
#' Format a Numeric as a String Percentage
#' This function formats a decimal number into a string percentage with
#' a specific number of decimal places and with a "%" character.
#' The function uses formatC from the R base package and
#' defaults to formatting the number with 1 digit and with the "f" format
#' in the formatC argument.
#' This function is originally from the StackOverflow post:
#' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12688717/round-up-from-5-in-r
percent0 <- function(x,
                     digits = 1,
                     format = "f",
                     ...) {
  # always rounding 5 up
  # taken from the following stackoverflow post
  round2 = function(x, n) {
    posneg = sign(x)
    z = abs(x) * 10 ^ n
    z = z + 0.5
    z = trunc(z)
    z = z / 10 ^ n
    z * posneg
  paste0(formatC(round2(100 * x, 1), format = format, digits = digits, ...), "%")

#' Find out Which Choices Have Text Entry Components
#' @name which_choices_have_text_entry
#' @description Given a single question, this function
#' determines which of the question[['Payload']][['Choices']]
#' elements have a TextEntry which is enabled for free response
#' input. The returned value is a list of integers representing
#' the indices of which choices have text entry components.
#' @param question This is a list object representing an individual question
#' from a Qualtrics Survey File. A question must have the 'Choices' list
#' inside its 'Payload' in order to be accepted by this function.
#' @return A list of the indices for the choices which have a text entry component.
which_choices_have_text_entry <- function(question) {

  # Error if question[['Payload']][['Choices']] doesn't exist.
  if (! 'Payload' %in% names(question) ||
      ! 'Choices' %in% names(question[['Payload']])) {
    stop("The passed question must contain a Payload with Choices.")

  # For those choices with a "TextEntry" field,
  # return which of those have TextEntry as "true"
  text_entry_choices <-
                            function(x) {
                              'TextEntry' %in% names(x) &&
                                x[['TextEntry']] == "true"

#' Convert the Variable Response into its Corresponding Text
#' @name question_variable_to_choice_text
#' @description This function looks up a choice's corresponding text
#' by using the question[['Payload']][['Choice']] list, and if applicable,
#' the question[['Payload']][['RecodeValues']] list as an intermediary lookup.
#' Moreover, if a choice has a corresponding text entry component, this function
#' attempts to identify which column corresponds to the text entry responses
#' and modifies the returned choice text to include "See Appendix [Column DataExportTag]"
#' where the [Column DataExportTag] is replaced by the column name of the corresponding
#' text entry response column.
#' @param question This is a list object representing an individual question
#' from a Qualtrics Survey File. A question must have the 'Choices' list
#' inside its 'Payload' in order to be accepted by this function. Furthermore,
#' the choice provided must appear in the Choices list (or if use_recode_values is
#' TRUE then the choice argument provided must appear among the RecodeValues list).
#' @param choice A choice response to a question, given as a string or number.
#' @param use_recode_values A logical boolean value indicating whether or not the
#' RecodeValues list needs to be used as an intermediary step in looking up the
#' text corresponding to the passed choice argument.
#' @return The text corresponding to the variable choice indicated for the given question.
question_variable_to_choice_text <- function(question, choice, use_recode_values) {

  # Error if question[['Payload']][['Choices']] doesn't exist.
  if (! 'Payload' %in% names(question) ||
      ! 'Choices' %in% names(question[['Payload']])) {
    stop("The passed question must contain a Payload with Choices.")

  if (missing(use_recode_values)) {
    if ("RecodeValues" %in% names(question[['Payload']]) &&
        length(question[['Payload']][['RecodeValues']]) > 0) {
      use_recode_values <- TRUE
    } else use_recode_values <- FALSE

  # Error if use_recode_values is true, but there are no recode values in the question.
  if (use_recode_values == TRUE &&
      ! "RecodeValues" %in% names(question[['Payload']])) {
      "The passed question does not have a RecodeValues ",
      "field in its payload, but the question_variable_to_choice_text function ",
      "was called with the parameter use_recode_values = TRUE.")

