
Defines functions spectral

Documented in spectral

#' Analyze a Rank Dataset
#' \code{spectral} analyzes a rank dataset for order interactions;
#' see examples for details.
#' @param data a vector in the frequency format (see examples)
#' @param n the number of objects to select from
#' @param k the number of objects selected
#' @param levels the names of the outcomes, in the proper order
#' @param iter iterations in metropolis
#' @param burn burn in
#' @param thin thinning
#' @return a list containing named elements \itemize{ \item
#'   \code{effects}: the pure ith order effects as a data frame
#'   computed by projecting the data onto the isotypic subspaces. 
#'   the length of each is the same as the data, choose(n, k). \item
#'   \code{effectsNorms}: the l2 norms of each effect. \item
#'   \code{statsMatrices}: the lower order statistics calculating
#'   matrices, made with Tmaker. \item \code{moves}: the markov
#'   moves for moving around each V, computed with markov on the
#'   statsMatrices.  only the positive moves are given. \item
#'   \code{samps}: the samples from each space conditioned on each
#'   level of statistics.  this is the output of metropolis. \item
#'   \code{obs}: a list of the observed data and its lower level
#'   summaries. \item \code{exp}: a list of the expected number of
#'   samples at each level given the summary statistics at the
#'   previous (lower) level.  these are computed from the samples
#'   from metropolis by (1) summarizing them with Tmaker and then
#'   (2) averaging the samples.  the expected V2 samples (for
#'   example), are determined by taking the samples with the same V1
#'   statistics (in V3, say), summarizing them to V2 with Tmaker,
#'   and then averaging every cell across the samples. \item
#'   \code{fullExp}: this is the result of taking each of the
#'   samples with the same lower-order statistics and averaging
#'   them.  see exp, which is a reduction of fullExp. \item
#'   \code{residuals}: obs - exp \item \code{isotypicBases}: a list
#'   of the basis vectors of each isotypic subspace; computed as the
#'   eigenvalues of the result of Amaker, and grouped by eigenvalue.
#'   \item \code{sampsEffects}: the effects determined by each of
#'   the samples, projected onto the isotypic subspaces. \item
#'   \code{sampsEffectsNorms }: the norms of the effects of the
#'   samples. \item \code{sampsEffectsNormSummary }: a summary of
#'   the norms of the effects of the samples. \item
#'   \code{showStages}: a function that prints out the observed,
#'   expected, and residuals of sequentially conditioning on the
#'   sample size, first order statistics, second order statistics,
#'   and so on. \item \code{showFit}: a function that prints out a
#'   summary of the fit of the model. \item \code{decompose}: a
#'   function that takes a vector of the same length of the table
#'   given and summarizes it to its lower level statistics. \item
#'   \code{sampsDecomposed}: every sample decomposed. \item
#'   \code{statistic}: the pearson's chi-squared (X2), likelihood
#'   ratio (G2), Freeman-Tukey (FT), Cressie-Read (CR), and Neyman
#'   modified chi-squared (NM) statistics computed using the
#'   observed data (obs) and expected data (exp) at each level. 
#'   \item \code{sampsStats}: the statistics computed on each of the
#'   samples. \item \code{p.value}: the exact p-values of individual
#'   tests, accurate to Monte-Carlo error.  these are computed as
#'   the proportion of samples with statistics equal to or larger
#'   than the oberved statistic. \item \code{p.value.se}: the
#'   standard errors of the p-values computed using the standard
#'   asymptotic formula of sqrt(p(1-p)/n).  a measure of the
#'   Monte-Carlo error. }

