
Defines functions DRfinder bumphunt regionFinder smoother

Documented in bumphunt DRfinder regionFinder smoother

  #' Perform inference to detect differential regions in oligo experiments
#' This is the main inference function that aims to find regions with
#' differential signal between two conditions.  The two main steps of the 
#' procedure are (1) detect candidate regions from the nucleotide level 
#' signal, optionally smoothing to combat loss of power due to low coverage, 
#' and (2) evaluate the test statistic of condition difference across each
#' candidate region by comparing to a global null distribution generated 
#' by permuting sample labels.
#' @param OligoSignal a data frame in the format returned by the function
#'   \code{modelNucCounts}. Contains one row per nucleotide count.
#'    The first column contains the basepair positions of the nucleotides and
#'    the remaining columns hold the counts themselves (one column per sample).
#' @param conditionLabels character vector of length two which contains the 
#'    condition labels for the two conditions that are being compared.
#' @param minInSpan positive integer that represents the minimum number of
#'    nucleotides in a smoothing span window if \code{smooth} is TRUE.  
#'    Default value is 10.
#' @param minNumRegion positive integer that represents the minimum number of
#'    nucleotides to consider for a candidate region. Default value is 5.
#' @param cutoff scalar value that represents the absolute value (or a vector 
#'    of two numbers representing a lower and upper bound) for the cutoff of 
#'    the single nucleotide condition coefficient that is used to discover 
#'    candidate regions. 
#' @param smooth logical value that indicates whether or not to smooth the 
#'    nucleotide level signal when discovering candidate regions.
#'    Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param bpSpan a positive integer that represents the length in basepairs
#'    of the smoothing span window if \code{smooth} is TRUE.  Default value is 
#'    100
#' @param verbose logical value that indicates whether addtional progress 
#'    messages within each iteration should be printed to stout. Default value
#'    is FALSE.
#'@param quiet logical value that indicates whether a message is printed to the
#'    stout regarding the completion of each permutation iteration. If FALSE 
#'    (default value) then messages will be printed.  If TRUE, then messages
#'    will not be printed (but additional messages will be printed within
#'    each iteration if \code{verbose} is set to TRUE. 
#' @param workers positive integer that represents the number of cores to 
#'    use if parallelization is desired of the smoothing step. 
#' @param logT logical value that indicates whether to model the log2 
#'    transformed signal (plus a pseudocount of 1).  Default is TRUE.  Only
#'    set to false if transformation has been done prior to running this 
#'    function, or if distribution of raw values looks relatively symmetric.
#' @param sampleSize positive integer that represents the number of samples
#'    in each condition.  Defaults to \code{(ncol(OligoSignal)-1)/2}.
#' @param maxPerms a positive integer that represents the maximum number 
#'    of permutations that will be used to generate the global null 
#'    distribution of test statistics.
#' @param onlyUp a logical value indicating whether to only consider differences
#'    in the positive direction (signal in condition 1 - condition 2 > 0). 
#'    Default value is FALSE.
#' @param naive a logical value indicating whether to use naive region-level
#'    statistic in step 2 that simply takes average of statistic in step 1
#'    across the region, instead of the default, which calculates a new 
#'    statistic that jointly considers all loci in the region.  Also, in step 1
#'    the standard deviation among replicates is not considered.
#' @param altStat numeric value indicating whether to use alternate statistic
#'    for single loci in constructing candidate regions that incorporates the
#'    standard deviation among replicates.  If 0 (default), differences in means
#'    are used as the statistic.  If 1, modified t-statistics (instead of
#'    effect size estimates) will be used (t-stat = median difference / sd).  
#'    Since estimates of standard 
#'    deviations are noisy for small numbers of replicates, the estimates 
#'    are smoothed across neighboring loci (though the effect size estimates
#'    themselves are not smoothed; that can be accomplished by setting 
#'    smooth=TRUE).  If 2, Wilcoxon rank sum statistics are used. If 3,
#'    then the same stat as in 1, but using median absolute deviation (MAD)
#'    instead of SD.
#' @return a data.frame that contains the results of the inference. The
#'    data.frame contains one row for each candidate region, and 
#'    9 columns, in the following order: 1. chr = 
#'    region level labels such as chromosome, gene, or lncRNA, 2. start = 
#'    start basepair position of the region, 3. end = end basepair position
#'    of the region,
#'    4. indexStart = the index of the region's starting nucleotide, 
#'    5. indexEnd = the index of the region's ending nucleotide,
#'    6. length = the number of nucleotides contained in the region,
#'    7. stat = the test statistic for the condition difference,
#'    8. pval = the permutation p-value for the significance of the test
#'    statistic, and 9. qval = the q-value for the test statistic (adjustment
#'    for multiple comparisons to control false discovery rate).
#' @keywords inference
#' @inheritParams bumphunt
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
#' @importFrom utils combn
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' normalizedCounts <- normCounts(rawCounts = system.file("extdata", 
#' "allTranscriptsCounts_Raw.tsv", package = "oligoGames"))
#' metaData <- system.file("extdata", "oligoMeta.tsv", package = "oligoGames")
#' oligoLen <- 110
#' conditionLabels <- c("Nuclei", "Total")
#' modeledNucs <- modelNucCounts(normalizedCounts, metaData, 
#' conditionLabels, modelMethod = "median", oligoLen = 110)
#' DRregions <- DRfinder(modeledNucs, conditionLabels,
#' minNumRegion = 3, cutoff = 0.25, smooth = FALSE,
#' workers = 1, sampleSize = 4, maxPerms = 50, altStat=1)
#' }