  # Use recode values to reindex the variable if necessary. If a question
  # does not use recode values, then the choice as a variable response already
  # corresponds with the name of the corresponding choice in the QSF data.
  if (use_recode_values) {
    choice_index <- which(question[['Payload']][['RecodeValues']] == choice)
    if (length(choice_index) == 0) {
      stop("The choice ", choice, " provided does not match any RecodeValue",
           "in the question",  question[['Payload']][['DataExportTag']])
    choice_index <- names(question[['Payload']][['RecodeValues']])[[choice_index]]
    choice_index <- which(names(question[['Payload']][['Choices']]) == choice_index)
  } else if (choice %in% names(question[['Payload']][['Choices']])) {
    choice_index <- which(names(question[['Payload']][['Choices']]) == choice)
  } else {
    stop("The choice ", choice, " does not match any choice in the question ",

  # Determine which elements of the question[['Payload']][['Choices']] list
  # have text entry components. Later this is used to insert "See Appendix ..."
  # for those choices.
  te_components <- which_choices_have_text_entry(question)

  # After reindexing if necessary, get the choice text corresponding to the
  # corresponding choice's index.
  choice_text <- question[['Payload']][['Choices']][[choice_index]][[1]]

  # If the choice is one with text entry components, insert
  # "See Appendix [Column DataExportTag]"
  # so that the corresponding text appendix may be easily found.
  if (choice_index %in% te_components) {

    # Get the response column names which have "TEXT" in them.
    text_entry_column_names <-
      which(grepl("TEXT", colnames(question[['Responses']])))
    text_entry_column_names <-

    # If there is only one response column name which has "TEXT"
    # in it, then use that as the corresponding export tag for any
    # question choice which has an associated text entry component.
    # If there are multiple, check if "*_[choice]_TEXT" matches any
    # of the response column names exactly. Finally, if neither of
    # the previous steps succeed in finding the column data export tag
    # which corresponds to the given question choice, just use the question's
    # data export tag.
    if (length(text_entry_column_names) == 1) {
      corresponding_export_tag <- text_entry_column_names[[1]]
    } else {
      choice_and_TEXT <- paste0("_", choice, "_", "TEXT")
      matching_text_entry_colnames <-
        which(grepl(choice_and_TEXT, text_entry_column_names))
      if (length(matching_text_entry_colnames) == 1) {
        corresponding_export_tag <-
      } else {
        corresponding_export_tag <- question[['Payload']][['DataExportTag']]

    # Clean the choice text of HTML entities.
    choice_text <- clean_html(choice_text)

    # Insert the corresponding export tag into the question choice.
    choice_text <- paste0(choice_text,
                          " See Appendix ",

#' Create the Results Table for a Multiple Choice Single Answer Question
#' The mc_single_answer_results function uses the definition of the choices in the QSF file
#' and their potentially recoded values to determine how to table the results paired to that question.
#' @param question This is a list object representing an individual question
#' from a Qualtrics Survey File. The question must have a paired
#' response column placed into the question
#' under [['Responses']]. The insertion of the responses into questions is
#' handled by link_responses_to_questions.
#' @param original_first_rows A dataframe contianing the header information
#' for each column of response data. This dataframe includes a row for the DataExportTag based
#' response column names, another for the Question Text stem and choice text (although
#' truncated), and a row with QID based column names.
#' @return A table with an N, Percent, and an unlabeled column
#' containing the question's chocies. In the N and Percent columns
#' the frequency statistics are computed for the question
#' choice.
mc_single_answer_results <-
  function(question, original_first_rows) {
    # If a question's response options were given recoded values
    # during the survey's creation, the variables for the recoded values
    # are used as the factors a response could match. If there was no
    # recoding of values, then the choices are directly use as the factors
    # a response can match.
    if ("RecodeValues" %in% names(question[['Payload']]) &&
        length(question[['Payload']][['RecodeValues']]) > 0) {
      factors <- unlist(question[['Payload']][['RecodeValues']])
    } else {
      factors <- names(question[['Payload']][['Choices']])

    # get the data export tag and questionID
    exporttag <- question[['Payload']][['DataExportTag']]
    questionID <- question[['Payload']][['QuestionID']]

    # if the original_first_rows are available, we use them to pick the right
    # response column, and if not, we select the column by using the DataExportTag
    if (!missing(original_first_rows)) {
      selected_column <- which(original_first_rows[2,] == questionID)
      selected_column <-
      responses <- question[['Responses']][[selected_column]]
    } else {
      responses <- question[['Responses']][[exporttag]]

    # first, take the responses and sort them by the factors to get responses_tabled.
    # the second column of the responses_tabled are the numbers of responses for each factor, our Ns.
    # total number of responses to a question is counted by all the answers that aren't -99
    # use Ns and respondent_count to calculate the percents for each factor.
    responses_tabled <-
      as.data.frame(table(factor(responses, levels = factors)))
    N <- responses_tabled[, 2]
    respondent_count <-
      length(which((question[['Responses']][[exporttag]] != -99) &
                     (question[['Responses']][[exporttag]] != "")))
    Percent <- percent0(N / respondent_count)

