
#' @title Get rough Negative Binomial dispersion parameters
#' @description Get rough Negative Binomial dispersion parameters using ordinary least squares.
#' @details Based on the assumption:
#' \deqn{Var(K) = \mu + \alpha  \mu^2}
#' where K is count, \eqn{\mu} is the mean count, and \eqn{\alpha} is the Negative Binomial dispersion parameter. This is rearranged to:
#' \deqn{\alpha = (Var(K) - \mu) / \mu^2}
#' The result is usually way off the final dispersion, but at least gives something reasonable to work from when estimating batch
#' effects using a Negative Binomial GLM.
#' @param x concensusWorkflow or concensusDataSet.
#' @param ... Other arguments.
#' @return concensusWorkflow or concensusDataSet with a new \code{mean_variance_relationship} and \code{dispersion} attribute.
#' @export
getRoughDispersions <- function(x, ...) UseMethod('getRoughDispersions')

#' @rdname getRoughDispersions
#' @export
getRoughDispersions.default <- function(x, ...) stop('Can\'t get rough dispersions of ', class(x))

#' @rdname getRoughDispersions
#' @export
getRoughDispersions.concensusWorkflow <- function(x, ...) {

  x <- workflows::delay(x, getRoughDispersions, ...)

  return (x)


#' @rdname getRoughDispersions
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export
getRoughDispersions.concensusDataSet <- function(x, grouping=c('compound', 'concentration', 'strain'), ...) {

  println('Calculating rough dispersions')

  x$mean_variance_relationship <- x$data %>%
    dplyr::group_by_(.dots=grouping) %>%
              mean_count=mean(count)) %>%
    dplyr:: ungroup() %>%

  # NB model: var = mu + alpha * mu^2

  dispersion_model <- lm(var_count ~ 0 + mean_count_sq + offset(mean_count), x$mean_variance_relationship)

  dispersion <- coef(dispersion_model)[['mean_count_sq']]

  x$dispersion <- data.frame(rough_dispersion=dispersion)

  return ( x )


#' @title Get experimental batch effects
#' @description Estimate experimental batch effects.
#' @details Columns in the \code{data} attribute of the \code{concensusDataSet} object which
#' have fewer than 100 unique values and which are not named according to a list of stopwords are assumed to be experimental
#' handling annotations, and will be modeled using a Negative Binomial GLM, using dispersion parameters in the \code{dispersion}
#' attribute.
#' Only the negative control observations will be used for estimating batch effects.
#' A new column, \code{predicted_null_count}, is added to \code{data} of \code{concensusDataSet} with a prediction of
#' number of counts for every observation, assuming only batch effects (and no real effect of interest).
#' If the model fitting fails, rather than throw off the whole pipeline, a \code{predicted_null_count} value of \code{1} is used.
#' @param x concensusWorkflow or concensusDataSet.
#' @param ... Other arguments.
#' @return concensusWorkflow or concensusDataSet with a new \code{batch_effect_model} and a new \code{predicted_null_count} column
#' in the \code{data} attribute.
#' @seealso \link{glm}
#' @export
getBatchEffects <- function(x, ...) UseMethod('getBatchEffects')

#' @rdname getBatchEffects
#' @export
getBatchEffects.default <- function(x, ...) stop('Can\'t get batch effects of ', class(x))

#' @rdname getBatchEffects
#' @export
getBatchEffects.concensusWorkflow <- function(x, ...) {

  x <- workflows::delay(x, getBatchEffects, ...)

  return (x)


#' @rdname getBatchEffects
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom errR %except%
#' @export
getBatchEffects.concensusDataSet <- function(x, grouping=c('compound', 'concentration', 'strain'), ...) {

  not_batch_effects <- unique(c('plate_number', 'column', 'plate_seq', 'compound', 'concentration',
                         'strain', 'solvent', 'replicate', 'plate_seq', 'plate_source',
                         'positive_control', 'negative_control', 'predicted_null_count', 'count',
                         'plate_type', 'well_type', 'well', 'quadrant', 'gc_content', 'condition_group',
                         'i5_id', 'i7_id'), grouping)

  untreated_data <- x$data %>% dplyr::filter(negative_control)

  println('Using', nrow(untreated_data), 'negative control observations to calculate batch effects')

  candidate_batch_effects <- names(x$data)[!names(x$data) %in% not_batch_effects]


