
Defines functions egf_make_frame egf_sanitize_formula_priors egf_sanitize_formula_parameters egf_sanitize_formula_windows

## MJ: priority for refactoring

##' Utilities for Argument Validation
##' Functions used inside of \code{\link{egf}} to validate and process
##' user-supplied formulae and data.  Most edge cases should be caught
##' and handled here, so that functions called downstream can operate
##' without excessive conditional logic.
##' @return
##' \item{egf_sanitize_formula_ts}{
##'   a formula.}
##' \item{egf_sanitize_formula_windows}{
##'   a formula.}
##' \item{egf_sanitize_formula_parameters}{
##'   a list of formulae.}
##' \item{egf_sanitize_formula_priors}{
##'   a recursive list of \code{\link{egf_prior}} objects.}
##' \item{egf_make_frame}{
##'   a recursive list of data frames.}

egf_sanitize_formula_ts <-
egf_sanitize_formula_windows <-
function(formula) {
	tt <- terms(formula, simplify = TRUE)
	aa <- attributes(tt)
	if (!(aa[["response"]] > 0L &&
	      is.call(lhs <- aa[["variables"]][[1L + aa[["response"]]]]) &&
	      identical(lhs[[1L]], quote(cbind)) &&
	      length(lhs) == 3L))
		stop(gettextf("left hand side of '%s' must be a call to '%s' with %d arguments",
		              deparse(substitute(formula)), "cbind", 2L),
		     domain = NA)
	if (!(aa[["intercept"]] == 1L &&
	      is.null(aa[["offset"]]) &&
	      length(aa[["term.labels"]]) < 2L))
		stop(gettextf("right hand side of '%s' must be %d or have exactly %d term",
		              deparse(substitute(formula)), 1L, 1L),
		     domain = NA)

egf_sanitize_formula_parameters <-
function(formula, top, check) {
	recycled <- is.formula(formula)
	if (recycled) {
		p <- length(top)
		formula <- simplify_terms(formula)
		formula <- rep.int(asExpr(formula), p)
		names(formula) <- top
	else {
		lhs <- xapply(formula, `[[`, 2L)
		names(formula) <- vapply(lhs, deparse, "")
		m <- match(names(formula), top, 0L)
		if (min(1L, m) == 0L)
			stop(gettextf("%s[[%d]][[2L]] is not an element of %s",
			              which.min(m), deparse(lhs)),
			     domain = NA)
		s <- setdiff(top, names(formula))
		formula <- xapply(formula, function(x) simplify_terms(x[-2L]))
		formula[s] <- asExpr(`environment<-`(~1, globalenv()))
		formula <- formula[top]
	if (check) {
		check_terms <-
		function(x) {
			aa <- attributes(terms(split_effects(x)[[1L]]))
			aa[["intercept"]] == 1L || length(aa[["term.labels"]]) == 0L
		ok <-
			if (recycled)
			else all(vapply(formula, check_terms, FALSE))
		if (!ok)
			warning(gettextf("default initial values of fixed effects coefficients not reliable for zero-intercept models; consider setting '%s' argument '%s'",
			                 "egf", "init"),
			        domain = NA)

egf_sanitize_formula_priors <-
function(formula, info) {
	top <- info[["top"]][["names"]]
	len <- vapply(info[["bottom"]], `[[`, 0L, "length")
	ind <- lapply(len, seq_len)
	nms <- names(len)[len > 0L]

	ans <- list(top = `names<-`(vector("list", length(top)), top),
	            bottom = lapply(len, vector, mode = "list"))

	for (i in seq_along(formula)) {
		x <- formula[[i]]

