# contains plot.doqtl, effect.plot, pxg.plot
# Given a set of mapping statistics and a set of SNPs, make a simple QTL plot.
# Arguments: x: list containing two elements from scanone.
# lod: data.frame with chr locations and LOD score.
# coef: matrix with model coeffieints.
# stat.name: character, the name of the mapping statistic to plot.
# Must be one of "lod" or "neg.log10.p".
# sig.thr: matrix, numeric, a set of significance thresholds to plot.
# Columns should be names "A" and "X" in that order and
# should contain threhsolds for each chromosome obtained
# from get.sig.thr().
# sig.col: vector, color, a set of colors to use for each
# significance threshold. Must be same length as sig.thr.
# To plot a subset of chromosomes, feed in a subset of SNPs.
plot.doqtl = function(x, stat.name = c("lod", "neg.log10.p"), sig.thr = NULL,
sig.col = "red", ...) {
doqtl = x
chrlen = get.chr.lengths()
stat.name = match.arg(stat.name)
# Get the call and arguments.
call = match.call()
lod = doqtl$lod$A
if(any(names(doqtl$lod) == "X")) {
lod = rbind(doqtl$lod$A, doqtl$lod$X)
} # if(length(lod) > 1)
# Get chr lengths and locations. Create an x-axis based on Genome Mb.
if(max(lod[,3], na.rm = TRUE) > 200) {
lod[,3] = lod[,3] * 1e-6
} # if(max(lod[,3]) > 200)
mb = lod[,3]
gmb = mb
unique.chr = as.character(unique(lod[,2]))
old.warn = options("warn")$warn
options(warn = -1)
unique.chr = unique.chr[order(as.numeric(unique.chr))]
options(warn = old.warn)
chrlen = chrlen[names(chrlen) %in% unique.chr]
if(max(chrlen) > 200) {
chrlen = chrlen * 1e-6
} # if(max(chrlen) > 200)
# Get the cumulative sum of the Chr lengths.
chrsum = cumsum(chrlen)
chrsum = c(0, chrsum)
chrmid = chrsum[-length(chrsum)] + (diff(chrsum) * 0.5)
# Add the preceeding chromosome lengths to each SNP position.
for(c in 2:length(unique.chr)) {
rows = which(lod[,2] == unique.chr[c])
gmb[rows] = gmb[rows] + chrsum[c]
} # for(c)
# Make the basic plot.
plot.column = which(colnames(lod) == stat.name)
if(length(plot.column) == 0) {
stop(paste("The stat.name of", stat.name, "was not found in the column names",
"of the DOQTL object. Please verify that stat.name contains one of the",
"column names in the DOQTL object."))
} # if(length(plot.column) == 0)
par(font = 2, font.lab = 2, font.axis = 2, las = 1, xaxs = "i",
plt = c(0.12, 0.95, 0.05, 0.88))
if("ylim" %in% names(call)) {
plot(gmb, lod[,plot.column], col = 0, xlab = "", xaxt = "n", ylab = stat.name, ...)
} else {
if(!missing(sig.thr)) {
plot(gmb, lod[,plot.column], col = 0, xlab = "", ylab = stat.name,
xaxt = "n", ylim = c(0, max(lod[,plot.column], sig.thr, na.rm = TRUE) * 1.05), ...)
} else {
plot(gmb, lod[,plot.column], col = 0, xlab = "", ylab = stat.name,
xaxt = "n", ylim = c(0, max(lod[,plot.column], na.rm = TRUE) * 1.05), ...)
} # else
} # else
lod = cbind(lod, gmb)
lod = split(lod, lod[,2])
usr = par("usr")
rect(chrsum[2 * 1:(length(chrsum) * 0.5) - 1], usr[3],
chrsum[2 * 1:(length(chrsum) * 0.5)], usr[4], col = rgb(0.8,0.8,0.8),
border = NA)
rect(usr[1], usr[3], usr[2], usr[4], border = 1)
text(chrmid, 0.95 * usr[4], names(chrsum)[-1])
lapply(lod, function(z) { points(z$gmb, z[,plot.column], type = "l", lwd = 2)})
if(!is.null(sig.thr)) {
add.sig.thr(sig.thr = sig.thr, sig.col = sig.col, chrsum = chrsum)
} # if(!is.null(sig.thr))
} # plot.doqtl()
