# Read through a directory of genotype probabilities from the HMM
# (*.genotype.probs.Rdata) and summarize the data by sample and SNP.
# Note: the *.genotype.probs.Rdata files must have already been created.
# The output is a file with all genotype transitions for each sample.
# Daniel Gatti
# Dan.Gatti@jax.org
# April 16, 2012
summarize.genotype.transitions = function(path = ".", snps) {
path = add.slash(path)
files = dir(path = path, pattern = "genotype.probs.Rdata", full.names = TRUE)
if(length(files) == 0) {
stop(paste("There are no *.genotype.probs.Rdata files in this directory."))
} # if(length(files) == 0)
# Load in one file to get the SNPs.
snps = snps[snps[,1] %in% rownames(prsmth),]
snp.list = split(snps, snps[,2])
snp.list = snp.list[order(as.numeric(names(snp.list)))]
# Create a function to match genotype states with transitions.
mfxn = function(s, m, p) {
cbind(s[p,1:3], gt = colnames(prsmth)[m[p]], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
} # function(s, m, p)
trans = vector("list", length(files))
names(trans) = gsub("\\./|\\.genotype\\.probs\\.Rdata$", "", files)
cn = c("sample", "prox.snp", "chr", "prox.mb", "prox.gt", "dist.snp",
"dist.mb", "dist.gt")
for(i in 1:length(files)) {
t.st = proc.time()[3]
# This loads 'prsmth' that contains genotype probabilities on a log scale.
prsmth = prsmth[rownames(prsmth) %in% snps[,1],]
# Get the maximum state at each marker.
mx.state = apply(prsmth, 1, which.max)
mx.state = split(mx.state, snps[,2])
mx.state = mx.state[order(as.numeric(names(mx.state)))]
# Get the locations where the genotypes change.
prox = lapply(mx.state, diff)
prox = lapply(prox, "!=", 0)
prox = lapply(prox, which)
dist = lapply(prox, "+", 1)
# Get the marker locations and genotypes where the transitons occur.
prox = mapply(mfxn, snp.list, mx.state, prox, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
dist = mapply(mfxn, snp.list, mx.state, dist, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
trans[[i]] = mapply(cbind, prox, dist, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
nr = sapply(trans[[i]], nrow)
trans[[i]] = trans[[i]][nr > 0]
if(length(trans[[i]]) > 0) {
trans[[i]] = unsplit(trans[[i]], factor(rep(1:length(trans[[i]]),
sapply(trans[[i]], nrow))))
trans[[i]] = cbind(sample = rep(names(trans)[i], nrow(trans[[i]])),
trans[[i]] = as.matrix(trans[[i]])
dimnames(trans[[i]]) = list(NULL, cn)
} # if(length(trans[[i]]) > 0)
print(paste(files[i], proc.time()[3] - t.st))
} # for(f)
# Create a data.frame and return.
} # summarize.genotype.transitions()
# Go through the genotype probability files and summarize by SNP.
# Arguments: path: character, full path to the directory with the
# *.genotype.probs.Rdata files.
# snps: data.frame with 4 columns containing the SNP ID, Chr, Mb &
# cM position of each SNP on the genotyping array.
# Returns: data.frame with one row per SNP and one column for each genotype
# and founder.
summarize.by.snps = function(path = ".", snps) {
path = add.slash(path)
files = dir(path = path, pattern = "genotype.probs.Rdata", full.names = TRUE)
if(length(files) == 0) {
stop(paste("There are no *.genotype.probs.Rdata files in this directory."))
} # if(length(files) == 0)
# Load in one file to get the SNPs.
rownames(prsmth) = make.names(rownames(prsmth))
snps = snps[snps[,1] %in% rownames(prsmth),]
results = data.frame(SNP = snps[,1], matrix(0, nrow(snps), 8 + 36,
dimnames = list(snps[,1], c(colnames(prsmth), LETTERS[1:8]))))
for(f in files) {
# This loads 'prsmth' that contains genotype probabilities on a log scale.
results[,2:37] = results[,2:37] + exp(prsmth)
} # for(f)
results[,2:37] = results[,2:37] / rowSums(results[,2:37])
# Summarize founder probabilities.
mat = matrix(0, ncol(prsmth), 8, dimnames = list(colnames(prsmth),
for(i in 1:ncol(mat)) {
mat[grep(colnames(mat)[i], rownames(mat)),i] = 0.5
} # for(i)
mat[cbind(which(rownames(mat) %in% paste(colnames(mat),
colnames(mat), sep = "")), 1:ncol(mat))] = 1
results[,38:45] = as.matrix(results[,2:37]) %*% mat
} # summarize.by.snps()
# Go through the genotype probability files and summarize by samples.
# Arguments: path: character, full path to the directory with the
# *.genotype.probs.Rdata files.
# snps: data.frame with 4 columns containing the SNP ID, Chr, Mb &
# cM position of each SNP on the genotyping array.
# Returns: data.frame with one row per SNP and one column for each genotype
# and founder.
summarize.by.samples = function(path = ".", snps) {
path = add.slash(path)
files = dir(path = path, pattern = "genotype.probs.Rdata", full.names = TRUE)
if(length(files) == 0) {
stop(paste("There are no *.genotype.probs.Rdata files in this directory."))