DRfinder <- function(OligoSignal, 
                     conditionLabels=c("condition1", "condition2"),
                     cutoff = NULL, 
                     smooth = FALSE,
                     verbose = FALSE, 
                     workers = NULL, 
                     maxPerms=50, logT=TRUE,coef=2, 
                     onlyUp=FALSE, altStat=0,
  cond <- c(rep(conditionLabels[1], sampleSize), 
            rep(conditionLabels[2], sampleSize))
  design = model.matrix(~cond)
  nlocs = nrow(OligoSignal) 
  oligo.mat = OligoSignal[,-1]
  chr = rownames(OligoSignal)
  pos = OligoSignal[,1]
  maxGap <- maxGapSmooth <-max(diff(pos))+1
  # get observed stats
  res = bumphunt(oligo.mat, 
                 design = design, chr = chr, pos = pos, 
                 coef = coef, minNum=minInSpan, maxGapSmooth=maxGapSmooth, 
                 cutoff = cutoff, maxGap = maxGap, 
                 smooth = smooth, 
                 verbose = verbose,
                 workers = workers, logT=logT,
                 sampleSize = sampleSize, altStat=altStat,

  if (onlyUp){
    # only keep regions with positive directionality
    res <- res[res$stat > 0,]
  if (nrow(design)%%2==0){
    perms <- combn(seq(1, nrow(design)), sampleSize)
    perms <- perms[, 2:(ncol(perms)/2)]
    res.flip <- NULL
    if (maxPerms < ncol(perms)){
      # subset on 'balanced perms'
      if (sampleSize > 3 & sampleSize < 6){ 
        sg <- apply(perms, 2, function(x) sum(x > sampleSize))
        perms <- perms[, sg < (sampleSize-1) & sg >= 2 ]
        maxPerms <- min(maxPerms, ncol(perms))
      }else if(sampleSize >= 6){
        sg <- apply(perms, 2, function(x) sum(x > sampleSize))
        perms <- perms[, sg >= floor(sampleSize/2) & sg <= ceiling(sampleSize/2) ]
      perms <- perms[,sort(sample(1:ncol(perms), maxPerms, replace=FALSE))]
    # Now rerun on flipped designs and concatenate results
    for (j in 1:ncol(perms)){
      reorder <- perms[,j]
      designr <- design
      designr[,2] <- 0
      designr[reorder,2] <- 1
      res.flip.p = bumphunt(oligo.mat, 
                            design = designr, chr = chr, pos = pos, 
                            coef = coef, minNum=minInSpan, 
                            cutoff = cutoff,  maxGap = maxGap, 
                            smooth = smooth,
                            verbose = verbose,
                            workers = workers, logT=logT, 
                            altStat=altStat, sampleSize=sampleSize,
      if (class(res.flip.p)=="data.frame"){
        if (nrow(res.flip.p) > 0){
          res.flip.p$permNum <- j 
          res.flip <- rbind(res.flip, res.flip.p)
        message(paste0(j, " out of ", ncol(perms), " permutations completed"))
    stop("Error: Currently only balanced designs supported")