#' @export spectral
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## voting statistics at different levels
#' ############################################################
#' # load the cookies dataset:
#' data(cookie)
#' cookie$freq
#' cookie$cookies
#' # performing the spectral analysis
#' (out <- spectral(cookie$freq, 6, 3, cookie$cookies))
#' out$obs # the original observations, and the summary statistics
#' out$exp # each level is conditional on the previous level's statistics
#'         # (e.g. what you would expect for 1st order effects given sample size)
#'         # these are generated using 10k markov bases based mcmc samples
#' out$p.value # these are approximate exact test p-values using various 
#'             # popular test statistics.  the approximations are good to
#'             # monte carlo error
#' out$p.value.se # these are the standard errors using the sqrt(p*(1-p)/n)
#'                # asymptotic formula, known to have poor performance
#'                # for small/large p; see package binom for better
#' out$statistic # the individual statistics are also available
#'               # the values are not comprable across Vi levels (the rows)
#'               # as they have asymptotic chi-squared distributions with 
#'               # different degrees of freedom
#' out$fullExp # you can also get the expected number of samples at each scale
#'             # for tables with the same ith order statistics, i = 0, ..., k-1
#' # these can be seen to (re)construct an expected picture of the 
#' # complete data given each successive collection of statistics
#' cbind(
#'   obs = cookie$freq, 
#'   as.data.frame(lapply(out$fullExp, function(x) round(x[[4]],1)))
#' )[c(2:4,1)]
#' # notice that the reconstruction given only the first order statistics
#' # (the number of individual cookies selected) is quite good
#' # instead of using the reconstructions from the exp coming from 
#' # the samples, you could reconstruct the summaries of the observed
#' # data using bump; it's not quite as good :
#' V0 <- bump(cookie$freq, 6, 3, 3, 0)
#' V1 <- bump(cookie$freq, 6, 3, 3, 1)
#' V2 <- bump(cookie$freq, 6, 3, 3, 2)
#' cbind(
#'   obs = cookie$freq, 
#'   round(data.frame(
#'     V0 = bump(V0, 6, 3, 0, 3),
#'     V1 = bump(V1, 6, 3, 1, 3),    
#'     V2 = bump(V2, 6, 3, 2, 3)
#'   ), 2)
#' )[c(2:4,1)]
#' # you can see the model step-by-step with showStages() :
#' out$showStages()
#' # notice (1) the significant reduction in the residuals after conditioning
#' # on the first order statistics and also (2) the powdery noise after 
#' # conditioning on the second order statistics.
#' # the p-values reflect the same: 
#' #   * the residuals from conditioning on the sample size show the first
#' #     order effects are strongly significant (in out$p.value V1 = 0)
#' #   * the residuals from conditioning on the first order effects suggest
#' #     the second order effects might be significant (V2 ~ .04-.13ish)
#' #   * the residuals from conditioning on the second order effects indicate
#' #     the third order effects are entirely insignificant (V3 > .2)
#' # the isotypic subpaces can be used to determine the pure order effects :
#' out$isotypicBases # bases of the isotypic subspaces (here 4)
#' out$effects # pure ith order effects; cookie$freq projected onto the bases
#'             # these are their effects at the data level, so they all have
#'             # the same length as the original dataset: choose(n, k)
#' zapsmall(rowSums(out$effects)) # the effects sum to the data
#' # if the Vk effects are 0, then the conclusion is that Vk is perfectly
#' # predicted with the (k-1)st level statistics.  this may lead to the 
#' # conclusion that the l2 norms (say) of the effects might be used to 
#' # gauge the relative strength of effects :
#' out$effectsNorms # = apply(out$effects, 2, lpnorm)
#' # the natural (not full-dimensional) residuals can be seen with the summary
#' out
#' # or with
#' out$residuals
#' # these are the residuals (obs ith level stats) - (exp ith level stats)
#' # given the (i-1)st statistics
#' # bump is a useful function :
#' out$obs
#' bump(cookie$freq, 6, 3, 3, 0) # the 0 level is the number of voters, not votes
#' bump(cookie$freq, 6, 3, 3, 1) 
#' bump(cookie$freq, 6, 3, 3, 2)
#' bump(cookie$freq, 6, 3, 3, 3)
#' V1 <- out$obs$V1 # = bump(cookie$freq, 6, 3, 3, 1)
#' bump(V1, 6, 3, 1, 0)
#' bump(V1, 6, 3, 1, 1)
#' bump(V1, 6, 3, 1, 2) # cbind(bump(V1, 6, 3, 1, 2), out$exp$V2)
#' bump(V1, 6, 3, 1, 3) # cbind(bump(V1, 6, 3, 1, 3), out$fullExp$V1[[4]])
#' # the differences here are between an observation and an expectation
#' out$obs$V1 - out$exp$V1
#' out$residuals$V1
#' out$decompose(out$effects$V1)$V1
#' out$obs$V2 - out$exp$V2
#' out$residuals$V2
#'   out$decompose(out$effects$V0)$V2 + 
#'   out$decompose(out$effects$V1)$V2 +
#'   out$decompose(out$effects$V2)$V2 -
