
Defines functions MEM

Documented in MEM

MEM <- function(exp_data, transform=FALSE, cofactor=1, choose.markers=FALSE,markers="all",choose.ref=FALSE,zero.ref=FALSE,rename.markers=FALSE,new.marker.names="none",file.is.clust=FALSE,add.fileID=FALSE,IQR.thresh=NULL,output.prescaled.MEM=FALSE,scale.matrix = "linear",scale.factor = 0, input.IQR.ref='')
    #determine if the input contains filenames for files that have cluster-specific data with no cluster ID column
    if (file.is.clust == TRUE) {file_order <- exp_data}else {file_order <- 0}

    # Check user input
    if(missing(exp_data)){ #data is missing
        warning("Data not found. See documentation for accepted data types",call.=FALSE)
    if(is(exp_data,"character") && missing(file.is.clust) && length(exp_data) > 1){ #input is a filename and file.is.clust parameter is missing
        warning("There are multiple files. Please specify if each file is cluster using file.is.clust arg",call.=FALSE)
    if(is(exp_data,"character") || is(exp_data,"matrix") || is(exp_data,"data.frame")){ 
        warning("Incorrect data type. See documentation for accepted data types",call.=FALSE)
    if(length(unique(exp_data$cluster))==1 & zero.ref==FALSE){ #trying to run regular MEM on a single cluster
      warning("You cannot run referenced MEM on a single cluster. Either use multiple clusters as input or run zero.ref MEM",call.=FALSE)

    #Check to see if there are multiple file types in folder if input is filenames
        all_exts <- lapply(exp_data,file_ext)
            warning("Directory contains multiple file types. Remove all files except those to be included in analysis",call. = FALSE)

    # If user has input multiple files, call get.files; else read in data based on ext type
    if(is(exp_data,"character") && length(exp_data) > 1){
        exp_data <- exp_data[ !grepl("output files",exp_data)]

        exp_data <- format.data(exp_data,file.is.clust,add.fileID)

    } else if(is(exp_data,"matrix") || is(exp_data,"data.frame")) {
        exp_data <- as.data.frame(exp_data)

    } else {
        if("fcs" %in% file_ext(exp_data)){
            exp_data <- exprs(read.FCS(exp_data))
        if("csv" %in% file_ext(exp_data)){
            exp_data <- read.table(exp_data,sep=",",header=TRUE)
        if("txt" %in% file_ext(exp_data)){
            exp_data <- read.table(exp_data,sep="\t",header=TRUE)
    # Get markers to include in analysis and extract column names
    marker_names <- as.vector(c(colnames(exp_data)[seq_len(ncol(exp_data)-1)],"cluster")) #exclude cluster column
    if(choose.markers==TRUE){ #user will input which columns to include via the console
        markerList <- choose_markers(exp_data)
    }else if(choose.markers == FALSE && markers == "all"){ #use all columns 
    }else{ #parse the markers argument input for column numbers to include
        sep_vals <- unlist(strsplit(markers,",")) #assuming comma-separated input
        list_vals <- vector()
        for(i in seq_len(length(sep_vals))){
            val <- sep_vals[i]
            if(length(unlist(strsplit(val,":"))) > 1){ #check for a run of columns (e.g., 1:5)
                new_val <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(val,":"))[1]):as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(val,":"))[2])
            list_vals <- c(list_vals,new_val)
        markerList <- c(list_vals,ncol(exp_data))

    #extract only the columns specified above
    exp_data <- as.data.frame(as.data.frame(exp_data)[,c(markerList)])
    marker_names <- colnames(exp_data)

    # Rename markers
    if(rename.markers==TRUE){ #user will specify new marker names via the console
        new_marker_names <- rename_markers(exp_data,marker_names)
    }else if(rename.markers==FALSE && new.marker.names[1]=="none"){ #user does not want to rename the markers
        new_marker_names <- marker_names
    }else{ #user supplied new marker names in a comma-separated list
        user_input_names <- new.marker.names
        new_marker_names <- as.character(unlist(strsplit(user_input_names,",")))
        if(length(new_marker_names)!=(length(marker_names)-1)){ #check that the number of markers match
            warning("Number of new marker names does not match number of markers.",call.=FALSE,immediate.=TRUE)
            new_marker_names <- rename_markers(exp_data,marker_names)
        # Add cluster column name
        new_marker_names <- c(new_marker_names,"cluster")

    marker_names <- new_marker_names

    #  Initialize variables
    marker_names <- as.vector(marker_names)
    num_markers <- ncol(exp_data)
    colnames(exp_data) <- marker_names
    num_cells <- nrow(exp_data)
    num_pops <- length(unique(exp_data$cluster))
    pop_names <- unique(exp_data$cluster)

