
Defines functions constraintL1 check.objfun.output trustL1 norm

Documented in trustL1

norm <- function(x) sqrt(sum(x^2))

#' @export
#' @rdname trust
#' @param blather2 even more information
#' @param mu named numeric value. The reference value for L1 penalized parameters.
#' @param one.sided logical. One-sided penalization.
#' @param lambda strength of the L1 penalty 
trustL1 <- function(objfun, parinit, mu = 0*parinit, one.sided=FALSE, lambda = 1, rinit, rmax, parscale,
    iterlim = 100, fterm = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps),
    mterm = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps),
    minimize = TRUE, blather = FALSE, blather2 = FALSE, parupper = Inf, parlower = -Inf, printIter = FALSE, ...)
  # Guarantee that pars is named numeric without deriv attribute
  sanePars <- sanitizePars(parinit, list(...)$fixed)
  parinit <- sanePars$pars
    u <- structure(rep(Inf, length(parinit)), names = names(parinit))
    l <- structure(rep(-Inf, length(parinit)), names = names(parinit))
    if (is.null(names(parupper)))
      u[1:length(u)] <- parupper
    if (is.null(names(parlower)))
      l[1:length(l)] <- parlower
    if (!is.null(names(parupper)) & !is.null(names(parinit)))
      u[names(parupper)] <- parupper
    if (!is.null(names(parlower)) & !is.null(names(parinit)))
      l[names(parlower)] <- parlower
    parupper <- u
    parlower <- l
    if (! is.numeric(parinit))
       stop("parinit not numeric")
    if (! all(is.finite(parinit)))
       stop("parinit not all finite")
    upper <- which(parinit > parupper)
    lower <- which(parinit < parlower)
    if(length(upper > 0)){
      warning("init above range")
      parinit[upper] <- parupper[upper]
    if(length(lower > 0)){
      warning("init below range")
      parinit[lower] <- parlower[lower]
    d <- length(parinit)
    if (missing(parscale)) {
        rescale <- FALSE
    } else {
        rescale <- TRUE
        if (length(parscale) != d)
           stop("parscale and parinit not same length")
        if (! all(parscale > 0))
           stop("parscale not all positive")
        if (! all(is.finite(parscale) & is.finite(1 / parscale)))
           stop("parscale or 1 / parscale not all finite")
    if (! is.logical(minimize))
       stop("minimize not logical")

    r <- rinit
    theta <- parinit
    out <- try(objfun(theta, ...))
    grad0 <- out$gradient
    outL1 <- try(constraintL1(theta, mu, lambda))
    gradL1 <- outL1$gradient
    if (inherits(out, "try-error")) {
        warning("error in first call to objfun")
        return(list(error = out, argument = theta, converged = FALSE,
            iterations = 0))
    ## Fix L1-parameters on prior if they would be drawn back after step
    is.fixed.theta <- match(names(mu), names(theta))[which(theta[names(mu)] == mu & abs(grad0[names(mu)]) <= lambda)]
      is.fixed.theta <- match(names(mu), names(theta))[which(theta[names(mu)] == mu & -(grad0[names(mu)]) <= lambda)]
    if(length(is.fixed.theta) > 0) {
      out$gradient <- out$gradient[-is.fixed.theta]
      out$hessian <- out$hessian[-is.fixed.theta,-is.fixed.theta]  
      outL1$gradient <- outL1$gradient[-is.fixed.theta]
      outL1$hessian <- outL1$hessian[-is.fixed.theta, -is.fixed.theta]

    out <- out + outL1
    check.objfun.output(out, minimize, d - length(is.fixed.theta))
    if (! is.finite(out$value))
        stop("parinit not feasible")
    accept <- TRUE

    if (blather) {
        theta.blather <- NULL
        theta.try.blather <- NULL
        type.blather <- NULL
        accept.blather <- NULL
        r.blather <- NULL
        stepnorm.blather <- NULL
        rho.blather <- NULL
        val.blather <- NULL
        val.try.blather <- NULL
        preddiff.blather <- NULL
    if (printIter) cat("\n")

