
Defines functions batchoccu diversityoccu model.diversity diversity.predict occupancy.predict

Documented in batchoccu diversityoccu diversity.predict model.diversity occupancy.predict

#' Fits occupancy models for multiple species detection history
#' This function takes a data.frame with multiple detection history from
#' various species in different sites, covariates of each site to calculate
#' occupancy, variables specific to sampling days to calculate probability of
#' detection. It features an automatic model selection when dredge = TRUE.
#' @param pres a data.frame where rows are the sites and columns are a series of
#' presence-absence observation from multiple species, every species needs to
#' have the same number of observations.
#' @param sitecov a data.frame where every row is a site, and every column is a
#' measurement of that site, such as elevation or slope, this covariates are
#' usually more constant.
#' @param obscov a list where every element is a data frame with the daily
#' covariates for each site, that is a measurement for each day, such as average
#' temperature of a day, this covariates are usually very .
#' @param spp the number of species in the pres data.frame
#' @param form a formula in the format ~ obscov ~ sitcov, the first arguments
#' will be used to calculate probability of detection and the second part the
#' occupancy.
#' @param SppNames A character vector with the name of the Species to annotate results,
#' if null (Default) the results will have generic names such as Species.1
#' @param dredge default = FALSE, if TRUE, for each species, the best occupancy
#' model will be determined by fitting all possible models and ranking by AICc.
#' @return A list with the fitted models for each species and the calculated
#' Alpha diversity for each site.
#' @details
#' This function fits the single season occupancy model of MacKenzie et al (2002),
#' for multiple species and it can automatically select the best model for each
#' specie based on AICc.
#' @examples
#' data("IslandBirds")
#' data("Daily_Cov")
#' data("siteCov")
#' BirdOccupancy <-batchoccu(pres = IslandBirds, sitecov = siteCov, obscov =
#' Daily_Cov, spp =  5, form = ~ Day + Wind + Rain + Noise + Clouds ~
#' Elev + AgroFo + SecVec + Wetland)
#' #plot the response of occupancy to individual variables for species 4 and  5
#' responseplot.occu(batch = BirdOccupancy, spp = 4, variable = "Elev")
#' responseplot.occu(batch = BirdOccupancy, spp =  5, variable = "Elev")
#' #Dredge for all species
#' BirdOccupancy2 <- batchoccu(pres = IslandBirds, sitecov = siteCov, obscov =
#' Daily_Cov, spp = 5, form = ~ 1 ~
#' Elev + AgroFo, dredge = TRUE)
#' @seealso \code{\link[DiversityOccupancy]{diversityoccu}}
#' @export
#' @importFrom unmarked occu
#' @importFrom unmarked unmarkedFrameOccu
#' @importMethodsFrom unmarked predict
#' @importFrom MuMIn dredge
#' @importFrom MuMIn AICc
#' @importFrom stats getCall
#' @author Derek Corcoran <derek.corcoran.barrios@gmail.com>

batchoccu<- function(pres, sitecov, obscov, spp, form, SppNames = NULL, dredge = FALSE) {
    SppNames <- paste("species", 1:spp, sep =".")
  secuencia <- c(1:spp)*(ncol(pres)/spp)
  models <- vector('list', spp)
  fit <- matrix(NA, nrow(pres), spp)
    colnames(fit) <- paste("species", 1:spp, sep =".")
  }else if(class(SppNames) == "character"){
    colnames(fit) <- SppNames
  if (dredge == FALSE) {
    for(i in 1:length(secuencia)) {
      data <- pres[, secuencia2[i]:secuencia[i]]
      data2 <- unmarkedFrameOccu(y = data, siteCovs = sitecov, obsCovs = obscov)
        models[[i]] <- occu(form, data2)
      }, silent = T)
        fit[, i] <- suppressWarnings(predict(models[[i]], type = "state", newdata = sitecov))$Predicted
      }, silent = T)
      print(paste("Species", as.character(i), "ready!"))
  else {
    for(i in 1:length(secuencia)) {
      data <- pres[, secuencia2[i]:secuencia[i]]
      data2 <- unmarkedFrameOccu(y = data, siteCovs = sitecov, obsCovs = obscov)
        dredged <- suppressWarnings(dredge(occu(form, data2)))
        # select the first model and evaluate
        models[[i]] <- eval(getCall(dredged, 1))
      }, silent = T)
        #predictions for the best model
        fit[, i] <- suppressWarnings(predict(models[[i]], type = "state", newdata = sitecov))$Predicted
      }, silent = T)