    MAGpop <- matrix(nrow=num_pops,ncol=num_markers)
    MAGref <- matrix(nrow=num_pops,ncol=num_markers) 
    IQRpop <- matrix(nrow=num_pops,ncol=num_markers)
    IQRref <- matrix(nrow=num_pops,ncol=num_markers) 

    # Transform values if specified
        exp_data <- as.data.frame(cbind(asinh(exp_data[,seq_len(num_markers-1)]/cofactor),exp_data[,num_markers]))
        colnames(exp_data) <- marker_names

    # Get population medians and IQRs
    for(i in seq_len(num_pops)){
        pop <- pop_names[i]
        MAGpop[i,] <- abs(apply(subset(exp_data,cluster==pop),2,FUN=median,na.rm=TRUE))
        IQRpop[i,] <- apply(subset(exp_data,cluster==pop),2,FUN=IQR,na.rm=TRUE)
        idx <- which(exp_data[,"cluster"] == pop)

    # Get reference population medians and IQRs
    if(choose.ref==TRUE){ #user will specify which cluster to use as the reference cluster
        altRef_vals = choose.ref(exp_data[,1:ncol(exp_data)-1],pop_names,num_pops,num_markers) #exclude cluster column
        MAGref <- altRef_vals[[1]]
        IQRref <- altRef_vals[[2]]
        zero.ref == FALSE
    }else if(zero.ref==TRUE){ #referenceless MEM
        zeroRef_vals <- zero_ref(exp_data[,1:ncol(exp_data)-1],num_pops,num_markers) #exclude cluster column
        MAGref <- zeroRef_vals[[1]]
        IQRref <- zeroRef_vals[[2]]
    }else{ #reference population for each cluster will include every other cluster
        for(i in seq_len(num_pops)){
            pop <- pop_names[i]
            MAGref[i,] <- abs(apply(subset(exp_data,cluster!=pop),2,FUN=median,na.rm=TRUE))
            IQRref[i,] <- apply(subset(exp_data,cluster!=pop),2,FUN=IQR,na.rm=TRUE)
            idx <- which(exp_data[,"cluster"] != pop)
    #check if user supplied refernce IQR values to use
    if (input.IQR.ref[1] != ''){
      if (zero.ref != TRUE){ #make sure user is running zero.ref MEM
        warning("You can only specify an IQR reference value when using zero.ref MEM. For referenced MEM, the IQR reference must be calculated from the reference population. If you wish to set a constant reference population for referenced MEM, use the choose.ref parameter instead.", call.=FALSE)
      #check that the user supplied a single number to be used as the reference IQR value
      if (is.numeric(input.IQR.ref)==FALSE | length(input.IQR.ref) != 1){ #TRUE if input.IQR.ref is not a number or if it is a list
        warning("Please supply a single number to be used as the IQR reference value. This IQR reference value should represent a typical IQR value from your dataset containing multiple subsets of cells. To estimate a typical IQR value, calculate the IQR of each feature in the dataset, then take the median of those IQR values.", call.=FALSE)
      IQRref <- matrix(input.IQR.ref, nrow=num_pops,ncol=num_markers)

    }else{ #user did not supply an IQR reference value to use
      if (num_pops==1){
        warning("You are attempting to run zero.ref MEM on one cluster. It is unlikely that the IQR values for a single cluster are an accurate representation of the IQR values for the entire dataset that this cluster comes from. We recommend that you use the input.IQR.ref parameter to specify an IQR reference value that represents a typical IQR value from the entire dataset that contains multiple subsets of cells. To estimate a typical IQR value, calculate the IQR of each feature in the dataset, then take the median of those IQR values.", call.=FALSE)

    # Set and apply IQR threshold



    for(i in seq_len((num_markers-1))){ #exclude cluster column
        IQRpop[,i] <- pmax(IQRpop[,i],IQR.thresh)
        IQRref[,i] <- pmax(IQRref[,i],IQR.thresh)

    #calculate the second term in the MEM equation
    IQRcomp <- (IQRref/IQRpop)-1
    # If IQRpop > IQRref, set IQRcomp to 0 (IQRcomp will only be less than 0 if IQRpop > IQRref)
    IQRcomp[IQRcomp<0] <- 0

    #remove the second term in the MEM equation (IQRcomp) if the population's median value is very low (1.44)
    if(zero.ref == TRUE){
        IQRcomp[(MAGpop<1.44)] <- 0}

    # Calculate MEM scores
    MAG_diff <- MAGpop-MAGref
    MEM_matrix <- abs(MAGpop-MAGref)+IQRcomp

    # If MAGpop < MAGref or MAGpop = MAGref, negate MEM score (i.e. if MAGdiff = 0)
    MEM_matrix[!(MAG_diff>=0)] <- (-MEM_matrix[!(MAG_diff>=0)])

