#' Linear randomized response regression
#' Linear regression for a continuous criterion, using randomized-response (RR)
#' variables as predictors.
#' @param formula a continuous criterion is predicted by one or more categorical
#' RR variables defined by \code{models}. If the number of predictors exceeds
#' the number defined by the vector \code{models}, the remaining predictors
#' are treated as non-randomized variables (e.g., direct questions).
#' Interactions including any of the RR variables cannot be included.
#' @param data an optional data frame, list or environment, containing the
#' variables in the model.
#' @param models character vector specifying RR model(s) in order of appearance
#' in formula. Available models: \code{"Warner"}, \code{"UQTknown"},
#' \code{"UQTunknown"}, \code{"Mangat"}, \code{"Kuk"}, \code{"FR"},
#' \code{"Crosswise"}, \code{"Triangular"}, \code{"CDM"}, \code{"CDMsym"},
#' \code{"SLD"}, \code{"custom"} (custom: a randomization matrix must be
#' specified in the corresponding element of \code{p.list}, where the entry
#' \code{p[i,j]} defines the probability of responding i (i-th row) given a
#' true state of j (j-th column)).
#' @param p.list list of randomization probabilities for RR models in the same
#' order as specified in \code{models}. Note, that the randomization
#' probabilities p must be provided in a \code{\link{list}}, e.g.,
#' \code{list(p=c(.2, .3))}. See \code{\link{RRuni}} for details.
#' @param group vector or matrix specifying group membership by the indices 1
#' and 2. Only for multigroup RR models, e.g., \code{UQTunknown}, \code{CDM}
#' or \code{SLD}
#' @param Kukrep defines the number of repetitions in Kuk's card playing method
#' @param bs.n Number of samples used for the non-parametric bootstrap
#' @param nCPU only relevant for the bootstrap: either the number of CPU cores
#' or a cluster initialized via \code{\link[parallel]{makeCluster}}.
#' @param maxit maximum number of iterations in optimization routine
#' @param fit.n number of fitting runs with random starting values
#' @param pibeta approximate ratio of probabilities pi to regression weights
#' beta (to adjust scaling). Can be used for speeding-up and fine-tuning ML
#' estimation (i.e., choosing a smaller value for larger beta values).
#' @return Returns an object \code{RRlin} which can be analysed by the generic
#' method \code{\link{summary}}
#' @seealso \code{vignette('RRreg')} or
#' \url{https://www.dwheck.de/vignettes/RRreg.html} for a
#' detailed description of the RR models and the appropriate definition of
#' \code{p}
#' @author Daniel W. Heck
#' @references van den Hout, A., & Kooiman, P. (2006). Estimating the linear
#' regression model with categorical covariates subject to randomized
#' response. \emph{Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 50}, 3311-3323.
#' @examples
#' # generate two RR predictors
#' dat <- RRgen(n = 500, pi = .4, model = "Warner", p = .3)
#' dat2 <- RRgen(n = 500, pi = c(.4, .6), model = "FR", p = c(.1, .15))
#' dat$FR <- dat2$response
#' dat$trueFR <- dat2$true
#' # generate a third predictor and continuous dependent variables
#' dat$nonRR <- rnorm(500, 5, 1)
#' dat$depvar <- 2 * dat$true - 3 * dat2$true +
#' .5 * dat$nonRR + rnorm(500, 1, 7)
#' # use RRlin and compare to regression on non-RR variables
#' linreg <- RRlin(depvar ~ response + FR + nonRR,
#' data = dat,
#' models = c("Warner", "FR"),
#' p.list = list(.3, c(.1, .15)), fit.n = 1
#' )
#' summary(linreg)
#' summary(lm(depvar ~ true + trueFR + nonRR, data = dat))
#' @rdname RRlin
#' @export
RRlin <- function(
group = NULL,
Kukrep = 1,
bs.n = 0,
nCPU = 1,
maxit = 1000,
fit.n = 3,
pibeta = 0.05
) {
# UseMethod("RRlin")
# RRlin.formula <- function(formula, group, data, models, ...){
# formula interface: from formula to design matrix
mf <- model.frame(formula = formula, data = data, na.action = na.omit)
x <- model.matrix(attr(mf, "terms"), data = mf)
y <- as.matrix(model.response(mf, "numeric"))
dimnames(y) <- list(NULL, all.vars(formula)[1])
M <- length(models)
intercept <- ifelse(attr(attr(mf, "terms"), "intercept") == 1, T, F)
if (intercept) {
x <- x[, -1, drop = F]
w <- x[, c(1:M), drop = F]
# check, whether DQ/nonRR variables are included in regression
# U = number of nonRR variables
if (ncol(x) > M) {
u <- x[, (M + 1):ncol(x), drop = F]
U <- ncol(u)
} else {
u <- NULL
U <- 0
### check for interactions of RR variables
# if(length(all.vars(formula))-1 != ncol(x)-ifelse(intercept, 1, 0))
# warning("No interactions including any RR-variables are allowed (the interaction term will not be corrected for the additional randomness due to the RR procedure). Interactions including only directly observed variables are allowed.")