# Using the 8 state model data, make and effect plot that shows the coefficients
# of each founder strain and the LOD.
# Daniel Gatti
# Dan.Gatti@jax.org
# June 1, 2011
# Aug. 4, 2013: Changed to accept doqtl object with separate coefficients on
# X chr.
# Arguments: doqtl: a list, as output from scanone, containing two elements.
# lod: data.frame with 7 columns containing the chromosome
# locations and lod score.
# coef: numeric matrix containing the model coefficients at
# the same loci as the qtl. Rownames should be the
# same as lod[,1] and column names should be named for
# the founders.
# chr: character, the chromosome to plot.
# stat.name: character, name of the mapping statistic.
# conf.int: boolean that is true if the confidence interval should
# be shaded.
# legend: boolean, true if legend should be drawn.
# colors: if plotting DO or CC mice, use "DO". This will place the
# standard DO colors. If not, a data.frame containing the
# founder letter in column 1, the founder name in column 2,
# and the colors to use in column 3. See data(founder.colors)
# for an example of the DO colors.
# sex: characters, either "M" or "F". Only used when plotting the X
# chromosome.
coefplot = function(doqtl, chr = 1, stat.name = "LOD", conf.int = TRUE, legend = TRUE,
colors = "DO", sex, ...) {
old.par = par(no.readonly = TRUE)
cross = attr(doqtl, "cross")
if(is.null(cross)) {
if(colors[1] == "DO") {
colors = do.colors
} else if(colors[1] == "HS") {
colors = hs.colors
} # else if(colors[1] == "HS")
} else {
if(cross == "DO") {
colors = do.colors
} else if(cross == "HS") {
colors = hs.colors
} # else if(cross == "HS")
} # else
num.founders = nrow(colors)
call = match.call()
# Keep only the founder coefficients from the coef.matrix.
lod = NULL
coef = NULL
if(chr == "X") {
if(missing(sex)) {
stop("Sex (either M or F) must be specified on X chromosome.")
} # if(missing(sex))
lod = doqtl$lod$X
coef = doqtl$coef$X
if(sex == "F") {
columns = match(paste("F", colors[,1], sep = "."), colnames(coef))
} else {
columns = match(paste("M", colors[,1], sep = "."), colnames(coef))
} # else
columns = columns[!is.na(columns)]
coef = coef[,c(1,columns)]
colnames(coef)[1] = "A"
colnames(coef) = sub("^[MF]\\.", "", colnames(coef))
coef = coef[rownames(coef) %in% lod[,1],]
# Center the coefficient values.
coef[,2:ncol(coef)] = coef[,2:ncol(coef)] + coef[,1]
coef = coef - rowMeans(coef)
} else {
lod = doqtl$lod$A
lod = lod[lod[,2] == chr,]
intercept = doqtl$coef$A[,1]
coef = doqtl$coef$A[,(ncol(doqtl$coef$A)-num.founders+1):ncol(doqtl$coef$A)]
coef[,1] = intercept
colnames(coef)[1] = "A"
coef = coef[rownames(coef) %in% lod[,1],]
# Center the coefficient values.
coef[,2:ncol(coef)] = coef[,2:ncol(coef)] + coef[,1]
coef = coef - rowMeans(coef)
} # else
# Verify that the SNP IDs in the lod & coef matrices match.
if(!all(lod[,1] == rownames(coef))) {
stop(paste("The SNP IDs in column 1 of the qtl data frame must match",
"the SNP IDs in the rownames of the coef matrix."))
} # if(!all(lod[,1] == rownames(coef)))
# Verify that the coefficient column names are in the colors.
if(!all(colnames(coef) %in% colors[,1])) {
stop(paste("The founder names in the colnames of the coefficient matrix",
"must be in column 1 of the colors matrix."))
} # if(!all(colnames(coef) %in% colors[,1]))
# Convert the chromosome locations to Mb.
if(max(lod[,3], na.rm = TRUE) > 200) {
lod[,3] = lod[,3] * 1e-6
} # if(max(lod[,3], na.rm = TRUE) > 200)
# Set the layout to plot the coefficients on top and the p-values on the
# bottom.
layout(mat = matrix(1:2, 2, 1), heights = c(0.66666667, 0.3333333))
par(font = 2, font.lab = 2, font.axis = 2, las = 1, plt =
c(0.12, 0.99, 0, 0.85), xaxs = "i", lwd = 2)
# Plot the coefficients.
plot(lod[,3], coef[,colors[1,1]], type = "l", col = colors[1,3], lwd = 2,
ylim = c(min(coef, na.rm = TRUE), max(coef * 2, na.rm = TRUE)), xlab =
paste("Chr", chr), ylab = "Founder Effects", axes = FALSE, ...)
