options(warn = 2L, error = if (interactive()) recover)
example("egf", package = "epigrowthfit"); o.1 <- m1; o.2 <- m2
## egf_sanitize_formula_ts ########################################
## egf_sanitize_formula_windows ########################################
l1 <- list(cbind(x, y) ~ 1,
cbind(x, y) ~ g,
cbind(x, y) ~ 1 + g,
cbind(x, y) ~ (g),
cbind(x, y) ~ g:h,
cbind(x, y) ~ I(g + h),
cbind(x, y) ~ I(g * h),
cbind(x - 1, cumsum(y)) ~ g)
l2 <- list(~g,
cbind(x, y) ~ g + h,
cbind(x, y) ~ g * h,
cbind(x, y) ~ 0 + g,
cbind(x, y) ~ g - 1,
cbind(x, y) ~ offset(h) + g,
(cbind(x, y)) ~ g,
cbind(x) ~ g,
cbind(x, y, z) ~ g,
rbind(x, y) ~ g) # i.e., anything other than 'cbind'
stopifnot(identical(lapply(l1, egf_sanitize_formula_ts),
l1[c(1L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 5:8)]))
for (formula in l2)
## egf_sanitize_formula_parameters #####################################
model <- egf_model(curve = "exponential", family = "pois")
top <- egf_top(model)
s <-
egf_sanitize_formula_parameters(formula, top, check = TRUE)
fp1 <- ~x * y + (z | g) + (zz | g/h)
l1 <-, 2L)
names(l1) <- c("log(r)", "log(c0)")
fp2 <- expr(replace(fp1, 2:3, expr(quote(log(r)), fp1[[2L]])))
l2 <- replace(l1, "log(c0)", expr(~1))
fp3 <- c(fp2, expr(log(c0) ~ x))
l3 <- replace(l2, "log(c0)", expr(~x))
stopifnot(exprs = {
identical(s(fp1), l1)
identical(s(fp2), l2)
identical(s(fp3), l3)
assertWarning(s(~0 + x))
## egf_sanitize_formula_priors #########################################
p1 <- Normal(mu = 0, sigma = 1)
p2 <- Normal(mu = 1, sigma = c(0.5, 1))
p3 <- Normal(mu = -1, sigma = 2)
p4 <- LKJ(eta = 1)
fp. <- list(foo(bar) ~ p1,
baz ~ p1,
beta ~ p1,
theta[[1L]] ~ p1,
theta[2:3] ~ p2,
theta[-(1:5)] ~ p3,
theta[replace(logical(6L), 4L, TRUE)] ~ p1,
Sigma ~ p4)
ip. <- list(
top = list(names = c("foo(bar)", "baz"), family = "norm"),
bottom = list(
beta = list(length = 4L, family = "norm"),
theta = list(length = 6L, family = "norm"),
Sigma = list(length = 1L, family = c("lkj", "wishart", "invwishart"),
rows = 4L)))
priors <- egf_sanitize_formula_priors(formula = fp., info = ip.)
p2.elt <-
function(i) {
p2[["parameters"]][["sigma"]] <- p2[["parameters"]][["sigma"]][[i]]
stopifnot(exprs = {
length(priors) == 2L
identical(names(priors), c("top", "bottom"))
`names<-`(list(p1, p1), ip.[["top"]][["names"]]))
list(beta = list(p1, p1, p1, p1),
theta = list(p1, p2.elt(1L), p2.elt(2L), p1, NULL, p3),
Sigma = list(p4)))
## egf_make_frame ######################################################
model <- egf_model(curve = "exponential", family = "pois")
formula_ts <- cbind(day, count) ~ country
formula_windows <- cbind(left, right) ~ country
formula_parameters <- list(`log(r)` = ~x1 + (1 | g1) + (1 | g1:g2),
`log(c0)` = ~(1 | g3))
data_ts <- data.frame(country = gl(6L, 11L),
day = as.double(, 10, 1)),
count = rpois(11L, 100 * exp(0.04 * 0:10)))
data_windows <- data.frame(country = gl(3L, 2L),
left =, 5), 3L),
right =, 10), 3L),
x1 = c(5.00, 8.34, -0.57, -7.19, -9.71, 1.25),
x2 = rnorm(6L),
x3 = rnorm(6L),
g1 = c("a", "b", "b", "b", "b", "a"),
g2 = c("c", "d", "d", "d", "c", "c"),
g3 = c("f", "f", "e", "e", "e", "f"))
subset_ts <- quote(day > 0)
subset_windows <- quote(x1 < 0)
select_windows <- quote(.)
