
#' A fixed-point iteration of the EM algorithm.
#' This is a fixed-point iteration for the SUCCOTASH EM
#' algorithm. This updates the estimte of the prior and the estimate
#' of the hidden covariates.
#' @param pi_Z A vector. The first \code{M} values are the current
#'     values of \eqn{\pi}. The last \code{k} values are the current
#'     values of \eqn{Z}.
#' @inheritParams succotash_em
#' @inheritParams succotash_given_alpha
#' @return \code{pi_Z_new} A vector of numerics. The first M of which
#'     are the new pi values and the last k of which are the new Z
#'     values (if \code{var_scale = FALSE}). If \code{var_scale =
#'     TRUE} then the last element is actually the new variance
#'     inflation parameter.
succotash_fixed <- function(pi_Z, lambda, alpha, Y, tau_seq, sig_diag,
                            plot_new_ests = FALSE, var_scale = TRUE) {
    M <- length(tau_seq)
    p <- nrow(Y)
    k <- length(pi_Z) - M - var_scale ## var_scale is 0 if FALSE, 1 if TRUE
    pi_old <- pi_Z[1:M]
    if (k != 0) {
        Z_old <- matrix(pi_Z[(M + 1):(M + k)], nrow = k)

    if (var_scale) {
        scale_val <- pi_Z[M + k + 1] ## the amount to scale the variance by
        var_mat <- outer(scale_val * sig_diag, tau_seq ^ 2, "+")
    } else {
        var_mat <- outer(sig_diag, tau_seq ^ 2, "+")

    if (!is.null(alpha)) {
        mean_mat <- matrix(rep(alpha %*% Z_old, M), ncol = M, nrow = p)
    } else {
        mean_mat <- matrix(0, ncol = M, nrow = p)
    top_vals <- t(pi_old * t(stats::dnorm(matrix(rep(Y, M), ncol = M, nrow = p), mean = mean_mat,
                                   sd = sqrt(var_mat))))
    T <- t(1 / rowSums(top_vals) * top_vals)

    Theta_diag <- colSums( (T / t(var_mat)) / 2)

    T_sum <- rowSums(T)
    pi_new <- (T_sum + lambda - 1) / (p - M + sum(lambda))

    if (!var_scale) {
        if (!is.null(alpha)) {
            Z_new <- solve(t(alpha) %*% (Theta_diag * alpha)) %*% t(Theta_diag * alpha) %*% Y
        } else if (k != 0) {
            Z_new <- rep(NA, length = k)
        } else {
            Z_new <- NULL
    } else {
        ## run a block coordinate ascent algorithm

        ## initialize parameters
        scale_val_new <- scale_val
        Z_new <- solve(t(alpha) %*% (Theta_diag * alpha)) %*% t(Theta_diag * alpha) %*% Y

        scale_tol <- 10 ^ -2
        scale_diff <- scale_tol + 1
        newt_index <- 1
        while (newt_index < 10 & scale_diff > scale_tol) {
            scale_val_old <- scale_val_new
            ## update Z
            var_mat <- outer(scale_val_new * sig_diag, tau_seq ^ 2, "+")
            Theta_diag <- colSums( (T / t(var_mat)) / 2)
            Z_new <- solve(t(alpha) %*% (Theta_diag * alpha)) %*% t(Theta_diag * alpha) %*% Y
            resid_vec <- Y - alpha %*% Z_new

            ## ## update scale_val with one Newton step
            ## grad_scale <- sum(t(c(resid_vec ^ 2 * sig_diag / 2) * t(T)) / t(var_mat ^ 2) -
            ##                   t(c(sig_diag / 2) * t(T)) / t(var_mat))
            ## hess_scale <- -1 * sum(t(c(resid_vec ^ 2 * sig_diag ^ 2) * t(T)) / t(var_mat ^ 3) -
            ##                        t(c(sig_diag ^ 2 / 2) * t(T)) / t(var_mat ^ 2))
            ## scale_val_new <- scale_val_new - grad_scale / hess_scale

            ## Update scale with Brent's method
            oout <- stats::optim(par = scale_val_new, fn = fun_scale, T = T,
                                 resid_vec = c(resid_vec), tau_seq = tau_seq,
                                 sig_diag = sig_diag,
                                 method = "Brent", lower = 0, upper = 10,
                                 control = list(fnscale = -1, maxit = 10))
            scale_val_new <- oout$par

            ## ## Update scale using a grid
            ## scale_vec <- seq(0.1, 5, length = 50)
            ## obj_vec <- rep(NA, length = length(scale_vec))
            ## for (scale_index in 1:length(scale_vec)) {
            ##     obj_vec[scale_index] <- fun_scale(scale_val = scale_vec[scale_index], T = T,
            ##                                       resid_vec = c(resid_vec),
            ##                                       tau_seq = tau_seq, sig_diag = sig_diag)
            ## }
            ## scale_val_new <- scale_vec[which.max(obj_vec)]

            scale_diff <- abs(scale_val_old / scale_val_new - 1)
            newt_index <- newt_index + 1

    if (plot_new_ests) {
        graphics::plot(tau_seq, pi_new, type = "h",
                       xlab = expression(tau[k]),
                       ylab = expression(pi[k]))

    if (!var_scale) {
        pi_Z_new <- c(pi_new, Z_new)
    } else {
        ## cat(scale_val_new, "\n")
        pi_Z_new <- c(pi_new, Z_new, scale_val_new)


#' Objective function in intermediate step of EM algorithm when
#' updating scale.
#' @param scale_val A positive numeric. The multiplicative factor to
#'     sig_diag.
#' @param T a matrix of numerics. K by p
#' @param resid_vec A p-vector of numerics. The current residuals.
#' @param tau_seq An K-vector of positive numerics. The mixing
#'     standard deviations, not variances.
#' @param sig_diag A p-vector of positive numerics. The estimated
#'     variances, not standard deviations.
fun_scale <- function(scale_val, T, resid_vec, tau_seq, sig_diag) {
    var_mat <- outer(scale_val * sig_diag, tau_seq ^ 2, "+")
    upper_vals <- t( (resid_vec ^ 2) * t(T))
    final_val <- -1 * (sum(upper_vals / t(var_mat)) / 2 + sum(T * log(t(var_mat))) / 2)