#'   out$exp$V2
#' # this is how to reconstruct the observation given the effects
#' # the cols of out$effects are the Vk order effects reconstructed
#' # from the lower level effects
#' out$obs$V0
#' zapsmall(
#'   out$decompose(out$effects$V0)$V0
#' )
#' out$obs$V1
#' zapsmall(
#'   out$decompose(out$effects$V0)$V1 + 
#'   out$decompose(out$effects$V1)$V1
#' )
#' out$obs$V2
#' zapsmall(
#'   out$decompose(out$effects$V0)$V2 + 
#'   out$decompose(out$effects$V1)$V2 +
#'   out$decompose(out$effects$V2)$V2
#' )
#' out$obs$V3
#' zapsmall(
#'   out$decompose(out$effects$V0)$V3 + 
#'   out$decompose(out$effects$V1)$V3 +
#'   out$decompose(out$effects$V2)$V3 +
#'   out$decompose(out$effects$V3)$V3
#' )
#' zapsmall(rowSums(out$effects))
#' all(cookie$freq == zapsmall(rowSums(out$effects)))
#' out$effects$V0
#' out$effects$V0 + out$effects$V1
#' out$effects$V0 + out$effects$V2
#' out$effects$V0 + out$effects$V3
#' str(out$sampsDecomposed)
#' as.data.frame(lapply(out$sampsDecomposed, function(l) rowMeans(l$V3)))
#' eff0 <- rowMeans(out$sampsDecomposed$V0$V3)
#' cbind(eff0, out$effects$V0)
#' eff1 <- rowMeans(out$sampsDecomposed$V1$V3 - eff0)
#' cbind(eff1, out$effects$V1)
#' eff2 <- rowMeans(out$sampsDecomposed$V2$V3 - eff0 - eff1)
#' cbind(eff2, out$effects$V2)
#' sum(eff0)
#' sum(eff1)
#' sum(eff2)
#' str(out$sampsEffectsNorms)
#' data <- out$sampsEffectsNorms$V0$V3
#' plot(density(data))
#' curve(dnorm(x, mean(data), sd(data)), col = "red", add = TRUE)
#' data <- out$sampsEffectsNorms$V0$V2
#' plot(density(data))
#' curve(dnorm(x, mean(data), sd(data)), col = "red", add = TRUE)
#' data <- out$sampsEffectsNorms$V0$V1
#' plot(density(data))
#' curve(dnorm(x, mean(data), sd(data)), col = "red", add = TRUE)
#' data <- out$sampsEffectsNorms$V1$V3
#' plot(density(data))
#' curve(dnorm(x, mean(data), sd(data)), col = "red", add = TRUE)
#' data <- out$sampsEffectsNorms$V1$V2
#' plot(density(data))
#' curve(dnorm(x, mean(data), sd(data)), col = "red", add = TRUE)
#' data <- out$sampsEffectsNorms$V2$V3
#' plot(density(data))
#' curve(dnorm(x, mean(data), sd(data)), col = "red", add = TRUE)
#' ## how to convert data into the right format
#' ############################################################
#' # this essentially just uses some clever indexing tricks
#' # to reorder the data in the way you want
#' data <- cookie$raw       # an example raw, unordered dataset
#' levels <- cookie$cookies # the order of the objects you want
#' levsNndcs <- 1:length(levels)
#' names(levsNndcs) <- levels
#' # arrange selections within rows (order of selection doesn't matter)
#' data <- t(apply(data, 1, function(x) x[order(levsNndcs[x])] ))
#' # arrange rows (order of selectors doesn't matter)
#' for(k in ncol(data):1) data <- data[order(levsNndcs[data[,k]]),]
#' # check that you've done the right thing
#' all( data == cookie$sorted )
#' # the data frequency order should match that of subsets:
#' subsets(levels, 1)
#' subsets(levels, 2)
#' sapply(subsets(levels, 2), paste, collapse = ", ")
#' subsets(levels, 3)
#' sapply(subsets(levels, 3), paste, collapse = ", ")
#' names(cookie$freq)
#' names(cookie$freq) == sapply(subsets(levels, 3), paste, collapse = ", ")
#' ## other examples
#' ############################################################
#' # rvotes provides uniform samples
#' n <- 4
#' k <- 2
#' raw <- rvotes(250, n, k)
#' rawTogether <- apply(raw, 1, paste, collapse = " ")
#' levels <- sapply(subsets(n, k), paste, collapse = " ")
#' freq <- table( factor(rawTogether, levels = levels) )
#' (out <- spectral(freq, n, k))
#' out$p.value
#' out$showStages()
#' out$obs
#' out$exp
#' n <- 6
#' k <- 3
#' raw <- rvotes(250, n, k)
#' rawTogether <- apply(raw, 1, paste, collapse = " ")
#' levels <- sapply(subsets(n, k), paste, collapse = " ")
#' freq <- table( factor(rawTogether, levels = levels) )
#' (out <- spectral(freq, n, k))
#' n <- 7
#' k <- 3
#' raw <- rvotes(250, n, k)
#' rawTogether <- apply(raw, 1, paste, collapse = " ")
#' levels <- sapply(subsets(n, k), paste, collapse = " ")
#' freq <- table( factor(rawTogether, levels = levels) )
#' (out <- spectral(freq, n, k))
#' n <- 8
#' k <- 3
#' raw <- rvotes(250, n, k)
#' rawTogether <- apply(raw, 1, paste, collapse = " ")
#' levels <- sapply(subsets(n, k), paste, collapse = " ")
#' freq <- table( factor(rawTogether, levels = levels) )
#' # out <- spectral(freq, n, k) # breaks
#' }
spectral <- function(data, n, k, levels, iter = 1e4, burn = 1e3, thin = 10){
  if(missing(levels)) levels <- 1:n     
  if(!missing(levels) && length(levels) != n){
  	stop("if specified, levels must be of length n.", call. = FALSE)
  # make list of moves
  message("Computing moves... ", appendLF = FALSE)
  listOfMoves <- as.list(rep(NA, k))
  names(listOfMoves) <- paste0("V", 0:(k-1))
  for(d in 0:(k-1)){
    listOfMoves[[d+1]] <- markov(Tmaker(n, k, d))

