
Defines functions highlight_target highlight_query print.dotplot_hl ggplot_add.dotplot_hl highlight_dotplot dotplot check_ordering dotplot_name_df add_pos_in_concatentaed_genome order_seqs chrom_sizes

Documented in chrom_sizes dotplot highlight_query highlight_target

#' Extract the sizes of all sequences in a paf alignment
#' @param ali pafr or tibble containing the genome alignment (as returned by
#' \code{\link{read_paf}})
#' @return list with two elements (tlens and qlens)  Each element is a
#' dataframe with one column of sequence names and another column containing
#' the length of each sequence
#' @examples
#' ali <- read_paf( system.file("extdata", "fungi.paf", package="pafr") )
#' chrom_sizes(ali)
#' @export
chrom_sizes <- function(ali) {
    res <- list(qlens = unique(ali[, c("qname", "qlen")]),
                tlens = unique(ali[, c("tname", "tlen")]))
    if ("pafr" %in% class(ali)) {
        return(lapply(res, as.data.frame))

# Internal function used to concatenate sequences into a single ordering,
# used by dotplot and associated functions. Returns a list of four elements,
# which represent the starting positions of each sequence in a concatenated
# alignment and the total length of the query and target sequences.
#' @importFrom dplyr slice_max
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by
#' @importFrom utils head
order_seqs <- function(ali, by, ordering = list()) {
    chrom_lens <- chrom_sizes(ali)
    qsum <- sum(chrom_lens[["qlens"]][, 2])
    tsum <- sum(chrom_lens[["tlens"]][, 2])
    if (by == "size") {
        q_idx <- order(chrom_lens[["qlens"]][, 2], decreasing = TRUE)
        t_idx <- order(chrom_lens[["tlens"]][, 2], decreasing = TRUE)
        qmap  <- structure(.Names = chrom_lens[["qlens"]][q_idx, 1],
                        c(0, head(cumsum(chrom_lens[["qlens"]][q_idx, 2]), -1)))
        tmap  <- structure(.Names = chrom_lens[["tlens"]][t_idx, 1],
                        c(0, head(cumsum(chrom_lens[["tlens"]][t_idx, 2]), -1)))
    } else if (by == "qstart") {
        #qidx/map id duplicated from above. DRY out depending on how we
        #implement other options
        q_idx <- order(chrom_lens[["qlens"]][, 2], decreasing = TRUE)
        qmap  <- structure(.Names = chrom_lens[["qlens"]][q_idx, 1],
                        c(0, head(cumsum(chrom_lens[["qlens"]][q_idx, 2]), -1)))
        longest_by_target <- slice_max(group_by(ali, .data[["tname"]]), .data[["alen"]])
        t_idx <- order(qmap[longest_by_target$qname] + longest_by_target$qstart)
        tmap <- sort(structure(.Names = longest_by_target$tname[t_idx],
                         c(0, head(cumsum(longest_by_target$tlen[t_idx]), -1))))        
    } else if (by == "provided") {
        if (length(ordering) != 2) {
            stop("To use 'provided' sequence ordering argument 'ordering' must by a list with two character vectors")
        qord <- ordering[[1]]
        tord <- ordering[[2]]
        q_idx <- match(qord, chrom_lens[["qlens"]][["qname"]])
        if (any(is.na(q_idx))) {
            msg <- paste("Sequence(s) provided for ordering are not present in alignment:\n", qord[is.na(q_idx)], "\n")
        t_idx <- match(tord, chrom_lens[["tlens"]][["tname"]])
        if (any(is.na(t_idx))) {
            msg <- paste("Sequence(s) provided for ordering are not present in alignment:\n", tord[is.na(t_idx)], "\n")
        qmap <- structure(.Names = chrom_lens[["qlens"]][q_idx, 1],
                        c(0, head(cumsum(chrom_lens[["qlens"]][q_idx, 2]), -1)))
        tmap <- structure(.Names = chrom_lens[["tlens"]][t_idx, 1],
                        c(0, head(cumsum(chrom_lens[["tlens"]][t_idx, 2]), -1)))
    list(qmap = qmap, qsum = qsum, tmap = tmap, tsum = tsum)

add_pos_in_concatentaed_genome <- function(ali, maps) {
    ali$concat_qstart <- ali$qstart + maps[["qmap"]][ali$qname]
    ali$concat_qend <- ali$qend + maps[["qmap"]][ali$qname]
    ali$concat_tstart <- ali$tstart + maps[["tmap"]][ali$tname]
    ali$concat_tend <- ali$tend + maps[["tmap"]][ali$tname]

