
Defines functions tapplyDS.assign

Documented in tapplyDS.assign

#' @title tapplyDS.assign called by ds.tapply.assign
#' @description Apply one of a selected range of functions to summarize an
#' outcome variable over one or more indexing factors and write the resultant
#' summary as a newobj on the serverside
#' @details see details for \code{ds.tapply.assign} function
#' @param X.name, the name of the variable to be summarized. Specified
#' via argument <X.name> of \code{ds.tapply.assign} function
#' @param INDEX.names.transmit, the name of a single factor or a vector of names of factors to
#' index the variable to be summarized. Specified via argument <INDEX.names>
#' of \code{ds.tapply.assign} function
#' @param FUN.name, the name of one of the allowable summarizing functions to be applied.
#' Specified via argument <FUN.name> of {ds.tapply.assign} function.
#' @return an array of the summarized values created by the \code{tapplyDS.assign} function. This
#' array is written as a newobj on the serverside. It has the same number of dimensions as INDEX.
#' @author Paul Burton, Demetris Avraam for DataSHIELD Development Team
#' @export
tapplyDS.assign <- function(X.name, INDEX.names.transmit, FUN.name){
  thr <- dsBase::listDisclosureSettingsDS()
  nfilter.tab <- as.numeric(thr$nfilter.tab)
  nfilter.subset <- as.numeric(thr$nfilter.subset)
    X <- eval(parse(text=X.name), envir = parent.frame())
    studysideMessage <- "ERROR: X.name must be specified as a character string"
    stop(studysideMessage, call. = FALSE)
  INDEX.factors <- unlist(strsplit(INDEX.names.transmit, split=","))
  num.factors <- length(INDEX.factors)
  # test that output vector and indexing factor all have the same length
  length.2.test <- length(X)
  length.test.vector <- rep(NA, num.factors)
  for(g in 1:num.factors){
    activation.text.0 <- paste0("INDEX.factors[",g,"]")
    active.factor.name <- eval(parse(text=activation.text.0))
    active.factor <- eval(parse(text=active.factor.name), envir = parent.frame())
    length.test.vector[g] <- length(active.factor)
  for(h in 1:num.factors){
      return.message <- "Error: the output variable and all indexing factors must be of equal length"
      stop(return.message, call. = FALSE)
  # convert INDEX.names format from transmittable to actionable form (a list of vectors)
  INDEX.names.list <- paste0("list(",INDEX.names.transmit,")")
  INDEX <- eval(parse(text=INDEX.names.list), envir = parent.frame())
  # select complete cases on X and all INDEX factors only
  df <- as.data.frame(cbind(X, do.call(cbind, INDEX)))
  colnames(df) <- c(X.name, INDEX.factors)
  df.complete <- df[stats::complete.cases(df),]
  X.complete <- df.complete[,X.name]
  INDEX.complete <- df.complete[,c(INDEX.factors)]
  INDEX.complete.list <- list()
  if(num.factors > 1){
    for(i in 1:ncol(INDEX.complete)) {
      INDEX.complete.list[[i]] <- INDEX.complete[,i]
    names(INDEX.complete.list) <- colnames(INDEX.complete) 
    INDEX <- INDEX.complete.list
    INDEX <- list(INDEX.complete)
  N.count <- tapply(X.complete, INDEX, base::length)
  #Valid functions#
  # N
  if(FUN.name=="N" || FUN.name=="length" || FUN.name=="Length" || FUN.name=="LENGTH"){
    # make output neat if up to two INDEX factors
      factor1.levels <- levels(factor(INDEX[[1]]))
      factor1.level.names <- factor1.levels
      for(u in 1:length(factor1.levels)){
        factor1.level.names[u] <- paste0(INDEX.factors[1], ".", factor1.levels[u])
      dimnames(N.count)[[1]] <- factor1.level.names
      factor1.levels <- levels(factor(INDEX[[1]]))
      factor1.level.names <- factor1.levels
      factor2.levels <- levels(factor(INDEX[[2]]))
      factor2.level.names <- factor2.levels
      for(u in 1:length(factor1.levels)){
        factor1.level.names[u] <- paste0(INDEX.factors[1], ".", factor1.levels[u])
      for(v in 1:length(factor2.levels)){
        factor2.level.names[v] <- paste0(INDEX.factors[2], ".", factor2.levels[v])
      dimnames(N.count)[[1]] <- factor1.level.names
      dimnames(N.count)[[2]] <- factor2.level.names
    output <- list(N=N.count)
  # MEAN
  if(FUN.name=="mean" || FUN.name=="Mean" || FUN.name=="MEAN"){
    Mean <- tapply(X.complete, INDEX, base::mean)
    # make output neat if up to two INDEX factors
      factor1.levels <- levels(factor(INDEX[[1]]))