  selected_batch_effects <- Filter(function(z) {

    levels_present_untreated <- get_unique_values(untreated_data, z)
    #print(c(z, levels_present_untreated, ))
    return(length(levels_present_untreated) > 1 & length(levels_present_untreated) < 100)

  println('Modeling batch effects:', pyjoin(selected_batch_effects, ', '))

  x$data <- x$data %>% make_columns_factors(selected_batch_effects)
  untreated_data <- x$data %>% dplyr::filter(negative_control)

  underrepresented_batch_effects <- Filter(function(z) check_same_levels(x$data, untreated_data, z), selected_batch_effects)

  if ( length(underrepresented_batch_effects) > 0 )
    println('Batch effects', pyjoin(underrepresented_batch_effects, ', '), 'are underrepresented; resampling')

  for ( be in underrepresented_batch_effects ) {

    levels_present_untreated <- get_unique_values(untreated_data, be, as.character)
    levels_present_treated   <- get_unique_values(x$data, be, as.character)

    missing_levels <- setdiff(levels_present_treated, levels_present_untreated)

    not_represented_yet    <- length(missing_levels) > 0

    average_representation <- untreated_data %>%
      dplyr::group_by_(.dots=be) %>%
      dplyr::summarize(n_times=n()) %>%
      dplyr::select(n_times) %>%
      unlist() %>% mean() %>% as.integer()

    if ( not_represented_yet ) {

      println(be, pyjoin(missing_levels, ', '),
              'with no untreated wells; sampling', average_representation,
              'wells per missing factor as untreated...')

      untreated_data <- bind_rows(untreated_data,
                                  x$data %>%
                                    dplyr::filter(!negative_control) %>%
                                    dplyr::filter_(paste0(be, '%in% c(\'', pyjoin(missing_levels, '\', \''), '\')')) %>%
                                    dplyr::group_by_(.dots=be) %>%
                                    dplyr::sample_n(average_representation, replace=TRUE))


  underrepresented_batch_effects <- Filter(function(z) check_same_levels(x$data, untreated_data, z), selected_batch_effects)
  if ( length(underrepresented_batch_effects) > 0 )
    stop('Missing batch effect levels: ', pyjoin(as.character(underrepresented_batch_effects), ', '))

  model_formula <- as.formula(paste('count ~', pyjoin(selected_batch_effects, '+')))

  x$batch_effect_model <- glm(model_formula,
                              MASS::negative.binomial(1 / x$dispersion$rough_dispersion), untreated_data) %except% NA

  if ( !is.na(x$batch_effect_model) &  !is.null(x$batch_effect_model) ) {
    x$data <- x$data %>% dplyr::mutate(predicted_null_count=predict(x$batch_effect_model, ., type='response'))
    x$batch_effect_model <- trim_glm(x$batch_effect_model)  # make sure this isn't gigantic!
  } else
    x$data <- x$data %>% dplyr::mutate(predicted_null_count=1)

  return ( x )


#' @title Estimate Negative Binomial dispersion paramteter taking into account batch effects
#' @description Estimate Negative Binomial dispersion paramteter taking into account experimental batch effects.
#' @details Uses the CR penalized maximum profile likelihood method, holding the \eqn{\mu} of a GLM fixed and finding the
#' optimal dispersion \eqn{\alpha} using a Newton-type algorithm as implemented in \code{nlm}.
#' If the \code{predicted_null_count} column is present in the \code{data} attribute of \code{concensusDataSet}, it is added to
#' the GLM as an \code{offset}. If the batch effects are real, this should raise the likelihood of and shrink the size of
#' the final dispersion parameter.
#' This method will find a dispersion value with and without taking into account \code{predicted_null_count}, saving both results to
#' the columns of the \code{dispersion} attribute of \code{concensusDataSet}.
#' @param x concensusWorkflow or concensusDataSet.
#' @param max_rows Numeric. Maximum number of observations to use for MLE.
#' @param ... Other arguments.
#' @return concensusWorkflow or concensusDataSet with a new \code{small_model_dispersion} and a new
#' \code{full_model_dispersion} column in the \code{dispersion} attribute.
#' @seealso \link{nlm}, \link{glm}
#' @export
getFinalDispersions <- function(x, ...) UseMethod('getFinalDispersions')

#' @rdname getFinalDispersions
#' @export
getFinalDispersions.default <- function(x, ...) stop('Can\'t get final dispersions of ', class(x))