    #remove any negative MEM scores for referenceless MEM
    if(zero.ref == TRUE){
        MEM_matrix[MEM_matrix<0] <- 0}

    # Put MEM values on -10 to +10 scale
    prescaled_MEM_matrix <- MEM_matrix

    if(scale.matrix == "linear"){
        scale_max <- max(abs(MEM_matrix[,c(seq_len(ncol(MEM_matrix)-1))]))
        #check if there's only one cluster (will need to transpose since R automatically changes the data format)
        if (num_pops==1 & zero.ref==TRUE){
          MEM_matrix = cbind(t(MEM_matrix[,c(1:ncol(MEM_matrix)-1)]/scale_max)*10,MEM_matrix[,ncol(MEM_matrix)])
          MEM_matrix = cbind((MEM_matrix[,c(1:ncol(MEM_matrix)-1)]/scale_max)*10,MEM_matrix[,ncol(MEM_matrix)])
    }else if(scale.matrix == "log"){
        scaled_matrix <- log(MEM_matrix,base = exp(scale.factor))
        scale_max <- max(abs(scaled_matrix[,c(seq_len(ncol(scaled_matrix)-1))]))
        scale_min <- min(abs(scaled_matrix[,c(seq_len(ncol(scaled_matrix)-1))]))
        #check if there's only one cluster (will need to transpose since R automatically changes the data format)
        if (num_pops==1 & zero.ref==TRUE){
          MEM_matrix = cbind(t((scaled_matrix[,c(1:ncol(scaled_matrix)-1)]-scale_min)/scale_max)*10,scaled_matrix[,ncol(scaled_matrix)])
          MEM_matrix = cbind(((scaled_matrix[,c(1:ncol(scaled_matrix)-1)]-scale_min)/scale_max)*10,scaled_matrix[,ncol(scaled_matrix)])
    }else if(scale.matrix == "arcsinh"){
        scaled_matrix <- asinh(MEM_matrix/scale.factor)
        scale_max <- max(abs(scaled_matrix[,c(seq_len(ncol(scaled_matrix)-1))]))
        scale_min <- min(abs(scaled_matrix[,c(seq_len(ncol(scaled_matrix)-1))]))
        #check if there's only one cluster (will need to transpose since R automatically changes the data format)
        if (num_pops==1 & zero.ref==TRUE){
          MEM_matrix = cbind(t((scaled_matrix[,c(1:ncol(scaled_matrix)-1)]-scale_min)/scale_max)*10,scaled_matrix[,ncol(scaled_matrix)])
          MEM_matrix = cbind(((scaled_matrix[,c(1:ncol(scaled_matrix)-1)]-scale_min)/scale_max)*10,scaled_matrix[,ncol(scaled_matrix)])

    #Rename rows and columns of all matrices
    rename_table <- function(x){
        colnames(x) <- marker_names[seq_len((length(marker_names)-1))] #exclude cluster column
        rownames(x) <- pop_names

    # Apply rename_table function across matrices
    if (num_pops==1 & zero.ref==TRUE){ #if there's only one cluster we'll need to transpose since R automatically changes the data format
      object_list_labeled <- lapply(list(t(as.matrix(MAGpop[,1:length(marker_names)-1])),
                                         t(as.matrix(prescaled_MEM_matrix[,1:length(marker_names)-1]))), rename_table)
      object_list_labeled <- lapply(list(as.matrix(MAGpop[,1:length(marker_names)-1]),
                                         as.matrix(prescaled_MEM_matrix[,1:length(marker_names)-1])), rename_table)
    object_list_labeled[[7]] <- object_list_labeled[[6]] #move prescaled MEM matrix to element 7
    object_list_labeled[[6]] <- file_order

    # List all matrices for export
    all_values <- list("MAGpop" = object_list_labeled[1],"MAGref"=object_list_labeled[2],"IQRpop"=object_list_labeled[3],"IQRref"=object_list_labeled[4],"MEM_matrix"=object_list_labeled[5], "File Order" = object_list_labeled[6], "prescaled_MEM_matrix"=object_list_labeled[7])
    #export pre-scaled MEM values
    if(output.prescaled.MEM == TRUE){
        colnames(prescaled_MEM_matrix) <- marker_names
        dir.create(file.path(getwd(), "output files"), showWarnings = FALSE)
        write.table(as.matrix(prescaled_MEM_matrix[,c(seq_len(ncol(prescaled_MEM_matrix)-1))]),paste("./output files/",strftime(Sys.time(),"%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S")," Pre-scaled MEM matrix.txt",sep=""),sep="\t",row.names=TRUE)


cytolab/cytoMEM documentation built on Sept. 13, 2023, 7:28 a.m.