
Defines functions dplot3_x

Documented in dplot3_x

# dplot3_x.R
# ::rtemis::
# 2019 E.D. Gennatas www.lambdamd.org
# TIP: Use plotly::schema() to explore arguments/parameters to plotly functions
# todo: figure out why list is reordered with ridge

#' Interactive Univariate Plots
#' Draw interactive univariate plots using `plotly`
#' If input is data.frame, non-numeric variables will be removed
#' @inheritParams dplot3_bar
#' @param x Numeric, vector / data.frame /list: Input. If not a vector, each
#' column of or each element
#' @param type Character: "density" or "histogram"
#' @param mode Character: "overlap", "ridge". How to plot different groups;
#' on the same axes ("overlap"), or on separate plots with the same x-axis
#' ("ridge")
#' @param group Vector: Will be converted to factor; levels define group
#' members. Default = NULL
#' @param plot.bg Color: Background color for plot area
#' @param axes.square Logical: If TRUE: draw a square plot to fill the graphic
#' device. Default = FALSE. Note: If TRUE, the device size at time of call is
#' captured and height and width are set so as to draw the largest square
#' available. This means that resizing the device window will not automatically
#' resize the plot.
#' @param font.alpha Float: Alpha transparency for font.
#' @param legend Logical: If TRUE, draw legend. Default = NULL, which will be
#' set to TRUE if x is a list of more than 1 element
#' @param legend.bg Color: Background color for legend
#' @param legend.border.col Color: Border color for legend
#' @param legend.xy Float, vector, length 2: Relative x, y position for legend.
#' Default = c(0, 1), which places the legend top left within the plot area.
#' Set to NULL to place legend top right beside the plot area
#' @param bargap Float: The gap between adjacent histogram bars in plot
#' fraction.
#' @param zerolines Logical: If TRUE, draw lines at y = 0.
#' @param density.kernel Character: Kernel to use for density estimation.
#' @param density.bw Character: Bandwidth to use for density estimation.
#' @param histnorm Character: NULL, "percent", "probability", "density",
#' "probability density"
#' @param histfunc Character: "count", "sum", "avg", "min", "max".
#' @param hist.n.bins Integer: Number of bins to use if type = "histogram".
#' @param ridge.sharex Logical: If TRUE, draw single x-axis when
#' `mode = "ridge"`.
#' @param ridge.y.labs Lofical: If TRUE, show individual y labs when
#' `mode = "ridge"`.
#' @param ridge.order.on.mean Logical: If TRUE, order groups by mean value
#' when `mode = "ridge"`.
#' Turn to FALSE, if, for example, groups are ordered by date or similar.
#' @param vline Float, vector: If defined, draw a vertical line at this x
#' value(s). Default = NULL
#' @param vline.col Color for `vline`. Default = theme$fg
#' @param vline.width Float: Width for `vline`. Default = 1
#' @param vline.dash Character: Type of line to draw: "solid", "dot", "dash",
#' "longdash", "dashdot",
#' or "longdashdot"
#' @param text Character: If defined, add this text over the plot
#' @param text.x Float: x-coordinate for `text`
#' @param text.xref Character: "x": `text.x` refers to plot's x-axis;
#' "paper": `text.x` refers to plotting area from 0-1
#' @param text.xanchor Character: "auto", "left", "center", "right"
#' @param text.yanchor Character: "auto", "top", "middle", "bottom"
#' @param text.y Float: y-coordinate for `text`
#' @param text.yref Character: "y": `text.y` refers to plot's y-axis;
#' "paper": `text.y` refers to plotting area from 0-1
#' @param text.col Color for `text`. Default = theme$fg
#' @param width Float: Force plot size to this width. Default = NULL, i.e. fill
#' available space
#' @param height Float: Force plot size to this height. Default = NULL, i.e.
#' fill available space
#' @return A plotly object
#' @author E.D. Gennatas
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' dplot3_x(iris)
#' dplot3_x(split(iris$Sepal.Length, iris$Species), xlab = "Sepal Length")
#' }
dplot3_x <- function(x,
                     type = c("density", "histogram"),
                     mode = c("overlap", "ridge"),
                     group = NULL,
                     main = NULL,
                     xlab = NULL,
                     ylab = NULL,
                     col = NULL,
                     alpha = .75,
                     plot.bg = NULL,
                     theme = rtTheme,
                     palette = rtPalette,
                     axes.square = FALSE,
                     group.names = NULL,
                     font.size = 16,
                     font.alpha = .8,
                     legend = NULL,
                     legend.xy = c(0, 1),
                     legend.col = NULL,
                     legend.bg = "#FFFFFF00",
                     legend.border.col = "#FFFFFF00",
                     bargap = .05,
                     vline = NULL,
                     vline.col = theme$fg,
                     vline.width = 1,
                     vline.dash = "dot",
                     text = NULL,
                     text.x = 1,
                     text.xref = "paper",
                     text.xanchor = "left",
                     text.y = 1,
                     text.yref = "paper",
                     text.yanchor = "top",
                     text.col = theme$fg,
                     margin = list(b = 65, l = 65, t = 50, r = 10, pad = 0),
                     automargin.x = TRUE,
                     automargin.y = TRUE,
                     zerolines = FALSE,
                     density.kernel = "gaussian",
                     density.bw = "SJ",
                     histnorm = c(
                       "", "density", "percent",
                       "probability", "probability density"
                     histfunc = c("count", "sum", "avg", "min", "max"),
                     hist.n.bins = 20,
                     barmode = "overlay", # TODO: alternatives
                     ridge.sharex = TRUE,
                     ridge.y.labs = FALSE,
                     ridge.order.on.mean = TRUE,
                     displayModeBar = TRUE,
                     modeBar.file.format = "svg",
                     width = NULL,
                     height = NULL,
                     filename = NULL,
                     file.width = 500,
                     file.height = 500,
                     file.scale = 1, ...) {
  # Dependencies ----