    # if the choice variables have been recoded, first the factors are retrieved from the responses_tabled,
    # then they are turned into the list of corresponding indexes in the RecodeValues list,
    # which are then used to recover the original choice text from the Choices list,
    # and then the choices are flattened to a cleaner list.
    # if the choice variables are not recoded, then they can be retrieved directly from the responses_table
    choices <- sapply(responses_tabled[, 1], function(choice) question_variable_to_choice_text(question, choice))

    # construct the results table with a column for N, Percent, and choices,
    # but make sure that the choices column doesn't have a header when it prints.
    results_table <-
      data.frame(N, Percent, choices, row.names = NULL)
    colnames(results_table)[3] <- ""

    # append the results table to the question
    question[['Table']] <- results_table

    # add a denominator note to the question
    if (!'qtNotes' %in% names(question))
      question[['qtNotes']] <- list()
    question[['qtNotes']] <-
      c(question[['qtNotes']], paste0('Denominator Used: ', toString(respondent_count)))

#' Create the Results Table for a Multiple Choice Single Answer Question
#' The mc_multiple_answer_results function uses the definition of the choices in the QSF file
#' and their (if present) recoded values to determine how to table the results paired to that question.
#' @inheritParams mc_single_answer_results
mc_multiple_answer_results <-
  function(question, original_first_rows) {
    # save the original responses
    orig_responses <- question[['Responses']]

    # determine if we should use the original_first_rows
    if (!missing(original_first_rows) &&
        all(colnames(orig_responses) %in% colnames(original_first_rows)) &&
        dim(original_first_rows)[[1]] >= 2) {
      should_use_ofr <- TRUE
    } else
      should_use_ofr <- FALSE

    # search either the import IDs or response column names
    # for the string "TEXT", and include all but those including
    # "TEXT" from the relevant_responses
    if (should_use_ofr) {
      relevant_responses <-
        orig_responses[which(unlist(lapply(colnames(orig_responses), function(x)
          ! grepl("TEXT", original_first_rows[2, x]))))]
    } else {
      relevant_responses <-
        orig_responses[which(unlist(lapply(colnames(orig_responses), function(x)
          ! grepl("TEXT", x))))]

    # create a list of possible variations of the data export tag
    data_export_tag <- question[['Payload']][['DataExportTag']]
    data_export_tags <-
        gsub("#", "_", data_export_tag),
        gsub("-", "_", data_export_tag))
    data_export_tags <-
      unique(c(paste0(data_export_tags, "_"), data_export_tags))
    data_export_tags <- paste0(data_export_tags, collapse = "|")

    # rename the columns to be the choice indices they represent
    colnames(relevant_responses) <-
      lapply(colnames(relevant_responses), function(x) {
        if (should_use_ofr) {
          choice_index <- original_first_rows[2, x]
          choice_index <- gsub("QID[0-9]*-", "", choice_index)
        } else {
          x <- gsub(data_export_tags, "", x)
          if ("RecodeValues" %in% names(question[['Payload']]) &&
              x %in% question[['Payload']][['RecodeValues']]) {
            x <-
                which(question[['Payload']][['RecodeValues']] == x)]

    # get the number of respondents for each choice
    N <-
      lapply(relevant_responses, function(x)
        sum(x != 0 & x != -99 & x != ""))

    # determine if the question has any NA-type choices
    if ('RecodeValues' %in% names(question[['Payload']])) {
      has_na <- any(question[['Payload']][['RecodeValues']] < 0)
    } else
      has_na <- FALSE

    # if the question has NA choices, calculate a valid_denominator
    if (has_na) {
      non_negative_columns <-
        which(unlist(lapply(colnames(relevant_responses), function(x) {
          question[['Payload']][['RecodeValues']][[x]] >= 0
      non_negative_responses <-
      valid_denominator <-
        length(which(apply(non_negative_responses, 1, function(x) {
          !(all(x == -99) | all(x == "") | all(x == 0))

    # calculate the total denominator
    total_denominator <-
      length(which(apply(relevant_responses, 1, function(x) {
        !(all(x %in% c(-99, "", 0)))

    # calculate the percent for each column:
    # if it's an NA-column use the total denominator,
    # if it's not an NA-column, but the question has NA options, use the valid denominator
    # if the question has no NA choices, use the total_denominator
    Percent <- lapply(1:length(N), function(x) {
      if (has_na &&
          !names(N)[[x]] %in% colnames(non_negative_responses)) {
        percent0(N[[x]] / total_denominator)
      } else if (has_na &&
                 names(N)[[x]] %in% colnames(non_negative_responses)) {
        percent0(N[[x]] / valid_denominator)
      } else {
        percent0(N[[x]] / total_denominator)