		lhs <- x[[2L]]
		if (is.symbol(lhs) && any(m <- deparse(lhs) == nms)) {
			nms. <- nms[m]
			ind. <- ind[[nms[m]]]
		else if (is.call(lhs) &&
		         (identical(lhs[[1L]], quote(`[`)) ||
		          identical(lhs[[1L]], quote(`[[`))) &&
		         is.symbol(lhs[[2L]]) &&
		         any(m <- deparse(lhs[[2L]]) == nms)) {
			nms. <- nms[m]
			ind. <- eval(lhs, ind, environment(x))
			if (anyNA(ind.))
				stop(gettextf("argument of '%s' on left hand side of %s[[%d]] not a valid index vector for '%s' of length %d",
				              deparse(lhs[[1L]]), "formula_priors", i, nms., len[[nms.]]),
				     domain = NA)
		else if (any(m <- deparse(lhs) == top))
			nms. <- top[m]
			stop(gettextf("left hand side of %s[[%d]] does not match any accepted format",
			              "formula_priors", i),
			     domain = NA)

		rhs <- x[[3L]]
		obj <- eval(rhs, environment(x))
		if (!inherits(obj, "egf_prior"))
			stop(gettextf("right hand side of %s[[%d]] does not evaluate to an \"%s\" object",
			              "formula_priors", i, "egf_prior"),
			     domain = NA)
		if (any(nms. == nms)) {
			allowed <- info[["bottom"]][[nms.]][["family"]]
			obj[["parameters"]] <- lapply(obj[["parameters"]], rep_len,
			                              length.out = length(ind.))
			f <-
			function(k) {
				obj[["parameters"]] <- lapply(obj[["parameters"]], `[[`, k)
			ans[["bottom"]][[nms.]][ind.] <- lapply(seq_along(ind.), f)
		else {
			allowed <- info[["top"]][["family"]]
			obj[["parameters"]] <- lapply(obj[["parameters"]], `[[`, 1L)
			ans[["top"]][[nms.]] <- obj
		if (!any(obj[["family"]] == allowed))
			stop(gettextf("priors on '%s' are restricted to families %s",
			              nms., deparse(allowed)),
			     domain = NA)

	l <- ans[["bottom"]][["Sigma"]]
	for (i in seq_along(l)) {
		if (is.null(l[[i]]) ||
		    !any(l[[i]][["family"]] == c("wishart", "invwishart")))
		p <- length(x[[i]][["parameters"]][["scale"]])
		n1 <- p + (p * (p - 1L)) %/% 2L
		n2 <- info[["bottom"]][["Sigma"]][["rows"]][i]
		if (n1 != n2)
			stop(gettextf("prior on %s[[%d]] specifies '%s' having %d rows, but the expected number is %d",
			              "Sigma", i, "scale", n1, n2),
			     domain = NA)


egf_make_frame <-
         formula_ts, formula_windows, formula_parameters,
         data_ts, data_windows,
         subset_ts, subset_windows, select_windows,
         na_action_ts, na_action_windows) {
	## Reused for 'frame_ts' and 'frame_windows'
	make_frame <-
	function(formula, data, subset, na.action, drop.unused.levels) {
		group <- length(attr(terms(formula), "term.labels")) == 1L
		tt <- c(if (group) list(formula[[3L]]), as.list(formula[[2L]])[-1L])
		names <- c(if (!group) "", vapply(tt, deparse, ""))
		tt <- .mapply(call,
		              list(c(if (group) "as.factor", "identity", "identity"),
		call. <- match.call()
		call.[[1L]] <- quote(model.frame)
		call.[["formula"]] <- as.formula(call("~", unsplit_terms(asExpr(tt))),
		                                 env = environment(formula))
		call.[["subset"]] <- subset
		frame <- eval(call., parent.frame())
		if (!group)
			frame <- data.frame(gl(1L, nrow(frame)), frame)
		attr(frame, ".__names__.") <- names
		attr(frame, "terms") <- NULL

	### Construction step ##############################################

	### Time series stuff

	frame_ts <- make_frame(formula = formula_ts,
	                       data = data_ts,
	                       subset = subset_ts,
	                       na.action = na.pass,
	                       drop.unused.levels = TRUE)
	names(frame_ts) <- c("ts", "time", "x")
	frame_ts <- frame_ts[!is.na(frame_ts[["ts"]]), , drop = FALSE]
	if (nrow(frame_ts) == 0L)
		stop(gettextf("data frame constructed from '%s' has zero rows",
		     domain = NA)

