
Defines functions showDVH.DVHLstLst showDVH.DVHLst showDVH.DVHs showDVH combineDVHs

Documented in showDVH showDVH.DVHLst showDVH.DVHLstLst showDVH.DVHs

## combine DVH data from a DVHLst object
## interp is FALSE or gives number of nodes to interpolate
combineDVHs <-
function(x, cumul=TRUE, interp=FALSE, rangeD=NULL) {
    ## differential DVH or interpolation - convert first
    x <- if(cumul && !interp) {
        ## cumulative without interpolation -> nothing to do
    } else if(cumul && interp) {
        ## cumulative with linear interpolation
        convertDVH.DVHLst(x, toType="asis", interp="linear",
                          nodes=interp, rangeD=rangeD, perDose=TRUE)
    } else if(!cumul && !interp) {
        ## differential without interpolation
        convertDVH.DVHLst(x, toType="differential", perDose=TRUE)
    } else if(!cumul && interp) {
        ## differential with linear interpolation
        convertDVH.DVHLst(x, toType="differential", interp="linear",
                          nodes=interp, rangeD=rangeD, perDose=TRUE)

    ## extract actual DVH from each DVHs object
    dvhDFL <- if(cumul) {
        ## cumulative DVH
        lapply(x, function(y) {
            data.frame(y$dvh, patID=y$patID, structure=y$structure,
    } else {
        ## differential DVH
        lapply(x, function(y) {
            data.frame(y$dvhDiff, patID=y$patID, structure=y$structure,

    do.call("rbind", dvhDFL)

## S3 generic method
showDVH <-
function(x, cumul=TRUE, byPat=TRUE, patID=NULL, structure=NULL, rel=TRUE,
         guessX=TRUE, guessY=TRUE, thresh=1, addMSD=FALSE,
         show=TRUE, visible=FALSE, fixed=TRUE,
         fun=list(location=mean, uncertainty=sd)) {

## plots 1 DVH file for 1 id and 1 structure
showDVH.DVHs <-
function(x, cumul=TRUE, byPat=TRUE, patID=NULL, structure=NULL, rel=TRUE,
         guessX=TRUE, guessY=TRUE, thresh=1, addMSD=FALSE,
         show=TRUE, visible=FALSE, fixed=TRUE,
         fun=list(location=mean, uncertainty=sd)) {
    x <- if(byPat) {
        setNames(list(x), x$structure)
    } else {
        setNames(list(x), x$patID)

    class(x) <- "DVHLst"
    attr(x, which="byPat") <- byPat

    showDVH.DVHLst(x, cumul=cumul, byPat=byPat, patID=patID, structure=structure,
                   rel=rel, guessX=guessX, guessY=guessY, thresh=thresh,
                   addMSD=addMSD, show=show, visible=visible, fixed=fixed,

## plots 1 list of DVH objects
## for byPat=TRUE:  1 patient   -> multiple structures
## for byPat=FALSE: 1 structure -> multiple patients
showDVH.DVHLst <-
function(x, cumul=TRUE, byPat=TRUE, patID=NULL, structure=NULL, rel=TRUE,
         guessX=TRUE, guessY=TRUE, thresh=1, addMSD=FALSE,
         show=TRUE, visible=FALSE, fixed=TRUE,
         fun=list(location=mean, uncertainty=sd)) {

    ## make sure DVH list is organized as required for byPat
    if(is.null(attributes(x)$byPat) || attributes(x)$byPat != byPat) {
        stop(c("DVH list organization by-patient / by-structure ",
               "either could not be determined or is different from byPat"))

    if(addMSD) {
        stopifnot(length(fun) == 2L)

    guessX <- as.numeric(guessX)
    guessY <- as.numeric(guessY)

    ## if patIDs are selected, filter them here -> strips DVHLst class
    if(!is.null(patID)) {
        p <- trimWS(patID, side="both")
        x <- Filter(function(y) {
            if(fixed) {
                any(y$patID %in% p)
            } else {
                any(grepl(paste(p, collapse="|"), y$patID))
        }, x)

        if(length(x) < 1L) { stop("No selected patient found") }

    ## if structures are selected, filter them here
    if(!is.null(structure)) {
        s <- trimWS(structure, side="both")
        x <- Filter(function(y) {
            if(fixed) {
                any(y$structure %in% s)
            } else {
                any(grepl(paste(s, collapse="|"), y$structure))
        }, x)

        if(length(x) < 1L) { stop("No selected structure found") }

    ## combine all data frames in the DVHs
    ## find number of dose values in DVHs
    if(addMSD) {
        rangeD  <- c(0, max(vapply(x, function(z) {    max(z$dvh[ , "dose"]) }, numeric(1))))
        doseLen <-      max(vapply(x, function(z) { length(z$dvh[ , "dose"]) }, numeric(1)))

