
#' Second step of SUCCOTASH with uniform mixture and a t-likelihood.
#' @param Y A p by 1 matrix of numerics. The data.
#' @param alpha A p by k matrix of numerics. The confounder
#'     coefficients.
#' @param num_em_runs An integer. The number of em iterations to
#'     perform, starting at random locations.
#' @param a_seq A vector of negative numerics in increasing order. The
#'     negative end points in an [a, 0] grid.
#' @param b_seq A vector of positive numerics in increasing order. The
#'     positive end points in a [0, b] grid.
#' @param lambda A vector of numerics greater than or equal to 1, of
#'     length \code{length(a) + length(b) + 1}.
#' @param em_itermax A positive integer. The maximum number of
#'     iterations to perform on the em step.
#' @param em_tol A positive numeric. The stopping criterion for the EM
#'     algorithm.
#' @param pi_init A vector of non-negative numerics that sum of 1 of
#'     length \code{length(a) + length(b) + 1}. The initial values of
#'     the mixture probs.
#' @param Z_init A vector of length k of numerics. Starting values of
#'     Z.
#' @param em_z_start_sd A positive numeric. Z is initialized by iid
#'     normals with this standard deviation and mean 0.
#' @param pi_init_type Either "random", "uniform", or "zero_conc". How
#'     should we choose the initial mixture probabilities if pi_init
#'     is NULL? "random" will draw draw pi uniformly from the
#'     simplex. "uniform" will give each value equal mass. "zero_conc"
#'     will give more mass to 0 than any other probability.
#' @param lambda_type How should we regularize? 'unif' gives no
#'     regularization.  'zero_conf' gives regularization at zero
#'     alone.
#' @param print_progress A logical. Should we plot the progress?
#' @param print_ziter A logical. Should we print the progress of the
#'     Newton iterations for updating Z?
#' @param true_Z The true Z values. Used for testing.
#' @param sig_diag A vector of the variances of \code{Y}.
#' @param nu A positive numeric. The degrees of freedom of the
#'     t-likelihood.
#' @seealso \code{\link{t_succotash_llike_unif}}
#'     \code{\link{t_succotash_unif_fixed}}
#' @export
t_uniform_succ_given_alpha <- function(Y, alpha, sig_diag, nu, num_em_runs = 2,
                                       a_seq = NULL, b_seq = NULL, lambda = NULL,
                                       em_itermax = 200, em_tol = 10 ^ -6, pi_init = NULL,
                                       Z_init = NULL,
                                       em_z_start_sd = 1, pi_init_type = "zero_conc",
                                       lambda_type = "zero_conc", print_progress = TRUE,
                                       print_ziter = FALSE,
                                       true_Z = NULL) {
    p <- nrow(Y)
    ## k <- ncol(alpha)

    ## set up grid
    if (is.null(a_seq)) {
        a_max <- 2 * sqrt(max(Y ^ 2 - sig_diag))
        a_min <- sqrt(min(sig_diag)) / 10
        if (a_max < 0) {
            a_max <- 8 * a_min
        a_current <- a_min
        a_seq <- a_min
        mult_fact <- sqrt(2)
        while (a_current <= a_max) {
            a_current <- a_current * mult_fact
            a_seq <- c(a_seq, a_current)
        a_seq <- sort(-1 * a_seq)
    if (is.null(b_seq)) {
        b_max <- 2 * sqrt(max(Y ^ 2 - sig_diag))
        b_min <- sqrt(min(sig_diag)) / 10
        if (b_max < 0) {
            b_max <- 8 * b_min
        b_current <- b_min
        b_seq <- b_min
        mult_fact <- sqrt(2)
        while (b_current <= b_max) {
            b_current <- b_current * mult_fact
            b_seq <- c(b_seq, b_current)

    M <- length(a_seq) + length(b_seq) + 1

    if (is.null(lambda)) {
        if (lambda_type == "unif") {
            lambda <- rep(1, M)
        } else if (lambda_type == "zero_conc") {
            lambda <- c(rep(1, length = length(a_seq)), 10, rep(1, length = length(b_seq)))

    em_out <- t_unif_em(a_seq = a_seq, b_seq = b_seq, Y = Y,
                            alpha = alpha, sig_diag = sig_diag,
                            nu = nu, pi_init = pi_init,
                            Z_init = Z_init,
                            pi_init_type = "zero_conc",
                            lambda = lambda,
                            print_progress = print_progress,
                            true_Z = true_Z, em_tol = em_tol,
                            em_itermax = em_itermax,
                            print_ziter = print_ziter,
                            em_z_start_sd = em_z_start_sd)
    pi_current <- em_out$pi_new
    Z_current <- em_out$Z_new
    llike_current <- em_out$llike