	### Fitting window stuff

	frame_windows <- make_frame(formula = formula_windows,
	                            data = data_windows,
	                            subset = subset_windows,
	                            na.action = switch(na_action_windows,
	                                               fail = na.fail,
	                                               omit = na.pass),
	                            drop.unused.levels = TRUE)
	names(frame_windows) <- c("ts", "start", "end")
	if ((N <- nrow(frame_windows)) == 0L)
		stop(gettextf("data frame constructed from '%s' has zero rows",
		     domain = NA)

	### Mixed effects stuff

	## Build model frames
	call. <- call("model.frame",
	              formula = NULL,
	              data = quote(data_windows),
	              subset = subset_windows,
	              na.action = switch(na_action_windows,
	                                 fail = quote(na.fail),
	                                 omit = quote(na.pass)),
	              drop.unused.levels = TRUE)
	frame_parameters <- vector("list", length(formula_parameters))
	names(frame_parameters) <- names(formula_parameters)
	for (i in seq_along(frame_parameters)) {
		call.[["formula"]] <- sub_bar_plus(formula_parameters[[i]])
		frame_parameters[[i]] <- eval(call.)

	## Replace, e.g., model.frame(~1, data), which is an empty data frame
	## with 0 length and 0 rows regardless of 'data', with a data frame with
	## 0 length and the _correct_ number of rows
	len <- lengths(frame_parameters)
	frame_parameters[len == 0L] <- list(data.frame(row.names = seq_len(N)))

	## Test model frames for rowwise correspondence with 'frame_windows'
	if (any(vapply(frame_parameters, nrow, 0L) != N))
		stop(gettextf("data frames constructed from '%s' and '%s' do not have a common number of rows",
		              "formula_windows", "formula_parameters"),
		     domain = NA)

	### Extra stuff

	frame_extra <-
	if (!is.null(select_windows) && is.data.frame(data_windows)) {
		i <- egf_eval_subset(subset_windows, data_windows,
		j <-
			if (identical(select_windows, quote(.)))
				        unlist1(lapply(frame_parameters, names)))
			else egf_eval_select(select_windows, data_windows, baseenv())
		data_windows[i, j]
	else data.frame(row.names = seq_len(N))

	### Validation step ################################################

	### Time series stuff

	nf1 <- as.list(attr(frame_ts, ".__names__."))
	names(nf1) <- names(frame_ts)

	if (inherits(frame_ts[["time"]], c("Date", "POSIXct", "POSIXlt")))
		frame_ts[["time"]] <- julian(frame_ts[["time"]])
	else if (!is.numeric(frame_ts[["time"]]))
		stop(gettextf("'%s' is not a numeric, Date, or POSIXt vector",
		     domain = NA)
	if (!is.numeric(frame_ts[["x"]]))
		stop(gettextf("'%s' is not a numeric vector",
		     domain = NA)

	### Fitting window stuff

	nf2 <- as.list(attr(frame_windows, ".__names__."))
	names(nf2) <- names(frame_windows)
	for (s in c("start", "end"))
		if (inherits(frame_windows[[s]], c("Date", "POSIXct", "POSIXlt")))
			frame_windows[[s]] <- julian(frame_windows[[s]])
		else if (!is.numeric(frame_windows[[s]]))
			stop(gettextf("'%s' is not a numeric, Date, or POSIXt vector",
			     domain = NA)

	### Mixed effects stuff

	bar_lhs_vars <-
	function(formula) {
		l <- split_effects(formula)
		if (length(l) == 1L)
		f <-
		function(x) {
			vars <- attr(terms(as.formula(call("~", x[[2L]]))), "variables")
			vapply(vars, deparse, "")[-1L]
		unique(unlist1(lapply(l[-1L], f)))
	bar_lhs_check <-
	function(data, vars) {
		f <-
			is.double(x) || is.integer(x) || is.logical(x)
		all(vapply(data[vars], f, FALSE))
	vv <- lapply(formula_parameters, bar_lhs_vars)
	ok <- all(unlist1(.mapply(bar_lhs_check,
	                          list(data = frame_parameters, vars = vv),
	if (!ok)
		stop(gettextf("variables on left hand side of '%s' in '%s' must be of type \"%s\", \"%s\", or \"%s\"",
		              "|", "formula_parameters",
		              "double", "integer", "logical"),
		     domain = NA)