  # Arguments ----
  type <- match.arg(type)
  mode <- match.arg(mode)
  if (!is.null(main)) main <- paste0("<b>", main, "</b>")
  .xname <- labelify(deparse(substitute(x)))

  # Data ----

  # '- Group ----
  if (!is.null(group)) {
    if (is.factor(group)) {
      group <- droplevels(group)
    } else {
      group <- as.factor(group)
    x <- as.data.frame(x)
    x <- split(x, group)
    x <- sapply(x, as.vector)
    if (is.null(group.names)) group.names <- levels(group)
    names(x) <- .names <- group.names

  if (!is.list(x)) x <- list(x)

  if (!is.list(x)) x <- list(x)
  n.groups <- length(x)

  if (n.groups == 1 && is.null(xlab)) {
    xlab <- .xname

  # Remove non-numeric vectors
  which.nonnum <- which(sapply(x, function(i) !is.numeric(i)))
  if (length(which.nonnum) > 0) x[[which.nonnum]] <- NULL

  if (is.null(legend)) legend <- length(x) > 1
  if (!is.null(group.names)) {
    .names <- group.names
  } else {
    .names <- labelify(names(x))
  if (is.null(.names)) .names <- paste("Feature", seq_along(x))

  # Colors ----
  if (is.character(palette)) palette <- rtpalette(palette)
  n.groups <- length(x)
  if (is.null(col)) col <- recycle(palette, seq(n.groups))[seq(n.groups)]

  if (length(col) < n.groups) col <- rep(col, n.groups / length(col))

  # Theme ----
  extraargs <- list(...)
  if (is.character(theme)) {
    theme <- do.call(paste0("theme_", theme), extraargs)
  } else {
    for (i in seq(extraargs)) {
      theme[[names(extraargs)[i]]] <- extraargs[[i]]

  bg <- plotly::toRGB(theme$bg)
  plot.bg <- plotly::toRGB(theme$plot.bg)
  grid.col <- plotly::toRGB(theme$grid.col)
  tick.col <- plotly::toRGB(theme$tick.col)
  labs.col <- plotly::toRGB(theme$labs.col)
  main.col <- plotly::toRGB(theme$main.col)
  if (!theme$axes.visible) tick.col <- labs.col <- "transparent"

  # '- Axis font ----
  f <- list(
    family = theme$font.family,
    size = font.size,
    color = labs.col

  # '- Tick font ----
  tickfont <- list(
    family = theme$font.family,
    size = font.size,
    color = theme$tick.labels.col

  # Derived
  if (is.null(legend.col)) legend.col <- labs.col

  # Size ----
  if (axes.square) {
    width <- height <- min(dev.size("px")) - 10

  # Ridge ----
  if (mode == "ridge") {
    axis <- list(
      showline = FALSE,
      # mirror = axes.mirrored,
      showgrid = theme$grid,
      gridcolor = grid.col,
      gridwidth = theme$grid.lwd,
      tickcolor = tick.col,
      tickfont = tickfont,
      zeroline = zerolines
    ridge.groups <- if (ridge.order.on.mean) order(sapply(x, mean), decreasing = TRUE) else seq_len(n.groups)

  # plotly ----
  # z <- if (mode == "overlap") rep(1, n.groups) else seq_len(n.groups)
  # plt <- vector("list", n.groups)

  .text <- lapply(x, function(i) {
      "mean =", ddSci(mean(i, na.rm = TRUE)),
      "\nsd =", ddSci(sd(i, na.rm = TRUE))

  # '- { Density } ----
  if (type == "density") {
    if (is.null(ylab)) ylab <- "Density"
    xl.density <- lapply(x, density,
      na.rm = TRUE,
      kernel = density.kernel,
      bw = density.bw

    if (mode == "overlap") {
      # '- Density overlap ----
      plt <- plotly::plot_ly(
        width = width,
        height = height
      for (i in seq_len(n.groups)) {
        plt <- plotly::add_trace(plt,
          x = xl.density[[i]]$x,
          y = xl.density[[i]]$y,
          type = "scatter",
          mode = "none",
          fill = "tozeroy",
          fillcolor = plotly::toRGB(col[[i]], alpha),
          name = .names[i],
          hovertext = .text[[i]],
          hoverinfo = "text",
          showlegend = legend
    } else {
      # '- Density ridge ----
      plt <- lapply(ridge.groups, function(i) {
          x = xl.density[[i]]$x,
          y = xl.density[[i]]$y,
          type = "scatter",
          mode = "none",
          fill = "tozeroy",
          fillcolor = plotly::toRGB(col[[i]], alpha),
          name = .names[i],
          hovertext = .text[[i]],
          hoverinfo = "text",
          showlegend = legend,
          width = width,
          height = height
        ) |>
            xaxis = axis,
            yaxis = c(
              list(title = list(
                text = .names[i],
                font = f
  } # End mode == "density"