      print(paste("Species", as.character(i), "ready!"))
    names(models) <- paste("species", 1:spp, sep =".")
  }else if(class(SppNames) == "character"){
    names(models) <- SppNames
  cond <- sapply(models, function(x) !is.null(x))
  models <- models[cond]
  fit <- fit[,cond]
  Not <- SppNames[!(cond)]
  if(sum(!cond) >= 1){
    message(paste("species", paste(Not, collapse = ", "), "did not converge, try with less variables"))
  result <- list(Covs = sitecov, models = models, fit = fit)
  class(result)<- "batchoccupancy"

#' Fits occupancy models for multiple species detection history and calculated model average
#' This function takes a data.frame with multiple detection history from
#' various species in different sites, covariates of each site to calculate
#' occupancy, variables specific to sampling days to calculate probability of
#' detection. It features an automatic model selection when dredge = TRUE.
#' @param pres a data.frame where rows are the sites and columns are a series of
#' presence-absence observation from multiple species, every species needs to
#' have the same number of observations.
#' @param sitecov a data.frame where every row is a site, and every column is a
#' measurement of that site, such as elevation or slope, this covariates are
#' usually more constant.
#' @param obscov a list where every element is a data frame with the daily
#' covariates for each site, that is a measurement for each day, such as average
#' temperature of a day, this covariates are usually very .
#' @param spp the number of species in the pres data.frame
#' @param form a formula in the format ~ obscov ~ sitcov, the first arguments
#' will be used to calculate probability of detection and the second part the
#' occupancy.
#' @param dredge default = FALSE, if TRUE, for each species, the best occupancy
#' model will be determined by fitting all possible models and ranking by AICc.
#' @param delta default = 2, AICc difference used for model averaging
#' @return A list with the average models for each species.
#' @details
#' This function fits the single season occupancy model of MacKenzie et al (2002),
#' for multiple species and it can automatically select the best model for each
#' specie based on AICc, ther result of this function is the model average.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data("IslandBirds")
#' data("Daily_Cov")
#' data("siteCov")
#' BirdOccupancy <-batchoccuavg(pres = IslandBirds, sitecov = siteCov, obscov =
#' Daily_Cov, spp =  5, form = ~ Day + Wind + Rain + Noise + Clouds ~
#' Elev + AgroFo + SecVec + Wetland)
#' #Summary of averaged model for species 2
#' summary(BirdOccupancy$models[[2]])
#' }
#' #Dredge for all species
#' @seealso \code{\link[DiversityOccupancy]{diversityoccu}}
#' @export
#' @importFrom unmarked occu
#' @importFrom unmarked unmarkedFrameOccu
#' @importMethodsFrom unmarked predict
#' @importFrom MuMIn dredge
#' @importFrom MuMIn AICc
#' @importFrom MuMIn model.avg
#' @importFrom stats getCall
#' @author Derek Corcoran <derek.corcoran.barrios@gmail.com>

batchoccuavg <- function (pres, sitecov, obscov, spp, form, dredge = FALSE, delta = 2)
  secuencia <- c(1:spp) * (ncol(pres)/spp)
  secuencia2 <- secuencia - (secuencia[1] - 1)
  models <- vector("list", spp)
  fit <- matrix(NA, nrow(pres), spp)
  colnames(fit) <- paste("species", 1:spp, sep = ".")
  if (dredge == FALSE) {
    for (i in 1:length(secuencia)) {
      data <- pres[, secuencia2[i]:secuencia[i]]
      data2 <- unmarkedFrameOccu(y = data, siteCovs = sitecov,
                                 obsCovs = obscov)
      models[[i]] <- occu(form, data2)
      print(paste("Species", as.character(i), "ready!"))
  else {
    for (i in 1:length(secuencia)) {
      data <- pres[, secuencia2[i]:secuencia[i]]
      data2 <- unmarkedFrameOccu(y = data, siteCovs = sitecov,
                                 obsCovs = obscov)
      models[[i]] <- model.avg(suppressWarnings(dredge(occu(form, data2))), delta < 2)
      print(paste("Species", as.character(i), "ready!"))
  result <- list(Covs = sitecov, models = models)
  class(result) <- "batchoccupancyavg"