#' The SUCCOTASH log-likelihood.
#' \code{succotash_llike} returns the SUCCOTASH log-likelihood. Returning the
#' regularized log-likelihood is currently not implemented.
#' @inheritParams succotash_fixed
#' @export
#' @return \code{llike_new} A numeric. The value of the SUCCOTASH
#'   log-likelihood.
succotash_llike <- function(pi_Z, lambda, alpha, Y, tau_seq, sig_diag, plot_new_ests = FALSE,
                            var_scale = TRUE) {
    M <- length(tau_seq)
    p <- nrow(Y)
    k <- length(pi_Z) - M - var_scale
    pi_current <- pi_Z[1:M]
    if (k != 0) {
        Z_current <- matrix(pi_Z[(M + 1):(M + k)], nrow = k)

    if (var_scale) {
        scale_val <- pi_Z[M + k + 1] ## the amount to scale the variance by
    } else {
        scale_val <- 1

    if (!is.null(alpha)) {
        mean_mat <- matrix(rep(alpha %*% Z_current, M), ncol = M, nrow = p)
    } else {
        mean_mat <- matrix(0, ncol = M, nrow = p)

    var_mat <- outer(scale_val * sig_diag, tau_seq ^ 2, "+")

    top_vals <- t(pi_current * t(stats::dnorm(matrix(rep(Y, M), ncol = M, nrow = p),
                                              mean = mean_mat,
                                              sd = sqrt(var_mat))))

    ## which_lambda <- lambda == 1
    ## if (sum(which_lambda) > 0) {
    ##     prior_weight <- sum(log(pi_current[which_lambda]) *
    ##                         lambda[which_lambda])
    ## } else {
    ##     prior_weight <- 0
    ## }

    llike_new <- sum(log(rowSums(top_vals)))
    ## + prior_weight

#' An EM algorithm for maximizing the SUCCOTASH log-likelihood.
#' Let \eqn{Y} (\eqn{p} by \eqn{1}) be multivariate normal with mean
#' \eqn{\beta + \alpha Z} and diagonal covariance \eqn{\Sigma}, where
#' \eqn{\alpha} and \eqn{\Sigma} are both known. If \eqn{\beta} is
#' assumed to be a mixture of normals with known variances and unknown
#' mixing proportions \eqn{\pi} (\eqn{p} by \eqn{1}), then this
#' function will maximize the marginal likelihood over \eqn{Z} and
#' \eqn{\pi}.
#' This function uses the \code{SQUAREM} package with fixed point
#' iteration \code{succotash_fixed} to run the EM. There can be a lot
#' of local modes, so this function should be run at many starting
#' locations.
#' @param pi_init A vector of length \code{M} containing the starting
#'     values of \eqn{\pi}. If \code{NULL}, then one of three options
#'     are implemented in calculating \code{pi_init} based on the
#'     value of \code{pi_init_type}.
#' @param Z_init A \code{k} by \code{1} matrix. These are the initial
#'     values of the unobserved covariates. If its value is
#'     \code{NULL}, then each element of \code{Z_init} will be drawn
#'     from a mean zero normal with standard deviation
#'     \code{z_start_sd}.
#' @param itermax An integer. The maximum number of fixed-point
#'     iterations to run the EM algorithm.
#' @param tol A numeric. The stopping criterion is the absolute
#'     difference of the ratio of subsequent iterations'
#'     log-likelihoods from 1.
#' @param z_start_sd A positive numeric. If \code{Z_init} is
#'     \code{NULL}, then the starting values for \eqn{Z} are drawn
#'     from a mean zero normal with standard devation
#'     \code{z_start_sd}.
#' @param print_note Should we print that we're doing an EM?
#' @param pi_init_type How should we choose the initial values of
#'     \eqn{\pi}.  Possible values of \code{"random"},
#'     \code{"uniform"}, and \code{"zero_conc"}. If \code{"random"}
#'     then the initial values of \eqn{\pi} are drawn uniformly over
#'     the probability simplex. If \code{"uniform"}, then each element
#'     of \code{pi_init} is given mass \code{1 / M}. If
#'     \code{"zero_conc"} then the last \code{M - 1} elements of
#'     \code{pi_init} are given mass \code{1 / p} and
#'     \code{pi_init[1]} is given mass \code{1 - sum(pi_init[2:M])}.
#' @inheritParams succotash_given_alpha
#' @export
#' @return \code{pi_vals} A vector of length \code{M}. The estimates
#'     of the mixing proportions.
#'   \code{Z} A matrix of dimension \code{k} by \code{1}. The
#'   estimates of the confounder covariates.
#'   \code{llike} A numeric. The final value of the SUCCOTASH
#'   log-likelihood.
#'   \code{tau_seq} A vector of length \code{M}. The standard
#'   deviations (not variances) of the mixing distribution.
succotash_em <- function(Y, alpha, sig_diag, tau_seq = NULL, pi_init = NULL, lambda = NULL,
                         Z_init = NULL, itermax = 1500, tol = 10 ^ -6, z_start_sd = 1,
                         print_note = FALSE, pi_init_type = c("random", "uniform", "zero_conc"),
                         lambda_type = c("zero_conc", "ones"),
                         lambda0 = 10, plot_new_ests = FALSE, var_scale = TRUE,
                         optmethod = c("coord", "em"),
                         z_init_type = c("null_mle", "random"),
                         var_scale_init_type = c("null_mle", "one", "random")) {

    optmethod           <- match.arg(optmethod)
    pi_init_type        <- match.arg(pi_init_type)
    lambda_type         <- match.arg(lambda_type)
    z_init_type         <- match.arg(z_init_type)
    var_scale_init_type <- match.arg(var_scale_init_type)

    if (print_note) {
        cat("Working on EM.\n")
    p <- nrow(Y)
    if (!is.null(alpha)) {
        k <- ncol(alpha)
    } else {
        k <- 0

    if (is.null(tau_seq)) {
        ## default grid to be same as in ASH
        tau_min <- min(sig_diag) / 10
        tau_max <- 2 * sqrt(max(Y ^ 2 - sig_diag))
        if (tau_max < 0) {
            tau_max <- 8 * tau_min
        tau_current <- tau_min
        tau_seq <- c(0, tau_current)
        mult_fact <- sqrt(2)
        while (tau_current <= tau_max) {
            tau_current <- tau_current * mult_fact
            tau_seq <- c(tau_seq, tau_current)