        ## coarser dose grid for M+SD but with at least 100 nodes
        doseLen <- max(100, ceiling(doseLen/3))
    } else {
        rangeD  <- NULL
        doseLen <- FALSE

    dvhDF <- combineDVHs(x, cumul=cumul, interp=doseLen, rangeD=rangeD)

    ## choose x-axis limits (dose) - add 5% to upper limit
    ## TODO: up to first dose for which all structures reach threshold
    if(length(guessX) == 2L) {
        xMin <- guessX[1]
        xMax <- guessX[2]
    } else {
        xMin <- 0
        xMax <- if(guessX == 1L) {    ## guessX = TRUE
                if(!all(is.na(x[[1]]$dvh[ , "volumeRel"]))) {
                    ## we have relative volume
                    volGEQ <- lapply(x, function(y) {
                        y$dvh[ , "dose"][y$dvh[ , "volumeRel"] >= thresh] })
                    1.05*max(unlist(volGEQ), na.rm=TRUE)
                } else {
                    ## we have absolute volume -> don't apply threshold
        } else if(guessX == 0L) {
            ## guessX = FALSE
        } else {
            ## guessX = maximum, but not lower than 0.1
            max(0.1, guessX)

    ## set plot volume to absolute or relative
    ## and choose y-axis limits (volume) - add 3% to upper limit
    if(length(guessY) == 2L) {
        yMin <- guessY[1]
        yMax <- guessY[2]
    } else {
        yMin <- 0

    if(rel) {
        ## relative volume - check if available
        if(all(is.na(dvhDF$volumeRel))) {
            warning("All relative volumes are missing, will try to show absolute volume")
            if(length(guessY) == 1L) {
                yMax <- 1.03*max(dvhDF$volume, na.rm=TRUE)

            rel <- FALSE
            dvhDF$volPlot <- dvhDF$volume
        } else {
            if(length(guessY) == 1L) {
                yMax <- if(guessY == 1) {
                    min(c(103, 1.03*max(dvhDF$volumeRel, na.rm=TRUE)))
                } else {

            dvhDF$volPlot <- dvhDF$volumeRel
    } else {
        ## absolute volume - check if available
        if(all(is.na(dvhDF$volume))) {
            warning("All absolute volumes are missing, will try to show relative volume")
            if(length(guessY) == 1L) {
                yMax <- if(guessY == 1) {
                    min(c(103, 1.03*max(dvhDF$volumeRel, na.rm=TRUE)))
                } else {

            rel <- TRUE
            dvhDF$volPlot <- dvhDF$volumeRel
        } else {
            if(length(guessY) == 1L) {
                yMax <- 1.03*max(dvhDF$volume, na.rm=TRUE)

            dvhDF$volPlot <- dvhDF$volume

    ## check if absolute dose is available
    isDoseRel <- if(all(is.na(dvhDF$dose))) {
        warning("All absolute doses are missing, will try to show relative dose")
        dvhDF$dose <- dvhDF$doseRel
    } else {

    ## check if point-wise volume mean and sd should be plotted
    if(addMSD) {
        fun_loc <- fun[["location"]]
        fun_sd  <- fun[["uncertainty"]]
        ## generate point-wise mean/sd for dose -> aggregate over dose
        if(byPat) {
            dfM  <- aggregate(volPlot ~ patID + dose,     data=dvhDF, FUN=fun_loc, na.rm=TRUE)
            dfSD <- aggregate(volPlot ~ patID + dose,     data=dvhDF, FUN=fun_sd,  na.rm=TRUE)
        } else {
            dfM  <- aggregate(volPlot ~ structure + dose, data=dvhDF, FUN=fun_loc, na.rm=TRUE)
            dfSD <- aggregate(volPlot ~ structure + dose, data=dvhDF, FUN=fun_sd,  na.rm=TRUE)

        ## rename columns in aggregated data frames
        ## dfM stays as is because "volPlot" is used in top layer of the plot
        namesDFSD <- names(dfSD)
        namesDFSD[namesDFSD == "volPlot"] <- "volSD"
        names(dfSD) <- namesDFSD

        dfMSD <- Reduce(merge, list(dfM, dfSD))
        dfMSD$volLo1SD <- dfMSD$volPlot -   dfMSD$volSD
        dfMSD$volHi1SD <- dfMSD$volPlot +   dfMSD$volSD
        dfMSD$volLo2SD <- dfMSD$volPlot - 2*dfMSD$volSD
        dfMSD$volHi2SD <- dfMSD$volPlot + 2*dfMSD$volSD