  # run metropolis-hastings
  samps <- as.list(rep(NA, k))
  names(samps) <- paste0("V", 0:(k-1))  
  for(d in 0:(k-1)){
    samps[[d+1]] <- metropolis(unname(data), listOfMoves[[d+1]],
      iter = iter, burn = burn, thin = thin

  # compute the A matrix
  A <- Amaker(n, k)
  # compute eigen stuff  
  e <- eigen(A)
  # clean eigen
  e$values <- zapsmall(e$values)
  e$vectors <- e$vectors
  # number of evals
  nEvals <- length(unique(e$values))  
  # split evecs based on eval
  listOfBasisVectors <- split(
    split(e$vectors, col(e$vectors)),
  # list from V0 to Vk
  listOfBasisVectors <- rev(listOfBasisVectors)
  # convert to matrices
  listOfBasisVectors <- lapply(listOfBasisVectors, function(x){
    if(is.list(x)) return(unname(Reduce(cbind, x)))
  # assign names
  names(listOfBasisVectors) <- paste0("V", 0:k)
  # compute projections of data  
  qrs <- lapply(listOfBasisVectors, qr)  
  effects <- lapply(qrs, function(x) as.numeric(qr.fitted(x, data)) )
  effects <- as.data.frame(effects)
  row.names(effects) <- sapply(subsets(levels, k), paste, collapse = ", ")