#' @rdname getFinalDispersions
#' @export
getFinalDispersions.concensusWorkflow <- function(x, ...) {

  x <- workflows::delay(x, getFinalDispersions, ...)

  return (x)


#' @rdname getFinalDispersions
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export
getFinalDispersions.concensusDataSet <- function(x, max_rows=10000, ...) {

  println('Getting final dispersions...')

  small_model_formula <- count ~ 1
  full_model_formula  <- count ~ 0 + log(predicted_null_count)


  untreated_data         <- x$data %>%
    dplyr::filter(negative_control) %>%
    dplyr::sample_n(min(max_rows, sum(x$data$negative_control)))

  small_model_dispersion_ <- estimate_nb_dispersion_mle(initial_guess=x$dispersion$rough_dispersion,

  x$dispersion <- x$dispersion %>%

  if ( 'predicted_null_count' %in% names(untreated_data)) {

    full_model_dispersion_  <- estimate_nb_dispersion_mle(initial_guess=x$dispersion$rough_dispersion,


    x$dispersion <- x$dispersion %>%



  return ( x )


#' @title Fit final model
#' @description Fit the final Negative Binomial GLM, taking into account batch effects and final dispersion estimates.
#' @details Using \code{predicted_null_count} column in the \code{data} attribute of \code{concensusDataSet} is added to
#' the GLM as an \code{offset}. A new column, \code{condition_group} is created as a concatenation of the combinations of values
#' encountered in the columns specified in \code{conditions}, which is used as a catagorical variable.
#' The \code{condition_group} associated with the negative control is identified, and set as the reference. A Negative Binomial
#' GLM is fitted using no intercept, \code{predicted_null_count} as an \code{offset}, \code{condition_group} as a predictor.
#' The \code{count} column is the response variable.
#' Since a \code{log} link is used, and \code{predicted_null_count} is estimated from native control batch effects, the extracted
#' coefficient estimates can be intreprested as log(fold change) realtive to the negative control.
#' @param x concensusWorkflow or concensusDataSet.
#' @param conditions Character vector. Columns in the \code{data} attribute of \code{concensusDataSet} which together identify groups
#' of replicates of the same condition.
#' @param grouping Character vector. Columns in the \code{data} attribute of \code{concensusDataSet} which together identify
#' analytically independent chunks of data, e.g. strains.
#' @param ... Other arguments.
#' @return concensusWorkflow or concensusDataSet with a new \code{model_parameters} attribute containing effect sizes (LFC) and
#' p-values.
#' @seealso \link{glm}
#' @export
getFinalModel <- function(x, ...) UseMethod('getFinalModel')

#' @rdname getFinalModel
#' @export
getFinalModel.default <- function(x, ...) stop('Can\'t get final model of ', class(x))

#' @rdname getFinalModel
#' @export
getFinalModel.concensusWorkflow <- function(x, ...) {

  x <- workflows::delay(x, getFinalModel, ...)

  return (x)


#' @rdname getFinalModel
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @import methods
#' @export
getFinalModel.concensusDataSet <- function(x, conditions=c('compound', 'concentration'), grouping='strain',
                                           ...) {

  println('Fitting final model...')

  x$data <- x$data %>%
    dplyr::ungroup() %>%
    dplyr::mutate_(.dots=c(condition_group=paste0('paste(', pyjoin(conditions, ', '), ', sep="__")')))

  negative_controls <- x$data %>% dplyr::filter(negative_control)

  negative_level <- (negative_controls %>% get_unique_values('condition_group', sort))[1]

  nb_dispersion <- x$dispersion$full_model_dispersion[1]

  println('Reference level is', negative_level)
  println('Dispersion is', signif(nb_dispersion, 2))
  println('Fitting Negative Binomial GLM for',
          x$data %>% dplyr::filter(!negative_control) %>% get_unique_values('condition_group', length),
          'conditions as defined', pyjoin(conditions, ' + '))

  x$model_parameters <- x$data %>%
    dplyr::filter(!negative_control) %>%
    dplyr::group_by_(.dots=c(grouping, conditions, 'condition_group')) %>%
    dplyr::do((glm(count ~ 0 + offset(log(predicted_null_count)) + condition_group,
                   family=MASS::negative.binomial(1 / nb_dispersion),
                   data= dplyr::bind_rows(., negative_controls) %>%
                     dplyr::mutate(condition_group=factor(condition_group) %>% relevel(ref=negative_level)),
                   y=FALSE) %>%
                 broom::tidy() %>%
                               l2fc=estimate / log(2),
                               std.error_log2=std.error / log(2),
                               n_replicates=nrow(.))) ) #%except% data.frame(NULL))