	### Subsetting step ################################################

	## Discard fitting windows without observations on all
	## 'formula_windows' and 'formula_parameters' variables
	cc <- do.call(complete.cases,
	              c(list(frame_windows), frame_parameters[len > 0L]))
	if (!all(cc)) {
		frame_windows <- frame_windows[cc, , drop = FALSE]
		frame_parameters <- lapply(frame_parameters, `[`, cc, , drop = FALSE)
		frame_extra <- frame_extra[cc, , drop = FALSE]
		frame_windows[["ts"]] <- droplevels(frame_windows[["ts"]])

	## Discard time series without corresponding fitting windows
	## and fitting windows without corresponding time series
	lts <- intersect(levels(frame_ts[["ts"]]), levels(frame_windows[["ts"]]))
	if (length(lts) == 0L)
		stop(gettextf("found %d fitting windows with corresponding time series data",
		     domain = NA)
	frame_ts[["ts"]] <- factor(frame_ts[["ts"]], levels = lts,
	                           exclude = NULL)
	i1 <- !is.na(frame_ts[["ts"]])
	frame_ts <- frame_ts[i1, , drop = FALSE]
	frame_windows[["ts"]] <- factor(frame_windows[["ts"]], levels = lts,
	                                exclude = NULL)
	i2 <- !is.na(frame_windows[["ts"]])
	frame_windows <- frame_windows[i2, , drop = FALSE]
	frame_parameters <- lapply(frame_parameters, `[`, i2, , drop = FALSE)
	frame_extra <- frame_extra[i2, , drop = FALSE]

	### Another validation step ########################################

	### Time series stuff

	if (!all(is.finite(range(0, frame_ts[["time"]]))))
		stop(gettextf("'%s' is not finite",
		     domain = NA)
	diff_time_check <-
	if (do_day_of_week <- (model[["day_of_week"]] > 0L)) {
		if (is.double(frame_ts[["time"]])) {
			if (!isTRUE(all.equal(frame_ts[["time"]], z <- round(frame_ts[["time"]]))))
				stop(gettextf("'%s' is not integer-valued",
				     domain = NA)
			frame_ts[["time"]] <- z
		function(x) all(range(1, diff(x)) == 1)
	else function(x) min(1, diff(x)) > 0
	if (!all(tapply(frame_ts[["time"]], frame_ts[["ts"]], diff_time_check)))
		stop(switch(1L + 2L * do_day_of_week + nzchar(nf1[["ts"]]),
		            gettextf("'%s' must be increasing",
		            gettextf("'%s' must be increasing in each level of %s",
		                     nf1[["time"]], nf1[["ts"]]),
		            gettextf("'%s' must be increasing with unit spacing",
		            gettextf("'%s' must be increasing with unit spacing in each level of %s",
		                     nf1[["time"]], nf1[["ts"]])),
		     domain = NA)
	if (min(0, frame_ts[["x"]], na.rm = TRUE) < 0)
		stop(gettextf("'%s' is not non-negative",
		     domain = NA)
	if (is.double(frame_ts[["x"]])) {
		is_NaN_or_Inf <- is.nan(frame_ts[["x"]]) | is.infinite(frame_ts[["x"]])
		if (any(is_NaN_or_Inf)) {
			warning(gettextf("replacing %f, %f, and %f in '%s' with %f",
			                 NaN, Inf, -Inf, nf1[["x"]], NA_real_),
			        domain = NA)
			frame_ts[["x"]][is_NaN_or_Inf] <- NA_real_
		if (!isTRUE(all.equal(frame_ts[["x"]], z <- round(frame_ts[["x"]]))))
			warning(gettextf("replacing '%s' with %s(%s)",
			                 nf1[["x"]], "round", nf1[["x"]]),
			        domain = NA)
		frame_ts[["x"]] <- z

