
Defines functions afthe_except_man_been_those_ipsum_to_and_is_Lorem_cupiditate_the afthe_except_man_been_those_ipsum_to_and_is_Lorem_cupiditate_the check_clusterTimeStamp write_clusterTimeStamp catDfToExcel fileEditHistory openUnitTestFile sanitizeDate tpaste0 open_in_calc open_in_file pullJobs allCommitted gitam gitcom gall showUndocumentedParams update_cf funnames_in_package check expand.grid2 duplicated_values duplicated_includeFirst signif_stars cor2cov insert_values_by_name are_names_of sort_by_name subtract_by_name tail3 tail1 head11 head3 head1 strr2 sttr2 stra2 strr1 sttr1 stra1 strr0 sttr0 stra0 str2 str1 str0 flexZirkel

Documented in allCommitted are_names_of catDfToExcel check check_clusterTimeStamp cor2cov duplicated_includeFirst duplicated_values expand.grid2 fileEditHistory flexZirkel funnames_in_package gall gitam gitcom head1 head11 head3 insert_values_by_name open_in_calc open_in_file openUnitTestFile pullJobs showUndocumentedParams signif_stars sort_by_name str0 str1 str2 stra0 stra1 strr0 strr1 strr2 sttr0 sttr1 sttr2 subtract_by_name tail1 tail3 update_cf write_clusterTimeStamp

#' Flexzirkel Stoppuhr
#' "coin" = trainieren, "work complete" = aufhö?ren, "bing" = gleich gehts wieder los
#' @export
#' @importFrom beepr beep
flexZirkel <- function(t1 = 15,t2 = 10,t3 = 10,t4 = 7,t5 = 5) {
      "* Bei Uebung 1 die Beine durchstrecken",
      "* Bei Uebung 2 den oberen Arm langziehen",
      "* Bei Rollbrett nach vorne Beine durchstrecken",
      "* Fussverschraubung",
      "* Pinguin",
      "* Krebs",
      "* Muschel",
      "* Kniebeugen",
      "* KlimmzUege",
      "* Sit-ups",
      "* LiegestUetze",
      "* Gymnastikball",
      sep = "\n")
  for (i in 1:100) {
    # train
    if (t1) {beepr::beep(2)
    if (t2) {beepr::beep(2)
    if (t3) {beepr::beep(2)
    # change

# Analysis ----

#' str with max.level = 0
#' Saves you typoing when analysing objects
#' @param ... an object
#' @export
str0 <- function(...) {
  str(..., max.level = 0, give.attr = F)

#' @rdname str0
#' @export
str1 <- function(...) {
  str(..., max.level = 1, give.attr = F)

#' @rdname str0
#' @export
str2 <- function(...) {
  str(..., max.level = 2, give.attr = F)

#' @rdname str0
#' @export
stra0 <- function(...) {
  str(..., max.level = 0, give.attr = T)

#' @rdname str0
#' @export
sttr0 <- function(...) {
  str(..., max.level = 0, give.attr = T)

#' @rdname str0
#' @export
strr0 <- function(...) {
  str(..., max.level = 0, give.attr = T)

#' @rdname str0
#' @export
stra1 <- function(...) {
  str(..., max.level = 1, give.attr = T)

#' @rdname str0
#' @export
sttr1 <- function(...) {
  str(..., max.level = 1, give.attr = T)

#' @rdname str0
#' @export
strr1 <- function(...) {
  str(..., max.level = 1, give.attr = T)

stra2 <- function(...) {
  str(..., max.level = 2, give.attr = T)

#' @rdname str0
#' @export
sttr2 <- function(...) {
  str(..., max.level = 2, give.attr = T)

#' @rdname str0
#' @export
strr2 <- function(...) {
  str(..., max.level = 2, give.attr = T)

#' @rdname str0
#' @export
head1 <- function(...) {
  head(..., n = 1)

#' @rdname str0
#' @export
head3 <- function(...) {
  head(..., n = 3)

#' @rdname str0
#' @export
head11 <- function(...) {
  x <- list(...)
  x[[1]][[1]] %>% head(n = 5)

#' @rdname str0
#' @export
tail1 <- function(...) {
  tail(..., n = 1)

#' @rdname str0
#' @export
tail3 <- function(...) {
  tail(..., n = 3)