  intercepts <- negative_controls %>%
    dplyr::group_by_(.dots=c(grouping)) %>%
    dplyr::summarize(mean_intercept=mean(predicted_null_count, na.rm=TRUE),
                     var_intercept=var(predicted_null_count, na.rm=TRUE))


  splitter_expression <- paste0('vapply(condition_group, function(z) strsplit(z, "__", fixed=TRUE)[[1]][',
                                seq_along(conditions), '], "a")') %>%


  x$model_parameters <- x$model_parameters %>%
    dplyr::ungroup() %>%
    dplyr::filter(term != paste0('condition_group', negative_level)) %>%
    dplyr::left_join(intercepts) %>%
    dplyr::left_join(x$mean_variance_relationship) %>%

  return ( x )


#' @title Make fake data from resampled controls
#' @description Make fake data from resampled controls.
#' @details None.
#' @param x concensusWorkflow or concensusDataSet.
#' @param n_replicates Numeric.
#' @param n_samples Numeric.
#' @param prevalence Numeric. Positive controls (if present) are resampled at a frequency of \code{n_samples * 2 * prevalence}.
#' @param grouping Character vector. Grouping of wells.
#' @param positive_control Character. Pattern to assign positive controls on. Overrides any already-present positive control.
#' @param ... Other arguments.
#' @return concensusWorkflow or concensusDataSet.
#' @export
resample <- function(x, ...) UseMethod('resample')

#' @rdname resample
#' @export
resample.default <- function(x, ...) stop('Can\'t resample ', class(x))

#' @rdname resample
#' @export
resample.concensusWorkflow <- function(x, ...) {

  x <- workflows::delay(x, resample, ...)

  return (x)


#' @rdname resample
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export
resample.concensusDataSet <- function(x, n_replicates=2, n_samples=10000, prevalence=0.5,
                                      grouping=c('id', 'plate_name', 'well'),
                                      positive_control.=NULL, ...) {

  if ( ! all(grouping %in% names(x$data)) ) stop('Grouping columns', pyjoin(grouping, ', '), 'must be present in data')

  negative_control_data <- x$data %>% dplyr::ungroup() %>% dplyr::filter(negative_control)

  if ( ! is.null(positive_control.) ) {

    println('Adding positive control matching pattern:', positive_control.)

    x$data <- x$data %>% dplyr::ungroup() %>% dplyr::mutate(positive_control=grepl(positive_control., compound))


  unique_groupings <- negative_control_data %>% dplyr::select_(.dots=grouping) %>% distinct()

  println('Resampling', n_samples, 'from', nrow(unique_groupings), 'negative control wells...')
  random_sample_of_groupings <- unique_groupings %>%
    dplyr::sample_n(n_samples, replace=n_samples > nrow(unique_groupings)) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(compound=sample(rep(paste('negative-control', seq_len(n() / n_replicates), sep='--'), n_replicates)))

  resampled_negative_control_data <- negative_control_data %>%
    dplyr::select(-compound) %>%
    dplyr::inner_join(random_sample_of_groupings) %>%

  println('Resampling', ceiling(n_samples / 5), 'from', nrow(unique_groupings), 'as reference control wells...')
  random_sample_of_groupings_ref <- unique_groupings %>%
    dplyr::sample_n(ceiling(n_samples / 5), replace=ceiling(n_samples / 5) > nrow(unique_groupings))

  unique_representation_in_ref <- lapply(grouping,
                                         function(x_) unique(getElement(random_sample_of_groupings_ref, x_)))
  unique_representation <- sapply(grouping,
                                  function(x_) all(getElement(resampled_negative_control_data, x_) %in%
                                                     getElement(unique_representation_in_ref, x_)))

  counter <- 0

#   while ( !all(unique_representation) & counter < 100 ) {
#     println('Missing levels in', pyjoin(grouping[which(!unique_representation)], ', '), '; resampling again')
#     random_sample_of_groupings_ref <- unique_groupings %>%
#       sample_n(ceiling(n_samples / 5), replace=ceiling(n_samples / 5) > nrow(unique_groupings))
#     unique_representation_in_ref <- lapply(grouping,
#                                            function(x_) unique(getElement(random_sample_of_groupings_ref, x_)))
#     unique_representation <- sapply(grouping,
#                                     function(x_) all(getElement(resampled_negative_control_data, x_) %in%
#                                                        getElement(unique_representation_in_ref, x_)))
#     counter <- counter + 1
#   }