if (missing(group)) {
group <- matrix(1, length(y), M, dimnames = list(NULL, paste0("g", 1:M)))
if (!missing(data) && inherits(substitute(group), "name")) {
data1 <- as.data.frame(data)
gg <- as.matrix(eval(substitute(group), data1, parent.frame()),
dimnames = list(NULL, group))
group <- gg
silent = T
if (inherits(substitute(group), "name")) {
stop(paste0("'group' (", substitute(group), ") could not be found in 'data' (", substitute(data), ")."))
if (!inherits(group, "matrix")) {
group <- matrix(group, ncol = 1)
# send to default function:
# ywu <- list(y,w,u, intercept)
# est <- RRlin.default(y=y, w=w, u=u, group=group, data=data, models=models, intercept=intercept, ...)
# est <- RRlin.default(formula=ywu, group=group, data=data, models=models, ...)
# @export
# RRlin.default <- function(y, w, u, group, data=NULL, models, p.list, intercept,bs.n=0, nCPU=1, ...){
# RRlin.default <- function(formula, group, data, models, p.list, bs.n=0, nCPU=1, ...){
# y <- formula[[1]]; w <- formula[[2]] ; u <- formula[[3]]
# intercept <- formula[[4]]
modelNames <- c(
"Warner", "UQTknown", "UQTunknown", "Mangat", "Kuk", "FR",
"Crosswise", "Triangular", "CDM", "CDMsym", "SLD", "custom"
models <- pmatch(models, modelNames, duplicates.ok = T)
models <- modelNames[models]
# M <- length(models)
RRcheck.lin(y, w, u, models, p.list, group)
# get estimates of second parameter for 2-group models
par2 <- rep(NA, M)
names(par2) <- models
for (m in 1:M) {
if (models[m] %in% c("UQTunknown", "SLD")) {
sel <- group[, m] != 0
ytemp <- w[sel, m]
grouptemp <- group[sel, m]
uni <- RRuni(response = ytemp, model = models[m], p = p.list[[m]],
group = grouptemp, MLest = T)
if (models[m] == "SLD") {
par2[m] <- uni$t
} else if (models[m] == "UQTunknown") {
par2[m] <- uni$piUQ
if (par2[m] < 1e-5) par2[m] <- 1e-5
if (par2[m] > 1 - 1e-5) par2[m] <- 1 - 1e-5
# construct missclassification matrix/array PW
# for multiple group models: list/array of PW matrices needed
# M <- length(models)
N <- length(y) # number observations
gcombs <- unique(group) # carefull - can be matrix (>1 RR variables) or vector (1 RR var)
G <- nrow(gcombs) # number of group-combinations
responses <- apply(w, 1, paste, collapse = ":") # all responses of persons
PWarray <- getPWarray(M, G, models, p.list, group, par2, Kukrep = Kukrep)
patterns <- rownames(PWarray[, , 1]) # possible response patterns
J <- length(patterns) # number of possible response patterns
K <- ncol(PWarray[, , 1]) # number of possible true states
# group index for correct comparison of PWarray[,,group] and PWpp below
gidx <- numeric(N)
for (g in 1:G) {
# select all participants in group combination gcomb[g,]
sel <- apply(group, 1, function(x) all.equal(x, gcombs[g, ])) == T
gidx[sel] <- g
# missclass-probabilities per person (corresponding rows from PWarray, that match response pattern)
# slow loop
# PWpp <- matrix(0,N,K)
# for (i in 1:N){
# cnt <- cnt + ifelse(PWpp[i,] == PWarray[ match(responses[i],patterns),,gidx[i]],1,0)
# }
# the same vectorized
PWpp <- t(apply(
