if (any(names(extras) %in% "bucket")) {
"To specify the bucket where to export files",
" use the argument container instead of bucket."
# Have you loaded the necessary credentials?
# Relevant for either drive or gcs.
ee_user <- ee_exist_credentials()
if (is.na(ee_user$gcs_cre)) {
gcs_credential <- ee_create_credentials_gcs(ee_user$email)
ee_save_credential(pgcs = gcs_credential$path)
"\nGoogle Cloud Storage credentials were not loaded.",
" Running ee_Initialize(email = '",ee_user$email,"', gcs = TRUE)",
" to fix."
if (is.null(container)) {
stop("Cloud Storage bucket was not defined")
} else {
expr = googleCloudStorageR::gcs_get_bucket(container),
error = function(e) {
stop(sprintf("The %s bucket was not found.", container))
# region parameter display
if (!is.null(region)) {
ee_geometry_message(region, quiet = quiet)
# Getting image ID if it is exist
if (is.null(dsn)) {
# Getting image ID if it is exist
image_id <- tryCatch(
expr = {
image %>%
ee$Image$get("system:id") %>%
ee$ComputedObject$getInfo() %>%
}, error = function(e) "noid_image"
if (is.null(image_id)) {
image_id <- "noid_image"
dsn <- sprintf("%s/%s.tif",tempdir(), image_id)
} else {
image_id <- sub(pattern = "(.*)\\..*$", replacement = "\\1", basename(dsn))
# Relevant for either drive or gcs.
time_format <- format(Sys.time(), "%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S")
ee_description <- paste0("rgeeImage_", time_format)
if (timePrefix) {
file_name <- paste0(image_id, "_", time_format)
} else {
file_name <- image_id
# From Earth Engine to Google Cloud Storage
img_task <- ee_image_to_gcs(
image = image,
description = ee_description,
timePrefix = FALSE,
bucket = container,
fileFormat = "GEO_TIFF",
region = region,
maxPixels = maxPixels,
scale = scale,
fileNamePrefix = file_name,
# download parameter display
if (!quiet) {
bold("\n- download parameters (Google Cloud Storage)\n"),
bold("Image ID :"), image_id, "\n",
bold("Google user :"), ee_user$email, "\n",
bold("Bucket name :"), container, "\n",
bold("Date :"), time_format, "\n"
list(task = img_task, dsn = dsn)
#' Passing an Earth Engine Image to Local
#' @noRd
ee_image_local <- function(task, user_email, dsn, via, metadata, public, quiet) {
if (via == "drive") {
ee_image_local_drive(task, dsn, metadata, public, quiet)
} else if (via == "gcs") {
ee_image_local_gcs(task, dsn, metadata, public, quiet)
} else {
stop("via argument invalid")
#' Passing an Earth Engine Image from GD to Local
#' @noRd
ee_image_local_drive <- function(task, dsn, metadata, public, quiet) {
ee_monitoring(task = task, quiet = quiet)
# From Google Drive to local
if (isFALSE(quiet)) {
cat('Moving image from Google Drive to Local ... Please wait \n')
dsn <- ee_drive_to_local(
task = task,
dsn = dsn,
consider = 'all',
metadata = metadata,
public = public,
quiet = quiet
if (is.character(dsn)) {
dsn <- list(dsn = dsn)
#' Passing an Earth Engine Image from GCS to Local
#' @noRd
ee_image_local_gcs <- function(task, dsn, metadata, public, quiet) {
# earth engine monitoring
ee_monitoring(task = task, quiet = quiet)
# From Google Cloud Storage to local
if(isFALSE(quiet)) {
cat('Moving image from GCS to Local ... Please wait \n')
dsn <- ee_gcs_to_local(
task = task,
dsn = dsn,
metadata = metadata,
public = public,
quiet = quiet
if (is.character(dsn)) {
dsn <- list(dsn = dsn)
#' Approximate size of an EE Image object
#' Get the approximate number of rows, cols, and size of an single-band
#' Earth Engine Image.
#' @param image Single-band EE Image object.
#' @param getsize Logical. If TRUE, the size of the object
#' is estimated.
#' @param compression_ratio Numeric. Measurement of the relative reduction
#' in size of data representation produced by a data compression algorithm
#' (ignored if \code{getsize} is FALSE). By default is 20
#' @param quiet Logical. Suppress info message
#' @return A list containing information about the number of rows (nrow),
#' number of columns (ncol), total number of pixels (total_pixel), and image
#' size (image_size).
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(rgee)
#' ee_Initialize()
#' # World SRTM
#' srtm <- ee$Image("CGIAR/SRTM90_V4")
#' ee_image_info(srtm)
#' # Landast8
#' l8 <- ee$Image("LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_SR/LC08_038029_20180810")$select("B4")
#' ee_image_info(l8)
#' }
#' @export
ee_image_info <- function(image,
getsize = TRUE,
compression_ratio = 20,
quiet = FALSE) {
#check packages
ee_check_packages("ee_image_info", "sf")
band_length <- length(image$bandNames()$getInfo())
# if (band_length != 1) {
# stop("ee_image_info needs that image only has one band.")
# }
img_proj <- tryCatch(
expr = image$projection()$getInfo(),
error = function(e) {
message(paste0(e$message, " Trying only taking the first band...."))
