#' A function to simulate multilayer directed networks using a combined stochastic block and social relations model
#' This is a function to simulate multilayer network data with a stochastic block structure, sender-receiver effects, and dyadic reciprocity. This function
#' is essentially the union of a social relations model and a stochastic block model.
#' @param N_id Number of individuals.
#' @param N_layers Number of network layers
#' @param B List of List of matrices that hold intercept and offset terms. Log-odds. The first matrix should be 1 x 1 with the value being the intercept term. The first list is over layers. The second is over block variables.
#' @param V Number of blocking variables in each B.
#' @param groups Dataframe of the block IDs of each individual for each variable in B.
#' @param sr_mu Mean A vector for sender and receivier random effects. In most cases, this should be a vector of 0s 2*N_layers long.
#' @param dr_mu Mean A vector for dyadic random effects. In most cases, this should be a vector of 0s N_layers long.
#' @param sr_sigma A standard deviation vector for sender and receivier random effects. The first N_layers elements control node-level variation in out-degree, the second N_layers elements control in-degree.
#' @param dr_sigma Standard deviation for dyadic random effects. This should be a vector N_layers long.
#' @param sr_Rho Correlation of sender-receiver effects (i.e., generalized reciprocity). Needs to be a valid correlation matrix, 2*N_layers by 2*N_layers.
#' @param dr_Rho Correlation of dyad effects (i.e., dyadic reciprocity). Needs to be a valid correlation matrix, 2*N_layers by 2*N_layers.
#' @param outcome_mode Outcome mode: can be "bernoulli", "poisson", or "binomial".
#' @param link_mode Link mode: can be "logit", "probit", or "log". For Poisson, you must use "log".
#' @param individual_predictors An N_id by N_individual_parameters matrix of covariates.
#' @param dyadic_predictors An N_id by N_id by N_dyadic_parameters array of covariates.
#' @param individual_effects A list of 2 by N_individual_parameters matrix of slopes. The list runs over layers. In each element, the first row gives effects of focal characteristics (on out-degree).
#' The second row gives effects of target characteristics (on in-degree).
#' @param dyadic_effects A list of N_dyadic_parameters vectors of slopes.
#' @return A list of objects including: network (an adjacency tensor of binary outcomes), tie_strength (an adjacency tensor with probability weights),
#' group_ids (a vector of length N_id, giving the group of each individual), individual_predictors (the supplied covariate data is saved along with the network data),
#' and dyadic_predictors (the supplied covariate data is saved along with the network data).
#' @export
simulate_multiplex_network = function(N_id = 99, # Number of respondents
N_layers = 3, # Number of layers
B = NULL, # Tie probabilities
V = 3, # Blocking variables
groups=NULL, # Group IDs
sr_mu = c(0,0), # Average sender and reciever effect log odds
sr_sigma, # Sender and reciever effect variances
sr_Rho, # Correlation of sender and reciever effects