    M <- length(tau_seq)  # number of classes in mixture, = K+1 in paper

    if (is.null(pi_init) | length(pi_init) != M) {
        if (pi_init_type == "random") {
            ## random start points
            pi_init <- rep(NA, length = M)
            temp <- abs(stats::rnorm(M))
            pi_init[1:M] <- temp / sum(temp)
        } else if (pi_init_type == "uniform") {
            ## uniform mass
            pi_init[1:M] <- 1 / M
        } else if (pi_init_type == "zero_conc") {
            ## most mass at 0
            pi_init[2:M] <- min(1 / p, 1 / M)
            pi_init[1] <- 1 - sum(pi_init[2:M])
        } else {
            warning("pi_init_type is bad")

    if (is.null(lambda) | length(lambda) != M) {
        if (lambda_type == "zero_conc") {
            ## use same values as in ASH
            lambda <- rep(NA, length = M)
            lambda[1] <- lambda0
            lambda[2:M] <- 1
        } else if (lambda_type == "ones") {
            lambda <- rep(1, length = M)
        } else {
            warning("lambda not specified correctly")

    if (is.null(alpha)) {
        ## do nothing
    } else if (is.null(Z_init)) {
        if (z_init_type == "null_mle") {
            Z_init <- solve(t(alpha) %*% diag(1 / sig_diag) %*% alpha) %*% t(alpha) %*%
                diag(1 / sig_diag) %*% Y
        } else if (z_init_type == "random") {
            Z_init <- matrix(stats::rnorm(k, sd = z_start_sd), nrow = k)
    } else if (length(Z_init) != k) {
        message("Z_init of the wrong length, using default initializations")
        if (z_init_type == "null_mle") {
            Z_init <- solve(t(alpha) %*% diag(1 / sig_diag) %*% alpha) %*% t(alpha) %*%
                diag(1 / sig_diag) %*% Y
        } else if (z_init_type == "random") {
            Z_init <- matrix(stats::rnorm(k, sd = z_start_sd), nrow = k)

    if (var_scale) {
        if (var_scale_init_type == "null_mle") {
            resid_mat <- Y - alpha %*% Z_init
            scale_val_init <- mean(resid_mat ^ 2 / sig_diag)
        } else if (var_scale_init_type == "one") {
            scale_val_init <- 1
        } else if (var_scale_init_type == "random") {
            scale_val_init <- stats::rchisq(n = 1, df = 1)

    if (!var_scale) {
        pi_Z <- c(pi_init, Z_init)
    } else {
        pi_Z <- c(pi_init, Z_init, scale_val_init)

    if (optmethod == "em") {
        sq_out <- SQUAREM::fpiter(par = pi_Z, lambda = lambda,
                                  alpha = alpha, Y = Y, tau_seq = tau_seq,
                                  sig_diag = sig_diag,
                                  plot_new_ests = plot_new_ests,
                                  var_scale = var_scale,
                                  fixptfn = succotash_fixed,
                                  objfn = succotash_llike,
                                  control = list(maxiter = itermax, tol = tol))
        ## from the SQUAREM package
        pi_Z_new <- sq_out$par
    } else if (optmethod == "coord") {
        coord_out <- normal_coord(pi_Z = pi_Z, lambda = lambda,
                                  alpha = alpha, Y = Y,
                                  tau_seq = tau_seq,
                                  sig_diag = sig_diag,
                                  plot_new_ests = plot_new_ests,
                                  var_scale = var_scale,
                                  itermax = itermax, tol = tol)
        pi_Z_new <- coord_out$pi_Z

    llike <- succotash_llike(pi_Z = pi_Z_new, lambda = lambda, alpha = alpha, Y = Y,
                             tau_seq = tau_seq, sig_diag = sig_diag, var_scale = var_scale)

    pi_vals <- pi_Z_new[1:M]
    if (k != 0) {
        Z <- matrix(pi_Z_new[(M + 1):(M + k)], nrow = k)
    } else {
        Z <- NULL

    if (var_scale) {
        scale_val <- pi_Z_new[length(pi_Z_new)]
    } else {
        scale_val <- 1

    return(list(pi_vals = pi_vals, Z = Z, llike = llike, tau_seq = tau_seq,
                scale_val = scale_val))