abline(v = 0:20 * 10, col = "grey80")
for(i in 1:nrow(colors)) {
points(lod[,3], coef[,colors[i,1]], type = "l", col = colors[i,3],
lwd = 2)
} # for(i)
# Draw a legend for the founder names and colors.
if(legend) {
legend.side = "topleft"
if(which.max(lod[,7]) < nrow(lod) / 2) {
legend.side = "topright"
} # if(which.max(apply(coef, 1, max)) < nrow(lod) / 2)
legend(legend.side, colors[,2], col = colors[,3], lty = 1, lwd = 2,
x.intersp = 0.75, y.intersp = 0.75, bg = "white", cex = 0.8)
} # if(legend)
# Add the axis.
# Plot a rectangle around the plot.
par(xpd = NA)
usr = par("usr")
rect(usr[1], usr[3], usr[2], usr[4], lwd = 2)
par(xpd = FALSE)
# Plot the mapping statistic.
par(plt = c(0.12, 0.99, 0.35, 1))
# Single chromosome plot.
plot(lod[,3], lod[,7], type = "l", lwd = 2, xlab = "",
ylab = stat.name, ...)
abline(v = 0:20 * 10, col = "grey80")
points(lod[,3], lod[,7], type = "l", lwd = 2)
# Shade the confidence interval.
if(conf.int) {
interval = bayesint(doqtl, chr = chr)
usr = par("usr")
rect(interval[1,3], usr[3], interval[3,3], usr[4], col = rgb(0,0,1,0.1),
border = NA)
} # if(!is.na(conf.int))
mtext(paste("Chr", chr), 1, 2)
usr = par("usr")
rect(usr[1], usr[3], usr[2], usr[4], lwd = 2)
} # coefplot()
# Plot the 36 state effect plot.
# Arguments: pheno: data.frame with with phenotype data. Samples in rows,
# phenotypes in columns.
# col: numeric index into phenotype matrix of the phenotype to plot.
# probs: 3D numeric array, with founder probabilities for
# all SNPs and samples. Samples in dim[1], founders in dim[2],
# SNPs in dim[3].
# snp.id: character or numeric, the SNP ID of the SNP to use in the
# plot. If numeric, this is the index of the SNP to plot.
# If character this is the SNP name to plot.
# legend: boolean, if TRUE, then add a legend. Default = TRUE.
# sex: character vector, with the sex of each sample as M or F.
# This is used only when the SNP ID is on the X chromosome
# and all of the samples are male. In this case, there are
# only 8 genotype states.
# covar: a vector that can be converted to a factor with
# a category (i.e. sex or diet, etc.) for each sample. Must
# be named with the sample IDs that match rownames(pheno).
# ...: arguments passed along to plot.
pxg.plot = function(pheno, pheno.col, probs, snp.id, snps, legend = TRUE,
sex = NA, covar, ...) {
if(is.null(pheno)) {
stop(paste("The phenotype matrix cannot be null."))
} # if(is.null(pheno))
if(is.null(rownames(pheno))) {
stop(paste("The phenotypes must have rownames to verify that samples",
"are lined up."))
} # if(is.null(rownames(pheno)))
if(is.null(pheno.col)) {
stop(paste("The phenotype column cannot be null."))
} # if(is.null(pheno.col))
if(is.null(probs)) {
stop(paste("The founder probabilities array cannot be null."))
} # if(is.null(probs))
pheno = pheno[rownames(pheno) %in% dimnames(probs)[[1]],,drop=FALSE]
probs = probs[dimnames(probs)[[1]] %in% rownames(pheno),,]
pheno = pheno[match(dimnames(probs)[[1]], rownames(pheno)),,drop=FALSE]
if(nrow(pheno) == 0 | dim(probs)[1] == 0) {
stop(paste("The sample names in pheno and probs do not match."))
} # if(nrow(pheno) == 0 | dim(probs)[1] == 0)
if(any(rownames(pheno) != dimnames(probs)[[1]])) {
stop(paste("The phenotypes must have the same sample names as",
"the founder probabilities."))
} # if(nrow(pheno) != dim(probs)[[1]])
if(!missing(covar)) {
covar = covar[rownames(pheno)]
if(!all(names(covar) %in% rownames(pheno))) {
stop(paste("The names of covar must be equal to the rownames of pheno."))