  perm.ordered <- c(sort(abs(res.flip$stat), method="quick"), Inf)
  pval <- rep(NA, nrow(res))
  pval[!is.na(res$stat)] <- (1 + 
                                      function(x) length(perm.ordered) - 
                                        min(which(x <= perm.ordered)))) /
    (1 + sum(!is.na(res.flip$stat)))							
  res$pval <- pval
  res$qval <- p.adjust(pval, method="BH")

#' Detect and score candidate regions
#' This is an internal workhorse function called by \code{DRfinder} that
#' calculates the nucleotide-level signal, and calls the \code{regionFinder} 
#' function to determine candidate regions and score them.
#' @param oligo.mat a matrix that contains the nucleotide level counts that 
#'    has one row per nucleotide and
#'    one column per sample.
#' @param design a model matrix with one row per sample and one column per 
#'    independent covariate.  
#' @param chr a character vector of labels for region-level characteristics, 
#'   with length equal to the number of rows in \code{oligo.mat} (and in the
#'   same order).  This can indicate the chromosome, gene, lncRNA, etc.
#' @param pos a numeric vector of basepair positions for each nucleotide in
#'   \code{oligo.mat} (and in the same order).
#' @param coef positive integer that indicates which column of the design
#'   matrix in \code{design} contains the condition covariate of interest
#' @param maxGap positive integer that indicates the maximum number of basepairs
#'   that can separate two nucleotides before they will be divided into two 
#'   separate candidate regions.  Defaults to 50.
#' @param maxGapSmooth positive integer that indicates the maximum number of 
#'   basepairs
#'   that can separate two nucleotides before they will be divided into two 
#'   separate smoothing regions.  Defaults to 50.
#' @param minNum positive integer that represents the minimum number of 
#'    nucleotides overall in a region to be smoothed (if \code{smooth} is TRUE).
#'    Default value is 10
#' @return a data.frame that contains the results of region detection. The
#'    data.frame contains one row for each candidate region, and 
#'    7 columns, in the following order: 1. chr = 
#'    region level labels such as chromosome, gene, or lncRNA, 2. start = 
#'    start basepair position of the region, 3. end = end basepair position
#'    of the region,
#'    4. indexStart = the index of the region's starting nucleotide, 
#'    5. indexEnd = the index of the region's ending nucleotide,
#'    6. length = the number of nucleotides contained in the region,
#'    and 7. stat = the test statistic for the condition difference.
#' @inheritParams DRfinder
#' @import bumphunter
#' @import foreach
#' @import doParallel
#' @importFrom S4Vectors runmean
#' @importFrom S4Vectors Rle
#' @importFrom matrixStats rowVars
#' @keywords inference
##The WGBS version of the 'BumphunterEngine' function with 'LM' and 'GLM'
bumphunt = function(oligo.mat, design, 
                    chr = NULL, pos, coef = 2, minInSpan=10, minNum=10, 
                    cutoff = NULL, maxGap = 50, maxGapSmooth=50,
                    smooth = FALSE, bpSpan=100,
                    verbose = TRUE, workers=NULL, 
                    logT=TRUE, altStat=0, sampleSize, 
                    naive=FALSE, ...)
  if (!is.matrix(oligo.mat))
    stop("'oligo.mat' must be a matrices.")
  if (ncol(oligo.mat) != nrow(design))
    stop("Total number of columns in 'oligo.mat' must  
         match number of rows of 'design'")
  if (!(is.null(cutoff) || length(cutoff) %in% 1:2))
    stop("'cutoff' has to be either NULL or a vector of length 1 or 2")
  if (length(cutoff) == 2)
    cutoff <- sort(cutoff)
  if (!getDoParRegistered())
  if (is.null(workers)) { workers <- 1 }
  backend <- getDoParName()
  version <- getDoParVersion()
  subverbose <- max(as.integer(verbose) - 1L, 0)
  if (verbose) {
    if (workers == 1) {
      mes <- "Using a single core (backend: %s, version: %s)."
      message(sprintf(mes, backend, version))
    }else {
      mes <- "Parallelizing using %s workers/cores (backend: %s, version: %s)."