cbind(responses, gidx), 1,
function(x) PWarray[match(x[1], patterns), , as.numeric(x[2])]
# image(PWpp)
# # design matrix X (intercept in first column)
if (!missing(u)) {
x <- cbind(w, u)
} else {
x <- w
if (intercept) {
nam <- colnames(x)
x <- cbind(1, x)
colnames(x) <- c("(Intercept)", nam)
# standard linear regression
startmod <- lm(y ~ x - 1)
beta <- coef(startmod)
names(beta) <- substr(names(beta), 2, 1000)
if (intercept) {
RRvariables <- names(beta)[1:M + 1]
} else {
RRvariables <- names(beta)[1:M]
rdf <- startmod$df.residual
r <- startmod$residuals
sigma <- sqrt(sum(r^2) / rdf)
pi.est <- matrix(nrow = K, ncol = G, dimnames = list(colnames(PWarray[, , 1]), NULL))
n.star <- matrix(nrow = J, ncol = G, dimnames = list(patterns, NULL))
# already above: gidx
# groupidx <- apply(group,1,paste,collapse="")
# groupidx <- as.numeric(factor(groupidx,labels=1:G))
for (g in 1:G) {
sel <- gidx == g
# observed prevalence without randomization
for (j in 1:J) {
n.star[j, g] <- sum(patterns[j] == responses[sel])
# correction for RR procedure
if ("SLD" %in% models || "UQTunknown" %in% models ||
("Kuk" %in% models && Kukrep > 1)) {
# random start values
pi.est[, g] <- runif(K)
} else {
pi.est[, g] <- solve(PWarray[, , g]) %*% n.star[, g] / sum(sel)
pi.est[, g] <- pi.est[, g]
# if (any(pi.est[g]) < 0){
# warning("Prevalence estimates for some RR variables are negative.")
# }
############### REPEATED FITTING ##############
est <- list()
est.new <- list()
for (ff in 1:fit.n) {
## adjust for negative estimates of pi (or larger than 1): set to 0 or 1
if (ff == 1) {
pi.estR <- rowMeans(pi.est)
beta1 <- beta
sigma1 <- sigma
} else {
pi.estR <- rowMeans(pi.est) * runif(length(pi.est[, 1]), .5, 1.5)
beta1 <- beta * runif(length(beta), .3, 3)
sigma1 <- sigma * runif(1, .3, 3)
pi.estR[pi.estR < 0] <- 0
pi.estR[pi.estR > 1] <- 1
pi.estR <- pi.estR / sum(pi.estR)
phi <- c(beta1, sigma = sigma1, pi = pi.estR)
phi <- phi[-length(phi)] # last pi is a fixed parameter: sum(pi)=1 !
nbeta <- length(beta)
npi <- length(pi.estR)
# EM algorithm
# NEWTON RAPHSON like opimization
try(est.new <- optim(
par = phi, fn = RRlin.ll, method = "L-BFGS-B",
lower = c(rep(-Inf, nbeta), 0, rep(0, npi - 1)),
upper = c(rep(Inf, nbeta), Inf, rep(1, npi - 1)),
control = list(
fnscale = -1, maxit = maxit,
parscale = c(
rep(1, nbeta),
rep(pibeta / max(abs(beta)), npi - 1)
hessian = T,
y = y, u = u, gidx = gidx, U = U, intercept = intercept,
PWpp = PWpp, nbeta = nbeta, n.star = n.star,
PWarray = PWarray, M = M
), silent = T)
if (is.null(est$value)) {
est <- est.new
start <- phi
if (!is.null(est.new$value) && est.new$value > est$value) {
est <- est.new
start <- phi
# if(est$convergence !=0){
# warning("The L-BFGS-B fitting algorithm did not converge. If model$convergence==1, try to fit the model with a larger number of maximum iterations, e.g., maxit=500.")