    # Since we've already translated converted the choices from recode values to choice
    # variables, in the following call we set use_recode_values = FALSE.
    choices <-
      lapply(names(N), function(choice)
        question_variable_to_choice_text(question, choice, use_recode_values = FALSE))

    # make sure that these are flat lists
    choices <- unlist(choices, use.names = FALSE)
    N <- unlist(N, use.names = FALSE)
    Percent <- unlist(Percent, use.names = FALSE)

    # construct and return the output data frame
    results_table <-
      data.frame(N, Percent, choices, row.names = NULL)
    colnames(results_table)[3] <- ""

    # append the results table
    question[['Table']] <- results_table

    # add a note for the denominators used in the question
    if ('qtNotes' %in% names(question))
      question[['qtNotes']] <- list()
    if (exists('valid_denominator')) {
      question[['qtNotes']] <-
        c(question[['qtNotes']], paste0('Valid Denominator Used: ',
      question[['qtNotes']] <-
        c(question[['qtNotes']], paste0('Total Denominator Used: ',
    } else {
      question[['qtNotes']] <-
        c(question[['qtNotes']], paste0('Denominator Used: ',


#' Create the Results Table for a Matrix Single Answer Question
#' The matrix_single_answer_results function uses the
#' definition of the choices and answers in the
#' QSF file and their potentially recoded values to
#' determine how to table the results paired
#' to that question. If you look at the source code,
#' keep in mind that a matrix question's sub-questions
#' are called "Choices" and that the choices for each
#' sub-question are called "Answers"
#' @inheritParams mc_single_answer_results
#' @return a table with the matrix-sub-questions listed
#' in the first column, the percentages for each
#' choice for each sub-question listed in a table, and
#' then another column with the total respondents
#' for each subquestion.
matrix_single_answer_results <-
  function(question, original_first_rows) {
    # save the original responses
    orig_responses <- question[['Responses']]

    # determine if we should use the original_first_rows
    if (!missing(original_first_rows) &&
        all(names(orig_responses) %in% names(original_first_rows)) &&
        nrow(original_first_rows) >= 2) {
      should_use_ofr <- TRUE
    } else
      should_use_ofr <- FALSE

    # search either the import IDs or response column names
    # for the string "TEXT", and include all but those including
    # "TEXT" from the relevant_responses
    if (should_use_ofr) {
      relevant_responses <-
        orig_responses[which(unlist(lapply(colnames(orig_responses), function(x)
          ! grepl("TEXT", original_first_rows[2, x]))))]
    } else {
      relevant_responses <-
        orig_responses[which(unlist(lapply(colnames(orig_responses), function(x)
          ! grepl("TEXT", x))))]

    # replace the column names with the answer indices
    if (should_use_ofr) {
      # if we should use the original_first_rows,
      # then replace the column names with the import tags,
      # then remove the question-ID from those import tags,
      # leaving only the choice indices
      question_id <- question[['Payload']][['QuestionID']]
    } else {
      # create a list of possible variations of the data export tag
      data_export_tag <-
        paste0("^", question[['Payload']][['DataExportTag']])
      data_export_tags <-
          gsub("#", "_", data_export_tag),
          gsub("-", "_", data_export_tag)
      data_export_tags <-
        unique(c(paste0(data_export_tags, "_"), data_export_tags))
      data_export_tags <- paste0(data_export_tags, collapse = "|")

      # remove the data export tag from the response column names
      colnames(relevant_responses) <-
        lapply(colnames(relevant_responses), function(x)
          gsub(data_export_tags, "", x))

      # if the question is taken from a side-by-side question,
      # then it has an AnswerDataExportTag that
      # needs removed from the end of the column names
      if ("AnswerDataExportTag" %in% names(question[['Payload']])) {
        colnames(relevant_responses) <-
          lapply(colnames(relevant_responses), function(x)
              "", x))

      # if there's ChoiceDataExportTags being used,
      # translate the column names from recode values
      # to answer indices
      if ("ChoiceDataExportTags" %in% names(question[['Payload']]) &&
          typeof(question[['Payload']][['ChoiceDataExportTags']]) != "logical"  &&
          all(colnames(relevant_responses) %in%
              question[['Payload']][['ChoiceDataExportTags']])) {
        colnames(relevant_responses) <-
          lapply(colnames(relevant_responses), function(x) {
              which(question[['Payload']][['ChoiceDataExportTags']] == x)]

    # determine if the question has any NA-type choices
    if ('RecodeValues' %in% names(question[['Payload']])) {
      has_na <- any(question[['Payload']][['RecodeValues']] < 0)
    } else
      has_na <- FALSE