      message(sprintf(mes, workers, backend, version))
  if (is.null(chr))
    chr <- rep("Unspecified", length(pos))
  if (is.factor(chr))
    chr <- as.character(chr)
  cluster <- bumphunter:::clusterMaker(factor(chr, levels=unique(chr)), pos,
                                        maxGap = maxGap, assumeSorted=TRUE)
  if (verbose)
    message("Computing coefficients.")
  if (as.numeric(altStat)==1){     # use alternate single-loci stat that incorporates SD 
    # function to smooth sds (internal function from bsseq package)
    smoothSd <- function(Sds, k, minSD) {
      k0 <- floor(k/2)
      if(all(is.na(Sds))) return(Sds)
      thresSD <- pmax(Sds, minSD, na.rm = TRUE)
      addSD <- rep(minSD, k0)
      sSds <- as.vector(runmean(Rle(c(addSD, thresSD, addSD)), k = k))
    g1 <- which(design[,coef]==1)
    g2 <- which(design[,coef]==0)
    group1.means <- apply(log2(oligo.mat+1)[, g1, drop = FALSE], 1,
                          function(x) median(x, na.rm=FALSE))
    group2.means <- apply(log2(oligo.mat+1)[, g2, drop = FALSE], 1,
                          function(x) median(x, na.rm=FALSE))
    rawSds <- sqrt( ((length(g1) - 1) * rowVars(log2(oligo.mat+1), cols = g1) +
                    (length(g2) - 1) * rowVars(log2(oligo.mat+1), cols = g2)) /
                    (length(g1) + length(g2) - 2))
    clusterIdx <- split(seq(along=cluster), cluster)
    sdThresh <- quantile(rawSds, 0.50, na.rm = TRUE)
    smoothSds <- unlist(lapply(clusterIdx, function(idx) {
        smoothSd(rawSds[idx], k = 5, minSD = sdThresh)
    scale <- sqrt(1/length(g1) + 1/length(g2))
    tstat.sd <- smoothSds * scale
    tstat.sd <- tstat.sd
    if (!naive){
      tstat <- (group1.means - group2.means) / tstat.sd
      tstat <- (group1.means - group2.means) 
    is.na(tstat)[tstat.sd == 0] <- TRUE
    est <- data.frame(coef=tstat, stdev.unscaled=rawSds, sigma=scale)
  }else if(as.numeric(altStat)==2){
    g1 <- which(design[,coef]==1)
    g2 <- which(design[,coef]==0)
    est1 <- apply(log2(oligo.mat+1), 1, function(x)
      suppressWarnings(wilcox.test(x[g1], x[g2], exact=FALSE,
    est <- data.frame(coef= (est1 - sampleSize^2/2) / sampleSize^2)
  }else if (as.numeric(altStat)==3){     # use alternate single-loci stat that incorporates SD 
    # function to smooth sds (internal function from bsseq package)
    smoothSd <- function(Sds, k, minSD) {
      k0 <- floor(k/2)
      if(all(is.na(Sds))) return(Sds)
      thresSD <- pmax(Sds, minSD, na.rm = TRUE)
      addSD <- rep(minSD, k0)
      sSds <- as.vector(runmean(Rle(c(addSD, thresSD, addSD)), k = k))
    g1 <- which(design[,coef]==1)
    g2 <- which(design[,coef]==0)
    group1.means <- apply(log2(oligo.mat+1)[, g1, drop = FALSE], 1,
                          function(x) median(x, na.rm=FALSE))
    group2.means <- apply(log2(oligo.mat+1)[, g2, drop = FALSE], 1,
                          function(x) median(x, na.rm=FALSE))
    group1.MAD <- apply(log2(oligo.mat+1)[, g1, drop = FALSE], 1,
                          function(x) median(abs(x - median(x, na.rm=FALSE))))
    group2.MAD <- apply(log2(oligo.mat+1)[, g2, drop = FALSE], 1,
                          function(x) median(abs(x - median(x, na.rm=FALSE))))
    rawSds <- ((length(g1) - 1) * group1.MAD + (length(g2) - 1) * group2.MAD) /
               (length(g1) + length(g2) - 2)
    clusterIdx <- split(seq(along=cluster), cluster)
    sdThresh <- quantile(rawSds, 0.50, na.rm = TRUE)
    smoothSds <- unlist(lapply(clusterIdx, function(idx) {
      smoothSd(rawSds[idx], k = 5, minSD = sdThresh)
    scale <- sqrt(1/length(g1) + 1/length(g2))
    tstat.sd <- smoothSds * scale
    tstat.sd <- tstat.sd
    if (!naive){
      tstat <- (group1.means - group2.means) / tstat.sd
      tstat <- (group1.means - group2.means) 
    is.na(tstat)[tstat.sd == 0] <- TRUE
    est <- data.frame(coef=tstat, stdev.unscaled=rawSds, sigma=scale)
  }else if(as.numeric(altStat)==0 & logT){
    est <- bumphunter:::.getEstimate(log2(oligo.mat+1), 
                                     design, coef, full=TRUE) 