# Useful vector operations ----

#' Subtract elements with matching names
#' @param .x,.y vecs or matrices
#' @return .y-.x at the respective positions
#' @export
subtract_by_name <- function(.x,.y) {
    stop("not the same number of dimensions")
  if (is.null(dim(.x))) {
    if(!identical(order(names(.x)), order(names(.y))))
      warning("Names not in identical order")
    return(.y[intersect(names(.x), names(.y))] - .x[intersect(names(.x), names(.y))])
  if (length(dim(.x)) == 2) {
    if(!(identical(order(rownames(.x)), order(rownames(.y)))&identical(order(colnames(.x)), order(colnames(.y)))))
      warning("Dimnames not in identical order")
    return(  .y[intersect(dimnames(.x)[[1]], dimnames(.y)[[1]]),
                intersect(dimnames(.x)[[2]], dimnames(.y)[[2]])] -
               .x[intersect(dimnames(.x)[[1]], dimnames(.y)[[1]]),
                  intersect(dimnames(.x)[[2]], dimnames(.y)[[2]])])

#' Sort a vector by names in ascending order
#' @param x named vector
#' @export
#' @examples
#' c(b = 1, a = 2) %>% sort_by_name
sort_by_name <- function(x) {

#' Pipe-friendly assigning of vectors when their names are known first
#' @param char_vec Character
#' @param value Thre possibilities: 1. A function which takes \code{n} as an argument such as \code{rnorm}.
#' 2. A vector of length 1, then this value gets recycled.
#' 3. a vector of length \code{length(char_vec)}
#' @param ... Arguments ging to value if value is a function
#' @export
#' @examples
#' letters %>% are_names_of(rnorm)
#' letters %>% are_names_of(1)
#' letters %>% are_names_of(1:26)
are_names_of <- function(char_vec, value, ...) {
  if(is.function(value)) value <- do.call(value, list(n = 1:length(char_vec), ...))
  else if(length(value)==1) value <- rep(value, length(char_vec))
  structure(value, names = char_vec)

#' Insert values from another vector with some shared names
#' @param vec the vector where the values should be inserted
#' @param values the vector with the replacements
#' @return the modified vector
#' @export
#' @examples
#' vec <- letters[1:3] %>% are_names_of(0)
#' vals <- letters[2:4] %>% are_names_of(1)
#' insert_values_by_name(vec, vals)
insert_values_by_name <- function(vec, values) {
  oldnames <- names(vec)
  vec <- sort_by_name(vec)
  values <- sort_by_name(values)
  mynames <- intersect(names(vec), names(values))
  vec[mynames] <- values[mynames]

#' Turn correlation matrix and standard deviations back to covariance matrix
#' @param mycor correlation matrix
#' @param mysd standard deviations
#' @return covariance matrix
#' @author Daniel Lill (daniel.lill@physik.uni-freiburg.de)
#' @md
#' @export
#' @examples
#' mycor <- matrix(c(1,0.8,0.8,1),2)
#' mysd <- c(sqrt(2),1)
#' cor2cov(mycor,mysd)
cor2cov <- function(mycor,mysd = rep(1,dim(mycor)[1])) {
  sdmat <- matrix(mysd, nrow = length(mysd), ncol = length(mysd))
  sdmat <- sdmat * t(sdmat)
  mycov <- mycor * sdmat

#' Significance Stars
#' Calculate significance stars
#' @param x numeric values that will be compared to the \code{point}, \code{one}, \code{two}, and \code{three} values
#' @param three threshold below which to display three stars
#' @param two threshold below which to display two stars
#' @param one threshold below which to display one star
#' @param point threshold below which to display one point (\code{NULL} to deactivate)
#' @return character vector containing the appropriate number of stars for each \code{x} value
#' @author Joseph Larmarange
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- c(0.5, 0.1, 0.05, 0.01, 0.001)
#' signif_stars(x)
#' signif_stars(x, one = .15, point = NULL)
signif_stars <- function(x, three = 0.001, two = 0.01, one = 0.05, point = 0.1) {
  res <- rep_len("", length.out = length(x))
  if (!is.null(point)) {
    res[x <= point] <- "."
  if (!is.null(one)) {
    res[x <= one] <- "*"
  if (!is.null(two)) {
    res[x <= two] <- "**"
  if (!is.null(three)) {
    res[x <= three] <- "***"