  # '- { Histogram } ----
  if (type == "histogram") {
    # https://plotly.com/r/reference/#histogram-bingroup
    bingroup <- 1
    histnorm <- match.arg(histnorm)
    histfunc <- match.arg(histfunc)
    # if (is.null(ylab)) ylab <- "Count"

    if (mode == "overlap") {
      # '-  Histogram overlap ----
      plt <- plotly::plot_ly(
        width = width,
        height = height
      for (i in seq_len(n.groups)) {
        plt <- plotly::add_trace(plt,
          x = x[[i]],
          type = "histogram",
          marker = list(color = plotly::toRGB(col[i], alpha)),
          name = .names[i],
          hovertext = .text[[i]],
          hoverinfo = "text",
          histnorm = histnorm,
          histfunc = histfunc,
          nbinsx = hist.n.bins,
          showlegend = legend,
          bingroup = bingroup
      plt <- plotly::layout(plt,
        barmode = barmode,
        bargap = bargap
    } else {
      # '- Histogram ridge ----
      plt <- lapply(ridge.groups, function(i) {
          x = x[[i]],
          type = "histogram",
          histnorm = histnorm,
          histfunc = histfunc,
          nbinsx = hist.n.bins,
          marker = list(color = plotly::toRGB(col[i], alpha)),
          name = .names[i],
          hovertext = .text[[i]],
          hoverinfo = "text",
          showlegend = legend,
          width = width,
          height = height,
          bingroup = bingroup
        ) |>
            xaxis = axis,
            yaxis = c(
              list(title = list(
                text = .names[i],
                font = f
            bargap = bargap

  if (mode == "ridge") {
    plt <- plotly::subplot(plt,
      nrows = n.groups,
      shareX = ridge.sharex,
      # shareY = ridge.sharey,
      titleY = ridge.y.labs

  # Layout ----
  zerocol <- adjustcolor(theme$zerolines.col, theme$zerolines.alpha)
  # '- layout ----
  .legend <- list(
    x = legend.xy[1],
    y = legend.xy[2],
    font = list(
      family = theme$font.family,
      size = font.size,
      color = legend.col
    bgcolor = legend.bg,
    bordercolor = legend.border.col

  plt <- plotly::layout(plt,
    xaxis = list(
      title = list(
        text = xlab,
        font = f
      showline = FALSE,
      # mirror = axes.mirrored,
      showgrid = theme$grid,
      gridcolor = grid.col,
      gridwidth = theme$grid.lwd,
      tickcolor = tick.col,
      tickfont = tickfont,
      zeroline = FALSE,
      automargin = automargin.x
    title = list(
      text = main,
      font = list(
        family = theme$font.family,
        size = font.size,
        color = main.col
      xref = "paper",
      x = theme$main.adj
    paper_bgcolor = bg,
    plot_bgcolor = plot.bg,
    margin = margin,
    showlegend = legend,
    legend = .legend

  if (mode == "overlap") {
    plt <- plotly::layout(plt,
      yaxis = list(
        title = list(
          text = ylab,
          font = f
        showline = FALSE,
        # mirror = axes.mirrored,
        showgrid = theme$grid,
        gridcolor = grid.col,
        gridwidth = theme$grid.lwd,
        tickcolor = tick.col,
        tickfont = tickfont,
        zeroline = zerolines,
        zerolinecolor = zerocol,
        zerolinewidth = theme$zerolines.lwd,
        automargin = automargin.y

  # vline ----
  if (!is.null(vline)) {
    plt <- plotly::layout(plt, shapes = plotly_vline(vline,
      color = vline.col,
      width = vline.width,
      dash = vline.dash

  # text ----
  if (!is.null(text)) {
    plt <- plotly::layout(plt,
      annotations = list(
        text = text,
        x = text.x,
        xref = text.xref,
        xanchor = text.xanchor,
        y = text.y,
        yref = text.yref,
        yanchor = text.yanchor,
        font = list(
          color = text.col,
          family = theme$font.family,
          size = font.size
        showarrow = FALSE

  # Config
  plt <- plotly::config(plt,
    displaylogo = FALSE,
    displayModeBar = displayModeBar,
    toImageButtonOptions = list(
      format = modeBar.file.format,
      width = file.width,
      height = file.height

  # Write to file ----
  if (!is.null(filename)) {
      file = normalizePath(filename, mustWork = FALSE),
      width = file.width,
      height = file.height,
      scale = file.scale

} # rtemis::dplot3_x
egenn/rtemis documentation built on May 4, 2024, 7:40 p.m.