  }else if(as.numeric(altStat)==0 & !logT){
    est <- bumphunter:::.getEstimate(oligo.mat, 
                                     design, coef, full=TRUE) 
  rawBeta <- est$coef
  cluster <- as.integer(cluster)
  if (smooth) {
    if (as.numeric(altStat)==2){
      stop("Error: smoothing for altStat 2 (Wilcoxon) not implemented")
    sd.raw = est$sigma*est$stdev.unscaled
    weights <- sd.raw 
    weights[sd.raw < 10^-5] = mean(sd.raw[sd.raw > 10^-5]) 
  if (smooth) {
    if (verbose)
      message("Smoothing coefficients.")
    beta <- vector("list", 3)
    beta[[1]] <- beta[[2]] <- rep(NA, length(pos))
    for (chromosome in unique(chr)){
      beta.tmp <- smoother(y = rawBeta[chr==chromosome],
                           x = pos[chr==chromosome],
                           workers=workers, chr=chr[chr==chromosome],
                           maxGapSmooth=maxGapSmooth, weights = weights,
                           minNum = minNum, minInSpan = minInSpan, bpSpan = bpSpan,
                           verbose = verbose)
      beta[[1]][chr==chromosome] <- beta.tmp[[1]]
      beta[[2]][chr==chromosome] <- beta.tmp[[2]]
    beta[[3]] <- beta.tmp[[3]]
    names(beta) <- names(beta.tmp)
    Index <- which(beta$smoothed)
    beta <- beta$fitted
  }else {
    beta <- rawBeta
    Index <- seq(along = beta)
  if (verbose)
    message("Finding regions.")
  tab <- regionFinder(x = beta, chr = chr, pos = pos, cluster = cluster,
                      cutoff = cutoff, ind = Index, minNumRegion = minNumRegion,
                      oligo.mat = oligo.mat,
                      verbose = verbose,
                      design = design, workers=workers, logT=logT, 
                      naive=naive, beta=beta)
  if (nrow(tab) == 0) {
    if (verbose)
      message("No candidate regions found!")
  }else {
    if (verbose)
      message(sprintf("Found %s candidate regions.", nrow(tab)))
  return(table = tab)