	### Mixed effects stuff

	bar_lhs_check_again <-
	function(data, vars) {
		f <-
			is.double(x) && any(is.infinite(x))
		!any(vapply(data[vars], f, FALSE))
	ok <- all(unlist1(.mapply(bar_lhs_check_again,
	                          list(data = frame_parameters, vars = vv),
	if (!ok)
		stop(gettextf("numeric variables on left hand side of '%f' in '%f' contain %f or %f",
		              "|", "formula_parameters", Inf, -Inf),
		     domain = NA)

	### Labeling step ##################################################

	## Order everything by time series and chronologically within time series
	o1 <- order(frame_ts[["ts"]])
	frame_ts <- frame_ts[o1, , drop = FALSE]
	o2 <- do.call(order, unname(frame_windows))
	frame_windows <- frame_windows[o2, , drop = FALSE]
	frame_parameters <- lapply(frame_parameters, `[`, o2, , drop = FALSE)
	frame_extra <- frame_extra[o2, , drop = FALSE]

	## Create enumerated labels for fitting windows as ordered
	N <- nrow(frame_windows)
	lw <- sprintf("window_%0*d", nchar(sprintf("%d", N)), seq_len(N))
	frame_windows[["window"]] <- gl(N, 1L, labels = lw)

	## Create a factor grouping observations by fitting window
	make_window_segment <-
	function(d1, d2) {

		if (!all(d2[["start"]] < d2[["end"]]))
			stop(switch(1L + nzchar(nf1[["ts"]]),
			            gettextf("fitting windows (%s, %s] in time series \"%s\" do not satisfy %s < %s",
			                     nf2[["start"]], nf2[["end"]], d2[["ts"]][1L], nf2[["start"]], nf2[["end"]]),
			            gettextf("fitting windows (%s, %s] do not satisfy %s < %s",
			                     nf2[["start"]], nf2[["end"]],                 nf2[["start"]], nf2[["end"]])),
			     domain = NA)
		if (!all(d2[["start"]][-1L] >= d2[["end"]][-nrow(d2)]))
			stop(switch(1L + nzchar(nf1[["ts"]]),
			            gettextf("fitting windows (%s, %s] in time series \"%s\" are not disjoint",
			                     nf2[["start"]], nf2[["end"]], d2[["ts"]][1L]),
			            gettextf("fitting windows (%s, %s] are not disjoint",
			                     nf2[["start"]], nf2[["end"]]                )),
			     domain = NA)
		f <-
		function(a, b)
			which(d1[["time"]] >= a & d1[["time"]] <= b)[-1L]
		index <- Map(f, a = d2[["start"]], b = d2[["end"]])
		index. <- unlist1(index)
		if (na_action_ts == "fail" && anyNA(d1[["x"]][index.]))
			stop(switch(1L + nzchar(nf1[["ts"]]),
			            gettextf("fitting windows (%s, %s] in time series \"%s\" contain %d in '%s'",
			                     nf2[["start"]], nf2[["end"]], d2[["ts"]][1L], NA, nf1[["x"]]),
			            gettextf("fitting windows (%s, %s] contain %d in '%s'",
			                     nf2[["start"]], nf2[["end"]],                 NA, nf1[["x"]])),
			     domain = NA)
		if (any(vapply(index, function(i) sum(!is.na(d1[["x"]][i])) == 0L, FALSE)))
			stop(switch(1L + nzchar(nf1[["ts"]]),
			            gettextf("fitting windows (%s, %s] in time series \"%s\" contain %d observations of '%s'",
			                     nf2[["start"]], nf2[["end"]], d2[["ts"]][1L], 0L, nf1[["x"]]),
			            gettextf("fitting windows (%s, %s] contain %d observations of '%s'",
			                     nf2[["start"]], nf2[["end"]],                 0L, nf1[["x"]])),
			     domain = NA)
		window <- rep.int(factor(NA, levels = levels(d2[["window"]])), nrow(d1))
		window[index.] <- rep.int(d2[["window"]], lengths(index))
	window_split <- Map(make_window_segment,
	                    d1 = split(frame_ts, frame_ts[["ts"]]),
	                    d2 = split(frame_windows, frame_windows[["ts"]]))
	frame_ts[["window"]] <- unsplit(window_split, frame_ts[["ts"]])