    # calculate the valid denominator for each answer
    valid_denominator <-
      apply(relevant_responses, 2, function(x)
        sum(x >= 0))

    # calculate the total denominator for each answer
    total_denominator <-
      apply(relevant_responses, 2, function(x)
        sum(x != -99 & x != ""))

    # get the na responses for the question, if it has NA responses
    if (has_na) {
      na_factors <-
          which(question[['Payload']][['RecodeValues']] < 0)]

    # get the valid responses for the question
    if ("RecodeValues" %in% names(question[['Payload']]) &&
        length(question[['Payload']][['RecodeValues']]) > 0) {
      valid_factors <-
          which(question[['Payload']][['RecodeValues']] >= 0)]
    } else {
      valid_factors <- names(question[['Payload']][['Answers']])

    # table the responses
    valid_responses <-
      sapply(relevant_responses, function(x)
        table(factor(x, valid_factors)))
    if (!is.data.frame(valid_responses)) {
      valid_responses <- as.data.frame(valid_responses)

    if (!(length(colnames(relevant_responses)) == length(rownames(valid_responses))
          all(colnames(relevant_responses) == rownames(valid_responses)))) {
      valid_responses <- t(valid_responses)

      #Think these should already be true?
      colnames(valid_responses) <- valid_factors
      rownames(valid_responses) <- colnames(relevant_responses)

    #  } else valid_responses <- t(valid_responses)
    if (has_na) {
      na_responses <-
        sapply(relevant_responses, function(x)
          table(factor(x, na_factors)))
      if (!is.data.frame(na_responses)) {
        na_responses <- as.data.frame(na_responses)

      if (!(
        nrow(na_responses) == ncol(relevant_responses) &&
        ncol(na_responses) == length(na_factors)
      )) {
        na_responses <- t(na_responses)

      colnames(na_responses) <- na_factors
      rownames(na_responses) <- colnames(relevant_responses)


    valid_responses <- as.data.frame(valid_responses)

    # convert the number of respondents for each answer
    # (row) by choice (column) combination
    # to a percentage
    for (i in 1:nrow(valid_responses)) {
      for (j in 1:ncol(valid_responses)) {
        if (valid_responses[i, j] == 0 | valid_denominator[[i]] == 0) {
          valid_responses[i, j] <- percent0(0)
        } else {
          valid_responses[i, j] <-
            percent0(as.integer(valid_responses[i, j]) / valid_denominator[[i]])

    # if there's a set of na_responses
    # convert the number of respondents for each
    # answer (row) by choice (column) combination
    # to a percentage
    if (has_na) {
      for (i in 1:nrow(na_responses)) {
        for (j in 1:ncol(na_responses)) {
          if (na_responses[i, j] == 0 | total_denominator[[i]] == 0) {
            na_responses[i, j] <- percent0(0)
          } else {
            na_responses[i, j] <-
              percent0(as.integer(na_responses[i, j]) / total_denominator[[i]])

    # translate the recode values to choice indices
    if ("RecodeValues" %in% names(question[['Payload']]) &&
        colnames(valid_responses) %in% question[['Payload']][['RecodeValues']]) {
      colnames(valid_responses) <-
        lapply(colnames(valid_responses), function(x) {
            which(question[['Payload']][['RecodeValues']] == x)]
      if (has_na) {
        colnames(na_responses) <-
          lapply(colnames(na_responses), function(x) {
              which(question[['Payload']][['RecodeValues']] == x)]

    # Reorder using the AnswerOrder
    if ("AnswerOrder" %in% names(question[['Payload']]) &&
        should_use_ofr) {
      if (has_na) {
        answers <-
          sapply(unlist(question[['Payload']][['AnswerOrder']]), function(x)
        valid_answers <- which(answers >= 0)
        valid_responses <- valid_responses[, valid_answers]
      } else {
        valid_responses <-
          valid_responses[, unlist(question$Payload$AnswerOrder)]

    # translate the choice indices to choice text
    colnames(valid_responses) <-
      lapply(colnames(valid_responses), function(x)
    if (has_na)
      colnames(na_responses) <-
      lapply(colnames(na_responses), function(x)
    colnames(valid_responses) <-
      lapply(colnames(valid_responses), clean_html)
    if (has_na)
      colnames(na_responses) <-
      lapply(colnames(na_responses), clean_html)

    #Lines added from above to rename row values
    #EM insertion
    rownames(valid_responses) <-
      lapply(rownames(valid_responses), function(x)
        original_first_rows[2, x])
    rownames(valid_responses) <-
      lapply(rownames(valid_responses), function(x)
        gsub(paste0(question_id, "-"), "", x))

