new_archive <- function() {
db <- structure(
new.env(parent = emptyenv()),
class = c("archive", "environment")
singles_db <- function() readRDS("R:/Prospect Development/Prospect Analysis/disco-singles/db.discoveryengine")
save_singles_db <- function(db) saveRDS(db, file = "R:/Prospect Development/Prospect Analysis/disco-singles/db.discoveryengine")
#' @export
disco_single <- function(
author = NULL,
date = Sys.Date(),
description = NULL,
keywords = NULL,
name = NULL
) {
stopifnot(inherits(predicate, "listbuilder"))
if (is.null(author))
author <- readline("Enter the author's name: ")
assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::is.string(author), !
if (is.null(name)) {
"Your single will need a name. Names should be valid R names, so
no spaces or names starting with numbers."),
width = 80L))
name <- readline("Give your new single a catchy name: ")
assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::is.string(name), !
goodname <- make.names(name)
if (goodname != name)
stop("Invalid name. Maybe something like: ", goodname, "?")
if (is.null(description))
description <- readline("Briefly describe what the single does: ")
assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::is.string(description), !
if (is.null(keywords))
keywords <- trimws(strsplit(readline("Enter some keywords (separated by commas) to help find your single: "), ",")[[1]], "both")
stopifnot(is.character(keywords), !any(
name = name,
predicate = predicate,
author = author,
date = date,
description = description,
keywords = keywords
), class = c("disco_single", "list")
# print.disco_single <- function(x, ...) {
# cat(x$name, ": A disco single, by ", x$author, "\n", sep = "")
# cat("What it does:", x$description, "\n")
# invisible(x)
# }
#' Publish a Disco Engine single
#' Publishing a definition created in the Discovery Engine makes it easier to
#' share it with other users and helps build standards around constituency
#' definitions. Publish your own definitions (or "singles") using the
#' \code{publish} function, and view all singles that have already been
#' published using \code{show_singles()}.
#' @details Publishing requires you to supply some metadata that will make it
#' easier for others to find your single when they need it (things like author's
#' name, description, and keywords). When you use \code{publish}, you'll be
#' prompted to enter each item of metadata, so read and follow the prompts.
#' @param single The definition to be published
#' @param ... Can be used to specify metadata. You can leave this blank and follow
#' the interactive prompts.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Start by creating a definition
#' band_member = participated_in(MSMB)
#' ## then just use the publish function and answer the prompts
#' publish(band_member)
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{show_singles}} to view existing singles,
#' \code{\link{check_out}} to check out a published single.
#' @export
publish <- function(single, ...) UseMethod("publish")
#' @rdname publish
#' @export
publish.disco_single <- function(single, ...) {
# note: if two people try to do this at the same time, only one write
# will happen -- need to lock the file
archive <- singles_db()
if (exists(single$name, archive)) {
old_single <- get(single$name, archive)
msg <- paste0("It seems this single already exists! It was created by ",
old_single$author, " on ", old_single$date)
assign(single$name, single, pos = archive)
#' @rdname publish
#' @export
publish.listbuilder <- function(single, ...) {
single <- disco_single(single, ...)
#' @rdname show_singles
#' @export
list_singles <- function() {
archive <- singles_db()
ids <- ls(archive)
singles <- mget(ids, archive)
summarize_single <- function(single)
name = single$name,
description = single$description,
author = single$author,
keywords = paste(single$keywords, collapse = ","),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
rb <- function(...) rbind(..., make.row.names = FALSE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)"rb", lapply(singles, summarize_single))
#' Browse available singles
#' Any time a user \code{\link{publish}}es a new single, it gets listed and stored
#' along with keywords and a description that should make it easier to find.
#' \code{show_singles} allows you to view singles that have been published and
#' search through them.
#' @seealso \code{\link{publish}}, \code{\link{check_out}}, \code{\link{find_singles}}
#' @export
show_singles <- function() {
if (!requireNamespace("DT", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop('DT package needed for show_singles to work.\n',
'To install: install.packages("DT")',
call. = FALSE)
singles_list <- list_singles()
DT::datatable(singles_list, rownames = FALSE,
options = list(
order = list(list(1, "asc")),
pageLength = 10,
scrollY = TRUE
#' Search for a particular single using keywords
#' @param search_term A string to search for in the singles database
#' @seealso \code{\link{show_singles}} for an interactive browser,
#' \code{\link{check_out}} to check out a single
#' @export
find_singles <- function(search_term) {
archive <- singles_db()
ids <- ls(archive)
singles <- mget(ids, archive)
search_index <- function(single)
paste(single$description, paste(single$keywords, collapse = " "))
indexed <- vapply(singles, search_index,
FUN.VALUE = character(1),
matching <- grepl(search_term, indexed, = TRUE)
summarize_single <- function(single)
paste0(single$name, ": ", single$description, sep = "")
res <- vapply(singles[matching], summarize_single,
FUN.VALUE = character(1),
if (length(res) <= 0L) stop("No singles found that match the search term '",
search_term, "'")
#' @rdname find_singles
#' @export
single_for <- find_singles
#' Check out a single
#' Check out a previously published single. Use \code{\link{show_singles}} to
#' find the single you're interested in, and check it out by name. In order to
#' use a single you've checked out, you'll probably want to assign it a name
#' (see examples).
#' @details Note that \code{check_out} will return a single, but will not save it
#' in your current working environment. So in order to actually use the single,
#' you should assign it a name (see examples)
#' @param ... The name of the single to check out
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## note how i assign the single a name (it can be the same as the published
#' ## name, but doesn't have to be).
#' ## i'll check out the in_bay_area single (found by browsing using show_singles)
#' in_bay_area = check_out(in_bay_area)
#' ## the name i assign does not have to be the same as the published name:
#' bay = check_out(in_bay_area)
#' ## use the checked out single like you'd use any other definition you created
#' ## example: display
#' display(bay)
#' ## example: combine with other widgets
#' bay_math = bay %and% majored_in(mathematics)
#' }
#' @export
check_out <- function(...) {
check_out_ <- function(single) {
s <- partial_sub(single)
if (length(s) != 1L) stop("Must specify exactly one single to check out")
s <- s[[1]]
s <- deparse(s)
if (!exists(s, envir = singles_db()))
stop("Single ", s, " not found! Are you sure you spelled it correctly? Use show_singles() to view available singles to check out", call. = FALSE)
s <- get(s, envir = singles_db())
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