    if (num_em_runs > 1) {
        for (em_index in 2:num_em_runs) {
            em_out <- t_unif_em(a_seq = a_seq, b_seq = b_seq, Y = Y,
                                alpha = alpha, sig_diag = sig_diag,
                                nu = nu, pi_init = pi_init,
                                Z_init = Z_init,
                                pi_init_type = "random",
                                lambda = lambda,
                                print_progress = print_progress,
                                true_Z = true_Z, em_tol = em_tol,
                                em_itermax = em_itermax,
                                print_ziter = print_ziter,
                                em_z_start_sd = em_z_start_sd)
            pi_new <- em_out$pi_new
            Z_new <- em_out$Z_new
            llike_new <- em_out$llike

            if (llike_new > llike_current) {
                pi_current <- pi_new
                Z_current <- Z_new
                llike_current <- llike_new

    mix_fit <- ashr::unimix(pi = pi_current, a = c(a_seq, rep(0, length(b_seq) + 1)),
                            b = c(rep(0, length(a_seq) + 1), b_seq))

    az <- alpha %*% matrix(Z_current, ncol = 1)

    betahat <- ashr::postmean(m = mix_fit, betahat = c(Y - az), sebetahat = sqrt(sig_diag),
                              v = rep(nu, p))

    probs <- ashr::comppostprob(m = mix_fit, x = c(Y - az), s = sqrt(sig_diag), v = rep(nu, p))
    lfdr <- probs[length(a_seq) + 1, ]
    qvals <- ashr::qval.from.lfdr(lfdr)

    pi0 <- pi_current[length(a_seq) + 1]

    NegativeProb <- rep(0, length = p)
    NegativeProb <-
      ashr::cdf_post(mix_fit, 0,
                     betahat = c(Y - az),
                     sebetahat = sqrt(sig_diag), v = rep(nu, p)) -
    lfsr <- ifelse(NegativeProb > 0.5 * (1 - lfdr), 1 - NegativeProb,
                  NegativeProb + lfdr)

    return(list(Z = Z_current, pi_vals = pi_current, a_seq = a_seq, b_seq = b_seq,
                lfdr = lfdr, lfsr = lfsr, betahat = betahat, qvals = qvals, pi0 = pi0))

#' EM algorithm for uniform mixtures and t-likelihood
#' @inheritParams t_uniform_succ_given_alpha
t_unif_em <- function(a_seq, b_seq, Y, alpha, sig_diag, nu, pi_init, Z_init, pi_init_type, lambda,
                      print_progress, print_ziter, em_z_start_sd, true_Z = NULL, em_tol = 10 ^ -6, em_itermax = 200) {

    M <- length(a_seq) + length(b_seq) + 1 ## plus 1 for pointmass at 0

    p <- nrow(Y)
    k <- ncol(alpha)

    if (is.null(pi_init) | length(pi_init) != M) {
        if (pi_init_type == "random") {
            ## random start points
            pi_init <- rep(NA, length = M)
            temp <- abs(stats::rnorm(M))
            pi_init[1:M] <- temp / sum(temp)
        } else if (pi_init_type == "uniform") {
            ## uniform mass
            pi_init[1:M] <- 1 / M
        } else if (pi_init_type == "zero_conc") {
            ## most mass at 0
            pi_init[1:M] <- min(1 / p, 1 / M)
            pi_init[length(a_seq) + 1] <- 1 - sum(pi_init[2:M])
        } else {
            warning("pi_init_type is bad")

    if (is.null(Z_init)) {
        Z_init <- matrix(stats::rnorm(k, sd = em_z_start_sd), nrow = k)
    } else if (length(Z_init) != k) {
        Z_init <- matrix(stats::rnorm(k, sd = em_z_start_sd), nrow = k)

    pi_Z <- c(pi_init, Z_init)

    pi_new <- pi_Z[1:M]
    graphics::plot(c(a_seq, 0, b_seq), pi_new, type = "h",
                   ylab = expression(pi), xlab = "a or b",
                   ylim = c(0, 1))
    llike_current <- t_succotash_llike_unif(pi_Z = pi_Z, lambda = lambda, alpha = alpha, Y = Y,
                                            a_seq = a_seq, b_seq = b_seq, sig_diag = sig_diag, nu = nu)
    graphics::mtext(side = 3, paste("llike =", round(llike_current)))

