
extract_lmeComponents <- function (lmeObject, timeVar) {
    data <- lmeObject$data
    formYx <- formula(lmeObject)
    mfX <- model.frame(terms(formYx), data = data)
    TermsX <- attr(mfX, "terms")
    formYz <- formula(lmeObject$modelStruct$reStruct[[1]])
    mfZ <- model.frame(terms(formYz), data = data)
    TermsZ <- attr(mfZ, "terms")
    idVar <- names(lmeObject$modelStruct$reStruct)
    betas <- fixef(lmeObject)
    sigma <- lmeObject$sigma
    D <- lapply(pdMatrix(lmeObject$modelStruct$reStruct), "*", sigma^2)[[1]]
    V <- vcov(lmeObject)
    times_orig <- data[[timeVar]]
    times_orig <- times_orig[!is.na(times_orig)]
    out <- list(formYx = formYx, TermsX = TermsX, formYz = formYz, TermsZ = TermsZ, 
                idVar = idVar, betas = betas, sigma = sigma, D = D, V = V,
                times_orig = times_orig)
    class(out) <- "lmeComponents"

IndvPred_lme <- function (lmeObject, newdata, timeVar, times = NULL, M = 200L,
                          interval = c("confidence", "prediction"),
                          all_times = FALSE,
                          level = 0.95, return_data = FALSE, seed = 1L) {
    if (!inherits(lmeObject, "lme") && !inherits(lmeObject, "lmeComponents"))
        stop("Use only with 'lme' or 'lmeComponents' objects.\n")
    interval <- match.arg(interval)
    if (inherits(lmeObject, "lme")) {
        data <- lmeObject$data
        formYx <- formula(lmeObject)
        mfX <- model.frame(terms(formYx), data = data)
        TermsX <- attr(mfX, "terms")
        formYz <- formula(lmeObject$modelStruct$reStruct[[1]])
        mfZ <- model.frame(terms(formYz), data = data)
        TermsZ <- attr(mfZ, "terms")
        idVar <- names(lmeObject$modelStruct$reStruct)
        betas <- fixef(lmeObject)
        sigma <- lmeObject$sigma
        D <- lapply(pdMatrix(lmeObject$modelStruct$reStruct), "*", sigma^2)[[1]]
        V <- vcov(lmeObject)
        times_orig <- data[[timeVar]]
        times_orig <- times_orig[!is.na(times_orig)]
    } else {
        formYx <- lmeObject$formYx
        TermsX <- lmeObject$TermsX
        formYz <- lmeObject$formYz
        TermsZ <- lmeObject$TermsZ 
        idVar <- lmeObject$idVar
        betas <- lmeObject$betas
        sigma <- lmeObject$sigma
        D <- lmeObject$D
        V <- lmeObject$V
        times_orig <- lmeObject$times_orig
    # drop missing values from newdata
    all_vars <- unique(c(all.vars(TermsX), all.vars(TermsZ)))
    newdata_nomiss <- newdata[complete.cases(newdata[all_vars]), ]
    mfX_new <- model.frame(TermsX, data = newdata_nomiss)
    X_new <- model.matrix(formYx, mfX_new)
    mfZ_new <- model.frame(TermsZ, data = newdata_nomiss)
    Z_new <- model.matrix(formYz, mfZ_new)
    na_ind <- attr(mfX_new, "na.action")
    y_new <- model.response(mfX_new, "numeric")
    if (length(idVar) > 1)
        stop("the current version of the function only works with a single grouping variable.\n")
    if (is.null(newdata[[idVar]]))
        stop("subject id variable not in newdata.")