    # get the answer text as a list
    choices <- rownames(valid_responses)
    if ('ChoiceDataExportTags' %in% names(question[['Payload']]) &&
        typeof(question[['Payload']][['ChoiceDataExportTags']]) != 'logical' &&
        rownames(valid_responses) %in%
        question[['Payload']][['ChoiceDataExportTags']]) {
      choices <-
        lapply(choices, function(x)
            which(question[['Payload']][['ChoiceDataExportTags']] == x)])
    choices <-
      lapply(choices, function(x)
    choices <- lapply(choices, clean_html)
    choices <- unlist(choices, use.names = FALSE)

    # construct the data frame
    if (has_na) {
      results_table <-
          N = valid_denominator,
          total_N = total_denominator,
          check.names = FALSE,
          row.names = NULL
    } else {
      results_table <-
          N = valid_denominator,
          check.names = FALSE,
          row.names = NULL

    # clean up the colnames and rownames
    colnames(results_table)[1] <- ""
    rownames(results_table) <- NULL

    # append the results table
    question[['Table']] <- results_table

#' Create the Results Table for a Matrix Multiple Answer Question
#' @inheritParams mc_single_answer_results
#' @return a table with the matrix-sub-questions listed in the first column,
#' a column with the total number of respondents for each subquestion, and
#' the percentages for each choice for each sub-question.
matrix_multiple_answer_results <-
  function(question, original_first_rows) {
    # save the original responses
    orig_responses <- question[['Responses']]

    # determine if we should use the original_first_rows
    if (!missing(original_first_rows) &&
        all(colnames(orig_responses) %in% colnames(original_first_rows)) &&
        dim(original_first_rows)[[1]] >= 2) {
      should_use_ofr <- TRUE
    } else
      should_use_ofr <- FALSE

    # search either the import IDs or response column names
    # for the string "TEXT", and include all but those including
    # "TEXT" from the relevant_responses
    if (should_use_ofr) {
      relevant_responses <-
        orig_responses[which(unlist(lapply(colnames(orig_responses), function(x)
          ! grepl("TEXT", original_first_rows[2, x]))))]
    } else {
      relevant_responses <-
        orig_responses[which(unlist(lapply(colnames(orig_responses), function(x)
          ! grepl("TEXT", x))))]

    # create a list of possible variations of the data export tag
    data_export_tag <- question[['Payload']][['DataExportTag']]
    data_export_tags <-
        gsub("#", "_", data_export_tag),
        gsub("-", "_", data_export_tag))
    data_export_tags <-
      unique(c(paste0(data_export_tags, "_"), data_export_tags))
    data_export_tags <- paste0(data_export_tags, collapse = "|")

    # remove the QID or Question Data Export Tags from the columns
    # now columns look like "1_4" and "avocados_10"
    colnames(relevant_responses) <-
      lapply(colnames(relevant_responses), function(x) {
        if (should_use_ofr) {
          choice_index <- original_first_rows[2, x]
          choice_index <- gsub("^QID[# 0-9]*-", "", choice_index)
        } else {
          x <- gsub(data_export_tags, "", x)

    # if the question is reduced from a side-by-side question,
    # then we need to remove the AnswerDataExportTag from the
    # end of the column names
    if ("AnswerDataExportTag" %in% names(question[['Payload']])) {
      names(relevant_responses) <-
        gsub(paste0("_", question[['Payload']][['AnswerDataExportTag']]),
             "", names(relevant_responses))

    # separate the response columns into a list for each
    # answer row
    responses_by_answers <- list()
    answer_codes <-
      sapply(names(relevant_responses), function(x)
        gsub("[_ -][-0-9]+$", "", x, perl = TRUE))
    for (ans in unique(answer_codes)) {
      # for each answer, save response columns that start with that answer.
      responses_by_answers[[ans]] <- list()
      responses_by_answers[[ans]][['responses']] <- list()
      responses_by_answers[[ans]][['responses']] <-
          which(grepl(paste0("^", ans, "[_ -]"), names(relevant_responses)))]

      # remove the answer from the column name
      colnames(responses_by_answers[[ans]][['responses']]) <-
                 gsub(paste0(ans, "[_ -]"), "", x))

      # calculate the total number of valid respondents, N
      responses_by_answers[[ans]][['N']] <-
                             any(x != 0 &
                                   x != "" & x != -99))))