  # norm projections of data
  effectsNorms <- sapply(effects, lpnorm)

  # compute projections of samps and their effectsNorms
  relative2Data <- sampsEffects <- sampsEffectsNorms <- as.list(rep(NA, k))
  names(sampsEffects) <- names(sampsEffectsNorms) <- paste0("V", 0:(k-1))
  ph <- as.list(rep(NA, k+1))  
  names(ph) <- paste0("V", 0:k)
  message("Projecting and norming... ", appendLF = FALSE)       

  for(d in 0:(k-1)){ # cycle through the same ith-order effects

  	sampsEffects[[d+1]] <- sampsEffectsNorms[[d+1]] <- relative2Data[[d+1]] <- ph

    for(dd in 0:k){ # cycle through dimensions to project onto    	

      # project      
      sampsEffects[[d+1]][[dd+1]] <- qr.fitted(qrs[[dd+1]], samps[[d+1]]$steps)        
      # norm
      sampsEffectsNorms[[d+1]][[dd+1]] <- apply(sampsEffects[[d+1]][[dd+1]], 2, lpnorm)      
      # compare to data
      relative2Data[[d+1]][[dd+1]] <- 
        mean( sampsEffectsNorms[[d+1]][[dd+1]] <= effectsNorms[dd+1] )

  # summarize norms
  summarize <- function(v){
    if(length(v) == 1 && is.na(v)) return(NA)
        #"2.5%" = unname(quantile(v, .025)),
        "Mean" = mean(v),
       #"97.5%" = unname(quantile(v, .975)),
           "Sd" = sd(v)
  sampsEffectsNormsSummary <- lapply(sampsEffectsNorms, lapply, summarize)
  sampsEffectsNormsSummary <- lapply(sampsEffectsNormsSummary, as.data.frame)
  sampsEffectsNormsSummary <- lapply(sampsEffectsNormsSummary, function(df) df[,1:(k+1)])  
  relative2Data <- lapply(relative2Data, as.data.frame)
  for(i in 1:length(sampsEffectsNormsSummary)){
    sampsEffectsNormsSummary[[i]]   <- rbind(
    row.names(sampsEffectsNormsSummary[[i]]) <- 
      c("Mean", "Sd", "data", "% <= data")
  names(sampsEffectsNormsSummary) <- paste(names(sampsEffectsNormsSummary), "samples")

  # name listOfBasisVectors, make into matrices, zapsmall
  listOfBasisVectors <- lapply(listOfBasisVectors, function(x){
    if(is.list(x)) return(unname(Reduce(cbind, x)))
  listOfBasisVectors <- lapply(listOfBasisVectors, zapsmall)

  # generate summary statistics
  observed <- as.list(rep(NA, k+1))
  for(d in 0:k){
  	observed[[d+1]] <- Tmaker(n, k, d) %*% unname(data)
    row.names(observed[[d+1]]) <- 
  	  sapply(subsets(levels, d), paste, collapse = ", ")
    colnames(observed[[d+1]]) <- "N"
  names(observed) <- paste0("V", 0:k)