dotplot_name_df <- function(seq_map, genome_len) {
    data.frame(seq_name = names(seq_map),
               centre = seq_map + diff(c(seq_map, genome_len) / 2))

check_ordering <- function(ali, ordering) {
    q_in_order <- unique(ali[["qname"]]) %in% ordering[[1]]
    t_in_order <- unique(ali[["tname"]]) %in% ordering[[2]]
    if (any(!q_in_order)) {
        msg <- paste("Dropping data from sequences absent from ordering:\n",
                     paste(unique(ali[["qname"]])[!q_in_order], collapse = ","))
        warning(msg, call. = FALSE)
    if (any(!t_in_order)) {
        msg <- paste("Dropping data from sequences absent from ordering:\n",
                     paste(unique(ali[["tname"]])[!t_in_order], collapse = ","))
        warning(msg, call. = FALSE)

#' Generate a dot plot from a paf alignment
#' @param ali pafr or tibble containing the genome alignment (as returned by
#' \code{\link{read_paf}})
#' @param order_by  How the query and target sequences should be ordered in the
#' dot plot. Option must be one of 'size' (smallest-to-largest), 'qstart' (query organised
#' smallest to largest, target by first match in the query genome) or 'provided'
#' (ordering as specified in the \code{ordering} argument)
#' @param label_seqs boolean  If TRUE, label centre of query and target
#' sequences in margins of the dot plot
#' @param dashes boolean  If TRUE, add dashes to borders of query and
#' target sequences in the dot plot
#' @param ordering If \code{order_by} is set to TRUE,
#' this variable should be a list with two elements specifying the order of query
#' and then target sequences in the dot plot. This option is ignored if
#' \code{order_by} is set to other values
#' @param alignment_colour character  The colour used to draw each aligned
#' section in the dot plot (defaults to black)
#' @param xlab character  The x-axis label (defaults to 'query')
#' @param ylab character  The y-axis label (defaults to 'target')
#' @param line_size  The width of the line used to represent an alignment in the
#' dot plot (defaults to 2)
#' @import ggplot2
#' @examples
#' ali <- read_paf( system.file("extdata", "fungi.paf", package="pafr") )
#' dotplot(ali)
#' dotplot(ali) + theme_bw()
#' dotplot(ali, label_seqs=TRUE, order_by="qstart", alignment_colour="blue")
#' @export
dotplot <- function(ali, order_by = c("size", "qstart", "provided"),
                    label_seqs = FALSE, dashes = TRUE, ordering = list(),
                    alignment_colour = "black", xlab = "query", ylab = "target",
                    line_size=2) {
    by <- match.arg(order_by)
    if (by == "provided") {
        check_ordering(ali, ordering)
        ali <- ali[ali$qname %in% ordering[[1]] & ali$tname %in% ordering[[2]],]
    seq_maps <- order_seqs(ali, by, ordering)
    ali <- add_pos_in_concatentaed_genome(ali, seq_maps)
    #now build the plot, first the aligments, easiest to do this +ve strand
    #first, then -ve
    p <- ggplot() +
      geom_segment(data = ali[ali$strand=="+",], 
         aes_string(x = "concat_qstart", xend = "concat_qend", y = "concat_tstart", yend = "concat_tend"),
         size=line_size, colour=alignment_colour) +
      geom_segment(data = ali[ali$strand=="-",],
        aes_string(x = "concat_qend", xend = "concat_qstart", y = "concat_tstart", yend = "concat_tend"),
        size = line_size, colour = alignment_colour) +
      coord_equal() +
      scale_x_continuous(xlab, labels = Mb_lab) + 
      scale_y_continuous(ylab, labels = Mb_lab)
  if (dashes) {
      p <- p + geom_hline(yintercept = c(seq_maps[["tmap"]], sum(unique(ali$tlen))), linetype = 3) +
               geom_vline(xintercept = c(seq_maps[["qmap"]], sum(unique(ali$qlen))), linetype = 3)
  if (label_seqs) {
    qname_df <- dotplot_name_df(seq_maps[["qmap"]], seq_maps[["qsum"]])
    tname_df <- dotplot_name_df(seq_maps[["tmap"]], seq_maps[["tsum"]])
    p <- p + geom_text(data = qname_df, aes_string(label = "seq_name", x = "centre", y = "0"),
                       vjust = 1, check_overlap = TRUE) +
             geom_text(data = tname_df,
                       aes_string(label = "seq_name", x = "0", y = "centre"),
                       angle = 90, vjust = 0, check_overlap = TRUE)
  # We want to be able to annotated the dotpot with data in BED format. Adding
  # arugments to this fxn wouldbe pretty unwieldy, so we want to take advantage
  # of ggplots overloaded "+" to add the annotatoins. To oders the annotations
  # in that same way as the dotplot object, we need this object to include a
  # functoin for mapping chromosome positoins to concatenated genome positoins
  # in the dotlot
  p$seq_map_fxn <- function(bed, query=TRUE, ...){
      map_n <-  if (query) 1 else 3
      seq_map <- seq_maps[[map_n]]
      check_chroms <-  bed[["chrom"]] %in% names(seq_map)
      if( !(all(check_chroms)) ){
          if( !(any(check_chroms))) {
              stop("None of the chromosomes represented this bed file are part of the dotplot")
          } else {
              bed <- bed[bed$chrom %in% names(seq_map),]
              missing <- unique( bed[["chrom"]] [!check_chroms])
              msg <- paste(length(missing), 
                           "of the chromosomes in this bed file are not part of the dotplot:\n  ", 
                           paste(missing, collapse=", "))
              warning(msg, call.=FALSE)
      data.frame(istart=bed[["start"]] + seq_map[ bed[["chrom"]] ], 
                 iend = bed[["end"]] + seq_map[ bed[["chrom"]] ],
                len = seq_maps[[map_n + 1]] 