    for (iiter in 1:iterlim) {

      if (printIter) {
        cat("Iteration: ", iiter, "      Objective value: ", out$value, "\n")
        if (blather) {
            theta.blather <- rbind(theta.blather, theta)
            r.blather <- c(r.blather, r)
            if (accept)
                val.blather <- c(val.blather, out$value)
                val.blather <- c(val.blather, out.value.save)

        if (accept) {
            B <- out$hessian
            g <- out$gradient
            f <- out$value
            out.value.save <- f
            if (rescale) { 
                B <- B / outer(parscale, parscale)
                g <- g / parscale
            if (! minimize) {
                B <- (- B)
                g <- (- g)
                f <- (- f)
            eout <- eigen(B, symmetric = TRUE)
            gq <- as.numeric(t(eout$vectors) %*% g)

        ########## solve trust region subproblem ##########

        ##### try for Newton #####
        is.newton <- FALSE
        if (all(eout$values > 0)) {
            ptry <- as.numeric(- eout$vectors %*% (gq / eout$values))
            if (norm(ptry) <= r)
                is.newton <- TRUE

        ##### non-Newton #####
        if (! is.newton) {
            lambda.min <- min(eout$values)
            beta <- eout$values - lambda.min
            imin <- beta == 0
            C1 <- sum((gq / beta)[! imin]^2)
            C2 <- sum(gq[imin]^2)
            C3 <- sum(gq^2)
            if (C2 > 0 || C1 > r^2) {
                is.easy <- TRUE
                is.hard <- (C2 == 0)
                ##### easy cases #####
                beta.dn <- sqrt(C2) / r
                beta.up <- sqrt(C3) / r
                fred <- function(beep) {
                    if (beep == 0) {
                        if (C2 > 0)
                            return(- 1 / r)
                            return(sqrt(1 / C1) - 1 / r)
                    return(sqrt(1 / sum((gq / (beta + beep))^2)) - 1 / r)
                if (fred(beta.up) <= 0) {
                    uout <- list(root = beta.up)
                } else if (fred(beta.dn) >= 0) {
                    uout <- list(root = beta.dn)
                } else {
                    uout <- stats::uniroot(fred, c(beta.dn, beta.up))
                wtry <- gq / (beta + uout$root)
                ptry <- as.numeric(- eout$vectors %*% wtry)
            } else {
                is.hard <- TRUE
                is.easy <- FALSE
                ##### hard-hard case #####
                wtry <- gq / beta
                wtry[imin] <- 0
                ptry <- as.numeric(- eout$vectors %*% wtry)
                utry <- sqrt(r^2 - sum(ptry^2))
                if (utry > 0) {
                    vtry <- eout$vectors[ , imin, drop = FALSE]
                    vtry <- vtry[ , 1]
                    ptry <- ptry + utry * vtry