#' ALL indices of a vector with duplicates
#' @param x vector
#' @return like duplicated but include the first elements which have duplicate values
#' @export
#' @author Daniel Lill (daniel.lill@physik.uni-freiburg.de)
#' @md
#' @examples
#' x <- c(rep(1:10), c(1,3,4,2,1,1,2))
#' duplicated_includeFirst(x)
duplicated_includeFirst <- function(x) {
  cat("better as snippet?")
  hasDupe <- duplicated(x)
  allDupes <- rep(FALSE, length(x))
  for (val in unique(x[hasDupe])) 
    allDupes[x == val] <- TRUE

#' Values which are duplicated
#' @param x vector
#' @return vector of duplicated values
#' @export
#' @author Daniel Lill (daniel.lill@physik.uni-freiburg.de)
#' @md
#' @examples
#' x <- c(rep(1:10), c(1,3,4,2,1,1,2))
#' duplicated_values(x)
duplicated_values <- function(x) {
  cat("better as snippet?")
  hasDupe <- duplicated(x)

# Other useful stuff ----

#' Expand.grid which takes in data.frames as well
#' expands the respective rows and merges data.frames respectively
#' @param ... same as expand.grid, but data.frames or data.tables are allowed
#' @param FLAGremoveAuxCols remove or keep auxiliary columns used for merging?
#' @return expand.gridded data.frame
#' @export
#' @author Daniel Lill (daniel.lill@intiquan.com)
#' @md
#' @family tools
#' @examples
#' expand.grid2(vec1 = 1:2, df1 = data.frame(a = letters[2:3], b = 3:4), 
#'   df2 = data.table(d = 1:2, e = 4:5), FLAGremoveAuxCols = TRUE)
expand.grid2 <- function(..., FLAGremoveAuxCols = TRUE) {
  args <- list(...)
  names(args)[names(args) == ""] <- which(names(args) == "")
  isDf <- sapply(args, is.data.frame)
  dfs <- args[isDf]
  dfs <- lapply(names(dfs), function(nm) {dfs[[nm]][[paste0("auxColExpandGrid2_", nm)]] <- seq_len(nrow(dfs[[nm]]));dfs[[nm]]})
  auxColnm <- sapply(dfs, function(x) grep("auxColExpandGrid2_", names(x), value = TRUE))
  auxCols <- lapply(setNames(dfs, auxColnm), function(x) x[[grep("auxColExpandGrid2_", names(x))]])
  grid <- do.call(expand.grid, c(args[!isDf], auxCols))
  for (x in dfs) {
    nm <- intersect(names(grid), names(x))
    grid <- merge(grid, x,nm)
    if (FLAGremoveAuxCols) grid[[nm]] <- NULL

#' Run expression and print OK/FAILED if expression returns TRUE/FALSE
#' Daniel Kaschek's check function
#' @param message character, e.g., "if all subjects are in data".
#' @param expr the expression to be evaluated
#' @param nchar integer, maximum number of character for message (for nicer print-out)
#' @export 
check <- function(message, expr, nchar = 80, FLAGthrowError = FALSE) {
  dots <- paste(rep(".", nchar), collapse = "")
  message <- paste(crayon::bold("Checking"), message)
  message <- paste(message, dots)
  message <- substr(message, 1, nchar)
  check_passed <- eval(expr)
  if (check_passed) 
    cat(crayon::green(" OK\n"))
    cat(crayon::red(" FAILED\n"))
  if (!check_passed & FLAGthrowError) 
    stop("Check failed: ", message)

#' Write a regex to search for all function names in a package
#' @param package string of length 1
#' @param as_namespace print everything in the namespace or just exported objects?
#' @return a fancy regex
#' @export
#' @examples
#' funnames_in_package("conveniencefunctions")
funnames_in_package <- function(package, as_namespace = F) {
  wup <- ls(paste0("package:", package))
  if (as_namespace)
    wup <- ls(envir = asNamespace(package))
  # wup %>%
  #   str_escape %>%
  #   paste(collapse = "|") %>%
  #   paste0("\\b(", ., ")\\b")