	### Cleaning up ############################################################

	## Ignore edge cases
	frame_ts[["x"]][!duplicated(frame_ts[["ts"]])] <- NA

	## Contract fitting windows to narrowest intervals
	## containing the same set of observations
	first <- which(!(is.na(frame_ts[["window"]]) | duplicated(frame_ts[["window"]]))) - 1L
	last  <- which(!(is.na(frame_ts[["window"]]) | duplicated(frame_ts[["window"]], fromLast = TRUE)))
	frame_windows[["start"]] <- frame_ts[["time"]][first]
	frame_windows[["end"  ]] <- frame_ts[["time"]][last ]

	frame_ts <- frame_ts[c("ts", "window", "time", "x")]
	attr(frame_ts, "first") <- first
	attr(frame_ts, "last" ) <- last
	row.names(frame_ts) <- NULL

	frame_windows <- frame_windows[c("ts", "window", "start", "end")]
	row.names(frame_windows) <- NULL

	for (i in seq_along(frame_parameters)) {
		frame_parameters[[i]] <- droplevels(frame_parameters[[i]])
		attr(frame_parameters[[i]], "terms") <- terms(formula_parameters[[i]])
		row.names(frame_parameters[[i]]) <- NULL

	frame_extra <- droplevels(frame_extra)
	row.names(frame_extra) <- NULL

	list(ts = frame_ts,
	     windows = frame_windows,
	     parameters = frame_parameters,
	     extra = frame_extra)

##' Construct Design Matrices
##' Utilities for constructing the design matrix \code{X} and \code{Z}
##' associated with a fixed effects model formula \code{~tt} or random
##' effects term \code{(tt | g)}, respectively.
##' @param fixed
##'   a fixed effects formula \code{~tt}.
##' @param random
##'   a random effects term \code{(tt | g)},
##'   namely a call to binary operator \code{|}.
##' @param data
##'   a \link[=model.frame]{model frame} listing the variables
##'   used in \code{fixed} or \code{random}.
##' @param sparse
##'   a logical.  If \code{TRUE}, then the design matrix is
##'   represented as a \link[Matrix:dgCMatrix-class]{dgCMatrix}.
##' @return
##' A matrix with attributes:
##' \item{assign}{see \code{\link{model.matrix}}.
##'   Indexes \code{\link{labels}(\link{terms}(~tt))}
##'   for the expression \code{tt} in \code{fixed = ~tt}
##'   or \code{random = (tt | g)}.}
##' \item{contrasts}{see \code{\link{model.matrix}}.
##'   Absent if the expression \code{tt} in \code{fixed = ~tt}
##'   or \code{random = (tt | g)} does not contain terms
##'   evaluating to character vectors or factors.}
##' \item{level}{(\code{egf_make_Z} only:)
##'   a factor of length \code{ncol(Z)} with levels \code{levels(g)},
##'   useful for splitting the columns of \code{Z} by group level.}
##' @details
##' \code{egf_make_X(fixed, data, sparse)}
##' constructs an \code{X} matrix by evaluating
##' \code{\link{model.matrix}(fixed, data)} or
##' \code{\link[Matrix]{sparse.model.matrix}(fixed, data)}
##' (depending on \code{sparse})
##' and deleting from the result columns containing only zeros.
##' \code{egf_make_Z(x, data)} constructs a \code{Z} matrix
##' following the steps outlined in \code{\link{vignette}("lmer", "lme4")}.
##' It uses \code{egf_make_X} to construct the so-called raw model matrix
##' from \code{random[[2L]]}.
##' The result is always sparse.