#' Break up nucleotide level signal into candidate regions and score them 
#' This is an internal workhorse function for \code{bumphunt} that takes the
#' nucleotide-level signal and parses it into contigous regions that pass
#' the threshold and form
#' the candidates, and then scores each one based on a test statistic
#' of the difference.
#' @param x a vector of condition coefficients (for the covariate of interest)
#'  for each nucletide
#' @param cluster a vector of cluster membership values for each nucleotide
#'  determined by the \code{clusterMaker} function in the \code{bumphunter}
#'  package
#' @param ind a vector if indices of \code{x} which are non-NULL. Defaults to 
#'  all indices of \code{x}.
#' @param order logical that indicates whether or not to order the candidate
#'  regions by the test statistic magnitude (largest to smallest).
#'  Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param assumeSorted logical that indicates whether the nucleotides are 
#'  sorted in ascending order.  Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param beta vector of loci-specific statistics from step 1 (only needed
#'  if naive is TRUE)
#' @inheritParams DRfinder
#' @inheritParams bumphunt
#' @return a data.frame that contains the results of region detection. The
#'    data.frame contains one row for each candidate region, and 
#'    7 columns, in the following order: 1. chr = 
#'    region level labels such as chromosome, gene, or lncRNA, 2. start = 
#'    start basepair position of the region, 3. end = end basepair position
#'    of the region,
#'    4. indexStart = the index of the region's starting nucleotide, 
#'    5. indexEnd = the index of the region's ending nucleotide,
#'    6. length = the number of nucleotides contained in the region,
#'    and 7. stat = the test statistic for the condition difference.
#' @import bumphunter
#' @import reshape2
#' @importFrom stats lm
#' @importFrom splines ns
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @importFrom parallel mclapply
#' @keywords inference

regionFinder <- function(x, chr, pos, cluster=NULL,
                         ind=seq(along=x),order=TRUE, minNumRegion=5,
                         maxGap, cutoff=quantile(abs(x), 0.99),
                         assumeSorted = FALSE, oligo.mat=oligo.mat,
                         verbose = TRUE,
                         design=design, workers=workers, logT=TRUE,
                         naive=FALSE, beta=NULL){
    warning("NAs found and removed. ind changed.")
    ind <- intersect(which(!is.na(x)),ind)
  if (is.null(beta) & naive){
    stop("Error: beta needs to be specified if calculating naive region stat")
    cluster <- bumphunter:::clusterMaker(chr, pos, maxGap=maxGap, 
                                         assumeSorted = assumeSorted)
  Indexes <- bumphunter:::getSegments(x = x[ind], f = cluster[ind], 
                                      cutoff = cutoff, 
                                      assumeSorted = assumeSorted, 
                                      verbose = verbose)
  clusterN <- table(cluster)[as.character(cluster)]

