#' SISAL algorithm
#' Sisal alogorithm for simplex endpoints identification
#' Implementation of method
#' @param Y gene expression matrix
#' @param p number of endpoints
#' @param iters number of iterations to perform
#' @param tau noise points penalty coefficient
#' @param mu regularization
#' @param spherize spherize or not
#' @param tol numeric tolerance
#' @param m0 starting points for SISAL algorithm, default points are getting from VCA
#' @param verbose verbosity
#' @param returnPlot logical, is it needed to return dataframe or not
#' @param nonNeg logical, force simplex corners to non-negative space
#' @import corpcor
#' @import dplyr
#' @return
#' @examples
sisal <- function(Y, p, iters = 80, tau = 1,
mu = p * 1000 / ncol(Y),
spherize = F, tol = 1e-2, m0 = NULL, verbose=F,
returnPlot = T, nonNeg = F) {
rnames <- rownames(Y)
L <- nrow(Y)
N <- ncol(Y)
if (L < p) stop("Insufficient number of columns in y")
# local stuff
slack <- 1e-3
energyDecreasing <- 0
fValBack <- Inf
lamSphe <- 1e-8
lamQuad <- 1e-6
ALiters <- 4
flaged <- 0
## At first we are getting the affine set
Ymean <- apply(Y, 1, mean)
ym <- matrix(Ymean, ncol=1)
Y <- Y - Ymean
svdObj <- fast.svd(Y)
Up <- svdObj$u[, 1:(p-1)]
proj <- Up %*% t(Up)
D <- svdObj$d[1:(p-1)]
Y <- proj %*% Y
Y <- Y + Ymean
YmeanOrtho <- ym - proj %*% ym
Up <- cbind(Up, YmeanOrtho / (sqrt(sum(YmeanOrtho ^ 2))))
singValues <- D
Y <- t(Up) %*% Y
## spherizing
if (spherize) {
Y <- Up %*% Y
Y <- Y - Ymean
C <- diag(1 / sqrt(D + lamSphe))
IC <- solve(C)
Y <- C %*% t(Up[, 1:(p-1)]) %*% Y
Y <- rbind(Y, 1)
Y <- Y / sqrt(p)
## Init
if (is.null(m0)) {
Mvca <- vca(Y, p, verbose=verbose)
M <- Mvca
Ym <- apply(M, 1, mean)
dQ <- M - Ym
M <- M + p * dQ
} else {
M <- m0
M <- M - Ymean
M <- Up[, 1:(p-1)] %*% t(Up[, 1:(p - 1)]) %*% M
M <- M + Ymean
M <- t(Up) %*% M
if (spherize) {
M <- Up %*% M - Ymean
M <- C %*% t(Up[, 1:(p - 1)]) %*% M
M[p, ] <- 1
M <- M / sqrt(p)
if (returnPlot) {
toPlot <- data.frame(
x = Y[1, ],
y = Y[2, ],
type = "data point",
iter = NA,
tau = NA
starting <- data.frame(
x = M[1, ],
y = M[2, ],
type = "sisal",
iter = 0,
tau = tau
toPlot <- rbind(toPlot, starting)
Q0 <- solve(M)
Q <- Q0
AAT <- kronecker(Y %*% t(Y), diag(nrow=p))
B <- kronecker(diag(nrow=p), matrix(1, nrow=1, ncol=p))
qm <- rowSums(solve(Y %*% t(Y)) %*% Y)
qm <- matrix(qm, ncol=1)
H <- lamQuad * diag(nrow=p^2)
FF <- H + mu * AAT
IFF <- solve(FF)
G <- IFF %*% t(B) %*% solve(B %*% IFF %*% t(B))
qmAux <- G %*% qm
G <- IFF - G %*% B %*% IFF
Z <- Q %*% Y
Bk <- 0 * Z
fmin = Inf
Qmin = NULL
for (k in 1:iters) {
IQ <- solve(Q)
g <- -t(IQ)
dim(g) <- c(nrow(g) * ncol(g), 1)