      # if there are RecodeValues indicating NA like options,
      # separate them from the valid respondents, recalculate N,
      # and calculate total_N
      if ("RecodeValues" %in% names(question[['Payload']]) &&
          suppressWarnings(any(question[['Payload']][['RecodeValues']] < 0))) {
        # if the response columns have use recode values
        # to represent the choices
        if (all(names(responses_by_answers[[ans]][['responses']]) %in%
                question[['Payload']][['RecodeValues']])) {
          # separate na_columns from the valid responses
          responses_by_answers[[ans]][['na_columns']] <- list()
          responses_by_answers[[ans]][['na_columns']] <-
              which(names(responses_by_answers[[ans]][['responses']]) < 0)]
          responses_by_answers[[ans]][['responses']] <-
              which(names(responses_by_answers[[ans]][['responses']]) >= 0)]

          # otherwise, if the response columns use the
          # Choices directly to represent the choices
        } else if (all(names(responses_by_answers[[ans]][['responses']]) %in%
                       names(question[['Payload']][['RecodeValues']]))) {
          # separate na_columns from the valid responses
          na_cols <-
                suppressWarnings(question[['Payload']][['RecodeValues']][[x]] < 0)))
          responses_by_answers[[ans]][['na_columns']] <- list()
          responses_by_answers[[ans]][['na_columns']] <-
          responses_by_answers[[ans]][['responses']] <-
              which(!names(responses_by_answers[[ans]][['responses']]) %in% na_cols)]

        # calculate the total_N and recalculate N to be the number of
        # valid respondents only
        responses_by_answers[[ans]][['total_N']] <-
        responses_by_answers[[ans]][['N']] <-
                               any(x == 1))))

      # turn the responses for this answer into a list of percentages
      # for each choice
      responses_by_answers[[ans]][['responses']] <-
              function(x) {
                if (sum(x != -99 &
                        x != 0 &
                        x != "") != 0 &&
                    responses_by_answers[[ans]][['N']] != 0) {
                  percent0(sum(x != -99 &
                                 x != 0 &
                                 x != "") / responses_by_answers[[ans]][['N']])
                } else

      if (all(c('na_columns', 'total_N') %in% names(responses_by_answers[[ans]]))) {
        # turn the not-applicable columns for this answer into a
        # list of percentages for each non-applicable choice
        responses_by_answers[[ans]][['na_columns']] <-
                function(x) {
                  if (sum(x != -99 &
                          x != 0 &
                          x != "") != 0 &&
                      responses_by_answers[[ans]][['total_N']] != 0) {
                    percent0(sum(x != -99 &
                                   x != 0 &
                                   x != "") /
                  } else

    # if there's only one column to the question, then we will use the number of
    # respondents who answered any part of the question as the denominator, instead
    # of the number of respondents who answered that specific question part.
    if (all(lapply(responses_by_answers, function(x)
      length(x[['responses']])) == 1)) {
      all_question_respondents <- length(which(
                any(x != 0 &
                      x != -99 &
                      x != ""))))
      for (ans in answer_codes) {
        if (responses_by_answers[[ans]][['N']] != 0 &
            all_question_respondents != 0) {
          responses_by_answers[[ans]][['responses']] <-
            percent0(responses_by_answers[[ans]][['N']] /
        } else

    # get the list of Ns for every answer, get the percents for each choices
    # for each answer, and table them.
    N <- lapply(responses_by_answers, '[[', 'N')
    choices <-
        responses_by_answers, '[[', 'responses'
      optional = TRUE))

    # if there's only one option, then the choice will need manual naming because
    # R has trouble differentiating between single column data frames and lists
    only_one_option <-
      ncol(choices) == 1 &&
        "[0-9 _ -]*-", "", colnames(relevant_responses)
      ))) == 1
    if (only_one_option)
      colnames(choices) <-
      gsub("[0-9 _ -]*-", "", colnames(relevant_responses)[[1]])

    # this is a helper function for renaming the choices based on the
    # recodevalues, if appropriate. Insights uses the recodevalues reliably,
    # but legacy didn't. So the test is whether or not all the choices are
    # in the recodevalues.
    rename_choices <- function(choice_names, question) {
      if ("RecodeValues" %in% names(question[['Payload']]) &&
          all(choice_names %in% question[['Payload']][['RecodeValues']])) {
        sapply(choice_names, function(x) {
          code <-
              which(question[['Payload']][['RecodeValues']] == x)]
      } else {
        sapply(choice_names, function(x) {

