fitted.egf <-
top = egf_top(object),
subset = NULL,
select = NULL,
class = FALSE,
se = FALSE,
...) {
stopifnot(isTrueFalse(class), isTrueFalse(se))
if (se)
se <- class
top. <- egf_top(object)
top <- unique(match.arg(top, top., several.ok = TRUE))
frame <- model.frame(object, "combined")
subset <- egf_eval_subset(subset, frame, parent.frame())
select <- egf_eval_select(select, frame, baseenv())
frame <- frame[subset, select, drop = FALSE]
info <- model.frame(object, "windows")[subset, c("ts", "window")]
ts <- info[["ts" ]]
window <- info[["window"]]
if (se. <- se) {
rpt <- egf_adreport(object)
i <- names(rpt[["value"]]) == "Y"
value <- rpt[["value"]][i]
se <- rpt[["sd" ]][i]
dim(value) <- dim(se) <- rpt[["env"]][["ADreportDims"]][["Y"]]
dimnames(value) <- dimnames(se) <- list(NULL, top.)
value <- as.vector(value[subset, top, drop = FALSE])
se <- as.vector(se [subset, top, drop = FALSE])
else {
value <- egf_report(object, check = FALSE)[["Y"]]
dimnames(value) <- list(NULL, top.)
value <- as.vector(value[subset, top, drop = FALSE])
ns <- length(subset)
nt <- length(top)
if (class) {
i. <-, nt)
j. <- rep(seq_len(nt), each = ns)
ans <- data.frame(top = factor(top, levels = top.)[j.],
ts = ts[i.],
window = window[i.],
value = value,
se = NA,
frame[i., ],
row.names = NULL,
check.names = FALSE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
ans[["se"]] <- if (se.) se
attr(ans, "se") <- se.
attr(ans, "ns") <- ns
attr(ans, "nt") <- nt
class(ans) <- c("fitted.egf", oldClass(ans))
else {
dim(value) <- c(ns, nt)
dimnames(value) <- list(paste(ts, window, sep = ", "), top)
ans <- value
fitted.egf_no_fit <-
function(object, ...) {
object[["best"]] <- object[["init"]]
fitted.egf(object, ...)
confint.fitted.egf <-
function(object, parm = seq_len(nrow(object)), level = 0.95,
class = FALSE, ...) {
stopifnot(isNumber(level), level > 0, level < 1,
isTrueFalse(class), attr(object, "se"))
which <- seq_len(nrow(object))[parm]
if (anyNA(which))
stop(gettextf("invalid '%s'", "parm"), domain = NA)
o. <- object[which, ]
attr(o., "se") <- attr(o., "ns") <- attr(o., "nt") <- NULL
class(o.) <- oldClass(o.)[oldClass(o.) != "fitted.egf"]
h <- 0.5 * (1 - level)
p <- c(h, 1 - h)
q <- qnorm(p)
percent <- formatp(p, 3L)
ans <- wald(o.[["value"]], o.[["se"]], level)
if (class) {
dimnames(ans) <- list(NULL, percent)
row.names(o.) <- NULL
names(o.)[match("se", names(o.), 0L)] <- "ci"
o.[["ci"]] <- ans
attr(o., "level") <- level
class(o.) <- c("confint.egf", oldClass(o.))
ans <- o.
else if (!missing(parm))
dimnames(ans) <- list(paste(o.[["top"]], o.[["ts"]], o.[["window"]], sep = ", "),
else {
ns <- attr(object, "ns")
nt <- attr(object, "nt")
dim(ans) <- c(ns, nt, 2L)
dimnames(ans) <- list(paste(o.[["ts"]][seq_len(ns)], o.[["window"]][seq_len(ns)], sep = ", "),
as.character(o.[["top"]][, by = ns, length.out = nt)]),
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.