        ########## predicted versus actual change ##########

        preddiff <- sum(ptry * (g + as.numeric(B %*% ptry) / 2))
        ## Compute theta.try
        ## Fix prior parameters which are on prior (catch-up from above)
        if(length(is.fixed.theta) > 0) {
          ptry.new <- structure(rep(0, length(parinit)), names = names(parinit))
          ptry.new[names(parinit)[-is.fixed.theta]] <- ptry
          ptry <- ptry.new
        if (rescale) {
            theta.try <- theta + ptry / parscale
        } else {
            theta.try <- theta + ptry
        ## Set on prior value if step-over
        chgsgn <- (theta[names(mu)]-mu)*(theta.try[names(mu)]-mu)
        theta.try[names(mu)][chgsgn < 0] <- mu[chgsgn < 0]
          theta.try[names(mu)][theta.try[names(mu)] < mu] <- mu[theta.try[names(mu)] < mu]
        ## Scale down step length if step over prior
        #         chgsgn <- (theta[names(mu)]-mu)*(theta.try[names(mu)]-mu)
        #         steplength.red <- (mu - theta[names(mu)])[chgsgn < 0]
        #         steplength.full <- (theta.try[names(mu)] - theta[names(mu)])[chgsgn < 0]
        #         if(length(steplength.red) > 0) {
        #           fact <- abs(steplength.red/steplength.full)
        #           theta.try <- theta + min(fact)*(theta.try-theta)
        #           theta.try[names(mu)][chgsgn < 0][which.min(fact)] <- mu[chgsgn < 0][which.min(fact)]
        #           ptry.red <- theta.try - theta
        #           if(length(is.fixed.theta) > 0) ptry.red <- ptry.red[-is.fixed.theta]
        #           preddiff <- sum(ptry.red * (g + as.numeric(B %*% ptry.red) / 2))
        #         }
        upper <- which(!(theta.try < parupper))
        lower <- which(!(theta.try > parlower))
        theta.try[upper] <- parupper[upper]
        theta.try[lower] <- parlower[lower]
        out <- try(objfun(theta.try, ...))
        outL1 <- try(constraintL1(theta.try, mu, lambda))
        if (inherits(out, "try-error"))
        ## Fix L1-parameters on prior if they would be drawn back after step (theta.try)
       # is.fixed.theta.try <- which(names(theta.try)%in%names(mu))[which(theta.try[names(mu)] == mu & abs(out$gradient[names(mu)]) <= lambda)]
      is.fixed.theta.try <- match(names(mu), names(theta.try))[which(theta.try[names(mu)] == mu & abs(out$gradient[names(mu)]) <= lambda)]
          is.fixed.theta.try <- match(names(mu), names(theta.try))[which(theta.try[names(mu)] == mu & -(out$gradient[names(mu)]) <= lambda)]
        if(length(is.fixed.theta.try) > 0) {
          out$gradient <- out$gradient[-is.fixed.theta.try]
          out$hessian <- out$hessian[-is.fixed.theta.try,-is.fixed.theta.try]  
          outL1$gradient <- outL1$gradient[-is.fixed.theta.try]
          outL1$hessian <- outL1$hessian[-is.fixed.theta.try, -is.fixed.theta.try]
        out <- out + outL1
        check.objfun.output(out, minimize, d - length(is.fixed.theta.try))
        ftry <- out$value
        if (! minimize)
            ftry <- (- ftry)
        rho <- (ftry - f) / preddiff

        ########## termination test ##########
        if (ftry < Inf) {
            is.terminate <- abs(ftry - f) < fterm || abs(preddiff) < mterm
        } else {
            is.terminate <- FALSE
            rho <- (- Inf)

        ##### adjustments #####
        if (is.terminate) {
            if (ftry < f) {
                accept <- TRUE
                theta <- theta.try
                is.fixed.theta <- is.fixed.theta.try
        } else {
            if (rho < 1 / 4) {
                accept <- FALSE
                r <- r / 4
            } else {
                accept <- TRUE
                theta <- theta.try
                is.fixed.theta <- is.fixed.theta.try
                if (rho > 3 / 4 && (! is.newton))
                    r <- min(2 * r, rmax)

        if (blather) {
            theta.try.blather <- rbind(theta.try.blather, theta.try)
            val.try.blather <- c(val.try.blather, out$value)
            accept.blather <- c(accept.blather, accept)
            preddiff.blather <- c(preddiff.blather, preddiff)
            stepnorm.blather <- c(stepnorm.blather, norm(ptry))
            if (is.newton) {
                mytype <- "Newton"
            } else {
                if (is.hard) {
                    if (is.easy) {
                        mytype <- "hard-easy"
                    } else {
                        mytype <- "hard-hard"
                } else {
                    mytype <- "easy-easy"
            type.blather <- c(type.blather, mytype)
            rho.blather <- c(rho.blather, rho)

        if (is.terminate)