#' Update package via devtools
#' @export
update_cf <- function() {
  devtools::install_github("dkaschek/dMod"   ,dependencies = FALSE)
  devtools::install_github("dlill/conveniencefunctions",dependencies = FALSE)
  devtools::install_github("dlill/petab",dependencies = FALSE)

#' For development only
#' @return data.table
#' @export
#' @examples
#' showUndocumentedParams()
showUndocumentedParams <- function() {
  files <- list.files(file.path(cfPath(), "R"),"\\.R", full.names = TRUE)
  params <- lapply(setNames(files, basename(files)), function(fl){
    x <- readLines(fl)
    emptyParams <- grep("#' @param \\w+ *$", x)
    if (!length(emptyParams)) return()
    emptyParamNames <- gsub("#' @param (\\w+) *$", "\\1", x[emptyParams])
    data.table(file = basename(fl), line = emptyParams, param = emptyParamNames, regex = paste0("#' @param (", emptyParamNames, ") *$"))
  params <- data.table::rbindlist(params)
  params <- params[order(param, file, line)]

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# File interactions ----
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------#

#' gitall from R command line
#' @param string commit message
#' @author Daniel Lill (daniel.lill@physik.uni-freiburg.de)
#' @md
#' @export
gall <- function(string) {
  system(paste0('git add --all && 
  git commit -m "', string, '" && 
  git pull && 
  git push'), wait = FALSE)

#' gitcom from R command line
#' @param string commit message
#' @author Daniel Lill (daniel.lill@physik.uni-freiburg.de)
#' @md
#' @export
gitcom <- function(string) {
  system(paste0('git add --all && 
  git commit -m "', string, '"'), wait = FALSE)

#' gitcom --amend from R command line
#' @param string commit message
#' @author Daniel Lill (daniel.lill@physik.uni-freiburg.de)
#' @md
#' @export
gitam <- function(string) {
  if (missing(string)){
    cmd <- 'git add --all && git commit --amend --no-edit'
  } else {
    cmd <- paste0('git add --all && git commit --amend -m "', string, '"')
  system(cmd, wait = FALSE)

#' Check if everythiing is commmitted
#' @return TRUE or FALSE
#' @export
allCommitted <- function() {
  gitstat <- system("git status", intern = TRUE)
  "nothing to commit, working tree clean" %in% gitstat

#' Git pull all projects in the PROJTOOLS fodler
#' @export
#' @author Daniel Lill (daniel.lill@intiquan.com)
#' @md
pullJobs <- function() {
  fl <- c(list.files("PROJTOOLS/", full.names = TRUE),
         list.files("PROJECTS/", full.names = TRUE))
  system(paste0(paste0("cd && cd ",fl, " && git pull && echo ", fl), collapse = "&"))

#' Write a characeter vector to a file and open it.
#' @param .x vector
#' @export
open_in_file <- function(.x) {
  tf <- tempfile()
  .x%>% writeLines(tf) %>% file.edit(tf)

#' Write an excel file and cat a name to open it.
#' @param .x data.frame
#' @export
open_in_calc <- function(.x) {
  tf <- tempfile()
  tf <- paste0(tf, ".csv")
  write_csv(.x, tf)
  paste0("libreoffice --calc ", tf) %>% cat

#' @export
tpaste0 <- function(...) {paste0(format(Sys.time(), "%y%d%m_%H%M%S-"), ...)}

#' @export
sanitizeDate <- function() {
  files <- list.files(".", "^\\d{6}")
  files_new <- paste0("20", substr(files, 1,2), "-", substr(files, 3,4), "-", substr(files, 5,nchar(files)))
  for (i in seq_along(files)) {
    system(paste0("mv ", files[i], " ", files_new[i]))

#' Title
#' @return
#' @export
#' @author Daniel Lill (daniel.lill@intiquan.com)
#' @md
#' @family 
#' @importFrom rstudioapi getSourceEditorContext getActiveProject
#' @examples
openUnitTestFile <- function() {
  fileFull <- rstudioapi::getSourceEditorContext()$path
  fileUnitTest <- file.path(dirname(dirname(fileFull)), "tests", "testthat", paste0("test-", basename(fileFull)))
  if (!file.exists(fileUnitTest)) writeLines(text = paste0("library(", basename(rstudioapi::getActiveProject()), ")\n\n"), 
                                             con  = fileUnitTest)