# }
# calculate last value of pi: fixed by sum
phi <- est$par
pi <- c(phi[(nbeta + 2):length(phi)], 0)
pi[npi] <- 1 - sum(pi)
names(pi) <- colnames(PWarray[, , 1])
res <- list(
models = models, p.list = p.list, PWarray = PWarray, par2 = par2, N = N,
beta = phi[1:nbeta], sigma = phi[nbeta + 1], pi = pi,
hessian = est$hessian, convergence = est$convergence,
message = est$message, counts = est$counts,
RRvariables = RRvariables, call = match.call(),
start = start, intercept = intercept, logLik = est$value, bs.n = bs.n
res$npar <- length(phi)
res$vcov <- est$hessian
res$vcov <- solve(-est$hessian)
dimnames(res$hessian) <- list(names(phi), names(phi))
dimnames(res$vcov) <- list(names(phi), names(phi))
silent = T
res$df <- nrow(unique(cbind(y, x))) - length(phi)
# LR test for each parameter
# if (LR.test){
# deltaLogLik <- rep(NA,nbeta)
# if (intercept){
# # fit model without intercept
# try({model2 <- RRlin(formula=y~cbind(w,u)-1, group=group, Kukrep=Kukrep,
# models=models, p.list=p.list)
# deltaLogLik[1] <- model2$logLik - est$value})
# # LR test for RR models
# if (M==1){
# warning('LR test not functional for a single RR variable.')
# ## find logLik without RR variables
# # model2 <- lm(y ~ u)
# # print(model2)
# # sss <- summary(model2)$sigma
# # print(sss)
# # ll0 <- sum(dnorm(y,mean=predict(model2), sd=sss, log=T))
# # print(ll0)
# # deltaLogLik[2] <- ll0 - est$value
# }else{
# for (i in 1:M){
# # fit without the RR variable number i
# model2 <- RRlin(y~ cbind(w[,-i,drop=F],u), group=group[,-i,drop=F],
# models=models[-i], p.list=p.list[-i], Kukrep=Kukrep)
# deltaLogLik[1+i] <- model2$logLik - est$value
# }
# }
# if (U>0){
# for (i in 1:U){
# # fit without the RR variable number i
# model2 <- RRlin(y~ cbind(w,u[,-i,drop=F]), group=group,
# models=models, p.list=p.list, Kukrep=Kukrep)
# deltaLogLik[1+M+i] <- model2$logLik - est$value
# }
# }
# }else{
# warning('LR test only available for models including an intercept')
# }
# res$prob <- 1-pchisq( -2*deltaLogLik,1)
# res$deltaLogLik <- deltaLogLik
# names(res$prob) <- names(phi)[1:nbeta]
# names(res$deltaLogLik) <- names(phi)[1:nbeta]
# }
# nonparametric bootstrap
if (bs.n > 0) {
# use function for parallel computation
npboot <- function(R) {
# initialize matrices/vectors for results
bs.beta <- matrix(nrow = R, ncol = nbeta)
bs.pi <- matrix(nrow = R, ncol = length(pi))
bs.sigma <- rep(NA, R)
bs.logLik <- bs.sigma
cnt <- 1
while (cnt <= R) {
# sampling: identical group sizes in bootstrap sample!
sel <- c()
for (g in 1:G) {
sel <- c(sel, sample((1:N)[gidx == g], table(gidx)[g], T))
list(y, sel, models, y, group, w, p.list, u)
# fit model to selected nonparametric BS sample
model.bs <- RRlin(
formula = y[sel, , drop = F] ~ cbind(w[sel, , drop = F], u[sel, , drop = F]),
group = group[sel, , drop = F], Kukrep = Kukrep,
models = models, p.list = p.list, fit.n = 2
bs.beta[cnt, ] <- model.bs$beta
bs.sigma[cnt] <- model.bs$sigma
bs.pi[cnt, ] <- model.bs$pi
bs.logLik[cnt] <- model.bs$logLik
if (!is.na(bs.beta[cnt, 1])) {
cnt <- cnt + 1
# return results as list
bs.res <- list(beta = bs.beta, pi = bs.pi, sigma = bs.sigma, logLik = bs.logLik)
if (is.numeric(nCPU) && nCPU == 1) {
cl.tmp <- NULL
bs.res <- npboot(R = bs.n)
res$bs.beta <- bs.res$beta
res$bs.sigma <- bs.res$sigma
res$bs.pi <- bs.res$pi
res$bs.logLik <- bs.res$logLik
} else if (is.numeric(nCPU) && nCPU > 1) {
cl.tmp <- makeCluster(nCPU)
} else if (any(