} # if(all(names(covar), rownames(pheno)))
covar = factor(covar)
} # if(!missing(covar))
if(is.null(snp.id)) {
stop(paste("The snp.id cannot be null."))
} # if(is.null(snp.id))
if(is.null(snps)) {
stop(paste("The snps cannot be null."))
} # if(is.null(snps))
snps = snps[snps[,1] %in% dimnames(probs)[[3]],]
rownames(snps) = snps[,1]
# Get the phenotype and genotype probabilities.
slice = probs[,,snp.id]
ph = pheno[,pheno.col]
# Get the genotype with the maximum probability for each sample.
gt = rep(NA, nrow(slice))
# If we are on the X chromosome and we have sex, then process the males
# and females separately.
if(snps[snp.id,2] == "X" & !is.na(sex)) {
sex = toupper(sex)
males = which(sex == "M")
# Males
for(i in males) {
# Get the maximum genotype.
mx = which.max(slice[i,])
gt[i] = paste(names(mx)[1], names(mx)[1], sep = "")
} # for(i)
# Females
females = which(sex == "F")
for(i in females) {
# If one genotype is > 0.75, then sample is homozygous.
if(max(slice[i,]) > 0.75) {
mx = which.max(slice[i,])
gt[i] = paste(names(mx)[1], names(mx)[1], sep = "")
} else {
mx = colnames(slice)[rank(slice[i,]) > 6]
gt[i] = paste(sort(mx), collapse = "")
} # else
} # for(i)
} else {
for(i in 1:nrow(slice)) {
# If one genotype is > 0.75, then sample is homozygous.
if(max(slice[i,]) > 0.75) {
mx = which.max(slice[i,])
gt[i] = paste(names(mx)[1], names(mx)[1], sep = "")
} else {
mx = colnames(slice)[rank(slice[i,]) > 6]
gt[i] = paste(sort(mx), collapse = "")
} # else
} # for(i)
} # else
# Order the levels and plot.
founders = sort(dimnames(probs)[[2]])
states = outer(founders, founders, paste, sep = "")
states = sort(states[upper.tri(states, diag = TRUE)])
# Get means and standard errors.
spl = split(ph, gt)
geno.means = sapply(spl, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
geno.n = sapply(spl, length)
geno.se = sapply(spl, sd) / geno.n
ord = order(geno.means)
geno.means = geno.means[ord]
geno.se = geno.se[ord]
# Fill in missing genotypes.
missing.states = states[!states %in% names(geno.means)]
if(length(missing.states) > 0) {
geno.means = c(rep(0, length(missing.states)), geno.means)
geno.se = c(rep(0, length(missing.states)), geno.se)
names(geno.means)[1:length(missing.states)] = missing.states
names(geno.se)[1:length(missing.states)] = missing.states
} # if(length(missing.states) > 0)
# Factor the genotypes.
gt = factor(gt, levels = names(geno.means), ordered = TRUE)
# If we have a covariate, then set the pch to plot the different
# categories.
pch = 16
if(!missing(covar)) {
pch = as.numeric(covar)
} # if(!missing(covar))
# Make the plot.
par(font = 2, font.lab = 2, font.axis = 2, las = 2)
# If we're plotting the legend, add a little space at the top of the plot.
ylim = range(ph, na.rm = TRUE)
if(legend) {
ylim[2] = ylim[2] + (ylim[2] - ylim[1]) * 0.2
} # if(legend)
plot(1, 1, col = 0, xlim = c(0.5, length(states) + 0.5),
ylim = ylim, xaxt = "n", xlab = "Genotype",
ylab = colnames(pheno)[pheno.col], ...)
abline(v = 1:36, col = "grey80")
points(as.numeric(gt), ph, pch = pch, col = rgb(0,0,0,0.4))
title(main = paste(snps[snp.id,1], "\nChr", snps[snp.id,2], ":",
snps[snp.id,3], "Mb"))
axis(side = 1, at = 1:36, labels = names(geno.means))
# Plot means and standard errors.
offset = 0.3
for(i in 1:length(geno.means)) {
lines(c(i - offset, i + offset), rep(geno.means[i], 2), lwd = 2, col = 2)
lines(rep(i, 2), c(geno.means[i] - geno.se[i], geno.means[i] + geno.se[i]),
lwd = 2, col = 2)
} # for(i)
# Legend
if(legend) {
legend("topleft", pch = do.colors[,1], legend = do.colors[,2],
bg = "white", cex = 0.9)
} # if(legend)
} # pxg.plot()
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