na_action_ts <- "pass"
na_action_windows <- "omit"
frame <- egf_make_frame(model = model,
formula_ts = formula_ts,
formula_windows = formula_windows,
formula_parameters = formula_parameters,
data_ts = data_ts,
data_windows = data_windows,
subset_ts = subset_ts,
subset_windows = subset_windows,
select_windows = select_windows,
na_action_ts = na_action_ts,
na_action_windows = na_action_windows)
stopifnot(exprs = {
length(frame) == 4L
identical(names(frame), c("ts", "windows", "parameters", "extra"))
l1 <- frame[["ts"]]
l1.e <- data.frame(ts = gl(2L, 10L, labels = 2:3),
window = factor(, 1, 2, NA, 3, NA),
c(1L, 4L, 5L, 1L, 4L, 5L)),
labels = sprintf("window_%d", 1:3)),
time =, 10, 1)), 2L),
x = data_ts[["count"]][c(NA, 14:22, NA, 25:33)])
attr(l1.e, "first") <- c(1L, 5L, 11L)
attr(l1.e, "last") <- c(5L, 10L, 15L)
stopifnot(identical(l1, l1.e))
l2 <- frame[["windows"]]
l2.e <- data.frame(ts = factor(c(2, 2, 3)),
window = gl(3L, 1L, labels = sprintf("window_%d", 1:3)),
start = c(1, 5, 1),
end = c(5, 10, 5))
stopifnot(identical(l2, l2.e))
l3 <- frame[["parameters"]]
stopifnot(exprs = {
length(l3) == 2L
identical(names(l3), c("log(r)", "log(c0)"))
l31 <- l3[["log(r)"]]
l31.e <- droplevels(data_windows[3:5, c("x1", "g1", "g2"), drop = FALSE])
attr(l31.e, "terms") <- terms(formula_parameters[["log(r)"]])
row.names(l31.e) <- NULL
stopifnot(identical(l31, l31.e))
l32 <- l3[["log(c0)"]]
l32.e <- droplevels(data_windows[3:5, "g3", drop = FALSE])
attr(l32.e, "terms") <- terms(formula_parameters[["log(c0)"]])
row.names(l32.e) <- NULL
stopifnot(identical(l32, l32.e))
l4 <- frame[["extra"]]
l4.e <- droplevels(data_windows[3:5, c("country", "left", "right", "x2", "x3"), drop = FALSE])
row.names(l4.e) <- NULL
stopifnot(identical(l4, l4.e))
## egf_make_X ##########################################################
formula <- ~x + y + z
data <- list(x = double(10L), y = gl(2L, 5L), z = rnorm(10L))
data <- model.frame(formula, data = data)
X1 <- egf_make_X(formula, data = data, sparse = FALSE)
X2 <- model.matrix(formula, data = data)
a <- attributes(X2)
X2 <- structure(X2[, -2L], assign = a[["assign"]][-2L], contrasts = a[["contrasts"]])
stopifnot(identical(X1, X2))
X1 <- egf_make_X(formula, data = data, sparse = TRUE)
X2 <- Matrix::sparse.model.matrix(formula, data = data)
a <- attributes(X2)
X2 <- structure(X2[, -2L], assign = a[["assign"]][-2L], contrasts = a[["contrasts"]])
stopifnot(identical(X1, X2))
## egf_make_Z ##########################################################
bar <- quote(x - 1 | f:g)
data <- list(x = rnorm(10L), f = gl(5L, 2L), g = gl(2L, 5L))
data <- model.frame(~x - 1 + f:g, data = data)
