############## von Mises ############
# mean, sd, shift
dmises <- function(x, mu = 0, kappa=1, log=FALSE){
if (kappa < 0){
stop("Parameter 'kappa' must be nonnegative.")
} else if (kappa == 0){
dd <- rep(-log(2*pi), length(x))
} else {
dd <- kappa * cos(x - mu) - log(2*pi) - log(besselI(kappa, mu))
if (!log)
dd <- exp(dd)
dd[is.na(dd)] <- ifelse(log, -Inf, 0)
# Best, D. J., & Fisher, N. I. (1979). Efficient Simulation of the von Mises Distribution. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C (Applied Statistics), 28(2), 152-157.
rmises <- function(n, mu = 0, kappa=1){
if (kappa < 0){
stop("Parameter 'kappa' must be nonnegative.")
} else if (kappa == 0){
x <- runif(n, -pi, pi)
} else{
x <- rep(NA, n)
a <- 1 + (1 + 4 * (kappa^2))^0.5
b <- (a - (2 * a)^0.5)/(2 * kappa)
r <- (1 + b^2)/(2 * b)
idx <- 1:n
while ( length(idx) > 0) {
U1 <- runif(length(idx))
z <- cos(pi * U1)
f <- (1 + r * z)/(r + z)
c <- kappa * (r - f)
U2 <- runif(length(idx))
sel <- (c * (2 - c) - U2 > 0) | (log(c/U2) + 1 - c >= 0 )
if (any(sel)){
U3 <- runif(sum(sel))
x[idx[sel]] <- sign(U3 - 0.5) * acos(f[sel]) + mu + pi
idx <- which(is.na(x))
x <- x %% (2 * pi)
return (x - pi)
############## shifted LOGNORMAL ############
# mean, sd, shift
dlognorm <- function(x, mu = 4, sigma = 1, shift = 0, log=FALSE){
if (log)
suppressWarnings(dd <- dnorm(log(x - shift), mean = mu, sd = sigma, log=TRUE)- log(x - shift) )
suppressWarnings(dd <- dnorm(log(x - shift), mean = mu, sd = sigma) /(x - shift) )
dd[is.na(dd)] <- ifelse(log, -Inf, 0)
rlognorm <- function(n, mu = 4, sigma = 1, shift = 0){
shift + exp(rnorm(n, mean = mu, sd = sigma))
plognorm <- function(q, mu = 4, sigma = 1, shift = 0, log.p = FALSE){
suppressWarnings(p <- pnorm(log(q - shift), mean = mu, sd = sigma, log.p = log.p))
p[is.na(p)] <- ifelse(log.p, -Inf, 0)
# curve(gpt:::dlognorm(x, 5, .6, 100), 0, 1200, col=2, lwd = 2)
# hist(gpt:::rlognorm(10000, 5, .6, 100), 100, freq = FALSE, add=T)
# curve(gpt:::plognorm(x, 4.5, 1, 00), 0, 2000)
########### shifted WEIBULL ############
dsweibull <- function(x, shape, scale, shift, log = FALSE){
dweibull(x-shift, shape=shape, scale=scale, log = log)
rsweibull <- function(n, shape, scale, shift){
shift + rweibull(n, shape=shape, scale=scale)
psweibull <- function(q, shape, scale, shift, log.p = FALSE){
pweibull(q - shift, shape=shape, scale=scale, log.p = log.p)
# curve(gpt:::psweibull(x, 1.5, 500, 300), 0, 2000)
# curve(gpt:::dsweibull(x, 1.5, 500, 300), 0, 2000)
######### shifted GAMMA
dsgamma <- function(x, shape, scale, shift, log = FALSE){
dgamma(x - shift, shape=shape, scale=scale, log=log)
rsgamma <- function(n, shape, scale, shift){
shift + rgamma(n, shape = shape, scale = scale)
psgamma <- function(q, shape, scale, shift, log.p = FALSE){
pgamma(q - shift, shape = shape, scale = scale, log.p = log.p)
# curve(gpt:::dsweibull(x, 1.5, 500, 300), 0, 2000)
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