    em_index <- 1
    ldiff <- em_tol + 1
    zdiff <- 1
    Z_new <- Z_init
    while (em_index < em_itermax & ldiff > em_tol ) {
        llike_old <- llike_current
        Z_old <- Z_new
        pi_old <- pi_new

        pi_Z <- c(pi_old, Z_old)
        succ_fixed_out <- t_succotash_unif_fixed(pi_Z = pi_Z, lambda = lambda, alpha = alpha,
                                                 Y = Y, nu = nu, a_seq = a_seq, b_seq = b_seq,
                                                 sig_diag = sig_diag, print_ziter = print_ziter)
        pi_Z <- succ_fixed_out$pi_Z
        pi_new <- pi_Z[1:M]
        Z_new <- pi_Z[(M + 1):length(pi_Z)]

        llike_current <- t_succotash_llike_unif(pi_Z = pi_Z, lambda = lambda, alpha = alpha,
                                                Y = Y, a_seq = a_seq, b_seq = b_seq,
                                                sig_diag = sig_diag, nu = nu)

        ldiff <- abs(llike_current / llike_old - 1)
        zdiff <- sum(abs(Z_old - Z_new))

        if (print_progress) {
            cat(" Iter =", em_index, "\n")
            cat("ldiff =", ldiff, "\n")
            cat("zdiff =", zdiff, "\n\n")
            graphics::par(mgp = c(1.5, 0.5, 0), mar = c(3, 3, 2, 0.5))
            if (!is.null(true_Z)) {
                graphics::par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
                lm_Z <- stats::lm(Z_new ~ true_Z)
                graphics::plot(true_Z, Z_new, xlab = "True Z",
                               ylab = "Estimated Z")
                graphics::abline(lm_Z, lty = 2, col = 2)
                graphics::abline(0, 1)
                                 c("Y = X", "Regression Line"),
                                 lty = c(1, 2), col = c(1, 2))
            graphics::plot(c(a_seq, 0, b_seq), pi_new, type = "h", ylab = expression(hat(pi)[k]),
                           xlab = "a or b", ylim = c(0, max(c(0.5, pi_new))))
            graphics::mtext(side = 3,
                            paste0("Iteration = ", em_index, ", llike = ",
                                   round(llike_current, digits = 4)))
            graphics::par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
        em_index <- em_index + 1
    return(list(Z_new = Z_new, pi_new = pi_new, llike = llike_current))

#'A fixed point iteration in the mixture of uniforms EM and a
#' t-likelihood.
#'This is a fixed-point iteration for the SUCCOTASH EM algorithm. This
#' updates the estimate of the prior and the estimate of the hidden
#' covariates.
#'@param pi_Z A vector. The first \code{M} values are the current
#'     values of \eqn{\pi}. The last \code{k} values are the current
#'     values of \eqn{Z}.
#'@param lambda A vector. This is a length \code{M} vector with the
#'     regularization parameters for the mixing proportions.
#'@param alpha A matrix. This is of dimension \code{p} by \code{k} and
#'     are the coefficients to the confounding variables.
#'@param Y A matrix of dimension \code{p} by \code{1}. These are the
#'     observed regression coefficients of the observed variables.
#'@param a_seq A vector of negative numerics containing the left
#'     endpoints of the mixing uniforms.
#'@param b_seq A vector of positiv numerics containing the right
#'     endpoints of the mixing uniforms.
#'@param sig_diag A vector of length \code{p} containing the variances
#'     of the observations.
#'@param print_ziter A logical. Should we we print each iteration of
#'     the Z optimization?
#'@param newt_itermax A positive integer. The maximum number of Newton
#'     steps to perform in updating \eqn{Z}.
#'@param tol A positive numeric. The stopping criterion for Newton's
#'     method in updating Z.
#'@param nu A positive numeric. The degrees of freedom of the
#'     t-distribution.
#'@return \code{pi_new} A vector of length \code{M}. The update for
#'     the mixing components.
#'  \code{Z_new} A vector of length \code{k}. The update for the
#'  confounder covariates.
#'@seealso \code{\link{t_uniform_succ_given_alpha}}
#'     \code{\link{t_succotash_llike_unif}}
#' @export
t_succotash_unif_fixed <- function(pi_Z, lambda, alpha, Y, nu, a_seq, b_seq, sig_diag,
                                 print_ziter = TRUE, newt_itermax = 10, tol = 10 ^ -4) {
  M <- length(a_seq) + length(b_seq) + 1
  ## p <- nrow(Y)
  k <- length(pi_Z) - M
  pi_old <- pi_Z[1:M]
  if (k != 0) {
    Z_old <- matrix(pi_Z[(M + 1):(M + k)], nrow = k)