#' Edit the current history
#' @export
#' @author Daniel Lill (daniel.lill@intiquan.com)
#' @importFrom rstudioapi getActiveProject getSourceEditorContext setCursorPosition document_position
fileEditHistory <- function() {
  fl <- file.path(rstudioapi::getActiveProject(),".Rhistory")
  doc <- rstudioapi::getSourceEditorContext()
  rstudioapi::setCursorPosition(rstudioapi::document_position(Inf,1), doc$id)

#' Title
#' @param df 
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
#' df <- data.frame(a = 1:3, b = letters[1:3])
#' catDfToExcel(df)
catDfToExcel <- function(df) {
  df <- data.table(df) # delete rownames
  title <-   paste0(names(df), collapse = "\t")
  content <- sapply(1:nrow(df), function(i) {
    contentLine <- unlist(df[i,])
    contentLine[is.na(contentLine)] <- ""
    paste0(contentLine, collapse = "\t")
  text <- c(title, content)
  text <- paste0(text, collapse = "\n")
  cat("\nTable has been written to clipboard")

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# Cluster time stamps ----
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#' Write the time stamp when you logged into the cluster
#' @export
#' @author Daniel Lill (daniel.lill@physik.uni-freiburg.de)
#' @md
#' @family Cluster login helpers
write_clusterTimeStamp <- function() {
  clusterTimeStampFile <- file.path("~", ".clusterTimeStamp.rds")
  if (file.exists(clusterTimeStampFile)) {
    rstudioapi::insertText(c(1,1), text = "conveniencefunctions::check_clusterTimeStamp()", "#console")
    stop("An old clusterTimeStamp file exists. Please run check_clusterTimeStamp()")
  saveRDS(Sys.time(), file = clusterTimeStampFile)

#' Check for the time stamp
#' If no recent login-stamp is available or if stamp is invalidated (> 1 hour){
#' if stamp is invalidated: {remove stamp}
#' stop, force creation of new stamp}
#' @param FLAGforcePurge Force the removal of a time stamp
#' @export
#' @author Daniel Lill (daniel.lill@physik.uni-freiburg.de)
#' @md
#' @family Cluster login helpers
check_clusterTimeStamp <- function(FLAGforcePurge = FALSE) {
  clusterTimeStampFile <- file.path("~", ".clusterTimeStamp.rds")
  if (file.exists(clusterTimeStampFile)) {
    clusterTimeStamp <- readRDS(clusterTimeStampFile)
    dt <- difftime(Sys.time(), clusterTimeStamp, units = "mins")
    cat("Last login: ", round(dt,2), " minutes ago\n")
    if (dt >= 59 || FLAGforcePurge) {
      cat("Removing old time stamp\n")
  if (!file.exists(clusterTimeStampFile)) {
    rstudioapi::insertText(c(1,1), text = "conveniencefunctions::write_clusterTimeStamp();Q", "#console")
    stop("Please login again manually via console. Then, in R call write_clusterTimeStamp()")
  "All good, login is still active :)"

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# Password generator ----
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------#

afthe_except_man_been_those_ipsum_to_and_is_Lorem_cupiditate_theo_Ireprehenderit_always_accident_ex_quo_scrambled_nihil_praesent <- function(N = 30, seed = Sys.time()) {
  digest::digest(seed) %>% stringr::str_extract_all("\\d", T) %>% .[1:8] %>% paste0(collapse = "") %>% as.numeric() %>% set.seed
  (38:(38+88)) %>% as.raw() %>% imap_chr(rawToChar) %>% sample(N, TRUE) %>% paste0(collapse = "")

afthe_except_man_been_those_ipsum_to_and_is_Lorem_cupiditate_theo_Ireprehenderit_always_accident_ex_quo_scrambled_nihil_praesent2 <- function(N = 5, seed = Sys.time()) {
  wl <- read.table("inst/effWordlist/eff_large_wordlist.txt", sep = " ", row.names = NULL,stringsAsFactors = FALSE) 
  digest::digest(seed) %>% stringr::str_extract_all("\\d", T) %>% .[1:8] %>% paste0(collapse = "") %>% as.numeric() %>% set.seed
  sample(wl$V3, N) %>% paste0(collapse = "")
dlill/conveniencefunctions documentation built on Sept. 30, 2022, 4:40 a.m.