      factor1.level.names <- factor1.levels
      for(u in 1:length(factor1.levels)){
        factor1.level.names[u] <- paste0(INDEX.factors[1], ".", factor1.levels[u])
      dimnames(Mean)[[1]] <- factor1.level.names
      dimnames(N.count)[[1]] <- factor1.level.names
      factor1.levels <- levels(factor(INDEX[[1]]))
      factor1.level.names <- factor1.levels
      factor2.levels <- levels(factor(INDEX[[2]]))
      factor2.level.names <- factor2.levels
      for(u in 1:length(factor1.levels)){
        factor1.level.names[u] <- paste0(INDEX.factors[1], ".", factor1.levels[u])
      for(v in 1:length(factor2.levels)){
        factor2.level.names[v] <- paste0(INDEX.factors[2], ".", factor2.levels[v])
      dimnames(Mean)[[1]] <- factor1.level.names
      dimnames(Mean)[[2]] <- factor2.level.names
      dimnames(N.count)[[1]] <- factor1.level.names
      dimnames(N.count)[[2]] <- factor2.level.names
    output <- list(Mean=Mean, N=N.count)
  # SD
  if(FUN.name=="sd" || FUN.name=="SD"){
    SD <- tapply(X.complete, INDEX, stats::sd)
    # make output neat if up to two INDEX factors
      factor1.levels <- levels(factor(INDEX[[1]]))
      factor1.level.names <- factor1.levels
      for(u in 1:length(factor1.levels)){
        factor1.level.names[u] <- paste0(INDEX.factors[1], ".", factor1.levels[u])
      dimnames(SD)[[1]] <- factor1.level.names
      dimnames(N.count)[[1]] <- factor1.level.names
      factor1.levels <- levels(factor(INDEX[[1]]))
      factor1.level.names <- factor1.levels
      factor2.levels <- levels(factor(INDEX[[2]]))
      factor2.level.names <- factor2.levels
      for(u in 1:length(factor1.levels)){
        factor1.level.names[u] <- paste0(INDEX.factors[1], ".", factor1.levels[u])
      for(v in 1:length(factor2.levels)){
        factor2.level.names[v] <- paste0(INDEX.factors[2], ".", factor2.levels[v])
      dimnames(SD)[[1]] <- factor1.level.names
      dimnames(SD)[[2]] <- factor2.level.names
      dimnames(N.count)[[1]] <- factor1.level.names
      dimnames(N.count)[[2]] <- factor2.level.names
    output <- list(SD=SD, N=N.count)
  # SUM
  if(FUN.name=="sum" || FUN.name=="Sum" || FUN.name=="SUM"){
    Sum <- tapply(X.complete, INDEX, base::sum)
    # make output neat if up to two INDEX factors
      factor1.levels <- levels(factor(INDEX[[1]]))
      factor1.level.names <- factor1.levels
      for(u in 1:length(factor1.levels)){
        factor1.level.names[u] <- paste0(INDEX.factors[1], ".", factor1.levels[u])
      dimnames(Sum)[[1]] <- factor1.level.names
      dimnames(N.count)[[1]] <- factor1.level.names
      factor1.levels <- levels(factor(INDEX[[1]]))
      factor1.level.names <- factor1.levels
      factor2.levels <- levels(factor(INDEX[[2]]))
      factor2.level.names <- factor2.levels
      for(u in 1:length(factor1.levels)){
        factor1.level.names[u] <- paste0(INDEX.factors[1], ".", factor1.levels[u])
      for(v in 1:length(factor2.levels)){
        factor2.level.names[v] <- paste0(INDEX.factors[2], ".", factor2.levels[v])
      dimnames(Sum)[[1]] <- factor1.level.names
      dimnames(Sum)[[2]] <- factor2.level.names
      dimnames(N.count)[[1]] <- factor1.level.names
      dimnames(N.count)[[2]] <- factor2.level.names
    output <- list(Sum=Sum, N=N.count)
  if(FUN.name=="quantile" || FUN.name=="Quantile" || FUN.name=="QUANTILE"){
    if(num.factors > 1){
      studysideMessage <- "Quantile will only work with one indexing factor but you can combine several factors into one. e.g. two factors with f1 and f2 levels respectively can be combined into one with f1 x f2 levels"
      stop(studysideMessage, call. = FALSE)
    probs.vector <- c(0.05,0.1,0.2,0.25,0.3,0.33,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.67,0.7,0.75,0.8,0.9,0.95)
    Quantile <- tapply(X.complete, INDEX, stats::quantile, probs=probs.vector)
    factor1.levels <- levels(factor(INDEX[[1]]))
    factor1.level.names <- factor1.levels
    for(u in 1:length(factor1.levels)){
      factor1.level.names[u] <- paste0(INDEX.factors[1], ".", factor1.levels[u])
    dimnames(Quantile)[[1]] <- factor1.level.names
  return.message <- "Please specify a valid DataSHIELD tapply function e.g. FUN.name='mean' or FUN.name='sd'"
# tapplyDS.assign
datashield/dsBase documentation built on May 16, 2023, 10:01 p.m.