
#' Perform a Student's T-test comparing a metric to each column of a matrix
#' This function is similar to \code{apply(m, 2, function(col) t.test(y ~ col)$p.value)},
#' but is vectorized to make it much faster
#' @param m binary matrix
#' @param y numeric vector to test each column of m against
#' @param var.equal assume that the variances are equal
#' @param alternative whether to use a one-sided test, and if so which way
#' @param tbl Whether to return as a data frame
#' @export
vectorized_t_test <- function(m, y, var.equal=FALSE, alternative="two.sided",
                              tbl = FALSE) {
  stopifnot(NROW(m) == length(y))
  in.m <- y * m
  out.m <- y * (1 - m)
  n.in <- colSums(m)
  n.out <- NROW(m) - n.in
  in.mu <- colSums(in.m) / n.in
  out.mu <- colSums(out.m) / n.out
  v.in <- colSums((in.m - t(t(m) * in.mu)) ^ 2) / (n.in - 1)
  v.out <- colSums((out.m - t(t(m) * out.mu)) ^ 2) / (n.out - 1)
  if (var.equal) {
    df <- NROW(m) - 2
    v <- (n.in - 1) * v.in + (n.out - 1) * v.out
    v <- v / df
    stderr <- sqrt(v*(1 / n.in + 1 / n.out))
  else {
    stderr.in <- sqrt(v.in/n.in)
    stderr.out <- sqrt(v.out/n.out)
    stderr <- sqrt(stderr.in ^ 2 + stderr.out ^ 2)
    df <- stderr ^ 4 / (stderr.in ^ 4 / (n.in - 1) + stderr.out ^ 4 / (n.out - 1))
  tstat <- (in.mu - out.mu) / stderr
  PVAL <- switch(alternative, less = pt(tstat, df),
                 greater = pt(tstat, df, lower.tail = FALSE),
                 two.sided = 2 * pt(-abs(tstat), df))

  if (tbl) {
    ret <- data.frame(column = colnames(m),
                      p.value = PVAL,
                      estimate = in.mu - out.mu)
  } else {
    # name them, if the matrix has names
    names(PVAL) <- colnames(m)

#' Perform a Wilcoxon rank-sum test comparing a metric to each column of a matrix
#' This function is similar to \code{apply(m, 2, function(col) wilcox.test(y ~ col)$p.value)},
#' but is vectorized to make it much faster
#' @param m binary matrix
#' @param y numeric vector to test each column of m against
#' @param alternative whether to use a one-sided test, and if so which way
#' @param tbl whether to return a data.frame rather than a vector
#' @export
vectorized_wilcoxon_test = function(m, y, alternative="two.sided", tbl = FALSE) {
  # given a boolean matrix and a vector y, apply the wilcoxon test to see
  # if y depends on each column of the matrix, returning a vector of
  # p-values
  stopifnot(NROW(m) == length(y))
  rk = rank(y)
  n.x = colSums(m)
  n.y = NROW(m) - n.x
  STATISTIC = colSums(rk * m) - n.x * (n.x + 1) / 2
  NTIES = table(rk)
  z <- STATISTIC - n.x * n.y / 2
  CORRECTION <- switch(alternative,
                       "two.sided" = sign(z) * 0.5,
                       "greater" = 0.5,
                       "less" = -0.5)
  SIGMA <- sqrt((n.x * n.y / 12) *
                  ((n.x + n.y + 1)
                   - sum(NTIES ^ 3 - NTIES)
                   / ((n.x + n.y) * (n.x + n.y - 1))))
  z <- (z - CORRECTION) / SIGMA
  PVAL <- switch(alternative,
                 "less" = pnorm(z),
                 "greater" = pnorm(z, lower.tail = FALSE),
                 "two.sided" = 2 * pmin(pnorm(z),
                                        pnorm(z, lower.tail = FALSE)))
  if (tbl) {
    # return as a tidy table
    auc <- STATISTIC / (n.x * n.y)
    data.frame(column = colnames(m), p.value = PVAL, auc = auc)
  } else {
    # name them, if the matrix has names
    names(PVAL) <- colnames(m)
dgrtwo/GSEAMA documentation built on May 15, 2019, 7:22 a.m.