#' Calculates alpha diversity from multiple species occupancy data
#' This function takes a data.frame with multiple presence absence-data from
#' various species in different sites, covariates of each site to calculate
#' occupancy, variables specific to sampling days to calculate probability of
#' detection, and it calculates the alpha diversity for each site.
#' @param pres a data.frame where rows are the sites and columns are a series of
#' presence-absence observation from multiple species, every species needs to
#' have the same number of observations.
#' @param sitecov a data.frame where every row is a site, and every column is a
#' measurement of that site, such as elevation or slope, this covariates are
#' usually more constant.
#' @param obscov a list where every element is a data frame with the daily
#' covariates for each site, that is a measurement for each day, such as average
#' temperature of a day, this covariates are usually very .
#' @param spp the number of species in the pres data.frame
#' @param form a formula in the format ~ obscov ~ sitcov, the first arguments
#' will be used to calculate probability of detection and the second part the
#' occupancy.
#' @param index Diversity index, one of "shannon", "simpson" or "invsimpson".
#' @param dredge default = FALSE, if TRUE, for each species, the best occupancy
#' model will be determined by fitting all possible models and ranking by AICc.
#' @return A list with the fitted models for each species, the calculated
#' Alpha diversity for each site, and a dataframe with the abundance of each
#' species and diversity.
#' @details
#' This function fits the latent abundance mixture model described in Royle and
#' Nichols (2003), to calculate the abundance of every species in each site, the
#' using that abundance it calculates the alpha diversity index for each site
#' based on that abundance.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #Load the data
#' data("IslandBirds")
#' data("Daily_Cov")
#' data("siteCov")
#' #Model the abundance for  5 bird species and calculate alpha diversity from that
#' BirdDiversity <-diversityoccu(pres = IslandBirds, sitecov = siteCov,
#' obscov = Daily_Cov,spp =  5, form = ~ Day + Wind + Time + Rain +
#' Noise ~ Elev + AgroFo + SecVec + Wetland + Upland)
#' #To see the estimates and p values for each model:
#' BirdDiversity$models
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link[vegan]{diversity}}
#' @seealso \code{\link[DiversityOccupancy]{model.diversity}}
#' @export
#' @importFrom vegan diversity
#' @importFrom unmarked occuRN
#' @importFrom unmarked unmarkedFrameOccu
#' @importMethodsFrom unmarked predict
#' @importFrom MuMIn dredge
#' @importFrom MuMIn AICc
#' @importFrom stats getCall

#' @author Derek Corcoran <derek.corcoran.barrios@gmail.com>
#' @author Nicole L. Michel
#' @author Mike Meredith

diversityoccu <- function(pres, sitecov, obscov, spp, form, index = "shannon", dredge = FALSE) {

  secuencia <- c(1:spp) * (ncol(pres)/spp)
  secuencia2 <- secuencia - (secuencia[1]-1)

  models <- vector('list', spp)
  div <- matrix(NA, nrow(pres), spp)
  colnames(div) <- paste("species", 1:spp, sep =".")

  if (dredge == FALSE) {
    for(i in 1:length(secuencia)) {
      data <- pres[, secuencia2[i]:secuencia[i]]
      data2 <- unmarkedFrameOccu(y = data, siteCovs = sitecov, obsCovs = obscov)
        models[[i]] <- occuRN(form, data2)
        names(models[[i]]) <- paste0("Spp, i")
        div[, i] <- suppressWarnings(predict(models[[i]], type = "state", newdata = sitecov))$Predicted
      }, silent = TRUE)

      print(paste("Species", as.character(i), "ready!"))
  } else {
    for(i in 1:length(secuencia)) {
      data <- pres[, secuencia2[i]:secuencia[i]]
      data2 <- unmarkedFrameOccu(y = data, siteCovs = sitecov, obsCovs = obscov)
        dredged <- suppressWarnings(dredge(occuRN(form, data2)))
        # select the first model and evaluate
        models[[i]] <- eval(getCall(dredged, 1))
        names(models[[i]]) <- paste0("Spp, i")
        #predictions for the best model
        div[, i] <- predict(models[[i]], type = "state", newdata = sitecov)$Predicted
      }, silent = T)
      print(paste("Species", as.character(i), "ready!"))
  h <- diversity(div, index)
  DF <- as.data.frame(cbind(h, div))

  result <- list(Covs = sitecov, models = models, Diversity = h, species = DF)
  class(result) <- "diversityoccupancy"