#' Maximize the SUCCOTASH log-likelihood and return posterior
#' summaries.
#' This function runs \code{\link{succotash_em}} repetitively, keeping
#' the highest local mode. It then returns posterior summaries.
#' Let \eqn{Y} (\eqn{p} by \eqn{1}) be multivariate normal with mean
#' \eqn{\beta + \alpha Z} and diagonal covariance \eqn{\Sigma}, where
#' \eqn{\alpha} and \eqn{\Sigma} are both known. If \eqn{\beta} is
#' assumed to be a mixture of normals with known variances and unknown
#' mixing proportions \eqn{\pi} (\eqn{p} by \eqn{1}), then this
#' function will maximize the likelihood over \eqn{Z} and
#' \eqn{\pi}. It does this by running the EM algorithm implemented in
#' \code{\link{succotash_em}} many times at different starting points.
#' The defaults are to run the first EM algorithm using the
#' \code{"zero_conc"} option for \code{pi_init_type}, then use the
#' \code{"random"} option for every other EM run.
#' @param Y A matrix of dimension \code{p} by \code{1}. These are the
#'     observed regression coefficients of the observed variables.
#' @param alpha A matrix. This is of dimension \code{p} by \code{k}
#'     and are the coefficients to the confounding variables.
#' @param sig_diag A vector of length \code{p} containing the
#'     variances of the observations.
#' @param num_em_runs How many times should we run the EM algorithm?
#' @param print_steps A logical. Should we write the updates after
#'     each EM algorithm?
#' @param tau_seq A vector of length \code{M} containing the standard
#'     deviations (not variances) of the mixing distributions.
#' @param em_pi_init A vector of length \code{M} containing the
#'     starting values of \eqn{\pi}. If \code{NULL}, then one of three
#'     options are implemented in calculating \code{pi_init} based on
#'     the value of \code{pi_init_type}.
#' @param lambda A vector. This is a length \code{M} vector with the
#'     regularization parameters for the mixing proportions. If
#'     \code{NULL} then refer to \code{lambda_type}.
#' @param em_Z_init A \code{k} by \code{1} matrix. These are the
#'     initial values of the unobserved covariates. If its value is
#'     \code{NULL}, then each element of \code{Z_init} will be drawn
#'     from a mean zero normal with standard deviation
#'     \code{z_start_sd}.
#' @param em_itermax An integer. The maximum number of fixed-point
#'     iterations to run the EM algorithm.
#' @param em_tol A numeric. The stopping criterion is the absolute
#'     difference of the ratio of subsequent iterations'
#'     log-likelihoods from 1.
#' @param em_z_start_sd A positive numeric. If \code{Z_init} is
#'     \code{NULL}, then the starting values for \eqn{Z} are drawn
#'     from a mean zero normal with standard devation
#'     \code{z_start_sd}.
#' @param lambda_type If \code{lambda} is \code{NULL}, then how should
#'     we choose the regularization parameters. Two options are
#'     available. If \code{lambda_type} is \code{"zero_conc"}, then
#'     \code{lambda[1] = 10} and \code{lambda[2:M] = 1}. If
#'     \code{lambda_type} is \code{"ones"} then \code{lambda = 1}.
#' @param lambda0 If \code{lambda_type = "zero_conc"}, then
#'     \code{lambda0} is the amount to penalize \code{pi0}.
#' @param plot_new_ests A logical. Should we plot the new estimates of
#'     pi?
#' @param var_scale A logical. Should we update the scaling on the
#'     variances (\code{TRUE}) or not (\code{FALSE}).
#' @param optmethod Should we use coordinate ascent (\code{optmethod =
#'     "coord"}) or an EM algorithm (\code{optmethod = "em"}).
#' @inheritParams succotash
#' @return \code{Z} A matrix of dimension \code{k} by \code{1}. The
#'     estimates of the confounder covariates.
#'   \code{pi_vals} A vector of length \code{M}. The estimates of the
#'   mixing proportions.
#'   \code{tau_seq} A vector of length \code{M}. The standard
#'   deviations (not variances) of the mixing distribution.
#'   \code{lfdr} (local false discovery rate) A vector of length
#'   \code{p}. The posterior probability that \eqn{\beta_j = 0}.
#'   \code{lfsr} (local false sign rate) A vector of length
#'   \code{p}. The posterior probability of making a sign error.
#'   \code{qvals} A vector of length \code{p}. The q-values.
#'   \code{betahat} A vector of length \code{p}. The posterior
#'   estimates of \eqn{\beta}.
#'   \code{llike} The log-likelihood of the maximum likelihood
#'   estimator.
#'   \code{null_llike} The log-likelihood of the maximum likelihood
#'   estimator where the unimodal density is a point mass at 0.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{succotash_em}},
#'     \code{\link{succotash_summaries}}.
succotash_given_alpha <- function(Y, alpha, sig_diag, num_em_runs = 2, print_steps = FALSE,
                                  tau_seq = NULL, em_pi_init = NULL, lambda = NULL,
                                  em_Z_init = NULL, em_itermax = 500, em_tol = 10 ^ -6,
                                  em_z_start_sd = 1,
                                  lambda_type = c("zero_conc", "ones"), lambda0 = 10,
                                  plot_new_ests = FALSE,
                                  var_scale = TRUE, optmethod = c("coord", "em"),
                                  z_init_type = c("null_mle", "random"),
                                  var_scale_init_type = c("null_mle", "one", "random")) {

    optmethod           <- match.arg(optmethod)
    lambda_type         <- match.arg(lambda_type)
    z_init_type         <- match.arg(z_init_type)
    var_scale_init_type <- match.arg(var_scale_init_type)

    ## @param em_pi_init_type How should we choose the initial values of
    ## \eqn{\pi}.  Possible values of \code{"random"},
    ## \code{"uniform"}, and \code{"zero_conc"}. If \code{"random"}
    ## then the initial values of \eqn{\pi} are drawn uniformly over
    ## the probability simplex. If \code{"uniform"}, then each element
    ## of \code{pi_init} is given mass \code{1 / M}. If
    ## \code{"zero_conc"} then the last \code{M - 1} elements of
    ## \code{pi_init} are given mass \code{1 / p} and
    ## \code{pi_init[1]} is given mass \code{1 - sum(pi_init[2:M])}.

    em_out <- succotash_em(Y = Y, alpha = alpha, sig_diag = sig_diag,
                           tau_seq = tau_seq, pi_init = em_pi_init,
                           lambda = lambda, Z_init = em_Z_init,
                           itermax = em_itermax, tol = em_tol,
                           z_start_sd = em_z_start_sd,
                           pi_init_type = "zero_conc",
                           lambda_type = lambda_type,
                           lambda0 = lambda0,
                           plot_new_ests = plot_new_ests,
                           var_scale = var_scale,
                           optmethod = optmethod,
                           z_init_type = z_init_type,
                           var_scale_init_type = var_scale_init_type)

    if (num_em_runs > 1) {
        for (index in 2:num_em_runs) {
            em_new <- succotash_em(Y = Y, alpha = alpha,
                                   sig_diag = sig_diag, tau_seq = tau_seq,
                                   pi_init = em_pi_init, lambda = lambda,
                                   Z_init = em_Z_init,
                                   itermax = em_itermax, tol = em_tol,
                                   z_start_sd = em_z_start_sd,
                                   pi_init_type = "random",
                                   lambda_type = lambda_type,
                                   lambda0 = lambda0,
                                   plot_new_ests = plot_new_ests,
                                   var_scale = var_scale,
                                   optmethod = optmethod,
                                   z_init_type = z_init_type,
                                   var_scale_init_type = var_scale_init_type)
            pi_diff <- sum(abs(em_new$pi_vals - em_out$pi_vals))
            z_diff <- sum(abs(em_new$Z - em_out$Z))
            if (em_out$llike < em_new$llike) {
                em_out <- em_new
            if (print_steps) {
                cat("   Rep:", index, "\n")
                cat(" lbest:", em_out$llike, "\n")
                cat(" llike:", em_new$llike, "\n")
                cat("pidiff:", pi_diff, "\n")
                cat(" zdiff:", z_diff, "\n\n")

    ## log-likelihood under all null setting
    Zhat_null <- solve(t(alpha) %*% diag(1 / sig_diag) %*% alpha) %*%
        t(alpha) %*% diag(1 / sig_diag) %*% Y
    if (var_scale) {
        resid_mat <- Y - alpha %*% Zhat_null
        scale_val_null <- mean(resid_mat ^ 2 / sig_diag)
    } else {
        scale_val_null <- 1
    null_llike <- succotash_llike(pi_Z = c(1, Zhat_null, scale_val_null),
                                  lambda = 1, alpha = alpha, Y = Y,
                                  tau_seq = 0, sig_diag = sig_diag,
                                  var_scale = TRUE)