dr_mu, # Average i to j dyad effect and j to i dyad effect log odds
dr_sigma, # Variance of dyad effects
dr_Rho, # Correlation of i to j dyad effect and j to i dyad effect
outcome_mode="bernoulli", # outcome mode
link_mode = "logit", # link mode
individual_predictors = NULL, # A matrix of covariates
dyadic_predictors = NULL, # An array of covariates
individual_effects = NULL, # The effects of predictors on sender effects (row 1) and receiver effects (row 2)
dyadic_effects = NULL # The effects of predictors on dyadic ties
# Varying effects on individuals
sr = array(NA, c(N_layers, N_id, 2))
for(i in 1:N_id){
sr_scrap_full = rmvnorm2(1 , Mu=sr_mu, sigma=sr_sigma, Rho=sr_Rho )
for(l in 1:N_layers){
sr_scrap = sr_scrap_full[c(l, N_layers+l)]
sr[l,i,1] = sr_scrap[1]
sr[l,i,2] = sr_scrap[2]
sr[l,i,1] = sr[l,i,1] + sum(individual_effects[[l]][1,]*individual_predictors[i,])
sr[l,i,2] = sr[l,i,2] + sum(individual_effects[[l]][2,]*individual_predictors[i,])
# Build true network
samps = dr = p = y_true = array(NA, c(N_layers, N_id, N_id))
for(l in 1:N_layers){
samps[l,,] = matrix(rpois(N_id^2,15),nrow=N_id,ncol=N_id)
# Loop over upper triangle and create ties from i to j, and j to i
for ( i in 1:(N_id-1) ){
for ( j in (i+1):N_id){
# Dyadic effects
dr_scrap_full = rmvnorm2(1, Mu=rep(dr_mu,2), sigma=rep(dr_sigma,2), Rho=dr_Rho)
# For each layer
for(l in 1:N_layers){
dr_scrap = dr_scrap_full[c(l, N_layers+l)]
dr_scrap[1] = dr_scrap[1] + sum(dyadic_effects[[l]]*dyadic_predictors[i,j,])
dr_scrap[2] = dr_scrap[2] + sum(dyadic_effects[[l]]*dyadic_predictors[j,i,])
B_i_j = B_j_i = c()
for(v in 1:V){
B_i_j[v] = B[[l]][[v]][groups[i,v] , groups[j,v] ]
B_j_i[v] = B[[l]][[v]][groups[j,v] , groups[i,v] ]
dr[l,i,j] = dr_scrap[1] + sum(B_i_j)
dr[l,j,i] = dr_scrap[2] + sum(B_j_i)
# Simulate outcomes
p[l,i,j] = inv_logit( sr[l,i,1] + sr[l,j,2] + dr[l,i,j])
y_true[l,i,j] = rbern( 1 , p[l,i,j] )
p[l,j,i] = inv_logit( sr[l,j,1] + sr[l,i,2] + dr[l,j,i])
y_true[l,j,i] = rbern( 1 , p[l,j,i] )
p[l,i,j] = pnorm( sr[l,i,1] + sr[l,j,2] + dr[l,i,j])
y_true[l,i,j] = rbern( 1 , p[l,i,j] )
p[l,j,i] = pnorm( sr[l,j,1] + sr[l,i,2] + dr[l,j,i])
y_true[l,j,i] = rbern( 1 , p[l,j,i] )
p[l,i,j] = inv_logit( sr[l,i,1] + sr[l,j,2] + dr[l,i,j])
y_true[l,i,j] = rbinom( 1 , size=samps[l,i,j], prob=p[l,i,j] )
p[l,j,i] = inv_logit( sr[l,j,1] + sr[l,i,2] + dr[l,j,i])
y_true[l,j,i] = rbinom( 1 , size=samps[l,j,i], prob=p[l,j,i] )
p[l,i,j] = pnorm( sr[l,i,1] + sr[l,j,2] + dr[l,i,j])
y_true[l,i,j] = rbinom( 1 , size=samps[l,i,j], prob=p[l,i,j] )
p[l,j,i] = pnorm( sr[l,j,1] + sr[l,i,2] + dr[l,j,i])
y_true[l,j,i] = rbinom( 1 , size=samps[l,j,i], prob=p[l,j,i] )
p[l,i,j] = exp(sr[l,i,1] + sr[l,j,2] + dr[l,i,j])
y_true[l,i,j] = rpois( 1 , p[l,i,j] )
p[l,j,i] = exp(sr[l,j,1] + sr[l,i,2] + dr[l,j,i])
y_true[l,j,i] = rpois( 1 , p[l,j,i] )
for(l in 1:N_layers){
for(i in 1:N_id){
y_true[l,i,i] = 0
p[l,i,i] = 0
dr[l,i,i] = 0
return(list(network=y_true, tie_strength=p, group_ids=groups, individual_predictors=individual_predictors, dyadic_predictors=dyadic_predictors, sr=sr, dr=dr, exposure=samps))
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