    id_nomiss <- match(newdata_nomiss[[idVar]], unique(newdata_nomiss[[idVar]]))
    n <- length(unique(id_nomiss))
    modes <- matrix(0.0, n, ncol(Z_new))
    post_vars <- DZtVinv <- vector("list", n)
    for (i in seq_len(n)) {
        id_i <- id_nomiss == i
        X_new_id <- X_new[id_i, , drop = FALSE]
        Z_new_id <- Z_new[id_i, , drop = FALSE]
        Vi_inv <- solve(Z_new_id %*% tcrossprod(D, Z_new_id) + sigma^2 * diag(sum(id_i)))
        DZtVinv[[i]] <- tcrossprod(D, Z_new_id) %*% Vi_inv
        modes[i, ] <- c(DZtVinv[[i]] %*% (y_new[id_i] - X_new_id %*% betas))
        t1 <- DZtVinv[[i]] %*% Z_new_id %*% D
        t2 <- DZtVinv[[i]] %*% X_new_id %*% V %*% 
            crossprod(X_new_id, Vi_inv) %*% Z_new_id %*% D
        post_vars[[i]] <- D - t1 + t2
    fitted_y <- c(X_new %*% betas) + rowSums(Z_new * modes[id_nomiss, , drop = FALSE])
    if (is.null(times) || !is.numeric(times)) {
        times <- seq(min(times_orig), max(times_orig), length.out = 100)
    id <- match(newdata[[idVar]], unique(newdata[[idVar]]))
    last_time <- tapply(newdata[[timeVar]], id, max)
    times_to_pred <- lapply(last_time, function (t) 
        if (all_times) times else times[times > t])
    id_pred <- rep(seq_len(n), sapply(times_to_pred, length))
    #newdata_pred <- newdata_pred[id_pred, ]
    newdata_pred <- right_rows(newdata, newdata[[timeVar]], id, times_to_pred)
    newdata_pred[[timeVar]] <- unlist(times_to_pred)
    mfX_new_pred <- model.frame(TermsX, data = newdata_pred, na.action = NULL)
    X_new_pred <- model.matrix(formYx, mfX_new_pred)
    mfZ_new_pred <- model.frame(TermsZ, data = newdata_pred, na.action = NULL)
    Z_new_pred <- model.matrix(formYz, mfZ_new_pred)
    predicted_y <- c(X_new_pred %*% betas) + 
        rowSums(Z_new_pred * modes[id_pred, , drop = FALSE])
    betas_M <- MASS::mvrnorm(M, betas, V)
    modes_fun <- function (betas) {
        t(mapply("%*%", DZtVinv, split(y_new - X_new %*% betas, id_nomiss)))
    modes_M <- lapply(split(betas_M, row(betas_M)), modes_fun)
    matrix_row <- function (m, i) m[i, , drop = FALSE]
    modes_M <- lapply(seq_len(n), function (i) t(sapply(modes_M, matrix_row, i = i)))
    b_M <- modes_M
    for (i in seq_len(n)) {
        b_M[[i]] <- t(apply(modes_M[[i]], 1, MASS::mvrnorm, n = 1, Sigma = post_vars[[i]]))
    n_pred <- length(predicted_y)
    sampled_y <- matrix(0.0, n_pred, M)
    for (m in seq_len(M)) {
        betas_m <- betas_M[m, ]
        b_m <- t(sapply(b_M, function (x) x[m, ]))
        mean_m <- c(X_new_pred %*% betas_m) + 
            rowSums(Z_new_pred * b_m[id_pred, , drop = FALSE])
        sampled_y[, m] <- if (interval == "confidence") mean_m 
        else rnorm(n_pred, mean_m, lmeObject$sigma)
    low <- apply(sampled_y, 1, quantile, probs = (1 - level) / 2)
    upp <- apply(sampled_y, 1, quantile, probs = 1 - (1 - level) / 2)
    rm(list = ".Random.seed", envir = globalenv())
    if (!return_data) {
        list(times_to_pred = times_to_pred, predicted_y = predicted_y, 
             low = low, upp = upp)
    } else {
        out_data <- rbind(newdata, newdata_pred)
        out_data$pred <- c(fitted_y, predicted_y)
        out_data$low <- c(rep(NA, length(fitted_y)), low)
        out_data$upp <- c(rep(NA, length(fitted_y)), upp)
        out_data[order(out_data[[idVar]], out_data[[timeVar]]), ]
drizopoulos/JMbayes documentation built on Feb. 2, 2021, 12:34 a.m.