  p_out <- tupdate_pi(Z_old = Z_old, pi_old = pi_old, sig_diag = sig_diag, Y = Y,
                      alpha = alpha, a_seq = a_seq, b_seq = b_seq, nu = nu, lambda = lambda)
  pi_new <- p_out$pi_new

  o_out <- stats::optim(par = Z_old, fn = tfun, gr = tgrad, method = "L-BFGS-B",
                 sig_diag = sig_diag, Y = Y, alpha = alpha, a_seq = a_seq,
                 b_seq = b_seq, nu = nu, Tkj = p_out$Tkj,
                 control = list(fnscale = -1, maxit = newt_itermax))
  ## don't need to do too many iterations.

  Z_new <- o_out$par

  pi_Z <- c(pi_new, Z_new)

  return(list(pi_Z = c(pi_new, Z_new)))

#' EM step to update pi
#' @param pi_old A vector of numerics that sums to one. The current value of pi.
#' @param Z_old A vector of numerics. The current value of Z.
#' @inheritParams t_succotash_unif_fixed
tupdate_pi <- function(Z_old, pi_old, sig_diag, Y, alpha, a_seq, b_seq, nu, lambda) {

    p <- nrow(alpha)
    M <- length(pi_old)

    az <- alpha %*% Z_old

    left_means <- diag(1 / sqrt(sig_diag)) %*%
        outer(c(Y - az), a_seq, "-")
    right_means <- diag(1 / sqrt(sig_diag)) %*%
        outer(c(Y - az), b_seq, "-")
    zero_means_left <- diag(1 / sqrt(sig_diag)) %*%
        outer(c(Y - az), rep(0, length = length(a_seq)), "-")
    zero_means_right <- diag(1 / sqrt(sig_diag)) %*%
        outer(c(Y - az), rep(0, length = length(b_seq)), "-")

    ## negative means are more accurate, so switch
    left_ispos <- left_means > 0
    right_ispos <- right_means > 0

    pt_diff_left <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(left_means), ncol = ncol(left_means))
    pt_diff_right <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(right_means), ncol = ncol(right_means))

    pt_diff_left[left_ispos] <-
        stats::pt(-1 * zero_means_left[left_ispos], df = nu) -
        stats::pt(-1 * left_means[left_ispos], df = nu)
    pt_diff_right[right_ispos] <-
        stats::pt(-1 * right_means[right_ispos], df = nu) -
        stats::pt(-1 * zero_means_right[right_ispos], df = nu)

    pt_diff_left[!left_ispos] <-
        stats::pt(left_means[!left_ispos], df = nu) -
        stats::pt(zero_means_left[!left_ispos], df = nu)
    pt_diff_right[!right_ispos] <-
        stats::pt(zero_means_right[!right_ispos], df = nu) -
        stats::pt(right_means[!right_ispos], df = nu)

    ## alternate way to calculate the pt_diff's
    ##obs_mat_right <- matrix(rep(b_seq, p), nrow = p, byrow = TRUE)
    ##mean_mat_right <- matrix(rep(Y-az, length(b_seq)), nrow = p)
    ##obs_mat_left <- matrix(rep(a_seq, p), nrow = p, byrow = TRUE)
    ##mean_mat_left <- matrix(rep(Y-az, length(a_seq)), nrow = p)
    ##sig_left <- matrix(rep(sqrt(sig_diag), length(a_seq)), nrow = p)
    ##sig_right <- matrix(rep(sqrt(sig_diag), length(b_seq)), nrow = p)
    ##pt_diff_r <- stats::pt(q = obs_mat_right, mean = mean_mat_right,
    ##                      sd = sig_right, df = nu) -
    ##             stats::pt(q = 0, mean = mean_mat_right, sd = sig_left, df = nu)