    ## summaries to return
    sum_out <- succotash_summaries(Y = Y, Z = em_out$Z, pi_vals = em_out$pi_vals,
                                   alpha = alpha, sig_diag = sig_diag, tau_seq = em_out$tau_seq,
                                   scale_val = em_out$scale_val)
    q_vals <- lfdr_to_q(lfdr = sum_out$lfdr)

    pi0 <- em_out$pi_vals[1]

    return(list(Z = em_out$Z, pi_vals = em_out$pi_vals, tau_seq = em_out$tau_seq,
                lfdr = sum_out$lfdr, lfsr = sum_out$lfsr, qvals = q_vals,
                betahat = sum_out$beta_hat, pi0 = pi0, scale_val = em_out$scale_val,
                llike = em_out$llike, null_llike = null_llike))

#' Surrogate and Confounder Correction Occuring Together with Adaptive
#' SHrinkage.
#' This function implements the full SUCCOTASH method. First, it
#' rotates the response and explanatory variables into a part that we
#' use to estimate the confounding variables and the variances, and a
#' part that we use to estimate the coefficients of the observed
#' covariates. This function will implement a factor analysis for the
#' first part then run \code{\link{succotash_given_alpha}} for the
#' second part.
#' The assumed mode is \deqn{Y = X\beta + Z\alpha + E.} \eqn{Y} is a
#' \eqn{n} by \code{p} matrix of response varaibles. For example, each
#' row might be an array of log-transformed and quantile normalized
#' gene-expression data.  \eqn{X} is a \eqn{n} by \eqn{q} matrix of
#' observed covariates. It is assumed that all but the last column of
#' which contains nuisance parameters. For example, the first column
#' might be a vector of ones to include an intercept.  \eqn{\beta} is
#' a \eqn{q} by \eqn{p} matrix of corresponding coefficients.  \eqn{Z}
#' is a \eqn{n} by \eqn{k} matrix of confounder
#' variables. \eqn{\alpha} is the corresponding \eqn{k} by \eqn{p}
#' matrix of coefficients for the unobserved confounders. \eqn{E} is a
#' \eqn{n} by \eqn{p} matrix of error terms. \eqn{E} is assumed to be
#' matrix normal with identity row covariance and diagonal column
#' covariance \eqn{\Sigma}. That is, the columns are heteroscedastic
#' while the rows are homoscedastic independent.
#' This function will first rotate \eqn{Y} and \eqn{X} using the QR
#' decomposition. This separates the model into three parts. The first
#' part only contains nuisance parameters, the second part contains
#' the coefficients of interest, and the third part contains the
#' confounders. \code{succotash} applies a factor analysis to the
#' third part to estimate the confounding factors, then runs an EM
#' algorithm on the second part to estimate the coefficients of
#' interest.
#' Many forms of factor analyses are avaiable. The default is PCA with
#' the column-wise residual mean-squares as the estimates of the
#' column-wise variances.
#' @param Y An \code{n} by \code{p} matrix of response variables.
#' @param X An \code{n} by \code{q} matrix of covariates. Only the
#'     variable in the last column is of interest.
#' @param k An integer. The number of hidden confounders. If
#'     \code{NULL} and \code{sva} is installed, this will be
#'     estimated, by the \code{num.sv} function in the \code{sva}
#'     package available on Bioconductor.
#' @param sig_reg A numeric. If \code{fa_method} is \code{"reg_mle"},
#'     then this is the value of the regularization parameter.
#' @param num_em_runs An integer. The number of times we should run
#'     the EM algorithm.
#' @param z_start_sd A positive numeric. At the beginning of each EM
#'     algorithm, \code{Z} is initiated with independent mean zero
#'     normals with standard deviation \code{z_start_sd}.
#' @param fa_method Which factor analysis method should we use? The
#'     regularized MLE implemented in \code{\link{factor_mle}}
#'     (\code{"reg_mle"}), two methods fromthe package \code{cate}:
#'     the quasi-MLE (\code{"quasi_mle"}) from
#'     \href{http://projecteuclid.org/euclid.aos/1334581749}{Bai and
#'     Li (2012)}, just naive PCA (\code{"pca"}), FLASH
#'     (\code{"flash_hetero"}), homoscedastic PCA (\code{"homoPCA"}),
#'     PCA followed by shrinking the variances using limma
#'     (\code{"pca_shrinkvar"}), or moderated factor analysis
#'     (\code{"mod_fa"}).  Three methods for no confounder adjustment
#'     are available, \code{"non_homo"}, \code{"non_shrinkvar"}, and
#'     \code{"non_hetero"}.
#' @param lambda_type See \code{\link{succotash_given_alpha}} for
#'     options on the regularization parameter of the mixing
#'     proportions.
#' @param mix_type Should the prior be a mixture of normals
#'     \code{mix_type = 'normal'} or a mixture of uniforms
#'     \code{mix_type = 'uniform'}?
#' @param lambda0 If \code{lambda_type = "zero_conc"}, then
#'     \code{lambda0} is the amount to penalize \code{pi0}.
#' @param tau_seq A vector of length \code{M} containing the standard
#'     deviations (not variances) of the mixing distributions.
#' @param em_pi_init A vector of length \code{M} containing the
#'     starting values of \eqn{\pi}. If \code{NULL}, then one of three
#'     options are implemented in calculating \code{pi_init} based on
#'     the value of \code{pi_init_type}. Only available in normal
#'     mixtures for now.
#' @param likelihood Which likelihood should we use? Normal
#'     (\code{"normal"}) or t (\code{"t"})?
#' @param plot_new_ests A logical. Should we plot the mixing
#'     proportions at each iteration of the EM algorithm?
#' @param em_itermax A positive numeric. The maximum number of
#'     iterations to run during the EM algorithm.
#' @param inflate_var A positive numeric. The multiplicative amount to
#'     inflate the variance estimates by. There is no theoretical
#'     justification for it to be anything but 1, but I have it in
#'     here to play around with it.
#' @param var_scale A logical. Should we update the scaling on the
#'     variances (\code{TRUE}) or not (\code{FALSE}). Only works for
#'     the normal mixtures case right now. Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param two_step A logical. Should we run the two-step SUCCOTASH
#'     procedure of inflating the variance (\code{TRUE}) or not
#'     (\code{FALSE})? Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param optmethod Either coordinate ascent (\code{"coord"}) or an EM
#'     algorithm (\code{"em"}). Coordinate ascent is currently only
#'     implemented in the uniform mixtures case, for which it is the
#'     default.
#' @param use_ols_se A logical. Should we use the standard formulas
#'     for OLS of X on Y to get the estimates of the variances
#'     (\code{TRUE}) or not (\code{FALSE})
#' @param z_init_type How should we initiate the confounders? At the
#'     all-null MLE (\code{"null_mle"}) or from iid standard normals
#'     (\code{"random"})?
#' @param var_scale_init_type If \code{var_scale = TRUE}, how should
#'     we initiate the variance inflaiton parameter? From the all-null
#'     MLE (\code{"null_mle"}), at no inflation (\code{"one"}), or
#'     from a chi-squared distribution with one degree of freedom
#'     (\code{"random"})?
#' @return See \code{\link{succotash_given_alpha}} for details of
#'     output.
#'   \code{Y1_scaled} The OLS estimates.
#'   \code{sig_diag_scaled} The estimated standard errors of the
#'   estimated effects (calculated from the factor analysis step)
#'   times \code{scale_val}.
#'   \code{sig_diag} The estimates of the gene-wise variances (but not
#'   times \code{scale_val}).
#'   \code{pi0} A non-negative numeric. The marginal probability of
#'   zero.
#'   \code{alpha_scaled} The scaled version of the estimated
#'   coefficients of the hidden confounders.
#'   \code{Z} A vector of numerics. Estimated rotated confounder in
#'   second step of succotash.
#'   \code{pi_vals} A vector of numerics between 0 and 1. The mixing
#'   proportions.
#'   \code{tau_seq} A vector of non-negative numerics. The mixing
#'   standard deviations (not variances).
#'   \code{lfdr} A vector of numerics between 0 and 1. The local false
#'   discovery rate. I.e. the posterior probability of a coefficient
#'   being zero.
#'   \code{lfsr} A vector of numerics between 0 and 1. The local false
#'   sign rate. I.e. the posterior probability of making a sign error
#'   if one chose the most probable sign.
#'   \code{qvals} A vector of numerics between 0 and 1. The
#'   q-values. The average error rate if we reject all hypotheses that
#'   have smaller q-value.
#'   \code{betahat} A vector of numerics. The posterior mean of the
#'   coefficients.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{succotash_given_alpha}}, \code{\link{factor_mle}},
#'   \code{\link{succotash_summaries}}.
succotash <- function(Y, X, k = NULL, sig_reg = 0.01, num_em_runs = 2,
                      z_start_sd = 1, two_step = TRUE,
                      fa_method = c("pca", "reg_mle", "quasi_mle",
                                    "homoPCA", "pca_shrinkvar", "mod_fa",
                                    "flash_hetero", "non_homo", "non_hetero",
                      lambda_type = c("zero_conc", "ones"),
                      mix_type = c("normal", "uniform"),
                      likelihood = c("normal", "t"), lambda0 = 10,
                      tau_seq = NULL, em_pi_init = NULL,
                      plot_new_ests = FALSE, em_itermax = 200,
                      var_scale = TRUE, inflate_var = 1,
                      optmethod = c("coord", "em"),
                      use_ols_se = FALSE,
                      z_init_type = c("null_mle", "random"),
                      var_scale_init_type = c("null_mle", "one", "random")) {
    ncol_x <- ncol(X)