    ## title string
    strTitle <- if(byPat) {
        paste0("Patient ",   x[[1]]$patID)
    } else {
        paste0("Structure ", x[[1]]$structure)

    doseUnit <- if(isDoseRel) {
    } else {

    volUnit <- if(rel) {
        if(cumul) {
        } else {
            paste0("%/", doseUnit)
    } else {
        if(cumul) {
        } else {
            paste0(x[[1]]$volumeUnit, "/", doseUnit)

    ## do we have many structure/ID categories? -> more legend columns
    nCateg <- if(byPat) {
    } else {

    ## 15 entries per legend column
    nLegendCols <- (nCateg %/% 15) + 1            # number of categories

    ## do the actual plotting
    diag <- ggplot(dvhDF, aes_string(x="dose", y="volPlot"))

    ## rescale x-axis
    diag <- if(is.finite(xMax) && is.finite(yMax)) {
        diag + coord_cartesian(xlim=c(xMin, xMax), ylim=c(yMin, yMax))
    } else {

    ## point-wise 1-SD, 2-SD shaded areas?
    diag <- if(addMSD) {
        diag +
                    aes_string(x="dose", ymin="volLo1SD", ymax="volHi1SD"),
                    alpha=0.25, linetype="blank") +
                    aes_string(x="dose", ymin="volLo2SD", ymax="volHi2SD"),
                    alpha=0.2, linetype="blank")
    } else {

    ## actual DVHs
    diag <- if(byPat) {
        diag + geom_line(data=dvhDF,
                         aes_string(x="dose", y="volPlot", color="structure"),
    } else {
        diag + geom_line(data=dvhDF,
                         aes_string(x="dose", y="volPlot", color="patID"),

    ## add point-wise mean DVH?
    diag <- if(addMSD) {
        diag + geom_line(data=dfMSD,
                         aes_string(x="dose", y="volPlot"),
                         color="black", size=0.9, linetype="dashed")
    } else {

    ## final diagram
    diag <- diag +
        ggtitle(strTitle) +
        theme_bw() +
        # expand_limits(y=0) +                      # make sure 0 is included
        scale_y_continuous(expand=c(0, 0.6)) +
        guides(color=guide_legend(ncol=nLegendCols)) +
        xlab(paste0("Dose [",   doseUnit, "]")) +
        ylab(paste0("Volume [", volUnit,  "]"))

    if(show) {

    if(visible) {
    } else {

## x is a DVH list (1 per id or 1 per structure) of lists
## plots many DVH files
## either for many patients   -> multiple structures per DVH
## or     for many structures -> multiple patients   per DVH
showDVH.DVHLstLst <-
function(x, cumul=TRUE, byPat=TRUE, patID=NULL, structure=NULL, rel=TRUE,
         guessX=TRUE, guessY=TRUE, thresh=1, addMSD=FALSE,
         show=TRUE, visible=FALSE, fixed=TRUE,
         fun=list(location=mean, uncertainty=sd)) {

    ## re-organize x into by-patient or by-structure form if necessary
    isByPat <- attributes(x)$byPat
    if(is.null(isByPat) || (isByPat != byPat)) {
        x <- reorgByPat(x, byPat=byPat)

    ## if byPat=TRUE and patIDs are selected, filter them here
    if(byPat && !is.null(patID)) {
        p <- trimWS(patID, side="both")
        x <- Filter(function(y) {
            if(fixed) {
                any(y[[1]]$patID %in% p)
            } else {
                any(grepl(paste(p, collapse="|"), y[[1]]$patID))
        }, x)

        if(length(x) < 1L) { stop("No selected patient found") }
        patID <- NULL

    ## if byPat=FALSE and structures are selected, filter them here
    if(!byPat && !is.null(structure)) {
        s <- trimWS(structure, side="both")
        x <- Filter(function(y) {
            if(fixed) {
                any(y[[1]]$structure %in% s)
            } else {
                any(grepl(paste(s, collapse="|"), y[[1]]$structure))
        }, x)

        if(length(x) < 1L) { stop("No selected structure found") }
        structure <- NULL

    diagL <- Map(showDVH, x, cumul=cumul, byPat=byPat, rel=rel,
                 patID=list(patID), structure=list(structure),
                 guessX=guessX, guessY=guessY, thresh=thresh,
                 addMSD=addMSD, show=show, visible=visible,
                 fixed=fixed, fun=list(fun))

    if(visible) {
    } else {
dwoll/DVHmetrics documentation built on March 3, 2024, 9:28 a.m.