egf_make_X <-
function(fixed, data, sparse) {
	mm <- if (sparse) sparse.model.matrix else model.matrix
	X <- mm(fixed, data = data)
	if (!all(j <- colSums(X != 0) > 0)) {
		assign <- attr(X, "assign")
		contrasts <- attr(X, "contrasts")
		X <- X[, j, drop = FALSE]
		attr(X, "assign") <- assign[j]
		attr(X, "contrasts") <- contrasts

egf_make_Z <-
function(random, data) {
	X <- egf_make_X(as.formula(call("~", random[[2L]])), data = data, sparse = FALSE)
	ng <- vapply(split_interaction(random[[3L]]), deparse, "")
	g <- interaction(data[ng], drop = TRUE, sep = ":", lex.order = FALSE)
	Z <- t(fastKhatriRao(g, t(X)))
	## For consistency, we desire 'model.matrix'-style names for group levels
	G <- model.matrix(as.formula(call("~", call("+", 0, random[[3L]]))), data = data)
	if (!all(j <- colSums(G != 0) > 0))
		G <- G[, j, drop = FALSE]
	dimnames(Z) <- list(as.character(seq_len(nrow(Z))),
	                    sprintf("(%s | %s)",
	                            rep(colnames(X), times = ncol(G)),
	                            rep(colnames(G), each = ncol(X))))
	attr(Z, "assign") <- rep(attr(X, "assign"), times = ncol(G))
	attr(Z, "contrasts") <- attr(X, "contrasts")
	attr(Z, "level") <- gl(ncol(G), ncol(X), labels = levels(g))

egf_make_A <-
function(object, top, subset) {

	ftop <- factor(fixef(object)[["top"]], levels = top)

	par <- coef(object)
	len <- attr(par, "len")
	map <- attr(par, "map")

	Y <- object[["tmb_out"]][["env"]][["data"]][["Y"]]
	Y <- as.vector(Y[subset, top, drop = FALSE])

	X <- model.matrix(object, "fixed")
	X <- as(X[subset, , drop = FALSE], "CsparseMatrix")

	A <- fastKhatriRao(ftop, X)

	if (!is.null(map[["beta"]])) {
	fmap <- as.factor(map[["beta"]])
	if (!anyNA(fmap))
		A <- A %*% fastFactorAsSparse(fmap, 1L)
	else {
		par. <- coef(object, full = TRUE)
		beta <- par.[labels(par.) == "beta"]
		k <- is.na(fmap)
		Y <- Y + as.vector(tcrossprod(X[, k, drop = FALSE],
		                              fastKhatriRao(ftop[k], t(beta[k]))))
		A <- A[, !k, drop = FALSE] %*% fastFactorAsSparse(fmap[!k], 1L)

	if (min(rowSums(A != 0)) == 0)
		stop("found population fitted value not depending on any fixed effects coefficient")

	m <- nrow(A)
	n <- len[["theta"]]
	cbind(Y, A, new("dgCMatrix", Dim = c(m, n), p = integer(n + 1L)),
	      deparse.level = 0L)