  # only keep up and down indices
  Indexes <- Indexes[1:2]

  # only keep clusters that have at least minNumRegion elements
  for(i in 1:2){
    lns <- sapply(Indexes[[i]], length)
    Indexes[[i]] <- Indexes[[i]][lns >= minNumRegion]

  stat.OligoSignal.spline <- function(ix){
    X = as.vector(sapply(design[,2], function(x) rep(x, nrow(oligo.mat[ix,]))))
    L = as.vector(rep(pos[ix], nrow(design)))
      Y = log2(oligo.mat[ix,] + 1)
      Y = oligo.mat[ix,]
    # check that signal isn't all constant within condition
    if (length(unique(as.vector(Y[,1:sampleSize]))) == 1 &&
        length(unique(as.vector(Y[,(sampleSize+1):(2*sampleSize)]))) == 1 )
    Y <- melt(Y)
    Y$X <- X
    Y$L <- L
    int.knots <- ceiling((max(pos[ix]) - min(pos[ix])) / 100) + 1
    # linear trend
    trend.linear <- lm(value ~ ns(L, df=int.knots-1), data=Y)
    # polynomial trend
    trend.poly <- lm(value ~ ns(L, df=int.knots), data=Y)
    # adaptively determine usage of spline adjustment (use none if no
    # evidence of trend in the region to guard against over-fitting)
    if(anova(trend.poly)[1,5] < 0.01){
      stat <- summary(lm(value~ X + ns(L, df=int.knots), data=Y))$coef[2,3]
    }else if(anova(trend.linear)[1,5] < 0.01){
      stat <- summary(lm(value~ X + ns(L, df=int.knots-1), data=Y))$coef[2,3]
      stat <- summary(lm(value~ X, data=Y))$coef[2,3]

  stat.naive <- function(ix){

  cov.upper <- quantile(oligo.mat, 0.9)
  t1 <- proc.time()
  res <- vector("list",2)
  for(i in 1:2){
      data.frame(chr=sapply(Indexes[[i]], function(Index) chr[ind[Index[1]]]),
              start=sapply(Indexes[[i]], function(Index) min(pos[ind[Index]])),
              end=sapply(Indexes[[i]], function(Index) max(pos[ind[Index]])),
              indexStart=sapply(Indexes[[i]], function(Index) min(ind[Index])),
              indexEnd = sapply(Indexes[[i]], function(Index) max(ind[Index])),
              length = sapply(Indexes[[i]], length), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    if (!naive){
      res[[i]]$stat = unlist(mclapply(Indexes[[i]], function(Index)
      res[[i]]$stat = unlist(mclapply(Indexes[[i]], function(Index)
  t2 <- proc.time()
  t2 - t1
  names(res) <- c("up","dn")
  res <- rbind(res$up,res$dn)
  if(order & nrow(res)>0) res <- res[order(-abs(res$stat)),]
  # remove regions with no variation
  res <- res[!is.na(res$stat),]

#' A smoother function for coefficient values
#' This is an internal workhorse function that (optionally) smooths the
#' coefficient values for the covariate of interest.
#' @param weights a numeric vector that contains the smoothing weights.  
#' @inheritParams DRfinder
#' @inheritParams bumphunt
#' @inheritParams regionFinder
#' @return a list object of length four that contains the following objects 
#'   in order: 1. fitted = a numeric matrix containing the coefficient 
#'   estimates after smoothing those that satisify the smoothing conditions 
#'   for each nucleotide,
#'   2. smoothed = a logical vector that indicates whether each nucleotide 
#'   was smoothed, 3. smoother = a character that represents the type 
#'   of smoothing that was performed, and 4. idx a numeric vector that 
#'   indicates which nucleotides are non-NULL.
#' @import bumphunter
#' @import locfit
#' @import doRNG
#' @importFrom iterators iter
#' @importFrom stats preplot
#' @keywords inference
smoother <- function(y, x=NULL, weights=NULL, chr=chr, 
                     verbose=TRUE, workers=1, minNum = minNum,
                     minInSpan = minInSpan, bpSpan = bpSpan) {

  locfitByCluster2 <- function(ix) {

    ## if y is vector change to matrix
    yi = matrix(y[ix], ncol=1)
    xi = x[ix]
    weightsi = matrix(weights[ix], ncol=1)
    clusteri = clusterC[ix]

      stop("y (rawBeta) is missing")
      stop("x (pos) is missing")
      stop("cluster is missing")
      weightsi <- matrix(1, nrow = nrow(yi), ncol = ncol(yi))