#' Find the best GLM model explaining the alpha divesity of the species
#' This function takes a diversityoccu object and heuristically searches for the
#' glm that best explains the alpha diversity of the modelled species.
#' @param DivOcc is an object returned by the divesityoccu function of this
#' package
#' @param delta	the number of models that will be returned will be the ones that
#' have a maximum AICc difference with the top model equal to delta.
#' @param form is the formula to use in the glm, a character in the form of
#' "~ x1 + x2 + I(x1^2)
#' @return An object with the best fitted model, the coefficients of that model,
#' a table with the top 5 fitted models ranked by AICc and the data used for the
#' model
#' @details
#' This function fits every first order glm possible and ranks them by AICc.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #Load the data
#' data("IslandBirds")
#' data("Daily_Cov")
#' data("siteCov")
#' #Model the abundance for  5 bat species and calculate alpha diversity from that
#' BirdDiversity <-diversityoccu(pres = IslandBirds, sitecov = siteCov,
#' obscov = Daily_Cov,spp =  5, form = ~ Day + Wind + Time + Rain +
#' Noise ~ Elev + AgroFo + SecVec + Wetland + Upland)
#' #Select the best model that explains diversity using genetic algorithms
#' set.seed(123)
#' glm.Birdiversity <- model.diversity(BirdDiversity, method = "g")
#' #see the best models
#' glm.Birdiversity$Best.model
#' #plot the response of diversity to individual variables
#' plot(glm.Birdiversity, elev)
#' #To add the quadratic components of models
#' glm.birdiversity <- model.diversity(BirdDiversity , method = "g", squared = TRUE)
#' responseplot.diver(glm.birdiversity, Elev)
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link[DiversityOccupancy]{diversityoccu}}
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats glm
#' @importFrom stats as.formula
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @importFrom MuMIn dredge
#' @importFrom MuMIn AICc
#' @importFrom stats getCall
#' @author Derek Corcoran <derek.corcoran.barrios@gmail.com>

model.diversity <- function(DivOcc, delta = 2, form){
  A <- cbind(DivOcc$Diversity, DivOcc$Covs)
  B <- paste("Diversity", form, collapse = " ")
  B <- as.formula(substr(B, 1, nchar(B)-1))
  dredged <- suppressWarnings(dredge(glm(B, data = A)))
  # select the first model and evaluate
  Best.model <- eval(getCall(dredged, 1))
  Table <- as.data.frame(subset(dredged, delta < delta))
  d<-summary(glm(Best.model, data = A))
  result <- list(Best_model = Best.model, Table = Table, coeff = d, dataset= A)
  class(result) <- "modeldiversity"