    optmethod           <- match.arg(optmethod)
    lambda_type         <- match.arg(lambda_type)
    fa_method           <- match.arg(fa_method)
    likelihood          <- match.arg(likelihood)
    mix_type            <- match.arg(mix_type)
    z_init_type         <- match.arg(z_init_type)
    var_scale_init_type <- match.arg(var_scale_init_type)

    ## Estimate number of hidden confounders with num.sv from sva package
    if (is.null(k)) {
        if (requireNamespace("sva", quietly = TRUE)) {
            message("k not provided so using sva::num.sv()\nto estimate the number of hidden confounders")
            k <- sva::num.sv(t(Y), mod = X, method = "be")
        } else {
            stop("k not provided and R package sva not installed.\nPlease first run\nsource(\"https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R\"); biocLite(\"sva\")\nto install sva to be able to estimate the number of hidden confounders.")

    qr_x <- qr(X)
    ## multiply by sign so that it matches with beta_hat_ols
    Q <- qr.Q(qr_x, complete = TRUE) * sign(qr.R(qr_x)[ncol_x, ncol_x])
    Y_tilde <- crossprod(Q, Y)[ncol_x:nrow(Y), ]  # discard first q-1 rows.

    n <- nrow(Y_tilde) ## NOT the total number of observations, but
                       ## the total number of observations minus the
                       ## number of covariates we control for.

