
Defines functions vegtype_order str2LogicalOrNumeric remap_range json_to_df extract_pool_params extract_ghg_params kinetic_decay decay biome_to_input

Documented in biome_to_input decay extract_ghg_params extract_pool_params json_to_df kinetic_decay remap_range str2LogicalOrNumeric vegtype_order

#' wrap biome data in a list for input to \code{calc_ghgv()}.
#' @export
#' @param biomes a biome or list of biomes from \code{get_biome()}.
#' @param site_number (integer) default 1, site number to assign biomes to.
#' @param options (list) list of global options to use.
#' @return a list for use in \code{calc_ghgvc()}.
biome_to_input <- function(biomes, site_number = 1, options = list(
                           storage = TRUE, 
                           flux = TRUE,
                           disturbance = FALSE,
                           co2 = TRUE,
                           ch4 = TRUE,
                           n20 = TRUE,
                           T_A = 100,
                           T_E = 50,
                           r = 0)) {
  site <- paste("site", site_number, "data", sep="_")
  res <- list(options = options,
              sites = list(
                site_1_data = list(
                  ecosystems = list()
  if ("native_eco" %in% names(biomes)) {
    lapply(names(biomes$native_eco), function(eco) {
      res$sites$site_1_data$ecosystems[eco] = biomes$native_eco[eco]
  if ("agroecosystem_eco" %in% names(biomes)) {
    lapply(names(biomes$agroecosystem_eco), function(eco) {
      res$sites[site]$ecosystems[eco] = biomes$agroecosystem_eco[eco]
  if (!(any(c("native_eco", "agroecosystem_eco") %in% names(biomes)))) {
    lapply(names(biomes), function(eco) {
      res$sites[site]$ecosystems[eco] = biomes[eco]

#' Decay function for rates over time.
#' @export
#' @param r a vector of decay rates.
#' @param t a sequential vector of time steps.
#' @return a matrix of decay fluxes for each time moment. 
decay <- function(r, t) {
  exp(-r %o% t) - 
    exp(-r %o% (t+1))

#' Decay Kinetics.
#' @export
#' @param time_vector a vector of time moments.
#' @return a matrix of decay kinetics for each time moment (parameters from IPCC AR5)
kinetic_decay <- function(time_vector) {
  t(matrix(c(0.2173 +
               0.2240 * exp(-time_vector / 394.4) +
               0.2824 * exp(-time_vector / 36.54) +
               0.2763 * exp(-time_vector / 4.304), 
             exp(-time_vector / 12.4), 
             exp(-time_vector / 121.0)),
           nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE))

#' Extract GHG parameters into a matrix.
#' @export
#' @param ecosystem a named list of ecosystem traits.
#' @param include_anth boolean whether to include Anthro flux
#' @return a matrix of greenhouse gas parameters.
extract_ghg_params <- function(ecosystem, include_anth = TRUE) {
  m = matrix(nrow = 8, ncol = 3)
  colnames(m) <- c("CO2", "CH4", "N20")
  rownames(m) <- c("combust", "flux", "FR", "new_flux",
                   "decomp_ag", "decomp_root", "decomp_peat", "decomp_litter")
  m['combust',] <- unlist(ecosystem[c('Ec_CO2', 'Ec_CH4', 'Ec_N2O')]) #proportional release of GHG
  m['flux',] <- unlist(ecosystem[c('F_CO2', 'F_CH4', 'F_N2O')])
  if (include_anth) m['flux','CO2'] = m['flux','CO2'] + unlist(ecosystem[['F_anth']])
  #TODO: ??
  m['FR',] <- unlist(ecosystem[c('FR_CO2', 'FR_CH4', 'FR_N2O')])
  #New Flux
  m['new_flux',] <- unlist(ecosystem[c('new_F_CO2', 'new_F_CH4', 'new_F_N2O')])
  #Above ground decomp
  m['decomp_ag',] <- unlist(ecosystem[c('Ed_CO2_ag_wood_litter', 
  #Root decomp                             
  m['decomp_root',] <- unlist(ecosystem[c('Ed_CO2_root',  
  #Peat decomp
  m['decomp_peat',] <- unlist(ecosystem[c('Ed_CO2_peat', 
  #Litter decomp 
  m['decomp_litter',] <- unlist(ecosystem[c('Ed_CO2_litter',