##' Combine Design Matrices
##' Utilities for combining parameter-specific fixed effects design matrices
##' \code{X} and term-specific random effects design matrices \code{Z}.
##' @param fixed
##'   a named list of fixed effects formulae \code{~tt}.
##'   \code{names(fixed)} must indicate corresponding top level
##'   nonlinear model parameters.
##' @param X
##'   a list of \code{X} matrices obtained by applying
##'   \code{egf_make_X} to the elements of \code{fixed}.
##' @param random
##'   a named list of random effects terms \code{(tt | g)},
##'   namely calls to binary operator \code{|}.
##'   \code{names(random)} must indicate corresponding top level
##'   nonlinear model parameters.
##' @param Z
##'   a list of \code{Z} matrices obtained by applying
##'   \code{egf_make_Z} to the elements of \code{random}.
##' @return
##' \code{egf_combine_X} returns a list with elements:
##' \item{X}{
##'   the result of combining (in the sense of \code{cbind})
##'   the supplied design matrices.}
##' \item{coefficients}{
##'   a data frame with one row per column of the combined
##'   design matrix, storing details about the corresponding
##'   linear coefficients.}
##' \code{egf_combine_Z} returns a similar list, with \code{Z}
##' replacing \code{X}.  However, the columns of \code{Z} and
##' rows of \code{coefficients} are permuted so that they are ordered
##' by relation to a common random effects term \code{(tt | g)}
##' (order of terms is by appearance in \code{random}), then
##' by relation to a common level of grouping variable \code{g}
##' (order of levels of interactions is reverse lexicographic), then
##' by top level nonlinear model parameter
##' (order of parameters is by appearance in \code{names(random)}).
##' Element \code{coefficients} stores the following details about
##' coefficients:
##' \item{cov}{(\code{egf_combine_Z} only:)
##'   name of a covariance matrix, in the format \code{"Sigma[\%d]"}.
##'   This is the interaction of \code{term} and \code{group}.}
##' \item{vec}{(\code{egf_combine_Z} only:)
##'   name of a random vector, in the format \code{"u[\%d]"}.
##'   This is the interaction of \code{term}, \code{group}, and \code{level}.}
##' \item{bottom}{
##'   name of a bottom level mixed effects model parameter,
##'   in the format \code{"beta[\%d]"} or \code{"b[\%d]"}.}
##' \item{top}{
##'   name of the top level nonlinear model parameter whose fitted value
##'   is a function of \code{bottom}.}
##' \item{term}{
##'   deparsed term from \code{tt}, or \code{"(Intercept)"}.}
##' \item{group}{
##'   (\code{egf_combine_Z} only:)
##'   deparsed expression \code{g}.}
##' \item{level}{(\code{egf_combine_Z} only.)
##'   level of factor or interaction indicated by \code{group}.}
##' \item{colname}{
##'   column name in design matrix.}

egf_combine_X <-
function(fixed, X) {
	stopifnot(length(fixed) == length(X))

	nc <- vapply(X, ncol, 0L)
	assign <- lapply(X, attr, "assign")

	get_term_labels <-
	function(formula, assign)
		c("(Intercept)", labels(terms(formula)))[1L + assign]

	bottom <- disambiguate(rep.int("beta", sum(nc)))
	top <- rep.int(gl(length(fixed), 1L, labels = names(fixed)), nc)
	term <- Map(get_term_labels, formula = fixed, assign = assign)
	term <- factor(unlist1(term))

	X <- do.call(cbind, X)
	coefficients <- data.frame(bottom, top, term, colname = colnames(X),
	                           row.names = NULL, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
	list(X = X, coefficients = coefficients)

egf_combine_Z <-
function(random, Z) {
	stopifnot(length(random) == length(Z))
	if (length(random) == 0L)

	random_formula <-
		lapply(random, function(x) as.formula(call("~", x[[2L]])))
	random_group <-
		lapply(random, `[[`, 3L)

	nc <- vapply(Z, ncol, 0L)
	assign <- lapply(Z, attr, "assign")
	level <- lapply(Z, attr, "level")

	get_term_labels <-
	function(formula, assign)
		c("(Intercept)", labels(terms(formula)))[1L + assign]

	bottom <- disambiguate(rep.int("b", sum(nc)))
	top <- factor(rep.int(names(random), nc), levels = unique(names(random)))
	term <- Map(get_term_labels, formula = random_formula, assign = assign)
	term <- factor(unlist1(term))
	group <- factor(rep.int(vapply(random_group, deparse, ""), nc))
	level <- unlist1(level)
	cov <- interaction(term, group, drop = TRUE, lex.order = TRUE)
	levels(cov) <- disambiguate(rep.int("Sigma", nlevels(cov)))
	vec <- interaction(term, group, level, drop = TRUE, lex.order = TRUE)
	levels(vec) <- disambiguate(rep.int("u", nlevels(vec)))

	Z <- do.call(cbind, Z)
	coefficients <- data.frame(cov, vec, bottom, top, term, group, level,
	                           colname = colnames(Z),
	                           row.names = NULL, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

	o <- do.call(order, unname(coefficients[c("cov", "vec", "top")]))
	Z <- Z[, o, drop = FALSE]
	coefficients[-3L] <- coefficients[o, -3L, drop = FALSE]
	list(Z = Z, coefficients = coefficients)
davidearn/epigrowthfit documentation built on Feb. 22, 2025, 12:44 p.m.