  random_sample_of_groupings_ref <- negative_control_data %>%
    #dplyr::select(-compound, -concentration, -negative_control, -positive_control) %>%
    dplyr::inner_join(random_sample_of_groupings_ref) %>%

  x$resampled <- random_sample_of_groupings_ref %>%

  if ( 'positive_control' %in% names(x$data) & length(sum(x$data$positive_control)) > 0 &
       sum(x$data$positive_control) > 0) {

    positive_control_data <- x$data %>% dplyr::ungroup() %>% dplyr::filter(positive_control)

    println('Resampling', n_samples * 2 * prevalence, 'from', nrow(positive_control_data), 'postive controls')
    positive_control_data %<>%
      dplyr::group_by(strain, plate_name) %>%
      dplyr::sample_n(n_samples * 2 * prevalence, replace=(n_samples * 2 * prevalence) > length(count)) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(compound=sample(rep(paste('positive-control', seq_len(n() / n_replicates), sep='--'), n_replicates)),

    x$resampled <- x$resampled %>%


  x$data <- x$resampled %>%
    dplyr::mutate(condition_group=paste(compound, concentration, sep='__'))

  return ( x )


#' @title Call hits based on p-value and resampled data
#' @description Call hits based on p-values and resampled data.
#' @details Resampled data are used to calaulate FDRs at a sliding p-value cutoff.
#' @param x concensusWorkflow or concensusDataSet.
#' @param method Character. Only \code{"resampling"} is supported.
#' @param false_disovery_rate. Numeric. The desired false discovery rate. Default \code{0.05}.
#' @param prevalence Numeric. The expected or known prevalence. Used to construct a model dataset from resampled data.
#' @param ... Other arguments.
#' @return concensusWorkflow or concensusDataSet.
#' @export
callHits <- function(x, ...) UseMethod('callHits')

#' @rdname callHits
#' @export
callHits.default <- function(x, ...) stop('Can\'t call hits on ', class(x))

#' @rdname callHits
#' @export
callHits.concensusWorkflow <- function(x, resampled_x=NULL, ...) {

  x <- workflows::delay(x, callHits, resampled_x=resampled_x, ...)

  return (x)


#' @rdname callHits
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export
callHits.concensusDataSet <- function(x, method='resampling', false_discovery_rate.=0.05,
                                      prevalence=0.01, ...) {


  println('Calling hits for FDR of', false_discovery_rate., 'and prevalence of', prevalence)

  if ( method != 'resampling' )
    stop('Only the resampling hit calling method is currently implemented. You must provide resampled_x.\n')

  p_cutoffs <- x$model_parameters %>%
    dplyr::sample_n(min(1e4, length(x$model_parameters$p.value))) %>%
    get_unique_values('p.value') %>%
    c(0, 1, 1e-10, 0.01, 0.05) %>%
    unique() %>% sort()

  #poscon_conditions <- x$data %>% filter(grepl('^poscon__', condition.group)) %>% get_unique_values('condition.group')
  x$resampled_roc_data <- x$resampled %>%
                        cutoff_column='p.value', cutoffs=p_cutoffs, prevalence=prevalence)

  x$resampled_roc_summary <- x$resampled_roc_data %>%
    dplyr::group_by(cutoff) %>%

  x$cutoffs <- x$resampled_roc_summary %>%
                  below_fdr=false_discovery_rate <= false_discovery_rate.,
                  is_max_cutoff=cutoff == max(cutoff[below_fdr]))

  this_cutoff <- unlist(x$cutoffs[x$cutoffs$below_fdr & x$cutoffs$is_max_cutoff, 'cutoff'])

  x$selected_cutoff <- x$cutoffs[x$cutoffs$below_fdr & x$cutoffs$is_max_cutoff, ]

  println('Hits defined as p-value <', signif(this_cutoff, 1))

  x$model_parameters <-  x$model_parameters %>%
                  is_hit=p.value < cutoff)

  return ( x )

eachanjohnson/concensusGLM documentation built on June 26, 2019, 2:26 a.m.