Z1 <- egf_make_Z(bar, data = data)
Z2 <- new("dgCMatrix",
Dim = c(10L, 6L),
Dimnames = list(as.character(1:10),
sprintf("(x | %s)", c("f1:g1", "f2:g1", "f3:g1", "f3:g2", "f4:g2", "f5:g2"))),
p = c(0L, 2L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 8L, 10L),
i = 0:9,
x = data[["x"]])
attr(Z2, "assign") <-, 6L)
attr(Z2, "level") <- gl(6L, 1L, labels = c("1:1", "2:1", "3:1", "3:2", "4:2", "5:2"))
stopifnot(identical(Z1, Z2))
## egf_make_A ##########################################################
## FIXME: only testing a trivial case as no elements of 'beta' are mapped
A <- egf_make_A(o.1, top = c("log(r)", "log(c0)"), subset = 1:20)
A.e <- new("dgCMatrix",
Dim = c(40L, 6L),
p = c(0L, 0L, 20L, 40L, 40L, 40L, 40L),
i = 0:39,
x =, 40L))
stopifnot(identical(A, A.e))
## egf_combine_X #######################################################
fixed <- list(a = ~x, b = ~f)
data <- data.frame(x = 1:6, f = gl(2L, 3L))
l <- egf_combine_X(fixed = fixed,
X = lapply(fixed, egf_make_X, data = data, sparse = FALSE))
bottom <- disambiguate("beta", 4L))
top <- gl(2L, 2L, labels = c("a", "b"))
term <- factor(c("(Intercept)", "x", "(Intercept)", "f"))
X <- `dimnames<-`(cbind(1, 1:6, 1, rep(0:1, each = 3L)),
c("(Intercept)", "x", "(Intercept)", "f2")))
coefficients <- data.frame(bottom, top, term, colname = colnames(X))
stopifnot(identical(l, list(X = X, coefficients = coefficients)))
## egf_combine_Z #######################################################
random <- list(a = quote(x | f), b = quote(y | g))
data <- data.frame(x = 1:6, y = -1, f = gl(2L, 3L), g = gl(3L, 2L))
l <- egf_combine_Z(random = random,
Z = lapply(random, egf_make_Z, data = data))
cov <- interaction(l[["coefficients"]][c("term", "group")],
drop = TRUE, lex.order = TRUE)
levels(cov) <- disambiguate("Sigma", 4L))
vec <- interaction(l[["coefficients"]][c("term", "group", "level")],
drop = TRUE, lex.order = TRUE)
levels(vec) <- disambiguate("u", 10L))
bottom <- disambiguate("b", 10L))
top <-"a", "b"), c(2L, 3L))), 2L)
term <- factor("(Intercept)", "x", "y"), c(5L, 2L, 3L)))
group <-"f", "g"), c(2L, 3L))), 2L)
level <-, 1:3)), 2L)
Z <- new("dgCMatrix",
Dim = c(6L, 10L),
Dimnames = list(as.character(1:6),
sprintf("(%s | %s)","(Intercept)", "x", "y"), c(5L, 2L, 3L)),"f1", "f2", "g1", "g2", "g3"), 2L))),
p = cumsum(c(0L,, 2L, 3L, 2L), c(2L, 3L, 2L, 3L)))),
i =, 4L),
x = c(, 12L), 1:6,, 6L)))
coefficients <- data.frame(cov, vec, bottom, top, term, group, level,
colname = colnames(Z))
stopifnot(identical(l, list(Z = Z, coefficients = coefficients)))
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