    ## Factor Analysis Methods -----------------------------------------------
    if (k == 0 | fa_method == "non_homo" | fa_method == "non_hetero" | fa_method == "non_shrinkvar") {
        k <- 0
        if (fa_method == "non_homo") {
            Y_current <- Y_tilde[2:n, ]
            sig_diag <- rep(mean(Y_current ^ 2), ncol(Y_current))
            alpha <- NULL
        } else if (fa_method == "non_shrinkvar") {
            Y_current <- Y_tilde[2:n, ]
            mse_vec <- colMeans(Y_current ^ 2)
            sv_out <- limma::squeezeVar(var = mse_vec, df = nrow(Y_current))
            sig_diag <- sv_out$var.post
            nu <- sv_out$df.prior
            alpha <- NULL
        } else {
            ## no factor analysis
            Y_current <- Y_tilde[2:n, ]
            sig_diag <- colMeans(Y_current ^ 2)
            alpha <- NULL
    } else if (fa_method == "quasi_mle" & requireNamespace("cate", quietly = TRUE)) {
        ## then use the maximum quasi-likelihood method of wang et al
        qml_out <- cate::fa.em(Y = Y_tilde[2:n, ], r = k)
        alpha <- qml_out$Gamma
        sig_diag <- qml_out$Sigma
        nu <- n - 1
    } else if (fa_method == "reg_mle") {
        mle_out <- factor_mle(Y_tilde[2:n, ], k = k, sig_reg = sig_reg, itermax = 1000)
        alpha <- svd(mle_out$A, nv = k, nu = 0)$v
        sig_diag <- mle_out$sig_diag
        nu <- n - 1
    } else if (fa_method == "pca") {
        pca_out <- pca_naive(Y = Y_tilde[2:n, ], r = k)
        alpha <- pca_out$Gamma
        sig_diag <- pca_out$Sigma
        nu <- n - 1
    } else if (fa_method == "flash_hetero" & requireNamespace("flashr", quietly = TRUE)) {
        ## flashr is currently a private repo and not accessible to the public
        Y_current <- Y_tilde[2:n, ]
        flashr_out <- flashr::greedy(Y_current, K = k, r1_type = "nonconstant")
        gl <- flashr_out$l
        fl <- flashr_out$f
        b_out <- flashr::backfitting(Y_current, Lest = gl, Fest = fl, r1_type = "nonconstant")
        sig_diag <- b_out$sigmae2
        alpha <- b_out$f
        nu <- n - 1
    } else if (fa_method == "homoPCA") {
        Y_current <- Y_tilde[2:n, ]
        svdY <- svd(Y_current)
        alpha <- svdY$v[, 1:k] %*% diag(svdY$d[1:k], k, k) / sqrt(nrow(Y_current))
        Ztemp <- sqrt(nrow(Y_current)) * svdY$u[, 1:k]
        sig_diag <- rep(sum( (Y_current - Ztemp %*% t(alpha)) ^ 2) /
                        (max(dim(Y_current)) * (min(dim(Y_current)) - k)), ncol(Y_current))
        nu <- n - 1
    } else if (fa_method == "pca_shrinkvar" & requireNamespace("limma", quietly = TRUE)) {
        Y_current <- Y_tilde[2:n, ]
        pca_shrinkvar_out <- pca_shrinkvar(Y_current, k, df = "rank_based")
        alpha <- t(pca_shrinkvar_out$F)
        sig_diag <- pca_shrinkvar_out$sigma2est
        nu <- pca_shrinkvar_out$df
    } else if (fa_method == "mod_fa") {
        Y_current <- Y_tilde[2:n, ]
        mod_fa_out <- mod_fa(Y_current, k)
        alpha <- t(mod_fa_out$F)
        sig_diag <- mod_fa_out$sigma2est
        nu <- n - 1

    ## absorb fnorm(X) into Y_tilde[1,], alpha, and sig_diag -----------------
    fnorm_x <- abs(qr.R(qr_x)[ncol_x, ncol_x])  ## since dealt with sign earlier
    Y1_scaled <- matrix(Y_tilde[1, ] / fnorm_x, ncol = 1) ## this is betahat from OLS
    if (k != 0) {
        alpha_scaled <- alpha / fnorm_x
    } else {
        alpha_scaled <- NULL
    sig_diag_scaled <- sig_diag / (fnorm_x ^ 2) * inflate_var ## this is se of betahat ols

    ## simple OLS variance estimates
    if (use_ols_se) {
        ols_var_estimates <- colMeans(Y_tilde[-1, ] ^ 2)
        sig_diag_scaled   <- ols_var_estimates / (fnorm_x ^ 2) * inflate_var

    ## Fit succotash ---------------------------------------------------------
    if (mix_type == "normal") {
        if (likelihood == "t") {
            stop("normal mixtures with t-likelihood not implemented")
        } else if (optmethod == "coord") {
            message("optmethod = \"em\" works a little better for normal likelihood,\nbut here goes nothing!")
        suc_out_bland <- succotash_given_alpha(Y = Y1_scaled,
                                               alpha = alpha_scaled,
                                               sig_diag = sig_diag_scaled,
                                               num_em_runs = num_em_runs,
                                               em_z_start_sd = z_start_sd,
                                               lambda_type = lambda_type,
                                               lambda0 = lambda0,
                                               tau_seq = tau_seq,
                                               em_pi_init = em_pi_init,
                                               plot_new_ests = plot_new_ests,
                                               em_itermax = em_itermax,
                                               var_scale = var_scale,
                                               optmethod = optmethod,
                                               z_init_type = z_init_type,
                                               var_scale_init_type = var_scale_init_type)
        if (two_step) {
            new_scale <- suc_out_bland$scale_val * nrow(X) / (nrow(X) - k - ncol_x)
            sig_diag_scaled <- sig_diag_scaled * new_scale # inflate variance
            suc_out <- succotash_given_alpha(Y = Y1_scaled,
                                             alpha = alpha_scaled,
                                             sig_diag = sig_diag_scaled,
                                             num_em_runs = num_em_runs,
                                             em_z_start_sd = z_start_sd,
                                             lambda_type = lambda_type,
                                             lambda0 = lambda0,
                                             tau_seq = tau_seq,
                                             em_pi_init = em_pi_init,
                                             plot_new_ests = plot_new_ests,
                                             em_itermax = em_itermax,
                                             var_scale = FALSE,
                                             optmethod = optmethod,
                                             z_init_type = z_init_type,
                                             var_scale_init_type = var_scale_init_type)
            suc_out$scale_val <- new_scale
            suc_out$sig_diag_scaled <- sig_diag_scaled
        } else {
            suc_out <- suc_out_bland
            suc_out$sig_diag_scaled <- c(sig_diag_scaled) * suc_out$scale_val
    } else if (mix_type == "uniform") {
        suc_out_bland <- uniform_succ_given_alpha(Y = Y1_scaled,
                                                  alpha = alpha_scaled,
                                                  sig_diag = sig_diag_scaled,
                                                  num_em_runs = num_em_runs,
                                                  em_z_start_sd = z_start_sd,
                                                  lambda_type = lambda_type,
                                                  em_itermax = em_itermax,
                                                  var_scale = var_scale,
                                                  optmethod = optmethod,
                                                  likelihood = likelihood,
                                                  df = nu,
                                                  z_init_type = z_init_type,
                                                  var_scale_init_type = var_scale_init_type)
        if (two_step) {
            new_scale <- suc_out_bland$scale_val * nrow(X) / (nrow(X) - k - ncol_x)
            sig_diag_scaled <- sig_diag_scaled * new_scale # inflate variance
            suc_out <- uniform_succ_given_alpha(Y = Y1_scaled,
                                                alpha = alpha_scaled,
                                                sig_diag = sig_diag_scaled,
                                                num_em_runs = num_em_runs,
                                                em_z_start_sd = z_start_sd,
                                                lambda_type = lambda_type,
                                                em_itermax = em_itermax,
                                                var_scale = FALSE,
                                                optmethod = optmethod,
                                                likelihood = likelihood,
                                                df = nu,
                                                z_init_type = z_init_type,
                                                var_scale_init_type = var_scale_init_type)
            suc_out$scale_val <- new_scale
            suc_out$sig_diag_scaled <- sig_diag_scaled
        } else {
            suc_out <- suc_out_bland
            suc_out$sig_diag_scaled <- c(sig_diag_scaled) * suc_out$scale_val