    ## calculate new pi values
    fkj_left <- pt_diff_left %*% diag(1 / abs(a_seq))
    fkj_right <- pt_diff_right %*% diag(1 / b_seq)
    f0j <- stats::dnorm(Y, az, sqrt(sig_diag))
    fkj <- cbind(fkj_left, f0j, fkj_right)
    fkj_pi <- fkj %*% diag(pi_old)
    Tkj <- diag(1 / rowSums(fkj_pi)) %*% fkj_pi

    llike_old <- sum(log(rowSums(fkj_pi)))

    pi_new <- (colSums(Tkj) + lambda - 1) / (p - M + sum(lambda))

    return(list(pi_new = pi_new, Tkj = Tkj, llike_old = llike_old))

#' Function to optimize over Z in EM step.
#' @param Z_old A vector of numerics. The current value of Z.
#' @param Tkj A matrix of numerics. The weights from pi_new.
#' @inheritParams t_succotash_unif_fixed
tfun <- function(Z_old, sig_diag, Y, alpha, Tkj, a_seq, b_seq, nu) {
    az <- alpha %*% Z_old

    left_means <- diag(1 / sqrt(sig_diag)) %*%
        outer(c(Y - az), a_seq, "-")
    right_means <- diag(1 / sqrt(sig_diag)) %*%
        outer(c(Y - az), b_seq, "-")
    zero_means_left <- diag(1 / sqrt(sig_diag)) %*%
        outer(c(Y - az), rep(0, length = length(a_seq)), "-")
    zero_means_right <- diag(1 / sqrt(sig_diag)) %*%
        outer(c(Y - az), rep(0, length = length(b_seq)), "-")

    ## negative means are more accurate, so switch
    left_ispos <- left_means > 0
    right_ispos <- right_means > 0

    pt_diff_left <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(left_means), ncol = ncol(left_means))
    pt_diff_right <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(right_means), ncol = ncol(right_means))

    pt_diff_left[left_ispos] <-
        stats::pt(-1 * zero_means_left[left_ispos], df = nu) -
        stats::pt(-1 * left_means[left_ispos], df = nu)
    pt_diff_right[right_ispos] <-
        stats::pt(-1 * right_means[right_ispos], df = nu) -
        stats::pt(-1 * zero_means_right[right_ispos], df = nu)

    pt_diff_left[!left_ispos] <-
        stats::pt(left_means[!left_ispos], df = nu) -
        stats::pt(zero_means_left[!left_ispos], df = nu)
    pt_diff_right[!right_ispos] <-
        stats::pt(zero_means_right[!right_ispos], df = nu) -
        stats::pt(right_means[!right_ispos], df = nu)


    like1 <- cbind(log(pt_diff_left), log(stats::dnorm(Y, az, sqrt(sig_diag))), log(pt_diff_right))
    like_final <- sum(Tkj * like1)

#' Gradient of function to optimize over Z in EM step.
#' @param Z_old A vector of numerics. The current value of Z.
#' @param Tkj A matrix of numerics. The weights from pi_new.
#' @inheritParams t_succotash_unif_fixed
tgrad <- function(Z_old, sig_diag, Y, alpha, Tkj, a_seq, b_seq, nu) {

    az <- alpha %*% Z_old

    left_means <- diag(1 / sqrt(sig_diag)) %*%
        outer(c(Y - az), a_seq, "-")
    right_means <- diag(1 / sqrt(sig_diag)) %*%
        outer(c(Y - az), b_seq, "-")
    zero_means_left <- diag(1 / sqrt(sig_diag)) %*%
        outer(c(Y - az), rep(0, length = length(a_seq)), "-")
    zero_means_right <- diag(1 / sqrt(sig_diag)) %*%
        outer(c(Y - az), rep(0, length = length(b_seq)), "-")

    ## negative means are more accurate, so switch
    left_ispos <- left_means > 0
    right_ispos <- right_means > 0

    pt_diff_left <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(left_means), ncol = ncol(left_means))
    pt_diff_right <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(right_means), ncol = ncol(right_means))

    pt_diff_left[left_ispos] <-
        stats::pt(-1 * zero_means_left[left_ispos], df = nu) -
        stats::pt(-1 * left_means[left_ispos], df = nu)
    pt_diff_right[right_ispos] <-
        stats::pt(-1 * right_means[right_ispos], df = nu) -
        stats::pt(-1 * zero_means_right[right_ispos], df = nu)

    pt_diff_left[!left_ispos] <-
        stats::pt(left_means[!left_ispos], df = nu) -
        stats::pt(zero_means_left[!left_ispos], df = nu)
    pt_diff_right[!right_ispos] <-
        stats::pt(zero_means_right[!right_ispos], df = nu) -
        stats::pt(right_means[!right_ispos], df = nu)