q0 <- Q
dim(q0) <- c(nrow(Q) * ncol(Q), 1)
Q0 <- Q
baux <- H %*% q0 - g
if (verbose) {
if (spherize) {
M <- IQ * sqrt(p)
M <- M[1:(p-1), ]
M <- Up[, 1:(p-1)] %*% IC %*% M
M <- M + Ymean
M <- t(Up) %*% M
} else {
M <- IQ
message(sprintf("Iteration %d, simplex volume = %4f", k, abs(det(M)) / factorial(nrow(M))))
if (k == iters) {
ALiters <- 100
while (T) {
q <- Q
dim(q) <- c(nrow(Q) * ncol(Q), 1)
f0val <- -log(abs(det(Q))) + tau * sum(hinge(Q %*% Y))
f0quad <- t(q - q0) %*% g + 0.5 * t(q - q0) %*% H %*% (q - q0) + tau * sum(hinge(Q %*% Y))
for (i in 2:ALiters) {
dqAux <- Z + Bk
dtzB <- dqAux %*% t(Y)
dim(dtzB) <- c(nrow(dtzB) * ncol(dtzB), 1)
b <- baux + mu * dtzB
q <- G %*% b + qmAux
Q <- matrix(q, nrow=p, ncol=p)
Z <- softNeg(Q %*% Y - Bk, tau / mu)
Bk <- Bk - (Q %*% Y - Z)
fquad_tmp <- t(q - q0) %*% g + 0.5 * t(q - q0) %*% H %*% (q - q0) + tau * sum(hinge(Q %*% Y))
fval_tmp <- -log(abs(det(Q))) + tau * sum(hinge(Q %*% Y))
fquad <- t(q - q0) %*% g + 0.5 * t(q - q0) %*% H %*% (q - q0) + tau * sum(hinge(Q %*% Y))
fval <- -log(abs(det(Q))) + tau * sum(hinge(Q %*% Y))
# if (fval < fmin) {
# fmin <- fval
# Qmin <- Q
# }
# message(sprintf("f0 quad: %4f , f0 val %4f ", f0quad, f0val))
# message(sprintf("f temp quad: %4f , f tmp val %4f ", fquad_tmp, fval_tmp))
# message(sprintf("f quad: %4f , f val %4f ", fquad, fval))
# stop("kek")
if (f0quad >= fquad) {
while (f0val - fval < 0) {
Q <- (Q + Q0) / 2
fval <- -log(abs(det(Q))) + tau * sum(hinge(Q %*% Y))
if (returnPlot) {
M <- solve(Q)
toAdd <- data.frame(
x = M[1, ],
y = M[2, ],
type = "sisal",
iter = k,
tau = tau
toPlot <- rbind(toPlot, toAdd)
toPlot <- tbl_df(toPlot)
if (nonNeg) {
qorig <- Up %*% solve(Q)
if (any(qorig < 0)) {
diff <- Ymean - qorig
shift <- sapply(1:p, function(i) {
tmp <- qorig[, i] / diff[, i]
ifelse(any(qorig[, i] < 0), min(tmp[qorig[, i] < 0]), 0)
shift <- -shift + (0.00001)
qorig <- qorig + diff %*% diag(shift)
Q <- solve(t(Up) %*% qorig)
q <- Q
dim(q) <- c(nrow(Q) * ncol(Q), 1)
distanceToEndpoints <- apply(M, 2, function(x) {
shifted <- Y - x
dds <- sqrt(colSums(shifted^2))
endpointsProjection <- M
if (spherize) {
M <- solve(Q)
M <- M * sqrt(p)
M <- M[1:(p - 1), ]
M <- Up[, 1:(p - 1)] %*% IC %*% M
M <- M + Ymean
} else {
M <- Up %*% solve(Q)
colnames(M) <- paste0("Pure gene ", 1:p)
rownames(M) <- rnames
retVal <- list(
endpoints = M,
endpointsProjection = endpointsProjection,
projection = Up,
shift = Ymean,
singValues = singValues,
distances = distanceToEndpoints,
reduced = Y,
q = Q
if (returnPlot) retVal$plotObj <- toPlot
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