    Indexes <- split(seq(along = clusteri), clusteri)
    clusterL <- sapply(Indexes, length)
    smoothed <- rep(TRUE, nrow(yi))

    for(i in seq(along=Indexes)) {
      #if(verbose) if(i %% 1e4 == 0) cat(".") # print the cluster index
      Index <- Indexes[[i]]
      if(clusterL[i] >= minNum & 
         sum(rowSums(is.na(yi[Index,,drop=FALSE]))==0) >= minNum)  {
        nn <- minInSpan / length(Index)
        for(j in 1:ncol(yi)) {
          sdata <- data.frame(posi = xi[Index],
                              yi = yi[Index, j],
                              weightsi = weightsi[Index,j])
          fit <- locfit(yi ~ lp(posi, nn = nn, h = bpSpan), data = sdata,
                        weights = weightsi, family = "gaussian", maxk = 10000)
          pp <- preplot(fit, where = "data", band = "local",
                        newdata = data.frame(posi = xi[Index]))
          yi[Index,j] <- pp$trans(pp$fit)
      } else {
        yi[Index,] <- NA
        smoothed[Index] <- FALSE
    return(list(fitted=yi, smoothed=smoothed, smoother="locfit"))

    y <- matrix(y, ncol=1) 
  if(!is.null(weights) && is.null(dim(weights)))
    weights <- matrix(weights, ncol=1)
  if (!getDoParRegistered())

  ret.all <- NULL
  cores <- workers
  # loop through each chromosome to mitigate memory spikes
  for (chromosome in unique(chr)){

    clusterC <- bumphunter:::clusterMaker(chr[chr==chromosome], 
                                          maxGap = maxGapSmooth)

    Indexes <- split(seq(along=clusterC), clusterC)
    IndexesChunks <- vector("list", length = cores)
    baseSize <- length(Indexes) %/% cores
    remain <- length(Indexes) %% cores
    done <- 0L
    for(ii in 1:cores) {
      if(remain > 0) {
        IndexesChunks[[ii]] <- done + 1:(baseSize + 1)
        remain <- remain - 1L
        done <- done + baseSize + 1L
      } else {
        IndexesChunks[[ii]] <- done + 1:baseSize
        done <- done + baseSize

    IndexesChunks <- lapply(IndexesChunks, function(idxes) {
      do.call(c, unname(Indexes[idxes]))

    idx <- NULL ## for R CMD check
    ret <- foreach(idx = iter(IndexesChunks)) %dorng% {
      sm <- locfitByCluster2(idx)
      c(sm, list(idx = seq(1, length(chr))[chr==chromosome][idx]))

    attributes(ret)[["rng"]] <- NULL
    ## Paste together results from different workers
    ret <- bumphunter:::reduceIt(ret)

      ret.all <- ret
      ret.all$smoother <- c(ret.all$smoother, ret$smoother)
      ret.all$fitted <- c(ret.all$fitted, ret$fitted)
      ret.all$smoothed <- c(ret.all$smoothed, ret$smoothed)
      ret.all$idx <- c(ret.all$idx, ret$idx)

  ## Now fixing order issue
  revOrder <- ret.all$idx
  names(revOrder) <- seq_along(ret.all$idx)
  revOrder <- sort(revOrder)
  revOrder <- as.integer(names(revOrder))

  ret.all$smoother <- ret.all$smoother[1]
  ret.all$fitted <- ret.all$fitted[revOrder,,drop=FALSE]
  ret.all$smoothed <- ret.all$smoothed[revOrder]
  ret.all$idx <- NULL

cshukla/oligoGames documentation built on May 27, 2019, 8:44 a.m.