geotransform <- unlist(img_proj$transform)
img_proj_wkt <- ee_utils_get_crs(img_proj$crs)
img_totalarea <- ee_as_sf(image$geometry()) %>%
bbox <- img_totalarea %>%
sf::st_bbox() %>%
x_diff <- bbox[3] - bbox[1]
y_diff <- bbox[4] - bbox[2]
x_npixel <- ceiling(abs(x_diff / geotransform[1]))
y_npixel <- ceiling(abs(y_diff / geotransform[5]))
total_pixel <- abs(as.numeric(x_npixel * y_npixel))
if (!quiet) {
cat(bold("Image Rows :"), x_npixel, "\n")
cat(bold("Image Cols :"), y_npixel, "\n")
cat(bold("Number of Pixels :"), format(total_pixel, scientific = FALSE), "\n")
# Obtain the size of an ee.Image
if (isFALSE(getsize)) {
nrow = x_npixel,
ncol = y_npixel,
total_pixel = total_pixel,
image_wkt = img_proj_wkt,
image_bounds = img_totalarea
} else {
image_id <- ee_utils_py_to_r(image$get("system:id")$getInfo())
if (!is.null(image_id)) {
image_size <- ee_manage_asset_size(image_id, quiet = TRUE) / band_length
if (length(image_size) == 0) {
image_size <- ee_image_msize(image, total_pixel, compression_ratio)
} else {
image_size <-ee_image_msize(image, total_pixel, compression_ratio)
if (!quiet) {
cat(bold("Image Size :"), ee_humansize(image_size), "\n")
nrow = x_npixel,
ncol = y_npixel,
total_pixel = total_pixel,
image_size = image_size,
image_wkt = img_proj_wkt,
image_bounds = img_totalarea
#' Get manually the image size
#' @noRd
ee_image_msize <- function(image, total_pixel, compression_ratio) {
bandtypes_info <- image$bandTypes()$getInfo()
img_types <- unlist(bandtypes_info)
band_types <- img_types[grepl("precision", names(img_types))]
band_precision <- vapply(band_types, ee_get_typeimage_size, 0)
number_of_bytes <- total_pixel * band_precision / compression_ratio
#' Approx number of pixels
#' @noRd
ee_approx_number_pixels <- function(region, geotransform) {
bbox <- region %>%
sf::st_bbox() %>%
# necessary info
x_diff <- bbox[3] - bbox[1]
y_diff <- bbox[4] - bbox[2]
xScale <- geotransform$transform[[1]]
yScale <- geotransform$transform[[5]]
x_npixel <- tail(abs(x_diff / xScale))
y_npixel <- tail(abs(y_diff / yScale))
round(x_npixel * y_npixel) # approximately
#' The value of a future or the values of all elements in a container
#' Gets the value of a future or the values of all elements (including futures)
#' in a container such as a list, an environment, or a list environment.
#' If one or more futures is unresolved, then this function blocks until all
#' queried futures are resolved.
#' @author Henrik Bengtsson <https://github.com/HenrikBengtsson/>
#' @param future, x A Future, an environment, a list, or a list environment.
#' @param stdout If TRUE, standard output captured while resolving futures
#' is relayed, otherwise not.
#' @param signal If TRUE, \link[base]{conditions} captured while resolving
#' futures are relayed, otherwise not.
#' @param \dots All arguments used by the S3 methods.
#' @return
#' `value()` of a Future object returns the value of the future, which can
#' be any type of \R object.
#' `value()` of a list, an environment, or a list environment returns an
#' object with the same number of elements and of the same class.
#' Names and dimension attributes are preserved, if available.
#' All future elements are replaced by their corresponding `value()` values.
#' For all other elements, the existing object is kept as-is.
#' If `signal` is TRUE and one of the futures produces an error, then
#' that error is produced.
#' @export
ee_utils_future_value <- function(future, stdout = TRUE, signal = TRUE, ...) {
ee_check_packages("ee_utils_future_value", "future")
if (is.list(future)) {
# if all the elements in a list are of the class SequentialFuture.
condition1 <- all(
sapply(future, function(x) any(class(x) %in% "SequentialFuture"))
if (condition1) {
lazy_batch_extract <- future %>%
future::value(stdout = stdout, signal = signal, ...)
# Is the list a results of run ee_imagecollection_to_local?
if(is(future, "ee_imagecollection")) {
dsn <- lapply(lazy_batch_extract, '[[', 1)
metadata <- lapply(lazy_batch_extract, function(x) attr(x, "metadata"))
# If metadata is NULL means that the user run:
# ee_imagecollection_to_local(..., add_metadata=FALSE)
if (any(sapply(metadata, is.null))) {
} else {
function(x, y) list(dsn = x, metadata = y),
dsn, metadata,
} else {
} else {
stop("Impossible to use ee_utils_future_value in a list ",
"with elements of a class different from SequentialFuture.")
} else {
future %>% future::value(stdout = stdout, signal = signal, ...)
#' helper function to read raster (ee_read_stars)
#' @noRd
ee_read_stars <- function(img_dsn, band_names, metadata) {
img_stars <- stars::read_stars(img_dsn, proxy = TRUE)
attr(img_stars, "metadata") <- metadata
if (length(stars::st_dimensions(img_stars)) < 3) {
} else {
stars::st_set_dimensions(img_stars, 3, values = band_names)
#' helper function to read raster (ee_as_raster)
#' @noRd
ee_read_raster <- function(img_dsn, band_names, metadata) {
if (length(img_dsn) > 1) {
message("NOTE: To avoid memory excess problems, ee_as_raster will",
" not build Raster objects for large images.")
} else {
dsn_raster <- raster::stack(img_dsn)
dsn_raster@history <- list(metadata = metadata)
#' Get the current image
#' @noRd
ee_get_current_email <- function() {
oauth_func_path <- system.file("python/ee_utils.py", package = "rgee")
utils_py <- ee_source_python(oauth_func_path)
ee_path <- ee_utils_py_to_r(utils_py$ee_path())
read.table(file = sprintf("%s/rgee_sessioninfo.txt", ee_path),
header = TRUE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[["email"]]
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