inherits(nCPU, "SOCKcluster"),
inherits(nCPU, "cluster")
)) {
cl.tmp <- nCPU
} else {
stop("'nCPU' must be integer or a cluster (see ?parallel::makeCluster)")
if (!is.null(cl.tmp)) {
bs.res <- foreach(k = seq_along(cl.tmp), .packages = "RRreg") %dopar% {
npboot(R = ceiling(bs.n / length(cl.tmp)))
for (i in seq_along(cl.tmp)) {
res$bs.beta <- rbind(res$bs.beta, bs.res[[i]]$beta)
res$bs.sigma <- c(res$bs.sigma, bs.res[[i]]$sigma)
res$bs.pi <- rbind(res$bs.pi, bs.res[[i]]$pi)
res$bs.logLik <- c(res$bs.logLik, bs.res[[i]]$logLik)
if (is.numeric(nCPU)) stopCluster(cl.tmp)
# index models which mix DQ and RR procedure
for (m in 1:M) {
models[m] <- ifelse(0 %in% gcombs[, m],
paste0(models[m], "+DQ"),
res$models <- models
res$call <- match.call()
res$formula <- formula
class(res) <- "RRlin"
#' @export
print.RRlin <- function(x, ...) {
cat("\nRegression coefficients (beta):\n")
print(round(x$beta, 5))
cat(paste0("\nResidual standard error (sigma): ", round(x$sigma, 5), "\n"))
cat("\nPrevalence estimates (pi):\n")
print(round(x$pi, 5))
#' @export
summary.RRlin <- function(object, ...) {
se <- sqrt(diag(object$vcov))
wald_chi <- (object$beta / se[1:length(object$beta)])^2
bcoef <- cbind(
Estimate = object$beta,
StdErr = se[1:length(object$beta)],
"Wald test" = wald_chi,
"Pr(>Chi2,df=1)" = 1 - pchisq(wald_chi, df = 1)
# if(object$LR.test){
# bcoef <- cbind(bcoef,
# "deltaG2"= -2*object$deltaLogLik,
# "Pr(>deltaG2)" = object$prob)
# }
pcoef <- cbind(
Estimate = object$pi[-length(object$pi)],
StdErr = se[(length(object$beta) + 2):length(se)]
# rownames(pcoef) <- paste("pi =",rownames(pcoef))
fitInfo <- c(N = object$N, logLik = object$logLik, df = object$df)
p.char <- unlist(as.character(lapply(object$p.list, round, 3)))
res <- list(
call = object$call,
RRvariables = object$RRvariables, p.char = p.char, models = object$models,
bcoef = bcoef, pcoef = pcoef, sigma = object$sigma,
intercept = object$intercept, N = object$N, bs.n = object$bs.n
if (object$bs.n > 0) {
bs.tab <- matrix(c(
colMeans(object$bs.beta, na.rm = T),
mean(object$bs.sigma, na.rm = T),
colMeans(object$bs.pi, na.rm = T),
apply(object$bs.beta, 2, sd, na.rm = T),
sd(object$bs.sigma, na.rm = T),
apply(object$bs.pi, 2, sd, na.rm = T)
), ncol = 2)
colnames(bs.tab) <- c("Mean", "SE")
rownames(bs.tab) <- c(names(object$beta), "sigma", paste("pi =", names(object$pi))) # ,"logLik")
res$bs.tab <- bs.tab
class(res) <- "summary.RRlin"
#' @export
print.summary.RRlin <- function(x, ...) {
cat("\nRandomized response variables:\n")
TAB <- cbind(
Variable = x$RRvariables,
Model = x$models,
p = x$p.char
rownames(TAB) <- 1:length(x$models)
print(TAB, quote = FALSE)
cat("\nCoefficients (beta):\n")
printCoefmat(round(x$bcoef, 5))
cat(paste0("\nResidual standard error (sigma): ", round(x$sigma, 3), "; N=", x$N, "\n"))
# cat("\nPrevalence estimates for combinations of RR responses:\n")
# printCoefmat(round(x$pcoef,5))
if (x$bs.n > 0) {
cat(paste0("\n\nResults of nonparametric bootstrap (", x$bs.n, " samples):\n"))
printCoefmat(round(x$bs.tab, 4))
#' @export
logLik.RRlin <- function(object, ...) {
#' @export
vcov.RRlin <- function(object, ...) {
### bootstrap methods
# bs.se <- function(ests,true){
# if (inherits(ests, 'matrix')){
# sqrt(apply((t(ests)-true)^2,1,sum,na.rm=TRUE) /nrow(ests))
# }else{
# sqrt(sum((ests-true)^2,na.rm=TRUE)/(length(ests)))
# }
# }
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