} # if(length(files) == 0)
# Load in one file to get the SNPs.
snps = snps[snps[,1] %in% rownames(prsmth),]
results = data.frame(sample = gsub(paste(path, "|\\.genotype.probs.Rdata",
sep = ""), "", files), matrix(0, length(files), 8 + 36,
dimnames = list(NULL, c(colnames(prsmth), LETTERS[1:8]))))
index = 1
for(f in files) {
# This loads 'prsmth' that contains genotype probabilities on a log scale.
prsmth = exp(prsmth)
results[index,2:37] = colMeans(prsmth)
index = index + 1
} # for(f)
# Summarize founder probabilities.
mat = matrix(0, ncol(prsmth), 8, dimnames = list(colnames(prsmth),
for(i in 1:ncol(mat)) {
mat[grep(colnames(mat)[i], rownames(mat)),i] = 0.5
} # for(i)
mat[cbind(which(rownames(mat) %in% paste(colnames(mat),
colnames(mat), sep = "")), 1:ncol(mat))] = 1
results[,38:45] = as.matrix(results[,2:37]) %*% mat
} # summarize.by.samples()
# Plot the genotype probabilities across all SNPs.
genotype.by.snp.barplot = function(results, snps) {
snps = snps[snps[,1] %in% results$SNP,]
chr.bnd = table(snps[,2])
chr.bnd = cumsum(chr.bnd[order(as.numeric(names(chr.bnd)))])
chr.mid = c(0, chr.bnd[-length(chr.bnd)]) + diff(c(0, chr.bnd)) * 0.5
layout(matrix(1:8, 8, 1))
par(font = 2, font.lab = 2, font.axis = 2, las = 1,
plt = c(0.01, 0.95, 0.05, 0.95))
ylim = c(0, max(results[,38:45]))
for(i in 1:8) {
barplot(results[,37+i], col = do.colors[i,3], border =
do.colors[i,3], space = 0, ylim = ylim, axes = FALSE)
axis(2, at = 0:3 * 0.1, pos = 0, cex = 1.25)
abline(v = chr.bnd, col = "grey80")
mtext(do.colors[i,2], side = 4, line = -1.5)
text(chr.mid, ylim[2] * 0.95, names(chr.bnd), cex = 1.5)
} # for(i)
} # genotype.by.snp.barplot()
# Plot the genotype probabilities across all samples.
genotype.by.sample.barplot = function(results) {
do.colors = NULL
# Set up the plot, making breakpoints and converting the founder matrix to
# a difference matrix.
par(font = 2, font.lab = 2, font.axis = 2, las = 1,
plt = c(0.05, 0.95, 0.05, 0.95))
mat = t(as.matrix(results[,38:45]))
colnames(mat) = results$sample
mat = mat - 0.125
breaks = quantile(mat, 0:1000 / 1000)
col = c(colorRampPalette(c(rgb(0,0,1), rgb(0,0,0)))(500),
colorRampPalette(c(rgb(0,0,0), rgb(1,0,0)))(500))
image(1:nrow(mat), 1:ncol(mat), mat, ann = FALSE, axes = FALSE, breaks = breaks,
col = col)
# Write the sample names.
par(xpd = NA)
text(0.5, 1:ncol(mat), colnames(mat), adj = 1)
text(1:nrow(mat), 0, rownames(mat), adj = c(0.5, 1))
} # genotype.by.sample.barplot()
# Make a boxplot of the number of recombinations per mouse by generation.
# You must supply the generation of each sample.
num.recomb.plot = function(results, gen) {
samples = unique(results$sample)
if(missing(gen)) {
gen = rep(1, length(samples))
names(gen) = samples
} else {
if(is.null(names(gen))) {
stop("gen must have names to line up the sample IDs")
} #
} # else
tbl = table(results$sample)
tbl = tbl[names(tbl) %in% names(gen)]
gen = gen[names(gen) %in% names(tbl)]
gen = gen[match(names(tbl), names(gen))]
} # num.recomb.plot()
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