    if (inherits(out, "try-error")) {
        out <- list(error = out, argument = theta.try, converged = FALSE)
    } else {
        out <- try(objfun(theta, ...))
        outL1 <- try(constraintL1(theta.try, mu, lambda))
        if (inherits(out, "try-error")) {
          out <- list(error = out)
          warning("error in last call to objfun")
        } else {
          out <- out + outL1
          check.objfun.output(out, minimize, d)
        out$argument <- theta
        out$converged <- is.terminate
    out$iterations <- iiter
    if (blather) {
        dimnames(theta.blather) <- NULL
        out$argpath <- theta.blather
        dimnames(theta.try.blather) <- NULL
        out$argtry <- theta.try.blather
        out$steptype <- type.blather
        out$accept <- accept.blather
        out$r <- r.blather
        out$rho <- rho.blather
        out$valpath <- val.blather
        out$valtry <- val.try.blather
        if (! minimize)
            preddiff.blather <- (- preddiff.blather)
        out$preddiff <- preddiff.blather
        out$stepnorm <- stepnorm.blather

check.objfun.output <- function(obj, minimize, dimen)
    if (! is.list(obj))
        stop("objfun returned object that is not a list")
    foo <- obj$value
    if (is.null(foo))
        stop("objfun returned list that does not have a component 'value'")
    if (! is.numeric(foo))
        stop("objfun returned value that is not numeric")
    if (length(foo) != 1)
        stop("objfun returned value that is not scalar")
    if (is.na(foo) || is.nan(foo))
        stop("objfun returned value that is NA or NaN")
    if (minimize && foo == (-Inf))
        stop("objfun returned -Inf value in minimization")
    if ((! minimize) && foo == Inf)
        stop("objfun returned +Inf value in maximization")
    if (is.finite(foo)) {
        bar <- obj$gradient
        if (is.null(bar))
            stop("objfun returned list without component 'gradient' when value is finite")
        if (! is.numeric(bar))
            stop("objfun returned gradient that is not numeric")
        if (length(bar) != dimen)
            stop(paste("objfun returned gradient that is not vector of length", dimen))
        if (! all(is.finite(bar)))
            stop("objfun returned gradient not having all elements finite")
        baz <- obj$hessian
        if (is.null(baz))
            stop("objfun returned list without component 'hessian' when value is finite")
        if (! is.numeric(baz))
            stop("objfun returned hessian that is not numeric")
        if (! is.matrix(baz))
            stop("objfun returned hessian that is not matrix")
        if (! all(dim(baz) == dimen))
            stop(paste("objfun returned hessian that is not", dimen, "by", dimen, "matrix"))
        if (! all(is.finite(baz)))
            stop("objfun returned hessian not having all elements finite")

constraintL1 <- function(p, mu, lambda = 1, fixed = NULL) {
  ## Augment sigma if length = 1
  if(length(lambda) == 1) 
    lambda <- structure(rep(lambda, length(mu)), names = names(mu)) 
  ## Extract contribution of fixed pars and delete names for calculation of gr and hs  
  par.fixed <- intersect(names(mu), names(fixed))
  sumOfFixed <- 0
  if(!is.null(par.fixed)) sumOfFixed <- sum(lambda[par.fixed]*abs(fixed[par.fixed] - mu[par.fixed]))
  ## Compute constraint value and derivatives
  parameters <- intersect(names(p), names(mu))
  value <- sum(lambda[parameters]*abs(p[parameters] - mu[parameters])) + sumOfFixed
  gradient <- rep(0, length(p)); names(gradient) <- names(p)
  gradient[parameters][p[parameters] >  mu[parameters]] <-  lambda[parameters][p[parameters] >  mu[parameters]]
  gradient[parameters][p[parameters] <  mu[parameters]] <- -lambda[parameters][p[parameters] <  mu[parameters]]
  hessian <- matrix(0, length(p), length(p), dimnames = list(names(p), names(p)))
  diag(hessian)[parameters] <- 0
  dP <- attr(p, "deriv") 
  if(!is.null(dP)) {
    gradient <- as.vector(gradient %*% dP)
    names(gradient) <- colnames(dP)
    hessian <- t(dP) %*% hessian %*% dP
    colnames(hessian) <- colnames(dP)
    rownames(hessian) <- colnames(dP)
  out <- list(value = value, gradient = gradient, hessian = hessian)
  class(out) <- c("obj", "list")
dkaschek/dMod documentation built on April 23, 2024, 5:18 p.m.