    # relabel the names of the valid choices
    colnames(choices) <- rename_choices(colnames(choices), question)

    # if there were non-applicable options, table them, re-label the choices,
    # then table the N, choices, total_N, and na_choices together.
    # if there weren't non-applicable options, just table the
    # valid N and the choices
    if (all(c('total_N', 'na_columns') %in% sapply(responses_by_answers, names))) {
      na_choices <-
          lapply(responses_by_answers, '[[', 'na_columns'),
          optional = TRUE
      total_N <- lapply(responses_by_answers, '[[', 'total_N')
      colnames(na_choices) <-
        rename_choices(colnames(na_choices), question)
      responses_tabled <-
        cbind(N = as.integer(N),
              total_N = as.integer(total_N),

    } else {
      responses_tabled <- cbind(N = as.integer(N), choices)

    # if the rownames are labeled by the Choice Data Export Tags, use them to convert
    # their labels to the question parts' names.
    # if not, just try to use the labels directly to retrieve the part's labeling.
    if ('ChoiceDataExportTags' %in% names(question[['Payload']]) &&
        all(rownames(responses_tabled) %in%
            question[['Payload']][['ChoiceDataExportTags']])) {
      rownames(responses_tabled) <-
        sapply(rownames(responses_tabled), function(x) {
          code <-
              which(question[['Payload']][['ChoiceDataExportTags']] == x)]
    } else {
      rownames(responses_tabled) <-

    # clean html out of the colnames and rownames
    rownames(responses_tabled) <-
      sapply(rownames(responses_tabled), clean_html)
    colnames(responses_tabled) <-
      sapply(colnames(responses_tabled), clean_html)

    # include the rownames as the first row
    responses_tabled <-
      cbind(rownames(responses_tabled), responses_tabled)
    colnames(responses_tabled)[1] <- " "
    question[['Table']] <- responses_tabled

#' Append the Response Frequency Table to a Question
#' This function uses the contents of a question to
#' determine which kind of question the given question is.
#' Then it passes the question and the original_first_rows
#' to the function which processes questions of that specific
#' question type. After adding the results `Table` to the question,
#' the question is returned including this table as an additional new
#' list element.
#' @inheritParams mc_single_answer_results
process_question_results <-
  function(question, original_first_rows) {
    # get original_first_rows from global scope if not passed directly
    if (missing(original_first_rows))
      original_first_rows <-
        get("original_first_rows", envir = globalenv())

    # we should only use original_first_rows if they're greater than 2 rows
    if (!missing(original_first_rows) &&
        nrow(original_first_rows) >= 2) {
      should_use_ofr <- TRUE
    } else
      should_use_ofr <- FALSE

    # Only process questions which have results
    if (is.null(question[['Responses']])) {
      has_responses <- FALSE
    } else {
      has_responses <- ncol(question[['Responses']]) != 0

    if (has_responses) {
      question[['Table']] <- NULL

        # multiple choice multiple answer
        if (is_mc_multiple_answer(question)) {
          if (should_use_ofr) {
            question <-
              mc_multiple_answer_results(question, original_first_rows)
          } else {
            question <- mc_multiple_answer_results(question)

          # multiple choice single answer
        } else if (is_mc_single_answer(question)) {
          if (should_use_ofr) {
            question <- mc_single_answer_results(question, original_first_rows)
          } else {
            question <- mc_single_answer_results(question)

          # matrix multiple answer
        } else if (is_matrix_multiple_answer(question)) {
          if (should_use_ofr) {
            question <-
              matrix_multiple_answer_results(question, original_first_rows)
          } else {
            question <- matrix_multiple_answer_results(question)

          # matrix single answer
        } else if (is_matrix_single_answer(question)) {
          if (should_use_ofr) {
            question <-
              matrix_single_answer_results(question, original_first_rows)
          } else {
            question <- matrix_single_answer_results(question)
      }, silent = TRUE)

#' Create Results Tables and Pair Them to Questions
#' The generate_results function takes a list of questions which have
#' their responses paired to them, determines their question type,
#' uses the results generation functions to create their results table,
#' and saves the table to the question's [['Table']] element. The function
#' returns the list of questions with their paired results tables.
#' @param questions A list of questions from a Qualtrics Survey File containing
#' response columns (inserted by link_responses_to_questions).
#' @inheritParams mc_single_answer_results
#' @return A list of questions with their results tables paired to them
#' under the questions[[i]][['Table']]
generate_results <- function(questions, original_first_rows) {
  # loop through all the questions that have responses,
  # and for each question that has responses, determine
  # it's question type (among the ones which have question
  # results generating functions), then generate the results for
  # that question and save them to that question.
  for (i in 1:length(questions)) {
    questions[[i]] <-
      process_question_results(questions[[i]], original_first_rows)
ctesta01/QualtricsTools documentation built on May 14, 2019, 12:27 p.m.