#' Makes a spacially explicit prediction of the occupancy of multiple species
#' and alpha diversity, and select the area where
#' This function takes an deiversityoccu object and predicts occupancy for all species
#' in new data, either a data.frame or a rasterstack. It can also return a subset
#' of the total area of a rasterstack, where diversity and occupancy/abundance are
#' higher than the nth quantile.
#' @param model A result from diversityoccu
#' @param diverse A result from the model.diversity function.
#' @param new.data a rasterstack, or a dataframe containing the same variables as
#' the siteCovs variable in diversityoccu or batchoccu
#' @param quantile.nth the nth quantile, over which is a goal to keep both diversity
#' and selected species. default = NULL
#' @param species a boolean vector of the species to take into acount
#' @param kml if TRUE builds a kml file of the selected area and saves it in your
#' working directry
#' @param name the name of the kml file if kml is TRUE
#' @return a data frame with predicted values, or a raster stack with predictions
#' for each species, a raster for diversity and a raster with the area meeting the
#' quantile criteria.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #Load the data
#' data("IslandBirds")
#' data("Daily_Cov")
#' data("siteCov")
#' data("Birdstack")
#' #Model the abundance for  5 bat species and calculate alpha diversity from that
#' #Model the abundance for  5 bat species and calculate alpha diversity from that
#' BirdDiversity <-diversityoccu(pres = IslandBirds, sitecov = siteCov,
#' obscov = Daily_Cov,spp =  5, form = ~ Day + Wind + Time ~ Elev + Wetland + Upland)
#' #Select the best model that explains diversity using genetic algorithms
#' set.seed(123)
#' glm.Birdiversity <- model.diversity(BirdDiversity, method = "g")
#' # get the area where the first two bird species are most abundant
#' # and the diversity is high
#' library(rgdal)
#' Selected.area <- diversity.predict(model = BirdDiversity, diverse = glm.Birdiversity,
#' new.data = Birdstack, quantile.nth = 0.65, species =
#' Selected.area
#' }
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[DiversityOccupancy]{diversityoccu}}
#' @seealso \code{\link[DiversityOccupancy]{batchoccu}}
#' @seealso \code{\link[DiversityOccupancy]{model.diversity}}
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @importFrom stats glm
#' @importFrom raster addLayer
#' @importFrom raster KML
#' @importFrom raster quantile
#' @importFrom raster reclassify
#' @importFrom raster stack
#' @importFrom raster subset
#' @importFrom raster unstack
#' @importFrom raster writeRaster
#' @author Derek Corcoran <derek.corcoran.barrios@gmail.com>

diversity.predict<- function(model, diverse, new.data, quantile.nth = 0.8 , species, kml = TRUE, name = "Priority_Area.kml") {
  models <- model$models[species]
  layers <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(models)){
    layers [[i]] <- predict(models[[i]], new.data, type = "state")$Predicted
  glm.model <- glm(diverse$Best_model, data = diverse$dataset)
  diversity.raster<- predict(object = new.data, model = glm.model)
  layers <- stack(unlist(layers))
  desition <- addLayer(layers, diversity.raster)
  nths <- quantile(desition, quantile.nth)
  desition <- unstack(desition)
  for (i in 1:length(nths)){
    m <- c(-Inf, nths[i], NA,  nths[i], Inf, 1)
    rclmat <- matrix(m, ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
    rc[[i]]<-reclassify(desition[[i]] , rcl = rclmat)
  rc<- stack(unlist(rc))
  priority.area <- prod(rc)
  plot(priority.area, colNA="black", legend = FALSE)
  if (kml == TRUE) {
    KML(priority.area, file= name, overwrite = TRUE, col = "red")
  result <- list(species = layers, diversity.raster = diversity.raster, priority.area = priority.area)

#' Predicts occupancy for all the species in a batchoccupancy class object
#' This function takes an batchoccupancy object and predicts occupancy for all species
#' in new data, either a data.frame or a rasterstack.
#' @param batch A result from the batchoccu
#' @param new.data a rasterstack, or a dataframe containing the same variables as
#' the siteCovs variable in batchoccu
#' @return a raster stack with predictions
#' for each species.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #Load the data
#' data("IslandBirds")
#' data("Daily_Cov")
#' data("siteCov")
#' data("Birdstack")
#' BirdOccupancy <-batchoccu(pres = IslandBirds, sitecov = siteCov, obscov =
#' Daily_Cov, spp =  5, form = ~ Day + Wind + Rime + Noise + Clouds ~
#' Elev + AgroFo + SecVec + Wetland)
#' Occupancy.stack <- occupancy.predict(batch = BirdOccupancy, new.data =
#' Birdstack)
#' }
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[DiversityOccupancy]{batchoccu}}
#' @importFrom raster plot
#' @importFrom raster addLayer
#' @importFrom raster stack
#' @importFrom raster subset
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @author Derek Corcoran <derek.corcoran.barrios@gmail.com>

occupancy.predict<- function(batch, new.data) {
  models <- batch$models
  layers <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(models)){
    layers [[i]] <- predict(models[[i]], new.data, type = "state")
    layers [[i]] <- subset(layers[[i]], 1)
  layers <- stack (unlist(layers))
derek-corcoran-barrios/DiversityOccu documentation built on Nov. 12, 2019, 7:31 p.m.