  # compute expected number of samples at each level
  # given the observed number at each level
  fullExpected <- as.list(rep(NA, k))
  names(fullExpected) <- paste0("V", 0:(k-1))
  Ts <- lapply(as.list(0:k), function(x) Tmaker(n, k, x)) # list of T's  
  for(d in 0:(k-1)){
  	fullExpected[[d+1]] <- lapply(Ts, function(Tmat){
  	  rowMeans(Tmat %*% samps[[d+1]]$steps)
  # summarize the above to the expected number of samples
  # at each level given the observed number of samples
  # at the previous level
  expected <- observed
  for(d in 1:k){
    expected[[d+1]] <- t(t(fullExpected[[d]][[d+1]]))
    row.names(expected[[d+1]]) <- 
      sapply(subsets(levels, d), paste, collapse = ", ")
    colnames(expected[[d+1]]) <- "N"      
  # compute residuals
  residuals <- observed
  for(d in 1:k){
    residuals[[d+1]] <- observed[[d+1]] - expected[[d+1]]
  # showing stages
  showStages <- function(){
  	count <- 0
  	postScript <- c(
  	  "the sample size :\n",
  	  "first order statistics :\n",
  	  "second order statistics :\n",
  	  "third order statistics :\n",
  	  "fourth order statistics :\n",
  	  "fifth order statistics :\n",
  	  "sixth order statistics :\n"
    lapply(fullExpected, function(l){
      resMat <- obsMat <- expMat <- 
        matrix(numeric(0), nrow = choose(n,k), ncol = k+1)  
      obsMat[2,1] <- expMat[2,1] <- observed[[1]]          
      for(d in 0:k){
        expMat[1:choose(n, d), d+1] <- l[[d+1]]
        obsMat[1:choose(n, d), d+1] <- observed[[d+1]][,1]
        resMat[1:choose(n, d), d+1] <- observed[[d+1]][,1] - l[[d+1]]
      mat <- cbind(obsMat, expMat, resMat)
      mat <- round(mat, 1)
      mat2 <- apply(mat, 2, format)
      mat2[is.na(mat)] <- ""
      mat2[1,0*(k+1)+1] <- "Obs: "
      mat2[1,1*(k+1)+1] <- "Exp: "    
      mat2[1,2*(k+1)+1] <- "Resid:"      
      mat2[3,0*(k+1)+1] <- paste0("(x", k, ")")
      mat2[3,1*(k+1)+1] <- paste0("(x", k, ")")      
      mat2 <- apply(mat2, 2, format)
      cat(paste("Conditioning on", postScript[count+1]))
      cat(apply(mat2, 1, paste, collapse = "  "), sep = "\n")      
      count <<- count + 1
  # showing expected
  showFit <- function(){
    resMat <- obsMat <- expMat <- 
      matrix(numeric(0), nrow = choose(n,k), ncol = k+1)  
    obsMat[2,1] <- expMat[2,1] <- observed[[1]]    
    for(d in 1:k){
      expMat[1:choose(n, d), d+1]  <- fullExpected[[d]][[d+1]]
      obsMat[1:choose(n, d), d+1] <- observed[[d+1]][,1]
      resMat[1:choose(n, d), d+1] <- residuals[[d+1]][,1]
    mat <- cbind(obsMat, expMat, resMat)
    mat <- round(mat, 1)
    mat2 <- apply(mat, 2, format)
    mat2[is.na(mat)] <- ""
    mat2[1,0*(k+1)+1] <- "Obs: "
    mat2[1,1*(k+1)+1] <- "Exp: "    
    mat2[1,2*(k+1)+1] <- "Resid:"
    mat2[3,0*(k+1)+1] <- paste0("(x", k, ")")
    mat2[3,1*(k+1)+1] <- paste0("(x", k, ")")
    mat2 <- apply(mat2, 2, format)    
    cat(apply(mat2, 1, paste, collapse = "  "), sep = "\n")
  # decompose an observation into the various order effects
  decompose <- function(v){
    out <- as.list(rep(NA, k+1))
    names(out) <- paste0("V", 0:k)
    for(d in 0:k){
      out[[d+1]] <- Ts[[d+1]] %*% unname(v)
      row.names(out[[d+1]]) <- 
        sapply(subsets(levels, d), paste, collapse = ", ")
      colnames(out[[d+1]]) <- "N"

  # decompose samps
  sampsDecomposed <- lapply(samps, function(x){
    out <- as.list(rep(NA, k+1))
    names(out) <- paste0("V", 0:k)  	
    for(d in 0:k) out[[d+1]] <- Ts[[d+1]] %*% x$steps
    out <- lapply(out, function(mat){
      matrix(as.integer(mat), nrow = nrow(mat))
  #for(d in 1:k) sampsDecomposed[[d]] <- sampsDecomposed[[d]][[d+1]]
  #names(sampsDecomposed) <- paste0("V", 1:k)
  #lapply(sampsDecomposed, rowMeans) # = expected