#' Extract pool parameters into a matrix.
#' @export
#' @param ecosystem a list of ecosystem traits.
#' @return a matrix.
extract_pool_params <- function(ecosystem) {
  m <- matrix(nrow = 6, ncol = 4)
  colnames(m) <- c("above_ground", "root", "peat", "som") 
  rownames(m) <- c("storage", "combust", "decomp", 
                   "disturb_storage", "disturb_combust", "disturb_decomp")
  #STORAGE, formerly S_p
  # [1] is above ground mass
  m['storage',] <- c(sum(unlist(ecosystem[c('OM_ag', 'OM_wood', 'OM_litter')])),
  #Combustion fraction, formerly fc
  m['combust',] <- unlist(ecosystem[c('fc_ag_wood_litter', 
  #Decomposition of non-disturbed biomass (k)
  m['decomp',] <- unlist(ecosystem[c('k_ag_wood_litter', 'k_root', 'k_peat', 'k_SOM')])
  #Disturbed storage
  m['disturb_storage',] <- m[1,]
  m['disturb_storage','som'] <- NA
  #disturbed combusted biomass
  m['disturb_combust',] <- c(unlist(ecosystem[c('dfc_ag_wood_litter', 'dfc_root', 'dfc_peat')]), NA)
  #disturbed decay of non-combusted biomass
  m['disturb_decomp',] <- c(unlist(ecosystem[c('dk_ag_wood_litter', 'dk_root', 'dk_peat')]), NA)

#' Convert GHGVC json results to data.frame.
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom jsonlite validate
#' @export
#' @param json a json object containing results from \code{ghgvc()}.
#' @return a data frame of ghgvc results.
json_to_df <- function(json) {
  json_list <- fromJSON(json)
  if(class(json_list) != "list") stop("JSON malformed: Not able to parse to a list.")
  col_names <- names(json_list[[1]][[1]])
  #convert to list of data.frames
  d <- lapply(json_list, function(r) { data.frame(do.call(rbind.data.frame, r)) })
  ncols <- length(names(d[[1]]))
  #out data frame
  outdf <- data.frame(matrix(vector(), 
                             ncol=ncols + 1, 
                             dimnames = list(c(), c("Location", col_names))),
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  #iterate through sites and append to data.frame
  for(i in 1:length(d)) {
    r1 <- d[[i]]
    r1$Location <- length(d) + 1 - i
    r1[r1 == "NaN"] <- 0
    r1[is.na(r1)] <- 0
    outdf <- rbind(outdf, r1[c(ncols+1, 1:ncols)])
  #fix column names
  names(outdf) <- c("Location", "Biome", col_names[-1])
  names(outdf) <- gsub("D_", "GHGV_", names(outdf))
  #round the results
  outdf[!colnames(outdf) %in% c("Location", "Biome")] <- round(outdf[!colnames(outdf) %in% c("Location", "Biome")], digits = 1)
  #total ghgv
  outdf$GHGV <- outdf$GHGV_CO2 + outdf$GHGV_CH4 + outdf$GHGV_N2O
  #invert swRFV
  outdf$swRFV <- - outdf$swRFV

#' Remap latitude and longitude ranges.
#' @export
#' @param input the value to remap.
#' @param input_min minimum input value.
#' @param input_max maximum input value.
#' @param output_min minimum output value.
#' @param output_max maximum output value.
remap_range <- function(input, input_min, input_max, output_min, output_max) {
  #Adapted from RUBY code:  
  # def remap_range(input, in_low, in_high, out_low, out_high)
  #   # map onto [0,1] using input range
  #   frac = ( input - in_low ) / ( in_high - in_low )
  #   # map onto output range
  #   ( frac * ( out_high - out_low ) + out_low ).to_i.round()
  # end
  frac <- min(max((input - input_min) / (input_max - input_min), 0), 1)
  as.integer(round((frac * (output_max - output_min)) + output_min))

#' Convert string to logical or numeric.
#' @export
#' @param string (character) a string
#' @return a logical or numeric value
#' @examples \dontrun{
#'   str2LogicalOrNumeric("TRUE") # -> TRUE
#'   str2LogicalOrNumeric("5") # -> 5
#'   str2LogicalOrNumeric("NaN") # -> "NaN"
#' }
str2LogicalOrNumeric <- function(string) {
  if (is.na(string)) x <- NA
  else if (string == "") x <- NA
  else if (string == "NA") x <- NA
  else if (string == "null") x <- NA
  else if (string == "NaN") x <- NaN
  else if (grepl("TRUE|True|true|FALSE|False|false", string)) x <- as.logical(string)
  else if (!grepl("[a-zA-Z]", string)) x <- as.numeric(string)
  else x <- string

#' Determine factor order of a vegtype.
#' Provides an integer used to order biomes by vegtype.
#' @export
#' @param vegtypes (character list) list or array of vegtype names.
#' @return (integer list) order factor.
vegtype_order <- function(vegtypes) {
  output <- c()
  for(i in 1:length(vegtypes)) {
    vegtype <- strsplit(vegtypes[[i]], " Site ")[[1]][1]
    if(grepl("Forest", vegtype)) res <- 1
    else if(vegtype == "Savanna") res <- 2
    else if(vegtype == "Shrub") res <- 3
    else if(vegtype == "Grass") res <- 4
    else if(vegtype %in% c("Grassland Pasture", "Cropland", "Soybean", "Sugarcane", "Maize")) res <- 6
    else if(vegtype == "Barren") res <- 7
    else res <- NA
    output[i] <- res
ebimodeling/ghgvcR documentation built on April 28, 2021, 8:19 p.m.