    ## DEFUNCT CODE -------------------------------------------------------
    ## } else if (likelihood == "t") {
    ##     suc_out <- t_uniform_succ_given_alpha(Y = Y1_scaled,
    ##                                           alpha = alpha_scaled,
    ##                                           nu = nu,
    ##                                           sig_diag = sig_diag_scaled,
    ##                                           num_em_runs = num_em_runs,
    ##                                           em_z_start_sd = z_start_sd,
    ##                                           lambda_type = lambda_type,
    ##                                           em_itermax = em_itermax,
    ##                                           print_progress = FALSE)
    ##     suc_out$sig_diag_scaled <- sig_diag_scaled
    ## }
    ## --------------------------------------------------------------------

    suc_out$Y1_scaled <- Y1_scaled  ## ols estimates
    suc_out$alpha_scaled <- alpha_scaled
    suc_out$sig_diag <- sig_diag

#' Provides posterior summaries in the SUCCOTASH model.
#' \code{succotash_summaries} will return useful posterior summaries
#' used in estimation and testing/FDR control.
#' The posterior distribution is just a mixture of normals. This
#' function will the posterior means as a point estimate. It will also
#' return local false sign and discovery rates. These are useful for
#' controlling for multiple testing.
#' @param Z A matrix of dimension \code{k} by \code{1}. The
#'     (estimated) confounding covariates.
#' @param pi_vals A vector of length \code{M}. The (estimated) mixing
#'     proportions.
#' @param scale_val A positive numeric. The amount to scale the variances by
#' @inheritParams succotash_given_alpha
#' @return \code{lfdr} (local false discovery rate) A vector of length
#'     \code{p}.  The posterior probability that \eqn{\beta_j = 0}.
#'   \code{lfsr} (local false sign rate) A vector of length
#'   \code{p}. The posterior probability of making a sign error.
#'   \code{betahat} A vector of length \code{p}. The posterior
#'   estimates of \eqn{\beta}.
#' @export
succotash_summaries <- function(Y, Z, pi_vals, alpha, sig_diag, tau_seq, scale_val = 1) {
    M <- length(tau_seq)  # number of classes in mixture, = K+1 in paper
    p <- nrow(Y)

    sig_diag <- sig_diag * scale_val

    if (!is.null(alpha)) {
        mean_mat <- matrix(rep(alpha %*% Z, M), ncol = M, nrow = p)
    } else {
        mean_mat <- matrix(0, ncol = M, nrow = p)
    var_mat <- outer(sig_diag, tau_seq ^ 2, "+")
    top_vals <- t(pi_vals * t(stats::dnorm(matrix(rep(Y, M), ncol = M, nrow = p), mean = mean_mat,
                                    sd = sqrt(var_mat))))
    T <- t(1 / rowSums(top_vals) * top_vals)

    prob.zero <- T[1, ]

    ## get posterior means and variances
    cov_plus <- outer(tau_seq ^ 2, sig_diag, "+")  ## k by p
    if (!is.null(alpha)) {
        post.mean <- (tau_seq ^ 2 / cov_plus) * matrix(Y - alpha %*% Z, ncol = p, nrow = M,
                                                       byrow = TRUE)
    } else {
        post.mean <- (tau_seq ^ 2 / cov_plus) * matrix(Y, ncol = p, nrow = M, byrow = TRUE)
    post.var <- outer(tau_seq ^ 2, sig_diag, "*") / cov_plus

    post.less <- stats::pnorm(q = matrix(0, ncol = p, nrow = M),
                              mean = post.mean, sd = sqrt(post.var))
    post.less[1, ] <- 0

    prob.less <- colSums(T * post.less)

    lfsr <- apply(cbind(prob.less + prob.zero, 1 - prob.less), 1, min)

    beta_hat <- colSums(T * post.mean)

    return(list(lfdr = prob.zero, lfsr = lfsr, beta_hat = beta_hat))

#' Transform local false discovery rates to q-values.
#' This function will simply average over lfdr's larger than each
#' component's lfdr.
#' These q-values provide average error rates over subsets of
#' observations. See
#' \href{http://projecteuclid.org/euclid.aos/1074290335}{Storey
#' (2003)} for details.
#' @param lfdr A vector. The local false discovery rates.
#' @return \code{q_vals} A vector of the same length as
#'     \code{lfdr}. Contains the q-values for each observation.
#' @seealso \code{\link{succotash_summaries}},
#'     \code{\link{succotash_given_alpha}}.
lfdr_to_q <- function(lfdr) {
    order_lfdr <- order(lfdr)
    q_vals <- rep(NA, length = length(lfdr))
    q_vals[order_lfdr] <- (cumsum(lfdr[order_lfdr]) / 1:length(lfdr))

#' Draw from a mixture of normals.
#' Draw from a mean zero mixture of normals given mixing proportions
#' and mixing standard deviations.
#' Given mixing proportions \code{pi_vals}, and mixing standard
#' deviations (not variances) \code{tau_seq}, this function will draw
#' \code{p} samples from the mean zero mixture of normals.
#' @param pi_vals A vector length \code{M}. The mixing proportions.
#' @param tau_seq A vector of length \code{M}. The mixing standard
#'     deviations.
#' @param p An integer. The number of samples to draw.
#' @export
#' @return beta A vector of length \code{p} that are drawn from the
#'     mean zero mixture of normals.
draw_beta <- function(pi_vals, tau_seq, p) {
    M <- length(pi_vals)
    beta <- rep(NA, length = p)
    which.mix <- sample(1:M, size = p, replace = TRUE, prob = pi_vals)
    for (index in 1:M) {
        current.ind <- which.mix == index
        n_m <- sum(current.ind)
        if (n_m > 0) {
            beta[current.ind] <- stats::rnorm(n = n_m, mean = 0, sd = tau_seq[index])
dcgerard/succotashr documentation built on May 15, 2019, 1:25 a.m.