highlight_dotplot <- function(bed, query=TRUE, ...){
    # this gets a bit complicated. In order for the ggplot "+" operator to 
    # acess the parent plot, we need to to define a function that takes a ggplot
    # as input. So this function only returns a function, which is then called
    # by ggplot_add (below).
    args <- list(...)
    f <- function(parent_plot){
        to_plot <- parent_plot$seq_map_fxn(bed, query)
        if (query) {
            ystart <- 0
            yend <- "len"
            xstart <- "istart"
            xend <- "iend"
        } else {
            ystart <- "istart"
            yend <- "iend"        
            xend <- "len"
            xstart <- 0
        args$data <- to_plot
        args$mapping <- aes_string(xmin = xstart, xmax = xend, ymin = ystart, ymax = yend)
        do.call(geom_rect, args)
    class(f) <- c("dotplot_hl", class(f))

ggplot_add.dotplot_hl <- function(object, plot, object_name){
    new_layer <- object(plot)
    plot$layers <- append(plot$layers, new_layer)

print.dotplot_hl <- function(x, ...){
    cat(" <pafr dotplot highlight layer function (should be added to plot)>\n")

#' @rdname highlight_dotplot
#' @export 
highlight_query <- function(bed, fill = "yellow", colour = "black", alpha=0.6) {
    highlight_dotplot(bed,  query=TRUE, fill=fill, colour=colour, alpha=alpha)
#' Highlight segments of a query or target genome in a dot plot
#' This plot is intended to be used in conjunction with \code{link{dotplot}}.
#' Adding \code{higlight_query} or \code{highlight_target} to a dotplot function call
#' (see examples below) will add a rectangular 'highlight' corresponding to a
#' particular genomic interval in the corresponding genome.
#' @param bed \code{data.frame} or \code{tbl_df} containing a bed file, as returned by
#' \code{\link{read_bed}}. Should contain three columns named 'chrom', 'start' 
#'  and 'end'
#' @param fill character  Fill colour for highlight segment
#' @param colour character  Outline colour for highlight segment
#' @param alpha character  Opacity ([0-1]) for highlight segment
#' @rdname highlight_dotplot
#' @examples
#' ali <- read_paf( system.file("extdata", "fungi.paf", package="pafr") )
#' cen <- read_bed(system.file("extdata", "Q_centro.bed", package="pafr"))
#' dotplot(ali) + highlight_query(cen)
#' interval <- data.frame(chrom="T_chr3", start=2000000, end=3000000)
#' dotplot(ali, label_seqs=TRUE) + 
#'    highlight_target(interval)
#' @export
highlight_target <- function(bed, fill = "yellow", colour = "black", alpha=0.6) {
    highlight_dotplot(bed,  query=FALSE, fill=fill, colour=colour, alpha=alpha)
dwinter/pafr documentation built on Dec. 13, 2020, 11:44 a.m.