Man pages for edward130603/BayesSpace
Clustering and Resolution Enhancement of Spatial Transcriptomes

BayesSpaceBayesSpace: A package for processing spatial transcriptomes
clusterWrapper around C++ 'iterate_*()' functions
clusterPlotPlot spatial cluster assignments.
deconvolveWrapper around C++ 'iterate_deconv()' function
dot-adjust_hex_centersAdjust hex spot positions so hexagons are adjacent to each...
dot-bsDataAccess BayesSpace metadata
dot-clean_chainTidy C++ outputs before writing to disk.
dot-compute_interspot_distancesEstimate the distance between two neighboring spots
dot-extract_indicesExtract row and column indices of the count matrix from h5...
dot-find_neighborsFind neighboring spots based on array coordinates
dot-flatten_matrix_listConvert a list of matrices to a single matrix, where each row...
dot-infer_param_dimsInfer original dimensions of parameter (per iteration) from...
dot-init_clusterInitialize cluster assignments
dot-list2vecConvert a list into vectors for easier output.
dot-make_hex_spotsMake vertices for each hex spot
dot-make_index_namesMake colnames for parameter indices.
dot-make_spot_verticesCompute vertex coordinates for each spot in frame of plot
dot-make_square_spotsMake vertices for each square spot
dot-make_subspot_coldataAdd subspot labels and offset row/col locations before making...
dot-make_subspot_offsetsDefine offsets for each subspot layout.
dot-make_triangle_subspotsMake vertices for each triangle subspot of a hex
dot-make_verticesMake vertices outlining spots/subspots for geom_polygon()
dot-prepare_inputsPrepare cluster/deconvolve inputs from SingleCellExperiment...
dot-read_chainLoad saved chain from disk.
dot-read_spot_posLoad spot positions.
dot-select_spot_positionsHelper to extract x, y, fill ID from colData
dot-select_subspot_positionsHelper to pull out subspot position columns Probably...
enhanceFeaturesPredict feature vectors from enhanced PCs.
exampleSCECreate minimal 'SingleCellExperiment' for documentation...
featurePlotPlot spatial gene expression.
find_neighborsCompute pairwise distances between all spots and return list...
getRDSDownload a processed sample from our S3 bucket
mcmcChainRead MCMC chain associated with a BayesSpace clustering or...
ModeFind the mode
qTuneTuning the choice of q (number of clusters) before running...
readVisiumLoad a Visium spatial dataset as a SingleCellExperiment.
spatialClusterSpatial clustering
spatialEnhanceEnhance spot resolution
spatialPlotSpatial plotting functions
spatialPreprocessPreprocess a spatial dataset for BayesSpace
edward130603/BayesSpace documentation built on May 11, 2023, 6:13 a.m.