prep_integer_param <- function(ints) {
param <- decorate_with_modifier(ints)
modifiers <- get_modifiers(param)
# after removing any modifiers such as not(),
# an integer param should just evaluate to an integer-ish vector
param <- lazyeval::lazy_eval(param)
param <- as.integer(unlist(param))
param <- param[!]
param <- unique(param)
attributes(param) <- modifiers
prep_string_param <- function(param, field_name) {
param <- Filter(function(x) !is.null(x), param)
if (length(param) <= 0) return(character(0))
# some codes have a integer/numeric form, eg activity codes
param <- lapply(param,
function(x) if (is.numeric(x)) as.character(x) else x)
# if input included quoted 0xxx, that will be evaluated by the interpreter
# as an integer and the leading zeroes will drop.
leading_zero_indices <- grepl("^0", param)
param <- lapply(param, lazyeval::as.lazy)
param <- decorate_with_modifier(param)
modifiers <- get_modifiers(param)
# can hijack the interpreter to have custom commands within
# widgets with string params. eg widget_name(?search) to look
# for synonyms
check_for_instructions(field_name, param)
param <- decorate_string_environment(param, field_name = field_name)
interpreted_param <- partial_sub(param)
# just replace with the original "0xx"
if (any(leading_zero_indices))
interpreted_param[leading_zero_indices] <- param[leading_zero_indices]
interpreted_param <- as.character(unlist(interpreted_param))
interpreted_param <- interpreted_param[!]
interpreted_param <- unique(interpreted_param)
attributes(interpreted_param) <- modifiers
decorate_string_environment <- function(param, field_name) {
syns <- synonyms_for(field_name)
codes <- structure(syns, names = syns)
dict <- c(syns, codes)
syn_env <- list2env(as.list(dict))
function(x) {
newenv <- syn_env
parent.env(newenv) <- x$env
x$env <- newenv
decorate_with_modifier <- function(param) {
res <- structure(param, negation = FALSE)
if(any(is_negation(param))) {
if (any(!is_negation(param)))
stop("can't use not() with regular codes within the same widget",
call. = FALSE)
res <- unwrap_modified_param(param)
if (any(is_negation(res))) stop("not(not()): no double negatives")
res <- structure(res, negation = TRUE)
unwrap_modified_param <- function(param) {
parses <- lapply(param, function(x) as.list(x$expr))
envirs <- lapply(param, function(x) x$env)
res <- lapply(parses, function(x) x[-1])
res <- Map(function(elems, envir) {
lazyeval::as.lazy_dots(elems, env = envir)
}, elems = res, envir = envirs)
get_modifiers <- function(param) {
mods <- attributes(param)
mods[names(mods) %in% known_modifiers()]
known_modifiers <- function() {
is_negation <- function(param) {
parses <- lapply(param, function(x) as.list(x$expr))
vapply(parses, function(x) identical(x[[1]], quote(`not`)),
FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
prep_zip_param <- function(param, field_name) {
param <- Filter(function(x) !is.null(x), param)
if (length(param) <= 0) return(character(0))
param <- lapply(param, lazyeval::as.lazy)
param <- decorate_with_modifier(param)
modifiers <- get_modifiers(param)
res <- partial_sub(param)
attributes(res) <- modifiers
prep_regex_param <- function(...) {
terms <- list(...)
argnames <- unique(names(terms))
argnames <- Filter(function(x) x != "", argnames)
if (length(argnames) > 0)
stop("Unrecognized argument(s): ", paste(argnames, collapse = ", "),
call. = FALSE)
prep_id_param <- function(ids) {
param <- Filter(function(x) !is.null(x), ids)
if (length(param) <= 0) return(NULL)
param <- lapply(param, lazyeval::as.lazy)
param <- decorate_with_modifier(ids)
modifiers <- get_modifiers(param)
res <- param
attributes(res) <- c(attributes(res), modifiers)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.