  # compute statistics for each combo of observed/expected  
  X2 <- vector(length = k)
  names(X2) <- paste0("V", 1:k)
  PR <- G2 <- CR <- FT <- NM <- X2
  for(d in 1:k){
    PR[d] <- computeUProbsCpp(observed[[d+1]])  	
    X2[d] <- computeX2sCpp(observed[[d+1]], expected[[d+1]])
    G2[d] <- computeG2sCpp(observed[[d+1]], expected[[d+1]])    
    FT[d] <- computeCRsCpp(observed[[d+1]], expected[[d+1]], -.5)
    CR[d] <- computeCRsCpp(observed[[d+1]], expected[[d+1]], 2/3)    
    NM[d] <- computeNMsCpp(observed[[d+1]], expected[[d+1]])        
  statistic <- rbind(PR, X2, G2, FT, CR, NM)
  # compute statistics for each combo of samps/expected  
  X2s <- as.list(rep(NA, length = k))
  names(X2s) <- paste0("V", 1:k)
  PRs <- G2s <- CRs <- FTs <- NMs <- X2s
  for(d in 1:k){
    PRs[[d]] <- computeUProbsCpp(sampsDecomposed[[d]][[d+1]])  	
    X2s[[d]] <- computeX2sCpp(sampsDecomposed[[d]][[d+1]], expected[[d+1]])
    G2s[[d]] <- computeG2sCpp(sampsDecomposed[[d]][[d+1]], expected[[d+1]])    
    FTs[[d]] <- computeCRsCpp(sampsDecomposed[[d]][[d+1]], expected[[d+1]], -.5)
    CRs[[d]] <- computeCRsCpp(sampsDecomposed[[d]][[d+1]], expected[[d+1]], 2/3)    
    NMs[[d]] <- computeNMsCpp(sampsDecomposed[[d]][[d+1]], expected[[d+1]])        
  sampsStats <- list(PRs = PRs, X2s = X2s, G2s = G2s, FTs = FTs, CRs = CRs, NMs = NMs)

  # compute p values and their standard errors
  p.value <- matrix(nrow = nrow(statistic), ncol = k)
  colnames(p.value) <- paste0("V", 1:k)
  row.names(p.value) <- c("PR", "X2", "G2" ,"FT", "CR", "NM")
  mid.p.value <- p.value
  for(i in 1:nrow(statistic)){
    for(d in 1:k){
      p.value[i,d] <- mean( sampsStats[[i]][[d]] >= statistic[i,d] )
      mid.p.value[i,d] <- 
        mean( sampsStats[[i]][[d]] == statistic[i,d] )/2 +
        mean( sampsStats[[i]][[d]] > statistic[i,d] )
  p.value[1,] <- 1 - p.value[1,] 
  p.value.se <- sqrt(p.value*(1-p.value)/iter)
  mid.p.value.se <- sqrt(mid.p.value*(1-mid.p.value)/iter)  

  # return
  out <- list(
    effects = zapsmall(effects), effectsNorms = effectsNorms, 
    statsMatrices = Ts, moves = listOfMoves,
    samps = samps, 
    obs = observed, exp = expected, fullExp = fullExpected,
    residuals = residuals,    
    isotypicBases = listOfBasisVectors,    
    sampsEffects = sampsEffects, sampsEffectsNorms = sampsEffectsNorms,
    sampsEffectsNormsSummary = sampsEffectsNormsSummary,
    showStages = showStages, showFit = showFit,
    decompose = decompose, sampsDecomposed = sampsDecomposed,
    statistic = statistic, sampsStats = sampsStats,
    p.value = p.value, p.value.se = p.value.se,
    mid.p.value = mid.p.value, mid.p.value.se = mid.p.value.se,
    call = match.call()    
  class(out) <- "spectral"
dkahle/algstat documentation built on May 23, 2023, 12:29 a.m.