    ## calculate gradient
    dt_diff_left <- diag(1 / sqrt(sig_diag)) %*%
        (stats::dt(zero_means_left, df = nu) - stats::dt(left_means, df = nu))
    dt_diff_right <- diag(1 / sqrt(sig_diag)) %*%
        (stats::dt(right_means, df = nu) - stats::dt(zero_means_right, df = nu))
    dpratios_left <- dt_diff_left / pt_diff_left
    dpratios_right <- dt_diff_right / pt_diff_right
    zero_part <- (Y - az) / sig_diag
    alpha_weights <-
        rowSums(Tkj * cbind(dpratios_left, zero_part, dpratios_right))

    gradient_val <- colSums(diag(alpha_weights) %*% alpha)


#'Calculates the loglikelihood of the SUCCOTASH model under uniform mixtures and
#'a t-likelihood.
#'@param pi_Z A vector. The first \code{M} values are the current values of
#'  \eqn{\pi}. The last \code{k} values are the current values of \eqn{Z}.
#'@param lambda A vector. This is a length \code{M} vector with the
#'  regularization parameters for the mixing proportions.
#'@param alpha A matrix. This is of dimension \code{p} by \code{k} and are the
#'  coefficients to the confounding variables.
#'@param Y A matrix of dimension \code{p} by \code{1}. These are the observed
#'  regression coefficients of the observed variables.
#'@param a_seq A vector of negative numerics containing the left endpoints of
#'  the mixing uniforms.
#'@param b_seq A vector of positiv numerics containing the right endpoints of
#'  the mixing uniforms.
#'@param sig_diag A vector of length \code{p} containing the variances of the
#'  observations.
#'@param nu A positive numeric. The degrees of freedom of the t-likelihood.
#'@seealso \code{\link{t_uniform_succ_given_alpha}}
#'  \code{\link{t_succotash_unif_fixed}}.
t_succotash_llike_unif <- function(pi_Z, lambda, alpha, Y, a_seq, b_seq, sig_diag, nu) {
  M <- length(a_seq) + length(b_seq) + 1
  ## p <- nrow(Y)
  k <- length(pi_Z) - M
  pi_current <- pi_Z[1:M]
  if (k != 0) {
    Z_current <- matrix(pi_Z[(M + 1):(M + k)], nrow = k)

  az <- alpha %*% Z_current

  left_means <- diag(1 / sqrt(sig_diag)) %*% outer(c( (Y - az)), a_seq, "-")
  left_means_zero <- diag(1 / sqrt(sig_diag)) %*% outer(c( (Y - az)), rep(0, length(a_seq)), "-")
  right_means <- diag(1 / sqrt(sig_diag)) %*% outer(c( (Y - az)), b_seq, "-")
  right_means_zero <- diag(1 / sqrt(sig_diag)) %*% outer(c( (Y - az)), rep(0, length(b_seq)), "-")
  zero_means <- stats::dt((Y - az) / sqrt(sig_diag), df = nu) / sqrt(sig_diag)

  left_ispos <- left_means > 0
  right_ispos <- right_means > 0

  pt_left_diff <- matrix(NA, ncol = ncol(left_means), nrow = nrow(left_means))
  pt_right_diff <- matrix(NA, ncol = ncol(right_means), nrow = nrow(right_means))

  pt_left_diff[!left_ispos] <-
      stats::pt(left_means[!left_ispos], df = nu) -
      stats::pt(left_means_zero[!left_ispos], df = nu)
  pt_right_diff[!right_ispos] <-
      stats::pt(right_means_zero[!right_ispos], df = nu) -
      stats::pt(right_means[!right_ispos], df = nu)

  pt_left_diff[left_ispos] <-
      stats::pt(-1 * left_means_zero[left_ispos], df = nu) -
      stats::pt(-1 * left_means[left_ispos], df = nu)
  pt_right_diff[right_ispos] <-
      stats::pt(-1 * right_means[right_ispos], df = nu) -
      stats::pt(-1 * right_means_zero[right_ispos], df = nu)

  pt_left_diff <- pt_left_diff %*% diag(1 / a_seq)
  pt_right_diff <- pt_right_diff %*% diag(1 / b_seq)

  overall_fmat <- abs(cbind(pt_left_diff, zero_means, pt_right_diff))

  llike_new <- sum(log(rowSums(overall_fmat %*% diag(pi_current))))

dcgerard/succotashr documentation built on May 15, 2019, 1:25 a.m.